Stranger Than Truth Ch. 08

Chapter Eight

Post Production

Valerie woke slowly, a rarity on Friday mornings. The office was not expecting her in until Monday and the movie filming was complete, giving her a rare three day weekend. She rolled over and saw that Sally was still sleeping in her kennel. Valerie thought that Sally looked so peaceful, configured in the small space, her limbs bound. Val stretched, letting her body absorbed the warm rays of sunshine that were peeking through the window.

Suddenly, she sat up with a start. “Oh dear, they’re bringing in the cross and the horse and I can’t wear any clothes. I completely forgot about that last night,” she thought to herself. Out loud, she wondered, “I wonder when they’re going to arrive? I guess I’d better try to look my best.”

She rolled out of bed and sat on the floor next to the kennel. Her fingers reached through the grate and stroked Sally’s thigh, the only part of her in reach. The sleeping figure stridred a little. Valerie continued her finger cares until Sally’s eyes opened and she smiled.

“Good morning, Mistress. How was your night?”

“I slept well. It was so reassuring to have Rachael take charge of me last night.”

“That’s how I feel when you take control. How can I please you today?”

“I’ll think of something. The movie crew is bringing over the toys today. Rachael denied me clothes until after Saturday.”

“Oh, I see. They’re going to get a nice tip.”

“Doubly nice, you’re going sans garments as well.”

“An embarrassment shared…?”

“Exactly! I want us to look our best, so we need to bathe well and look out prettiest for them.”

“Am I going to stay locked?”


Sally surprised. “You’re really good at dominating me, you know that?”

Valerie smiled. “You say the nicest things.” Val opened the cage and undid the bindings on Sally’s limbs. They took separate shows, the temptation to become amorous too great to risk showing or bathing together. The two ladies spent quite a while putting make up on and arranging their hair just so. Sally showed Val some make up tricks that could be used on her breasts and pussy, enhancing the sensitive look of each.

“Mistress, I was reading an erotic e-book the other day. It’s about a world where all the women want to be collared and cuffed by a man, as a sign that she is under the protection of a man. The author described nipple and breast jewelry. It sounded so lovely.”

“That does sound fascinating. Too bad such a thing doesn’t exist. I love the way your rings look on your breasts, but I just can’t convince myself to pierce there. If I could put them on for a night or a day and be able to take them off with no visible marks, I’d be willing to try them out.”

“I’ve said it before, Mistress, you’re a stick in the mud.” Sally let out a wistful sight.

“What is it, love?”

“Your tattoo. Have you asked Master about it again?”

“Not since two months ago. I still want to do it, Sally. I want to mark myself as your love forever. I wish Master had said yes, too.”

Months ago, Valerie had asked Sally to pick out a design for a tattoo that Valerie would get that was just for Sally, a sign that Valerie was Sally’s love and vice versa. Sally had chosen the face of a black panther, peering out from the jungle, eyes glowing yellow. Sally loved cats, but a severe allergy forced Val to give up her own cat when they moved in together (it was being well cared for, spoiled actually, by Marcia’s 2nd grade class). When Valerie had asked Charles for permission to have the tattoo done, he had said no. No explanation was given. Valerie had kept the area just above her pussy shacked and ready for tattooing in the hopes that permission would be given soon.

Once they were ready, Valerie called Fred’s office. “Dewey, Cheetham and Howe. We’re still closed right now. Lunch starts at 11:30.”

“Is Fred Rasmussenavailable?”

“Yes, I believe he is. Can I say who’s calling?”

“Valerie Burbon.”

Valerie could hear the muffled yell of, “Fred, there’s a Valerie on the phone for you. Keep it short.”

A minute passed, sounds of movement noticeable in the background. Fred’s voice sounded. “Valerie, you need to make it quick, I’m in the middle of marinating.”

“I just I thought that will work. There’ll be no problem if Caroline is there as well, will there?” Caroline was Fred and Daphne’s regular submissive. She visited from out of town once a month for the entire weekend.

“That’s fine. I guess I lost track of when she’d be in. If you’d rather not, I understand.”

“No, this is actually fortuitous. I have to go, one of us will call you later about details.”

“Thanks, Fred. I appreciate it. I owe you.”

“What do youowe me?”

“What ever you want, with Master’s approval.”

“I plan on collecting, soon.”

