Once you were young.
You still remember the moment you saw her kin for the first time, a species in the forests of the north.
Beautiful, skin dark as ebony, eyes ranged from purple to blue to green, an all-female species live next to your village.
Dark Elves, Dokkalvar, Dalekethnon and many other names are they called with.
They live with their human slaves in their secret villages. You were always confused why your people saw it a normality for them to take humans to serve them. Your parents had rolled their eyes and told you you’d understand when you’re older.
Then you realized the dark elves were all women.
Where were the men?
Eleven summers passed since you opened your eyes to the world. It was the fateful day at the fair when you hear the sweet voice.
“What’s your name?”
It’s the forest fair where some monsters and humans come together to trade or look at wonders.
That’s when you saw the dark elves and “their” humans…Accompanying their caring owners with simple clothes and/or leather collars. You realized the dark elves treat them like family of sorts, and you realize some human men dote on and care for very young elflings.
Then you realize dark elves treat men after work quite…tenderly if they have done well…
…and then you remember no dark elf men were around…
Your simple mind slowly puts two and two together…until you hear a high-pitched voice behind you.
“I said, What’s your name, human!? Can’t you hear me?”
Turning around, you come face to face with a pouting, petulant young dark elf girl. She is of same age as you, her ears twitching when she looks at you. Those ears, they wiggled like some cute animal ears of some monster girls. You heard they wiggle when said girl is happy or overjoyed.
You realize that she is a dark elf, with dark brown skin, purple, almond-shaped eyes and pure white hair. Dressed in purple-and-black leathers, sheblinks at you.
You tell her your name, and she responds with her own.
“Phaeliss…” Her pointy elf ears twitch when she speaks, wiggling.
“Fay-lis?” You tilt your head.
“No, dummy. Phaeliss!” She grows, her mouth and throat contorting to show you the sounds made.
You imitate her weakly until she is satisfied.
“Good.” She nods. “Play with me.”
And here starts your tale, your reason of being, your hidden poison. You just felt good being ordered by her.
Bratty, petulant, aggressive and spoiled. A typical dark elf child, Phaliss seems to have taken a liking to you it seems. Grabbing you by the arm, she pulls you to her and towards the celebrations and games.
“Play with me human!”
When you are a child, joy passes away like the summer rain, or cotton candy, gone before you taste it.
Laughter is drowned by the age of life in an uncertain world.
Happiness is not fed to stay long, and all turns to dust.
And just like these, your happy hours with Phaliss passes quickly. You try tossing darts and rings for copper coins, the prizes being small dolls. You fail miserably, earning an amused giggle from the little dark girl with you.
“Humans. They are just good for serving at our fields and…well…” She blushes.
Before you can retort, footsteps behind you signal an older lady, no, an older dark elf coming to get her daughter. She speaks in a soft, authoritative voice.
“Phaeliss…time to go.” The soft, silky voice cares your ear with its tender resonance tickling your belly. You turn around…
…to see an older, mature dark elf. She is quite tall, and dressed provocatively, with a cleavage that leaves little to imagination and a skirt one size too small for her. Her white leather boots reach to her knees, her long, long white hair reaching to her waist. You see a long whip coiled next to her waist.
Almost a grown-up version of her daughter, she smiles atyou and ruffles your head. She repeats her words. “Let’s go home, Fillie-kun~”
“Ma!” Phaeliss mewls. “We’re not done yet! And I’m Phaeliss, named after my great-grandmother!”
“What did we agree on Phaeliss?” Her voice is stern, but with a hint of tenderness. You realize she has a backpack full of trinkets and exchanged goods from the humans.
“Here you go Lady Aranis.” An elderly man brought her another trinket, and gratefully accepted the older dark elf’s silver coins. “Just like you asked…” He bows and disappears.
Phaeliss, seeing this, pouts. Her hands hold you tight, worry creeping your veins.
“I want to take him too.”
Her mother chuckles, shaking her head. “We have enough slaves to train young lady, he is too young and he has a family. Now let the human go and tell him you’ll meet him later.”
Phaeliss holds you tight. “MINE!”
“PHAE-LISS!” Aranis’ face and voice cracks in anger.
“MIIIINE!” She squeaks like a petulant toddler,squeezing your waist and hanging on to you like an anchor. “MINE! MINE! MINE! HE IS MINE!” She squeals, her mother angrily pulling her off you, SPANKING HER with a slap and hoisting her over her shoulder like a lamb.
