Story of Lust Ch. 03

As I left my home and entered the limo to go to the masquerade party, I looked back at my house, and thought about the empty dungeon and how I wanted to feel his power over me. How I just craved him and then quickly entered the limo excited to get to the party. When the car pulled up to The Fritz’s home I felt this excitement flow through my entire body.

Every sensing that I could feel was flowing all over my body. I was completely overwhelmed by it. I held the mask in my hands. I looked down at the sparkling rhinestones. The mask was shaped like a combination of a slider of a moon and a cracked and broken mask. The bottom of the mask which covered the cheese bones were the color of bone and smooth to the touch. The nose and crescent shaped top were covered in intricate silver designs and random displays of rhinestones. It was elegant, beautiful and mysterious.

As the driver came over to the door and to help me out of the car, I feel so elegant. I put my mask on and stepped out of the car. I walked up the steps and was greeted by the butler, who took my invitation and opened the door to the house. I was almost immediately greeted by Todd Fritz.

“Sonia, is that you?” Todd asked.

“Yes,” I giggled.

“Wow, you look stunning! That dress is amazing.”

My dress was made out of ostrich feathers, dyed multiple shades of pink and some at the end of the train were brown. The train was only about 6 to 8 inches long. Along with sequins to add sparkle to the dress.

“Thank you.” I paused and looked around at all the guests that were already there. “Are you aware if Quinn has arrived yet?”

“I haven’t seen him yet, but then again, I’m not sure on who is all here. Char was here earlier greeting guests. You may want to ask her.”

I thanked Todd and began to walk around, I saw Char but she was so busy that I decided to mingle with some of the people that were clients of mine. I kept an eye out for Quinn, and there were a few timesthat I thought I saw him or saw someone built like him, but either it wasn’t him or the mystery man was lost in the crowd. Finally, I walked across the room my feathered pink dress flowing across the floor, dancing in the air as I moved, until I walked out on to the terrace. I stood there in the cold waiting for Quinn. I had invited him but he hadn’t shown up yet. But, how could I know really, everyone was in a mask. I leaned over the railing feeling the wind wisp through my hair and blowing my hair all around. Suddenly I felt as if someone was watching me. I turned around, but saw no one looking directly at me. And so I turned around again and took a deep breath in. A waiter came by and I took a glass of wine. Slowly, I sipped the sweet wine and felt my body becoming warm. The feeling sweat over me as if hands were gliding up and down my shoulders.


Quinn stand there at the entrance to the terrace, watching his frail submissive. He stood there strong and wise and thinking how beautiful she was. How in her own weakness she was strong. That the weaker she felt the stronger her mind actually became. This is what he loved about her. That she, indeed was a submissive but at a second’s notice she was ready, willing and able to jump back into her mode of self confidence… without thought. As he stood there admiring her he looked at her body, her dress and mask. How they all went together so gracefully. How she must have spent hours picking out what went with what and with everything she did she did for him. The dress was long and trailed behind her almost in a peacock fashion. That the dress at the top started out as a very pale pink and at the bottom was almost a firey fuchsia and brown. With just the slightest air movement the feathers danced around her body… as if calling anyone to Just touch it. Her mask was sparkling w/ silvery diamonds, her hair flowed so elegantly down her back, and when she walked her hair would movein such a way that you could almost see her bare back… but not enough to see it either.

“Excuse me, Excuse me… Could I have everyone’s attention please?” The butler called out… “We will now be taking to our dinner and start the mask removal ceremony.”

I was nervous, because I was all alone and didn’t have anyone to share this moment with, the ceremony of the removal of the masks… sounded so grand that I wished Quinn could share in this moment … as I walked back into the hall, a strange catch my eye. Was he watching me earlier? Just as I went to approach him, he turned into the crowd of people heading to the dining room. I tried to follow, but there were so many people. I pushed through the crowd, but didn’t see him again.

As I sat down near the head of the table with Char and Todd, I noticed the man from the terrace sat across from me. He was looking at me… I saw this familiar quality about him… but his mask was so distracting with the long beak and the matter of fact eyes… that I couldn’t look past the mask.

