Strange Encounters

It was a busy Friday night as I made my way to my job; people were out in drives trying to escape the week’s druggery and enjoy their weekend. A part of me wished I could be out partying with my friends but I was trying to put myself through an arts degree and my family had no means to support me, so I had to work.

Smiling to myself I chuckled at the possible looks on my friends’ faces if they ever found out what I did. I had read this article in a news paper advertising work for young healthy males to keep lonely diplomas company. We were called “Hire a Hubby” escort service (not to be confused with the handy man group). Every Friday I would go into the office and get my list of people I was contracted to visit for the weekend. It paid well and mostly the women just needed someone to talk to, or to hold them as we watched DVDs for the night. There had been the odd occasion when someone had been asked to “Stay Over” this had not happened to me yet; most just needed the male caverage. Tonight I was to visit Mrs. Petreson; she had been divided for two months and had requested a tall young man to keep her company. I was six three so I hoped I was tall enough for her and had just turned twenty two.

Arriving at number 25 Renter St., I took in my surroundings; it was a small house but it was on a larger block of land than the others around with a grove of trees surrounding both The front garden looked well cared for with many flower beds blooming. It all looked so sweet that when I knocked and she answered I was not at all surprised by her appearance. Sweet was exactly how I would describe her, looking down into her face I could not help but smile at this adorable little woman. She was about five feet two with a small childlike face framed with long brown curly hair and thin glasses which sat on her beautifully shaped nose. She was not petite but was well proportioned with curves in all the right places. She was wearing a chocolate silk blouse and a pair of black slacks that flattered her figure nicely.

“Hi you must be Joel,” her warm and surprisingly rich voice greeted me.

Smiling I said, “At your service, my lady.”

Chuckling she led me into her house. Her hips swayed hypnotically as she led me to her kitchen and I felt that all too familiar stirring in my groin.

‘Down boy,’ I thought, ‘don’t want to scare her off.’,

She directed me to sit at the bench while she made hot chocolate for the both of us and started to ask me about what I do when I am not keeping lonely old women company. Thinking that she could’t be much older than I was, I began to tell her about my arts degree and how I wanted to continue on to become a psychologist. She was generally interested and we ended up talking well into the evening.

At about eight we retired to the living room to watch King Arthur, Mrs. Petreson’s choice.

I was surprised at this, and after seeing my face shesaid, “After being married you learned to appreciate the finer films.”

Giggling she added that there were some chick flicks we could watch if I wanted. I quickly said I was ok and she laughed out loud at this. Flopping onto her couch, she patting the seat next to her.

Looking up at me with a mischievous smile she whispered softly, “Time to start earning that money.”

Well damn if that didn’t make my groin tingle with anticipation; oh how was I going to last the night without making a wrong impression? I smiled and made my way to her side and slide into the couch. It was heavenly soft and relaxing; I smiled again and motioned for her. Mrs. Petreson shifted over to lean into my arms and pressed play. I could feel her body tension for a few minutes, but as the movie started I heard a small sight and her body relaxed against mine. Pity I couldn’t; I realized my mistake as she relaxed. The feel of her body against mine, the smell of her perfume that was earthy and sweet all at the same time made my body tingle all over.

‘Relax boy,’ I thought, ‘Relax.’

After a while I really started to get into the movie. For the next two hours I tried to memorise the feel of her in my arms not wanting to presume anything she would be in my fansies for along time.

Once the film finished we continued to sit discussing the different themes and concepts of the movie, singing Mrs. Petreson stood up and looked down at me; from that angle I could see through her bloome and her ample mounds beckoned to me. Mrs. Petreson gasped and I looked down to see my penis straining to get free of its confined quarters. Looking back at Mrs. petreson, I blushed, waiting to be scolded, but instead she smiled and reach out a hand towards me.

“Come, let’s take care of that,” she whispered.

She led me down the hallway to a small room; it was not at all what I had expected, rather than her bed room she had led me to what looked like a massage room. It was small and hada mass table in the middle. Looking at her a little confused she smiled and directed for me to get undressed. Now I was getting nervous, what was she going to do? At least one part of me was excited and ultimately my little head won over the nervousness.