“So sorry you had to see that.” She sights at you. “I’m sure once little miss princess comes to her senses, she would be delighted to receive you.”
You are confused. “But how will I find you, lady?” She smiles enigmatically.
“We will find you. No worry.” She turns around and leaves, crying Phaliss on her shoulder.
You gulp. Her skirt is so short that you can see her thy straining her ass when she walks. And as a parting gift, she turned at you, noticing that you stared at the mocha-colored manjuu orbs.
A week later, you meet her in an abandoned road after picking valuable mushrooms and herbs. Phaeliss walks up to you and SLAPS you across the face!
Your face burns… and you are shocked. Angrily you demand to know why the little dark elf did that. She growls, slapping you gain.
“MOM SPANKED ME BECAUSE OF YOU, IDIOT!!” She tries to slap you again, but you hold her wrist, surprised by your own courage.
Now you did it.
Her eyes quiver, tearing up. Her left-hand goes to a small whip and lashes out.
You squeak in fear and stumble as she strikes you with a small whip across your legs.
“Hah! Humans are weak like that!” She twirls her small whip, hitting your hands, arms and legs, raining waves of pain. When her beating is complete, you are left a sobbing mess, pain course throughout your body. Slowly, Phaeliss walks towards you and knees to look at your welts. The little minx smiles:
“Maybe I should be merciful to a small human who can’t know his betters.” Phaeliss smiled. “Next time you pass through after work, give me taxi if you wish to go back to your village alive, Anon.”
She smiles and disappears.
From now on, for years, sheInsists you share whatever you catch as a gift. Fruit, root, even a magic stone. When you offered a fish though, she slapped you and left.
When you offered a rose the other day, her cheeses became bright red, even visible from her chocolate colored skin. She smiled, took it, and…
Slapped you.
“Perv. What if I become pregnant!”
She ran away.
The next years pass uneventfully: you and her, and a few monster and human kids play games in the forest whenever there is time. During those years, you get to know other monster children.
Lamias intrigued you because of their snake bodies, Harpies because of their capability of flight. The minoraur daughters were strong as bulls, lifting boulders and ripping trees out of their roots if they wanted. All of you, screaming, laughing, and tumbling, play children’s games. “Capture the flag”, football (a goatskin sewn together in a ball and filled with light reservoir and alraune sap), and mock fighting were your favorites. In mock fights, monster daughters fight humans, and almost always won.
However, the way Phaeliss treated you made the kids raise some eyesbrows.
“Mom said it was called hogtie.” A minoraur girl exclaimed, describing your restraints after a mock battle. You squirm in discomfort, with Phaeliss chucking and sitting on your back.
“Mine!” She proclaimed. “I took the human!”
Fun times…you will miss your childhood…especially when you lost everything dear a year later.
Were it true that everything good lasts forever?
It does not.
You playmates, monster girls and humans, comfort your crying self:
A thunderbolt killed your family when it was raining. You survived.
Even Phaeliss is quiet at your family’s funeral. Her mother insists on setting you aside and talking to you like a second mother. Her face is calming, like an oasis after the disaster you endured. You can’t help but cry in her arms. Surprising for a dark elf, she shushes and consoles you.
“In a few years, you will heal, human. In the meantime, ask us if you need anything. You can always come to me when your heart is heavy.”
You keep weeping, your tears wetting her shoulder. You realize her tears started to wet your own.
“Before I leave, human…When you are a man and you can’t go on anymore, you may seek our village. My sisters can make use of you, perhaps fulfilling that hole in there.” She points to your chest, painful with sorrow.
“We would take good care of you, human if you can’t take care of yourself.”
Enigmatic words.
Phaeliss, simply stars in sorrow and frustration. You did not hear her mumbling when the mamono left the funeral, and let you mourn in peace.
“Why are humans so frail…”
You are adopted by your uncle and aunt.
Time heals the wounds, years pass, and life goes on…
You realize that Phaeliss’ body undergoes some changes, seeing she is more distant, taller, and a bit curvier. When you both were playing handball, you accidentally bumped her chest. Shrieking in pain and anger, she slapped you with full force and ran away, long white hair flowing behind her.
