Story 01 Pt. 02

So, Miss “I am curious”, my sweet little “hopeless” from AOL, was my neighbor just down the street. It was Vicki after all. I have been told and have suspected that more people are into D/s than I ever thought, but this was good luck beyond belief!

What would I do next? My good fortune was arousing me. My cock stood instantly in my jeans. What to do next. How would I handle it? Now that I knew Vicki’s secret, I realized that I possessed more power than I ever expected to have this early on… and that sort of power inspired me. It inspired me to fuck with her in ways both mental and physical.

My first inclination was to pounce, to surprise her, to let her know who I was and what she had done by revealing her most secret, and perverse desires to me, practically a stranger, catching her in her indiscretion, making her twist, watching her tremble as I informed her of the peril she had put her self in. But that wouldn’t do. I wouldn’t indulge myself that way yet. Patience,I thought, patience was what was needed. She wasn’t experienced after all. She was young, and married too. Her husband, for whatever reasons hadn’t been paying proper attention to his young, bored, horny wife. I had no intention of breaking up a marriage, but letting her think just that might be useful. I would let her think our new relationship might do that, or at the least, cause her endless shame. Indeed, needy women such as Vicki will hand over the very thing you need to force their submission, much as a horse would fetch it’s own bridle. It gives them a rationale to do the forbidden so they don’t feel responsible, so they feel the thing they want the most… to be helpless, to be the object of someone else’s pleasure, to be desired so much that someone would be willing to throw out convention to have her. No, I would wait, wait her desperation had reached it’s peak, then I would have her.

I did call her later. We mostly made small talk. I was careful not to give myself away by revealing too much about me. She was clearly nervous and it was obvious she didn’t feel comfortable having my voice so close as to penetrate her ear. A phone conversation is much more personal and less safe than an anonymous computer chat. She offered nothing as to our earlier online conversation. I didn’t push it and politely cut the conversation short without making any promise to call back or giving her directions to call me. Maybe she had lost her desire, I thought. I would wait and see.

Later that night as I was checking my email up popped her name on AOL, then came the chat window.

“I am sorry about today.”

“It is okay.”

“NO, I am really sorry, you have been very nice and patient with me.”

“I am a patient man.”

“You see I am married, but my husband doesn’t understand how I am. He thinks I am perverted. Am I perverted?”

“Of course you are Dear ;)”

“No, Seriously?”

“Does it feel perverted to you?”

“I don’t know, but just know how I am.”

“Then lets start slow. Why don’t you ask me some questions.”

“Okay. Would you tell me about that woman you were with the other night? What did you do to her?”

“Well…, I made her present herself to me in such a way as I found desirable. I tied a rope around her waist and between her legs and took her out for a drive, naked except for a leather collar, leash and of course her heels. After we talked I brought her back to my home, tied her wrist above her head, whipped her, fucked her several times, the last time in her ass, and sent her on her way.”

“I wished it had been me, I haven’t had sex three times in three weeks.”

“Doesn’t you husband find you desirable?”

“He does for about five minutes once a week. He gets finished really quickly and then his cock just hangs there.”

“Do you masturbate?”

“Yes, all the time.”

“Then stop it. From now on you will only masturbate when I give you permission and only the way I tell you too.”


“When I give you a command I expect you to reply, yes sir.”

“Yes sir.”

“I believe my age and experience, deserve that sort of reply.”

“Yes sir.”

I began to keep a record of our chat’s, usually requiring her to sit bare asssed at the computer while we chatted and allowing her to masturbate as I told her how I wanted her to do it. She was beginning to loosen up, being openly more submissive and respectful, but most importantly she was beginning to feel the pangs of desperation. She told me the her secret fans, of being a sex slave, having her choices taken away. For someone who proved a lack of experience, her fans were rather extreme. She thought herself to be “bad”. She wanted to be humiliated, used, punished. She told me how she had used household items to fuck herself. She had even tried to tie herself to her bed. I made her keep a diary of her fansies and send me daily logs. It made good reading!