That mask he wore was enchanting. Almost scary, like something you might see in an Italian Opera. The nose of the mask was white and shaped as a large curved beak. Long, thin and sharp. The mask around the eyes was traced with gold and with a black background with silver music note stenciling. It was wildly confusing, no matter how hard I tried to look past the mask, I couldn’t, the only thing I could see were the eyes. They were hauntingly familiar. Luckily, Todd began to speak and I snapped out of my hypnotic state.

“Good Evening, Friends! First, I’d like to thank all of you for coming to our Christmas Gala. As some of you know, Char loves to throw parties and when she suggested a Masquerade party for this year’s event, I knew I couldn’t turn her down.”

I tried to listen, but was captured by this man that sat across from me. I was scared and worried that he noticed that I was staring at him.

Toddpicked up his champione glass and continued, “This is our third and final year throwing these parties because in the fall, I am retired…”

Gasps were heard, and then everyone started clapping. People shouting out their little thoughts.

“Well, it’s about time, ya old timer.”

“No! You can’t leave the firm.”

“Congratulations, Todd!”

Todd raised his glass, “Thank you.” Clearing his throat, he continued, “After dinner, there will be dancing, feel free to stay as long as you wish tonight.”

Char stood up, “Well, this is where I began.” She laughed, “I wanted to explain a little bit why I chose a masquerade ball, while dinner is being served.”

At that moment, waiters started walking around serving champione.

Char continued, “There is something mysterious about a masquerade ball, something that awakens the senses. Something that just turns you upside down. I’d like you all to look at the person beside you, the person to your left and then rightand then in front of you. Don’t try to look beyond the mask, but try to think what they were trying to say with the mask they chose…”

We, the guests, started to look around the room, seeing the masks, truly seeing them for the first time, in the way, Char wanted us to. It was very magical.

“…After that, we’re going to take off our masks and see who is under them. Does your thought match the person underneath?”

Char spoke so passwordately about this that you couldn’t help but be swept away with her words.

“Cheers, Everyone! Remove your masks!”

Slowly, almost mechanically, people began to remove their masks. Some, mostly women, worried about their hair, while others looked around and laughed and pointed. Conversations began, questions, the dining room was amidst a low thunderous sound of people talking.

I too laid the mask on the table. I happened to look at the man sitting across from me. I now was curious to see who this man was. But he sat there, not moving, not taking off his mask, but instead just sat there, staring. I began to feel uncomfortable; I actually could feel myself squirming in the chair. My stomach started to have butterflies, but not good ones… butterflies that make you sick. I was screaming on the inside, “Take off the mask.” I gripped on to the clothes napkin… waiting… almost feeling silly for making such a big deal about such a thing. Just as I thought I couldn’t stand it another minute, he reached for his mask and slowly raised it from his face and laid it on the table. Funny thing is that I watched the mask the whole time, as if I was afraid to see the man behind the mask. I watched his hands place the mask on the table, and slowly looked up, into his eyes.

Shivers raced across my skin, from the tips of my fingers to my stromach and then to my breasts and pussy. My body frozen, eyes locked, the only thing I could hear was my heart beating, for the person that sat before me was my Master, Master Quinn. I memorized his face. The small smile, his eyes, not looking at me, but through me, his total concentration on me. I so wanted to reach across the table and kiss his lips, to take in every taste of his skin, to feel his hands on my body. To feel the password that only we can share. But the people that was there at this gala, where not of the lifestyle and wouldn’t understand. I feel like a little kid, shy, awkward, but trusting in a fearful way. At any moment he could just give that look and we would find some place to go. But he didn’t’. We sat there and ate dinner with the other guests and laughed and joined in on the ridiculous conversations.

As dinner came to a close, guests started to go back to the ball for some dancing or lounging. Most people had gone, but Quinn and I sat there and talked a little about the evening. Laughing at what other people had hurt or what ridiculous things that had been talked about at the table. Quinn stood up, reached out his hand and he ledme to the ball, where we danced. I lost myself for a moment, in his arms. My head on his chest, hearing his heart beating, as the song came to an end, we decided we would mingle and probably call it a night. I ran into a few people, I hadn’t seen in years and we began talking, basically playing catch up. As I was speaking to them, Quinn walked up, I introduced him to them, “Quinn, this is Kelly and Ralph Venie, I used to work with Kelly down at the Central Plaza a few years ago.”