You don’t see her for a year. And village elders warn that they will take you as their slave, should you search their hidden village. It’s said some runaways, orphans and abused children *hopens it happens, and some advocates comb the woods for monsters. The adventurers who find a dark elf village and are let go, are…changed. They don’t want to talk about it. If they bring back someone, NEITHER wants to talk about it.
When people ask what the ransom was, no one, ever, talks about it.
Children and women, of course, rarely, if ever return.
Then there are people who can’t keep it together in life, and go to their village, saying they’ll surrender.
You heard Phaeliss’ mother, Taranis, accepting them graciously on the condition that they make them slaves for life, albeit taken care of, so you heard.
What to do? To learn a trade, you focus on your appreciationship…until you see her again.
One cool, grey morning, you find her sparking with a conjured shadow. She strikes with her whip, throws a bola and rolls to dodge the shadow’s dummy attack. Finally, the shadow bursts in mist When Phaeliss locks a cuff on a spectral arm with the design “TARGET” on it.
You approach gingerly, watching her dance of blades and whip with her magic dusties. She IS good, even though the targets are clumsy magical simulacra.
When you step on a branch, her eyes snap open, and she swings her whip in your direction!
Squeaking, you fall on your ass to dodge…seeing your Slavic peasant self, she retracts the whip.
“Y-you…” She glares. “Why are you here? How did you find me?” She speaks in anger.
You simply shrug and say you looked for her for a year. Her ears twitch with concealed joy, eyes gleaming as you asked about her.
“I…I’m finished my education.” She answered quietly, rolling her whip on her arm. You ask what trade it is…Her eyes are humorless, sad purple jewels looking at you. “General Merchant.” She explains that she learns how to sell general goods, textiles, daily sundries and so on.
You are confused. Why is she training as if she is going to be a militant?
“Because “General Goods” also means humans, idiot.” She proclaims somberly. “That means I am also a slave now, Anon.” She looks blankly towards the trees, pouting. “It’s tradition. Nothing I can do about it. Sorry.”
Your heart warms to the chocolate skinned elf with the cute, longest, twitchy ears standing before you, her mane of silvery hair tied in a ponytail.
“So?” You say.
“SO?” She glares, turning around and slapping your head. “Are you FUCKING RETARDED? If I meet you outside of your human borders, I am obliged and allowed tocapture you as a slave! I can strip you naked, collar you, leash you, beat you, rape you, put you to work in my village, mines or farm, or force you to lie with our human girls to make more humans! Aren’t you scared of me?”
You chuckle and respond, yourself awakened to adolescence and the “birds and bees”:
“Sounds nice. That’s “mostly” what we do since fuck knows when…except the “rape” part I mean.”
That…hurt. She struck you with a vicious blow across your face and back…which hurt but also gave pleasure.
Her face is a mask of anger, and she shrinks.
With these words, she runs away from you, frustrating as ever.
Back in the distance, she sniffles, going home.
“Nobody but me…” She sniffles conflicted in her feelings about how to treat you…
“Something wrong, Filly-Kun?~”
Way back in her hidden, mysterious, alluring village, Phaeliss was not in the mood for dinner. Human maids and male servants, often advocates who were captured by dark elves and played years ago, were serving at the dark elves’ dinner table, some eating with them as equals when it wasn’t their shift. Some were taken from villages, people with no hope or future and won’t be missed, often worked at vineyards and fields.
They had set up a generous dinner table for all, starting with a sweet sound of a golden bell. Dark elves first, then their human property took place, eating politely.
Phaeliss’ mother, Aranis, ran her village with a relatively relaxed, beneficial rule: racial tensions melted in the bedroom, and was encouraged to be so. Most were equal, but dark elves were more equal than others. They did treat their humans well, as long as they did their chores.
Aranis was feeding a human woman next to her. The human woman was still wearing some of her armor, but her hands were tied behind her to the chair, her face unEasy as she swallowed and chewed. When not eating, she spoke with Aranis in a subdued, ashamed voice, no doubt bargaining to be let go for a ransom; Aranis’ mischievous look showed as much.
An astute observer would notice the human captive’s protests lessened with every serving of a mysterious dish in the dark elves’ feast, a dish prepared in the East, where said dark elves were named Daleketnon.
Black Rice.
An ancient art from the east would make sure this dish when properly prepared, would lower the victim’s inhibitions…with a reduction of willpower on the sly.