She had asked to call me more and more. She said she really wanted to hear my voice now. I told her that she was to call me and I gave her a specific time to do it. She did as she was told. Once on the phone she became more open and freer about telling me her needs, even as I told her my expectations. She said she felt like she was in a whirlpool, losing control of herself, losing control of her will. She said she felt like she was being bad and yet it felt delicious and inescapable. I assured her she was bad and in need of discipline and punishment and that her obedience was required in order to get what she needed.

She said she wanted more than anything to experience what we talked about, but she was afraid and scared. For so long she had lived this way in her head, never allowing it to escape, but now she felt overwhelmed. She asked me to Help her. She said I was the first man who seemed to understand her. She said she didn’t want to lose me. The desire in her voice and words weremy cue to proceed. I am no fool however, she still feel safe, anonymous, I wondered how she would react when the whole picture could be seen.

It was a Tuesday morning when I went to pick up the newspaper in my robe. Vicki’s husband drove by on his way to work. I gave him a neighborly wave but he didn’t see me and drive by. Little was he aware of what a wanton slut his wife would become, what I would do to her, how I exposed her soul and soon her body.

After a shower and shake I decided to take a walk. Work had been slow and the cool spring air would be nice. As soon as I walked outside I could see Vicki working in her flowersbeds, planting some more flowers around the shrubs she had planted earlier. She was on her hands and knees wearing shorts and a tank top. I admired her ass. She was rather skinny, but she presented a nice little camel toe as seamless of her shorts cut between her ass cheeses. Pretty soon I would have her on her hands and knees for my own purposes. It seemedlike a good time. I walked up behind her.

“Hard work isn’t it. They never show you the backbreaking labor involved on those gardening shows.”

She looked up and wiped the sweat from her browser. She was out of breath.

“Oh, hi. Yeah, it is harder than you think it will be. Do you think this lorapetalum will live here?”

“Sure, but you will have to train it to keep it from over growing the other plants.”

“I wish I knew more about landscaping.”

“I will be glad to help you any way I can. Why don’t you come over and I will show you my back garden. Maybe you will get some ideas.”

“Could I? I didn’t want to impose, but I have been really curious about what it might look like.”

We walked up the street and through the iron gate, and down the walk leading to the back.

“Oh! It is so cool and shady back here. I love the brick walk and the way the English ivy grows on the brick wall, I’ll bet it is pretty in the fall too. Did you do all of this yourself?”

“Yes, most of it. It has been my project for a few years now. I take a lot of time to get a garden the way you want it. There is a lot of give and take, you have to give the plants what they need to flourish before you can take full pleasure in seeing them growing. You see my lorapetalum. That is what yours will look like when it matures. I had to tie it to stakes for a few years to train it to look like that.”

“I can’t wait until mine matures. Will you show me how you tied it up?”

I could barely keep from smiling. The parallel meanings of our conversation were causing me to crack up inside. I had to compose myself for the serious business at hand.

“Have a seat. Let me get you something to drink. You look hot and tired. You do like cold beer? I am a guy after all”

“She smiled and nodded.”

Vicki sat under the wisteria-covered pergola at the table and chairs I keep out there and I went inside to fetch a drink. I opened two Corona’s poured out a couple of large swallows and added tequila with a lime wedge. I thought I would dress it up a little.

“I just love your dayslillys. When you divide them, could I have some?”

She took her drink, squeezed the lime wedge and raised her bottle to her lips. I could not resist.

“Sure you can. Just let me know how bad you want it.”

She stopped mid gulp.

“What do you mean?”

“When you answered my ad I replied with some questions. The only one you didn’t answer was how bad do you want it.”

“Oh no! You are that guy. I can’t believe it. How long have you know it was me? I can’t believe it, I just can’t believe it,” she exceled.

She didn’t know how to react, she looked amused, angry, and scared all at once.

“I have known long enough to get to know you in ways no one else does,” I said smiling. “Don’t worry Vicki, your secret is safe with me if, and this is a very big if, if you don’t pretend you were just kidding about all of this, if you will behonest with yourself.”