Quinn nodded and said, “Hello, nice meeting you both. I remember Sonia telling me stories about how you two would get into some trouble.”

Kelly laughed, “What is it that you do, Quinn? I don’t think, Sonia has ever mentioned it.”

Quinn shot me a look and began telling them about how he was an airplane mechanic / technician. I squirmed in my stance. I didn’t want him talking about airplanes while we were around doctors, lawsers, stock holders, and God forbid, my boss.

I cleared my throatand asked Kelly if she wanted to get another glass of wine. We were about to go, when Quinn took my arm,

“It was so nice to meet the both of you, I’m sure we’ll see each other again.” Quinn squeezed my arm, as his way of saying, Say good night.

I put on one of my best fake smile and said good night. I knew that he was so angry with me; I totally disrespected him in front of my friends and basically in front of everyone there. Quinn guided me to the back of the house, through crowds of people. People asking me, in fleeting, if we were leaving. I didn’t even have time to respond. I had never seen Quinn so determined. I was actually fearful of him at that moment. When we got to the back door, he grabbed a hold of my hair and yanked it hard so my face was facing straight up. He ripped the mask off my face and throw it to the ground. With his other hand, wrapped it around my throat and forced me to be within inches of his face.

“DO NOT, EVER… EVER, DO THAT AGAIN!” Quinnspoke through his teeth. “Oh My God, I can’t believe you did that?! Are you embarrassed of me?”

I didn’t answer right away and he shook me hard, “Answer me!”

But before I could respond he was pushing me through the back door. I could only imagine what could possibly be in store for me tonight. Quinn took a quick look of their back yard. There was a huge in ground pool, a pool shed and the maid’s quarters, which was being used as guest bedrooms for tonight. Quinn must have requested the whole cottage to ourselves earlier, because he had the key to the house. He pushed my face against the door as he unlocked it. When we entered, his hand still wrapped in my hair, pulled and jerked my body as we walked to the ground level bedroom. He throw me on the bed, but still had a hold of my hair so I whipped back and I grabbed a hold of my hair and cried out in pain.

“This is nothing! I can’t believe after our breakfast a few weeks ago, you haven’t learned your lesson! This makesme look bad. Do I not know how to take care of you? I must not be a very good Master! Do you want me to release you?!” Quinn was not yelling but very close to my face, I could feel his breath on me. His one hand still in my hair, his other around my throat.

“NO!” I cried, “I do not want to be released! Oh My God, that would be so horrible. I don’t think I would Know what to do.”

“How do you think I feel? I don’t know what to do! I, Your Master, have no idea what to do! You have never gone this low as to show such disrespect to me and in front of your friends, co-workers, and clients!”

His grip got tighter, I could feel my head pumping w/ blood, and my breathing was labored. But I dare not try to remove his hand. So, I tried to think of something else, tried to go somewhere else in my mind. Quinn saw this and refused to let that happen.

“Oh No!” Quinn throw me on the bed, ripped off my clothes and walked away and came back with a cat o’ nine tails. He pushed itinto my face. “Do you see this?”

Cat o’ nine tails is one of the most painful devices that have ever touched my skin. And in fact, Quinn and I had agreed that this tool would never be used, unless it was for a light night of whipping. But, I knew that tonight, there would be no light whipping. I knew that tonight, I was going to get the beating of my life. I knew that tonight, Quinn, My Master, was going to teach me to be a better submissive or he was going to let me go. The thought of losing him, was heart wrenching. I would rather take a thousand beatings than to never be with Quinn again.

Quinn pulled me off the bed and pushed me against the wall. I was crying, mascara running down my face, my eyes burning because of it. He pushed my hair out of my face and wiped the tears off my face.

“There are no tears now, Sonia, I haven’t even begun.”

He looked at me. I almost didn’t recognize the look on his face. It was a look I had never really seen before. It was a blank stare, his eyes glazed as if on the verge of tears. He grabbed my face, kissed me hard, pressing so hard that I could feel my teeth rubbing into my lips, cutting them. I moaned in pain.

“Stand there, don’t move.” Quinn said.

He left the room and when he came back he had a kitchen chair with him.