The two made sure that the preparations in the basement were ready and waited, relaxing on the couch, until the doorbell rang at 11:00. Valerie took a deep breath and answered the door, her body revealed to all.

“Hi guys. Come on in.”

There was a hesitation as the five stage hands looked at the naked beauty standing before them. The hand trucks with the equipment remained immobile while they stared. Valerie felt her blush starting. No matter how many times she had been publicly exposed, it never ceased to embarrass her. It never occurred to Val to not answer the door nude when she was denied clothing.

One of the men shook his head. “Jesus, miss, you’re going to give us a heart attack.”

“Sorry, I’m under orders today and can’t wear any clothes.”

“That is just so weird. And you don’t mind?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that. I am embarrassed, I’m simply more obedient to my dominant. Notice, I haven’t gone out today.”

He shook his head again, this time in disbelief. “Whe do you want them?”

“Down in the basement. Sally, show them where they need to go.”

Sally’s nudity was not as much of a shock, following as it did on the heels of Valerie’s. “Right this way guys.”

The hand trucks were wheeled in and left upstairs Until the men had seen what was needed. Showing well practiced skill, the five men muscled the equipment down the stairs and re-assembled the cross and bench. Sally and Valerie made them a light lunch of sandwiches and beer while they worked. During the meal, the men couldn’t help staring at the two women, admiring their charms. It was with visible reluctance that they left shortly after noon.

“Mistress, can we try them out?” Sally asked after the men had left.

“I’d love to, but I can’t do anything sexual or painful.”

“Rachael’s orders?”

“Yes. I understand why no sex, she wants me needy and desperate tomorrow, but why no pain play?”

“Mistress, you were supposed to submit to her last Saturday. Maybe she’s worried that you’re not…” Sally could not finish the thought.

“That I’m not safe? That’s what I’m afraid of. I don’t ever want to be unsafe with you.” Valerie pulled Sally into a tight hug.

“You won’t be, never. I don’t think you ever could be. I think it’s more likely that you’d be unsafe to yourself, that you’d push yourself too far and hurt yourself emotionally. I don’t want that to happen, Mistress. I can wait until Sunday.”

“Actually, I just had an idea. Come with me.”

Valerie took Sally’s hand and led her to the basement. Stopping in front of the cross, Valerie ordered Sally to mount it.

“Rachael said I couldn’t have any sex, she didn’t say you couldn’t.”

While she talked, Valerie bound Sally firmly in place. Straps went around her limbs at the wrists, ankles, knees, elbows, thighs and biceps. Additional strapsimmobilized her torso at the waist, chest (both above and below the breasts) and head. Valerie also strapped Sally’s palms and feet and blindfolded her.

“Sally, can you move?”

Sally pulled at the bindings and tried to wriggle her body. “No, Mistress.”

“Good! Now, where did I put that?”

Valerie talked to herself while making searching noises. In truth, she knew right where to go and was soon in front of Sally with a butterfly vibrator. This however, was not an ordinary vibrator. Valerie’s first bond experience introduced her to one of Charles’ innovations, a vibrator with a random timer that turned it on and off. The timer attachment also replaced the battery with AC power through a power supply. This butterfly would stay on until Val turned it off. Placing the deceptively small device against Sally’s clip, she fastened the band around her hips and turned it on. Sally moaned as waves of pleasure started to radiate form her center to encompass her entire body.

“Sally, you can cum as much as you want. I’m going back upstairs. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

“Mistress! Please, it’ll be too much.”

Valerie reached up and stroked Sally’s face. “I want you to enjoy what’s going to happen. Yes, I’ll be forcing you to more orgasms than you think you can handle, but I want this for you.”

“But…I understand, Mistress. Please don’t leave me alone.”

“I’ll check in on you, don’t worry. Now, let yourself go, feel the pleasure and accept my gift.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Another moan punctuated Sally’s acquisitions.

Valerie went to the door, opened and then closed it without leaving the basement. There was no way she was going to leave Sally unwatched while she was bound. Val silently moved back near her lover and watched, a smile on her face, as the small clip vibrator drive the helpless women to erotic heights. As Val watched, Sally relaxed into the pleasure, letting it wash over her. Soon, her pussy was producingcopious amounts of luxury to ease the penetration that was not going to happen.

Three minutes later, while Sally was panting and twisting her fingers (the only parts of her that could understand), the timer kicked off. A few seconds passed before Sally realized that the toy was not on.