“Why do you want to be ransomed?” Aranis would serve her several spoonfuls before hugging her chest with one arm around the human woman. “Aren’t we taking good care of you here?”
“I…don’t…know…I guess?” She had told, shaking her head as if trying to wake up from a bad dream. Aranis grinned, leaning to kiss her forehead with a soft sound.
“Poor thing. You were so executed fighting us, your kind isn’t strong enough to resist. I’ll untie you, so you can stretch and relax, alright?” The dark vixen leaned in the human woman’s ear. “No funny business.” The human woman nodded weakly, and finally rubbed her wrists when her ropes came off, untied by dark hands.
Giving her utesils to eat with, Aranis turned to her daughter who was sulking with her barely eat food.
The former adventurer, the warrior woman could only eat her black rice and roast meat with docile slowness, her mind already foggy. Why was she fighting these great monster ladies? They had done nothing but show mercy to her, even taking her to their table or a feast right after capturing her…
…surely they didn’t mean bad, right? Perhaps…
…she could stay?
Behind the sulking Phaliss, one of the family maids appeared. She was a human woman, who, in flight from bandits that wanted to rob and rap her, was found by a dark elf who promptly spiritualized her awayinto the dark, magical village. Dressed in humble maid’s clothes, her brown eyes were worried at the little elfling that grew up on her lap all these years; she had been a nanny, a second mother and a big sister to Phaliss.
“Little Mistress, do you want something else? You barely ate anything…” Phaliss shrugged quietly.
“Filly-kun?~” Smiling, the human maid touched her shoulder, trying to Cheer her up with her informal name.
“I want him.” She spoke quietly.
Aranis and the maid looked at each other.
“Anon…” She barely ate her meatloaf. Aranis sat next to her:
“So what’s keeping you?”
“I…” Phaeliss whimpered…”I don’t know!” That caught the eye of the maid, who nudged Phaliss’ mother.
“Mistress Aranis…Maybe your daughter needs some liquid courage?” From her volunteer maid clothes, the human took out a small whiskey flask. “Your kind is sometimes real conflicted…”
Aranis just stared at her human maid, now utterly adapted to her new life. She rose an eyebrow:
“Hmm…Usually, I’d be cross but…maybe she needs it…”
One week later…
As you happily forage, a petulant, petite, dark brown skinned cutie you had known for so long, angrily walks up to you, her ears twitching in anger.
You collect apples as you hear her grunt behind you. There is a smell of expensive whiskey on her breath.
Turning with a smile, your greeting is interrupted by a firece slap on your cheek.
“Pissant.” An ebon hand struck your neck again, sounding like a firecracker and making you yelp in pain. Apparently, Phaliss is angry at something again. It stings and this time you attempt to snap back in anger, harshly demanding what’s wrong with her. You get responded with another slap. The beatings are not too fierce, and somehow, the blow doesn’t hurt. You hear that dark elf girls can inflict pleasure instead of pain.
“Wimp.” She looks at you with disdain. “You don’t evenfight back!” She is wearing her skimpy leather outfit, not bothering to hide her cleavage or her womanly curves she developed over puzzle. “And you are a pervert too!” She pushes you to the ground. “This is my people’s traditional garb and you look at me in a dirty way!” Her mouth curls into a grin. “I think I should punish you.” Suddenly, her leather boot grinds on your tight as she looks into your eyes intently.
You were picking the overgrown strawberry patch far away from home, with a crazy dark elf childhood friend in her chocolate skin and pointy ears nagging you ten minutes ago. You are rightfully worried. The boot on your crotch presses further.
“You like this?”.
From the smell of her breath, you realize with a terrible feeling that she is drink.
“I said answer me, wimp!” She presses on your gonads harshly, causing a cold numbing pain to shoot up. Her ebony foot, clad in dark leather boots presses harsher as the numbing ache increases.
“Y-yes Phaeliss…” You finally mumble, yet you earn a slap.
“That’s MISTRESS Phaeliss to you!” Her disdainful look turns amused. “If I step a bit harder your balls will be mush, right? “
You are scared, yet your inexperienced body is putty under her sharp words and treatment. You nod dumbly.
“And if I do that, what good will you be, male?” Her eyes look at you with concealed lust and interest.
“Answer me, what good are men without working cocks?” Another jolt of pain. “Answer me!” She hisses, gripping and squeezing your nutsack harder. You squeal, finally eliciting a begging plea.
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