“Come, sit on the chair.” His voice was low, not angry, almost a defeated sound.

I sat on the chair and he began to tie my ankles to the chair, then my wrists. The next thing that was tied was my calves and then tighs. My wait was bound around the back of the chair. My forearms and my chest were bound to the chair. He put a wooden spoon in my mouth and then tapped it shut. I couldn’t move. I was scared. He kneeled down before me, and looked into my eyes.

“As I was tying you up, I was debating on whether to blind fold you or to make you watch me beat you. And after much thought, I’ve decided not to blind fold you. You will not get any relief from me tonight. Iwill tell you this now, Sonia. Through meditating these past few minutes, I have gotten enough strength to let go of my anger. So, I will not be punishing you in anger, but to teach you to respect and honor me. If, I start feeling like I am getting angle, I am going to walk away, walk out of the room and leave you here until I am calm. Do you understand?”

I shook my head yes, tears of fear running down my face and onto my legs.

He showed me and told me what he was going to use and why he chose these items. The first was the cat o’ nine tails.

“Now, I know, Sonia, we spoke about not using this. But, it has been a year since we started this relationship and I have been very lenient, this lenient will end tonight! I expect FULL and COMPLETE RESPECT and HONOR!”

He put the cat o’ nine tails down and picked up the rubber flogger.

“The rubber flogger, why I chose this, is because by the time I am finished your body will be dripping w/ sweat, and the rubber willSurely make your skin raise, and give you sharp pain.”

The final instrument he picked up was the crop.

“This crop, we have used before, and though you were fairly fond of its use, I guarantee you will be begging for it to stop tonight.”

He laid them all down on the bed beside me, walked back over to me, kissed me, and wiped the tears off my face again.

“I love you, Sonia, but this cannot happen again.”

I nodded, though I think I was pretty numb, by this point, until I saw him pick of the cat o’ nine tails. There was no warning, he swung the device on to my thighs, and I screamed and bit down onto the wooden spoon. Immediately, my skin turned red and began to rise. Again he swung it again and again, on different parts of my body. Welts were raising, there was even a spot where my skin ripped. All the places where the rope was tied had been rubbed raw and the rope was starting to turn red where blood was starting to come through. I screamed through every whip, tears flowing from my eyes.

Quinn walked away and came back w/ a glass of water and a washcloth. He removed the tape and spoon from my mouth and I drank the water, lapping it up as if I had never drunk before. He took the warm washcloth and softly wiped down my body, removing any blood or splinters from the rope and bandaging the wound that had opened.

“We will take 5 minutes for you to rest and for me to get my energy back. ” Quinn left me in the house alone, naked in the chair, still bound.

I thought back to earlier when I had embarrassed him and I felt so stupid over such a thing as that. I’m sure no one even thought anything of it. I was just so stuck up. Quinn was right to punish me. And as I thought, I ignored my strength and by the time Quinn came back in I was ready for round two w/ the rubber flogger.

When Quinn came back in, he didn’t put the gag back on, but didn’t speak to me either. He just picked up the flogger and shoved it in my face. I turned my face and he scratched me hard on my breasts, one, two, three times. The last time was so gut wrongingly painful that I screamed out in pain and bowed my head, to block another strike.

Quinn grabbed my hair and forced my head back and slapped me across the face and one, two, three more times w/ the rubber flogger across my stomach.

At this point… I passed out.

I came to and sitting there in the dark, not sure of where I was… not sure of how I got there, not sure of anything except for the ropes that cut into my skin.

They were wrapped around my stomach, my arms, my legs, my breasts… and there I sat, bound to a chair. Thoughts of my Master haunted my mind. He did this to me… why?

Because I love to be bound…. love to feel the ropes tear into my skin. I could Still feel his breath on the back of my neck. I could feel his hands tracing my arms and it made me take a sharp breath in making the ropes tighter. But then I realized I was there alone…. Waiting for him to return. Waiting for him to pick me up out of this chair and cherish me, his slave.

Time seemed to stand still, the deafening of the silence ringing in my ears. My body limp, my head stretched back on the back of the chair, my throat bare, and the veins pumping the blood thru out my body. Warm blood trickled down my body where the rope had cut into me.


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