“Fuck! The timer, she used the timered toy. I am so screwed!”

Valerie smiled as she watched Sally struggle to generate some movement and stimulate herself. Val recalled the intensity frustration of an arousal that was unpredictable and unsated. Sally had used this very toy on Val a couple of times since then. This was the first time Valerie had tortured Sally with it. She was looking forward to seeing if Sally could cum without help (Valerie never could, spending hours aroused without relief).

The timer generated on and off cycles that were anywhere from 3 to 10 minutes in length. In the half hour that followed, four more on cycles sent pleasure to Sally. Val noticed a change in Sally’s reactions during the last cycle. Instead of trying to understand, she held still, except for an occasional jerk. Worried, Val crept closer to see if she was in distress. Valerie could hear Sally giving a soft, nearly inaudible, “Umf,” similar to when she was struck by a whip.

“Amazing,” Val thought to herself, “she’s imagining being under a whip.”

When the timer cycled off again, Sally’s jerks did not stop, her imagination continuing to whip her. Val was amazed to see that Sally’s arousal actually increased under the imagination pain. When the butterfly turned back on, Sally shrieked in an orgasm that lasted over a minute. As the helpless woman came down from her climax, she whimpered in pain as the vibrator continued to stimulate her now overly sensitive clip.

“Please Mistress, make it stop,” Sally begged of the person she wasn’t sure was actually there.

Valerie waited with bated breath for the timer to shut off the vibrator again. When it did, Sally seemed tosag, even though she did not actually move. Sweat dripping off her body, the slave rested, whispering pleasures to the device to stay off just a little longer. Seven minutes passed before the butterfly started its ministers again. A smile crept onto Sally’s face as the pleasureable sensings started again. The imagination whip seemed to start as well, and Sally reached her next climax in a matter of minutes.

This process continued for another hour, Sally achieving five more orgasms in that period of time. Her breath was a heavy pant and her body was covered in sweat and cunt juice. Valerie saw fear in her face during the latest off cycle and she knew that Sally was defeated and her clip must be so sensitive that the next on cycle would be pure pain.

“Sally?” Val called out, her voice a mere whisper.

“Mistress, please Mistress.”

“Please what?”

The vibrator clicked on again. “Ahh! Please make it stop. It hurts.”

Valerie clicked the remote off. Amid Sally’s thank you, Valerie removed the butterfly, revealing a clip that was engorged and red. Val rubbed Sally’s arms and legs, letting her lover wind down before taking her off the cross.

“I’m so proud of you, dear. I saw the whole thing.”

“You were here?”

“Yes, love, I would never leave you alone. You looked so beautiful in your struggles with the butterfly.”

“It was so good and so terrible at the same time. It wouldn’t stop and I was so sore after a while.”

“I know. You did well. Were you imagining being whipped to a climax?”

Sally smiled a rueful smile. “Yes, Mistress.”

“I want to do that for you sometimes. Is your clip up to a bath?”

“I think so, as long as we don’t rub it with anything.”

Valerie took the straws off and helped her exhausted love up to the tub. Valerie bathed Sally, making the cleaning process almost an act of lovemaking. After the bath, Sally was relieved of any household duties and allowed to rest on the bed or couch. The rest of the day passed with Valerie working on the Yara’s ads and the couple basking in each other’s presence.

Fred called that evening.

“Evening Valerie, how has your day been?”

“A little frustrating. I’ve been on a total sex ban until tomorrow night. Are we still on for you playing with Sally tomorrow?”

“Yes, that’s why I called. First, is she still safe word free?”

“Yes, she is. Is that going to be a problem?”

“I don’t think so. I’ve played with a couple of subs who had no safe words in the past. Are you okay with her being taken to the same level we took you last audit?”

“Just a minute.” Valerie took the cordless phone into another room. “For the most part. Just don’t do anything to the soles of her feet or her hands. You mentioned that Caroline will be there?”

“Yes, she’s expressed an interest in exploring switching to a greater degree. We tried to arrange for Surmi to be there, but she was already engaged. Sally will be agodsend. Honestly, I don’t know what Caroline will be up to. As a sub, she can take almost as much as you can. This will be the first time she’ll be dominating when pain is an option. So far, she’s only dallied in light bondage with her partner in Cincinnati. We will, of course, monitor her closely and she will understand that Sally will not halt anything.”

