Stranger Ch. 02

When I left the hotel room after our last rendezvous, I found a small box at me feet. The tag on top read, “For my slave”. I opened the box and saw a pretty mechanical butterfly. I’ve seen these things before when shopping for toys online. It was a discreet vibrator that you can wear over your clip and it straps on. But there was no way of turning it on. Usually these things are operated by a small remote. There was also a note in the box. “Wear this tomorrow,” it read. I grinned, wondering what he had in store for me next.

More instructions were given to me that night when he texted me. He told me to wear my new toy under my clothes and to dress as usual. I was then supposed to go to a local sex toy shop. I once again found myself full of nervous excitement. I had only been in a sex toy shop one or two times. I was bashful and kept giggling and didn’t even buy anything. I prefer to buy my sex toys online. But he knows I have an exhibitionist inside and I the idea of ​​being humidentified in public excites me. I couldn’t wait until our next meeting.

I arrived at the store right on time. When I walked in, looking bashful and confused, the girl at the counter grinned at me.

“Are you our special guest?”

I told her I was supposed to ask for Ashely.

“I’m Ashley!” She smiled, “And you are going to be our demonstration today!”

I asked If he was going to be here, but she told me no. He only gave her instructions of what I would be doing and gave her a description of me. I was disappointed that I would not be meeting him, but curious about what he had planned. I was sure he would be watching somehow. Since I still don’t know what he looks like, I would have no way of knowing.

Ashley lead me to a corner of the shop where there was a display for the toy that I was wearing. A man was waiting there for me and in his hand was a small remote.

“Is she wearing it?” He asked Ashley.

“Let’s find out!” She said and he pushed a buttonon the remote. I jumped as I felt a sudden vibrating sensing on my clip. It was low and steady, just enough to get me excited.

“We’ll just leave it at the lowest setting to get warmed up,” the man said. Then Ashley began announcing to the few customers in the shop that we were going to be having a demonstration and that everyone should line up to help test this product on their model.

The first in line was a man that looked to be in his 40’s. He seemed comfortable in this kind of shop and seemed very excited to be the first to test the toy. He was handed the remote and instantly put it on the highest setting. I let out a loud moan as I felt the victory pick up speed. The man stood there watching and grinning as I blushed. I squirmed, fighting the oncoming orgasm. But I wasn’t ready to get off in front of all of these strangers. I fight it as best I could. I was so relieved when the next person in line took the remote and lowered it back down to the lowest setting. Thiswas a woman. She seemed as uncomfortable as me, but curious about the toy. She pushed the button again and the viruses became slightly more powerful. The woman seemed to be testing out all of the settings and I discovered that there were 5 different vibration settings as she slowly cycled through them all. By the time I got to the highest setting, I was panting and struggling against the orgasm again. She smiled, seeming satisfied with the power of the little toy, but took goal in me and lowered the toy back to the first setting and passed the remote on. I saw her take one of the products to the front counter. The demonstration worked for one person. If only all demonstrations were this entertaining. I pictured me demonstrating this toy in one of those super stores that has food samples on the weekends. The idea made me smile and I knew I wouldn’t be able to fight off the next orgasm.

The next person in line was a younger man. He had a mischievous grin. “I want to see more,”he said. “I want to know the full affect this is having on her body. Take off her shirt.”

The man running the demonstration didn’t hesitate. He lifted my shirt off of me so quick. I was just standing there in my jeans and a black lace bra.

“I need to see her nipples,” the customer demanded. “How do I know she’s really excited if I can’t see if her nipples are erect?”

The demonstrator snapped my bra off of me. The cool air on my nipples was too much. I felt the vibrations pick up speed again and I couldn’t stop from moaning. The man’s eyes were wide as he pushed the vibrator higher. My head flew back in ecstasy. A powerful orgasm wrapped my body. I could hardly stand. I gripped the table next to me for support and came so fully. I was shaking by the time the man finally turned off the vibrations.

I hoped I would be given a moment to recover. I was in luck. Instead of passing the remote to the next customer, the man stepped forward and lightly cared my heaving chest. I saw at his touch. My skin was so sensitive after that amazing orgasm. He drew circles around my nipples and slowly came closer. He pinched the tips of my tits and brought my attention back to the present.

“Ready for more?” He asked. I nodded. I was suddenly aroused by his nipple play.

“Good,” he said and he withdraw his hands from my nipples.

The violations began again, slow at first. Then he let it slowly build. I knew it wouldn’t take me long this time. And he seemed determined to watch me cum again. I wanted more. I anticipated the highest level. But it never came. He quickly dropped me back down to the first level and I whimpered for more.

“I want to watch her beg for it,” he said. Others in the shop nodded in agreement. I blushed again, knowing how close I was and wondering what I was going to have to do to be able to finish.

“Please,” I whispered.

He laughed. “Is that how you beg? Get on your knees.”

I quickly obeyed. “Pleas!” I cried.

“How far will she go for it?” The man stepped closer again. I could see a bulge growing in his pants. He pulled out his cock and I eagerly sucked it. As my speed and intensity increased, so did the violences. I grabbed at his ass and pulled him deep in my throat. He was so hard and I was going to cum with him. He thrust hard into me and pushed me to the highest setting. I moaned into his dick and felt it explode inside me.

He withdraw his cock and the man next in line grabbed the remote from his hand before he lowered it back down. The vibrations continued on the highest setting and my clip was so sensitive, I just wanted it to stop!

“Take off your pants,” the man with the remote instructed.

“Please turn it off,” I begged as I pulled down my pants. Another orgasm was building and I still hadn’t come down from the last one. I laid back on the ground to pull my pants off, but I couldn’t get back up. I spread my legs wide for the whole store to seeas I came again and again, arching my back and screaming on the ground.

I don’t know how long it continued before I passed out. I woke up to Ashley’s face. She was pushing the sweat soaked hair out of my face.

“The demonstration is over,” she told me. “You did a great job!”

Ashley handed me the remote. It was mine now. That was my reward.


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