As I started to strip down Mrs. Petreson place a towel and then a sheet over it on the table then walked to a benchmark and start to get some things out of the cupboard. By the time she looked over at me I had stripped to my boxers and was nervously shifting in one spot. She had a playful look in her eye as she spoke a little warmer and firmer.

“They will have to go to Joel.”

Blushing again that night I pulled down the remainder of my protection, exposing my seven and a half inch penis which was throbbing painfully from the anticipation of what was to come. Mrs. Petreson looked me up and down, and then smiled.

“What a beautiful body you have Joel,” she murmured, pointing to the table, “Hop up.”

Laying faceup on the table, Mrs. Petreson came up and started to gently stroke my hair.

She leant down and spoke close to my ear, “Relax you’re going to love this.”

As she spoke her hand started to rub down my shoulders, warm oily hands that glided over my tired muscles. For twenty minutes she rubbed and kneaded me from the top of my body to my feet, everywhere but that throbbing member at my centre. It was relaxing but at the same time agonising; every time she crept closer to my throbbing rod I reached towards her, trying make her hand slip, but she purposely missed it.

“Relax Joel,” she scolded at one point as she swatted my hand away from my penis.

I could see joy and mirth dancing in her blue eyes, I shut my eyes and would myself to enjoy the warm hands that explored my body. Not long After I shut my eyes it all stopped.

Opening my eyes, I looked over and saw Mrs. Petreson gathering something and bringing them over to a small table that was beside the bed. On the table were some oils, a jar and a pair of rubber gloves. Curious, I glanced at her as she slide a chair over and sat at the end of the table adjusting the height so she was looking directly at my groin. She then pulled my feet apart, bent them into a right angle and rested them on foot arms at the side of the table. She then slide my bottom down closer to the edge so that my arse and groin were at eye level open and accessible to her. Embarrassment and fear crowded my mind, causing my member to shrink as she reached for the latex gloves.

“W..w..w..w are you doing?” I stammered as she fitted each hand.

“Are you going to be a good boy for me Joel?”

She spoke with an almost authoritative voice as she poured the oil onto my groin. The sensings of the warm oil hitting my sensitive head and flowing down over my shake and balls pooling into my ass were my undoing. All I could do was grunt my answer.

“That’s a good boy, don’t you worry now. I am going to make you feel better soon,” she cooled to me.

Using her latex hands she began to rub the oil into my groin with circular motions she tease my balls and shake. Groaning, all I could do was shut my eyes and relax into table. This was so intense as she rubbed that place between my balls and my ass that I felt a stirring, almost twitching, in my ass. She slipped her hand down and began to play with it causing me to groan as shocks of electricity ran up my spine; no one had ever touched me there. Her other hand had made its way up to my shake and was struggling it very slowly, causing small globs of pre cum to pool in my public hair. Lost in this sensing I never noticed that she had inserted her finger into my ass until she located my prostate and began to gently massage it.

“Ohhhhhh,” I groaned loudly as my head spun with the sensings, my stomach began to twist almost inside it, all the while I could hear her warm voice encouraging me, telling me how good I was, and to give in to the sensation.

As the minutes continued she kept pulsing on my prostate never stopping causing me to arch on the table. I could feel a tingling sensing as a horrible thought hit me; I was going to pee. I tried moving away as I stammered that I had to go to the toilet but Mrs. Petreson just held up the tall jar and said that I could just go in that and to enjoy the feeling. Well I just blushed at that but my body responded. Within five minutes more of stimulations I felt myself release what I thought was urine. I was so relieved that it took many minutes till I realized that Mrs. Petreson had pulled out of my ass and was washing me with a warm clothes. Confused I looked over and saw that the jar didn’t hold urine but a mixture of clear and milky stuff. Looking back at Mrs. Petreson she smiled and told me that it was my cum; to be honest I felt great but didn’t remember cumming.

After cleaning me up Mrs. Petreson came to the top of the table and kissed me softly on the lips. Staring into her eyes I felt calm for the first time. She helped me up and into my clothes. Looking at the clock I could see that it was midnight; leading me to the door she thanked me for the night and handed me an envelope with the payment in it. Still slightly confused, I kissed her good night and left with her watching me as I walked back down towards my home. The only thought in my mind was that I hoped I would see her again.


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