“I remember everything you have told me, most of it is stored on my computer, along with your emails, and I don’t intend to let you forget. We both know you really don’t have a choice. You have told me far too much to back out. And now, you know who I am as well. Can you feel that whirlpool Vicki? You are trapped now. There is no turning back. I told you in our first chats that this would change you forever. It will and it has already. What you fantasized about it about to become a reality. Do you remember you asked me to help you? I intend to not only do that but to help myself to you.”

Her demeanor was different now. She seemed to be thinking or maybe just waiting. She sat still looking straight ahead, serious, like a rabbit or a deer hoping that if it was just still enough it would not be noticed, that the danger would go away, but knowing it was vulnerable and that running would do no good.

Remember yesterday Vicki, remember how you called me at the appointed time, remember how you begged me to let you masturbate, remember how you moaned, remember how I made you put the receiver between your legs as I listened to the slurping noise of your fingers buried in your juicy cunt. I paused.

“Yes Sir.”

Just what I wanted to hear. Her frame of mind was where it should be.

“Good girl. Now I want you to listen carefully. There is no use in pretending you can go back. You will be my hobby, just like my garden you will be my project, I will show you things, you will experience things, you will find complete joy and bliss. Your submission is a given. I intend to hold you to everything you have confessed to me. I have much to teach you and you have much to learn. I don’t Intend to let you out of this. It is all for your own good and my pleasure.”

Then she turned and looked at me, “You know something? I found something very attractive about you even before I knew who you were. I would watch you from my window, working in your garden. You were shirtless in jeans pruning the shrubs and cleaning out the beds. You have a really cute butt you know. It has been the topic of many whispered conversations by the women around here, both married and single. You seemed mysterious. I think I am going to like this. I was really scared, but, it is funny I feel much better that things are out in the open now.”

“I am glad You feel that way. Since we both know who is who, let’s not dilly-dally. Finish your drink.”

She drank down the beer cocktail quickly, silently, as if to hurry.

“Okay, now what?” she said, her words slightly slurred. I was a pretty strong drink for someone so light after all.

I stood up and took her by her hand. “Stand up.”

I placed my hand on her Wait just above her hips and turned her away from me facing the table and moved close behind her. I then ran my hands down the outline of hips to the tops of her thighs. She pushed her ass against my cock which had begun to stiffen. Then I ran my hands back up her body over her stabach and up to her braless tits. She leaned her head back against my chest allowing me to fondle, pinch and pull them. As I felt her nipples stiffen from the pinching she ground her ass hard against my cock.

“Damn, it feels like there is wire going from my nipples to my clip. God, I love the way you do that.”

She was obviously a little Drunk; a good thing. Holding one breast tightly I ran my hand down her stomach and pushed it inside the elastic of her shorts and panties and quickly found her pussy slick and wet. It was no use waiting longer. I pulled her shorts down to her ankles and left them there so she could not run or get away. Then I bent her over the table.

“Please don’t do me like this. Couldn’t we go inside?”

“Shut up and do as I say.”

I quickly had my cock free from my jeans grabbed her ass cheek and pulled it apart with one hand and guided my cock to her wet slit with the other. Iteased her pussy with it, smearing her juices between her pussy lips and over her clip. She liked it, squirming and twisting her ass to get more contact with my dick.

“See, if you do as you are told you will find that it will be better for you.”

Then I pushed it in her, balls deep. Holding her hips I split her cunt open, fucking her so hard my balls slapped against her clip. Damn, it felt good. She had a tight hot pussy. I have an eight inch cock that some women find painful, but she could take it all, and I liked that. She arched her back so my cock would rub her G-spot. She would back up against my cock and literally fuck it as I stood still. We fucked hard and fast for a long time. The little bitch was hot and she needed a good fucking and honestly it was easier than I Thought it would be. I was prepared to be more forceful if I had to. I kept fucking her right there on the patio until she came, she came quickly and hard. She was out of breath panting on the table.

“I feel so weak. My legs are shaking.”

I took her by the hand and led her inside. She just stepped out of her shorts and followed me in her tank top, naked from the wait down.


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