Slam! The barn door comes crashing shut, the wind had been gusting all night. Out of the house walks Taryn, wearing tight leggings a baggy shirt cowboy boots and an open zip up hoodie. Her hair being rearranged by the wind as the rain trickles down her face.
“Again” she groans to herself as she runs across to the barn, struggling to pry the door free from the grap of the wind.
Poking her head Just inside the door making sure the animals stayed put “goodnight everyone!” She calls out as she shuts the door. Closing the rusty latch it gets stuck. Taryn let’s out an “ughhhh, I’ll deal with this in the morning”
After darting back across the field, as if trying to dodge the rain! Walking back up the front steps to her door. Pausing as something looks off, a puddle of water on the floor inside the door catches her eye. “I never get a fucking break!” She mumbled to herself as she walks into the house stepping over the puddle and closing the door.
Stepping into the living room and looking out the window the rainy scene catches her eye and a soft smile crosses her face, she is in deep appreciation for the wonderful surroundings. Taking a long blink to let it all soak in, as she opens her eyes a hand comes across her face grab her mouth with tremendous force!
The hand closes tight, she feels a shoulder pressed into the small of her back, then a second hand grabs at her breasts, squeezing hard as she is pulled into the table!
The hand comes off her mouth as she feels herself forced hard into the table. She throws an elbow back hitting something behind her! “Fuck” she hears blur out in a man’s voice behind her.
Thea takes this moment to pull away! The hand grabbing her shirt rips hard! Tearing the shirt, as it rips she gets free and heads for the door! Remembering the puzzle from earlier she hops over it. Sliding down the steps with ease she starts back across the wet grass, looking to find refund in the barn!
Stumbling through the house the man slips on the water and stumbles out the water landing face first at the bottom of the stairs.
Taryn comes smashing into the barn door, frantically trying the rusty latch! She can’t get it open”Fuck, fuck, fuck,FUCK” she blurs out! Interrupting her last fuck the man tackles her to the ground. Thump! As the two crash into the dirt. Rolling on the wet muddy ground Taryn tries to break free as he starts grabbing at her full chest.
She finds her way onto her knees and starts crawling away as she feels a hand come slamming into her ass! He spanks her with enough force it nocks her to her side back towards the barn. Her hands find their way to the wall and the walk up it as she tries to get herself up right. She feels him place a hand firmly on each hip “Hello Sir.” She says looking back over her shoulder with a smile on her face.
“Wall” he sternly says as he releases his grip. Placing her hands on the waist of her pants as she slides them down and steps out of her boots and pants, sliding off her shirt as she places her hands on the wall and legs apart. The water running down her cold naked body. “Your in trouble for that elbow” he says, as his hand cares her ass.
“Ahhh” Taryn moans out lowdly as she feels his belt crash into her ass. Slow and steady pace, thud after thud he methodically belts her ass. The water splashing with each hit of the belt. Her as red and welted from the assault on supple ass! “Humble!” He points to the ground as the words leave his mouth.
Taryn gets down as she does his thick cock slides into her from behind. Splitting her soft lips apart as he thrusts deep inside her soaking wet pussy. Finding a strong tempo of deep and rhythmic thrusts she starts moaning loud and hard! His belt slapping against her cold wet skin between thrusts. She cries out “Plleeeeassesseeee Sir!!! Let me cummmmmmm”
She feels the hard leather of the belt wrap around her neck. He pulls her to him as he thrusts.Each thrust he pulls harder! Each pull he thrusts deeper. “Don’t you dare cum” he says in a firm tone. The frantic thrusting has Taryn pressed tight to the wall head banging into it she raises a hand to brace herself to the wall. He slapses her hand away, “I said humble!” He says.
Thrusting wildly he releases so she can breathe, screaming in pleasure Taryn starts rolling her hips and squirming she is going to explode! “Now sub, I want you to cum on my cock!” She lets out a delightful loud “ohhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkkk yesssssss” after moaning and grinding into his cock she stops thrusting, lowers her head back down and lets out a quiet “Thhhank you Sir” with a soft stutter and quiver on her lips.
He reaches down takes Taryn by the hand pulls her up to standing, looking in her eyes he gives her a soft wink. He takes his jacket off and wraps it around her. Placing his arms around her rubbing them up and down to warm her up as he guides her back to the house. Helping her up the stairs and through the door. “Watch your step babe” he says, smiling softly at her. Sitting Taryn down on the couch, he slips out of the room for a moment and returns with a blanket, covering Taryn gently as he sits beside her. There eyes meet and he says to Taryn “I will fix that latch tomorrow morning”, he then places a soft kiss on her lips and pulls her head to his chest.
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