“That sounds good. Thanks for taking care of her, Fred. If you want to train Caroline with a safe word sub next month, give me a call. As long as Master is OK with it, I’d be honored to help another dominant learn the ropes.”

“We’ll do that. I can be over to pick Sally up at 9:00. Will that be good?”

“Yes, though I won’t be here then. She’ll know to be ready for you. How do you want her?”

“Have her dress in street clothes and bring a spare change of them. Is she on any restrictions?”

“I have her pussy locked up, but the key will be hanging next to the door so you can open her up if you want. If I know Daphne, she’s going want someone’s pussy to fill with her strap on.”

Fred laughed. “Yes, she most definitely will, probably both of them. Well, you have fun with your dominant.”

“Not likely. She plans on making me please her and give me no pleasure in return. I so need that. Dominating Sally takes so much out of me. I need a regular reminder that I can just please someone else in submission.”

“In that case, suffer beautifully.”

“I will Fred. If I don’t see you before, I’ll see you at the auction next week.”


Valerie’s alarm went off at 6:00. Moaning, she rolled over, muttering to herself, “Getting up in the morning is just the first torture Rachael’s inflicting on me.”

Sally stirred beside her. “Mistress?”

“Morning dear. I’ve got to be at Rachael’s in an hour. Fred will be here to pick you up at 9:00. Be a dear and, while I shower, fix me something to eat that I can take with me.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Valerie’s shower was short, having cleaned up for the most part while bathing Sally the day before. Sally had frozen breakfast croissants ready for Val when she walked out into the living room. Valerie slipped her overcoat on (she had purchased it a while back for just such trips) and headed out. She parked in front of Rachael’s house at 5 minutes before 7:00. She finished the last of her coffee and Found herself in front of the door, shaking a little in fear. Before she could knock, the door opened. Giggy stood there.

“Val, Rach said to give me your coat.” The submissive’s hand was out.

“Okay, here it is.” Val looked around nervously as she stood nude on the exposed porch.

“Go around to the back yard. Bind yourself on what you find there. Val, you’ll be OK, I promise. Rachael’s hard, but good. You’ll definitely feel your submission. And Val, don’t be afraid to use your safe words. She expects it today.”

“Thanks Giggy. She scares me, but it’s a good scare. I should go.”

Valerie walked around to the back of the house, passing a neighbor’s window. A man was visible, his back turned, as he watched TV. In the back yard, Valerie found nothing that suggested play. There was a small patio table with three chairs around it, a dog house with a chain in front of it, and several large crates stacked haphazardly about the yard. She looked around, puzzled for a couple of minutes, trying to see what she was supposed to bind herself to.

Two things hit her at the same time: The thought, “Rachael and Giggy don’t have a dog,” and the sight of a piece of paper taped over the entrance to the dog house. With trepidation, she walked closed.

“Rachael, please not this,” she whispered.

The paper simply had her name on it. Clearly, Valerie was to be treated Like a dog for at least part of the day. Bending down to take the end of the leash, she saw several items in the small wooden structure. Pulling them out, her gut clenched. There was a tube of lube sitting next to a butt plug. This plug, however, had a furry end that was seven inches long and looked just like a tail. Valerie had no doubt what was expected of this item. There were also two pairs of linked cuffs. The chain between them was only a foot long. When Val looked at them closely, she saw that someone had written, “thigh,” and, “shin,” on the inside of the cuffs. Once in place, she would be unable to extend her legs enough to stand normally. There ware also a pair of knee pads.

The hood was not very confining, looking more like a winter pull over hood, made of leather of course, but with floppy ears sewn into the head. The final piece was a pair of gloves. These gloves, however, did not end in fingers, but in a rigid ball that she could make a fist in. The padded bar through the middle made it plain that she was intended to slip them on, gripping the bar with her hands. They zipped up the sides and once on, would be impossible for Valerie to remove on her own. In fact, Valerie could not see how she could zip up both. The outsides of the gloves were painted up like a dog’s paws.

Valerie looked around and saw Rachael through the sliding glass door, arms crossed, one foot tapping on the floor. She was dressed in a leather body suit that covered her entire body. A lean dangled from one hand. With a gasp, Val started the process of becoming a dog. Tears filled her eyes as the humiliation grow with each step; tail in her butt, legs bound, dog ears on, chain clipped to her collar, front paws slipped onto her hands. As she performed her transformation, she noticed that under the paper was Giggy’s name.


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