Stone Cold

A young woman with bright red hair walked hesitantly into the airport terminal, her eyes wardly scanning the crowds. Her hands trembled around the small bag she was carrying. Her eyes began to water as she realized she had wasted her money. He wasn’t going to show up, was he? He had decided it was just not worth it and had avoided telling her. Her head hung in obvious defeat, and she slowly made her way to the counter where she could hopefully find a flight that would take her back home within a few hours. As she rounded the corner she lifted her head to look around, as she had never been in an airport before. Her eyes instantly locked on someone staring at her in either shock or a dreadful hunger. He ran his hands through his own gingery hair, a slow smile of happiness creeping across his face. She dropped her bag and ran full force at him and yelled, “Daddy!”

Her squeals caused a great deal of bedlam as various people moved aside. There were some started looks only secondslater. He grabbed her mid-jump and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She then proceeded to kiss him, and no one watching was unsure that there were tongues dancing. More than person groaned or made a disgusted face, but a few seemed to understand what they were seeing. The pair didn’t notice anyone around them for several minutes at any rate. He lowered her to the ground and grabbed her hand. “We need to get the rest of Your bags, silly girl.” She smiled sheepishly and followed him. Once they were outside, he literally dragged her into the Jeep. He sped off, hoping he could manage to keep himself calm.

The scenery flew by the strangely matched couple as they headed for an isolated cabin. Stone grinned almost maliciously as he considered his choice. In reality it had been hers, but he liked to think the location had lent itself almost exclusively to his plans. He pondered the pale chef he had kissed and what it would look like rosy with lust and a blood rush. His grin was nolonger so easily suppressed as he imagined her backed against a tree. He let an audible groan escape his lips as his member threatened to rip out of his jeans of its own according. He grunted, just ten more minutes!!!

Gypsy was nervous as she looked over at Stone. He was a lot bigger than she had really pictured him. She reminded herself that he was incredibly sweet and gentle, even if her wrist was lightly bruised. Her body shivered remembering their reunion, or more properly, their first physical interaction. After nearly a year of flirtations and promises they had agreed to meet. It seemed almost disgusting at the time that someone so far away could have her so completely at their mercy. Her face flushed as she retired it. She remembered walking through the terminal fear and lost. It had been her first time on a plane, and she was afraid he would not be waiting for her. She looked up and saw him standing there, his eyes scanning the crowd. She had run into his arms, blissfullyunaware of the people around them, and focusing on the fact that he had lifted her and was kissing her so aggressively her lips stung.

Stone was desperately trying to block out all memory of their meeting. He had never known fear like this before in his life. It was completely ridiculous! She was a tiny thing, short, plump, and hardly big enough to intimidate him, but she was firey. He had known it was her the minute he laid eyes on her red hair. Though his own was paler, there was remarkable similarity. Neither of them had stopped to consider the crowds or any security. She had thrown down the little bag she carried and ran to him. He had forgotten the people around them and body picked her up and swung her around. The kiss was probably pretty noticeable as well, considering the fact that they didn’t come up for air for at least two full minutes.

Both of them had behaved rather badly in public. He had resisted the urge to drag her to the bathroom by sheer force of will.He eyed the bruise on her wrist and reminded himself to keep them from being visible later. Their eyes locked suddenly, and it was like he could read every thought she had. She was sitting beside him, flushed with the memory, sensing his arousal and her own. The teenage giggling ensured.

After an increasingly slow car ride (though perhaps not as long as they thought), Stone turned down a gravel road that was partially concealed by its proximity to an embankment. Gypsy looked out of the window, straining to see what was going on. She was unsure of herself for the one millionth time that day, but the heat from his gaze was unmistakable. She was being watched and hungered for.

Stone sent gravel flying in his haste to turn. The smell of her arousal and her need weighed heavily upon him. He resisted to pull over and have her in the jeep. His mind was no longer capable of stopping himself if they slowed down. His panic was rising as he realized he was about to lose control. He steadied his breathing and focused. Though she was young enough to be one of his daughters, the look on her face was anything but inexperienced and shy. He let out a strange sob of need and floored it, oblivious to her unchanging expression now.

He managed to collect himself by the time they arrived at the cabin. He looked around a bit, trying in vain to remember every detail of his plans. She was focused on the fact that they were in the middle of nowhere, and she noticed her cell phone had zero service. It only occurred to her then that he could do serious harm to her here, and no one would know. He interrupted her ridiculous thoughts by opening her door and taking her hand. She blinked for a minute, unsure of what she was seeing and feeling. In all of the years she had been married her own husband had never held anything open for her, Much less collected her from a vehicle. She grinned and let him help her down, aware of the heat from his hands. She looked in his eyes and no longer cared if he wanted to hurt her.

Stone forget that she was used to be alone, so he had to stop her from unloading her own things. He rolled his eyes at the three bags she brought. She did not need this many clothes, especially considering he planned on keeping her naked anyway. He laughed when she stuck her tongue out at him. She gasped and struggled a little when he picked her up and carried her inside. She locked her arms around his neck in fear that he would drop her because she was so heavy. He shook his head, “You’re not that big, kitten.” She stared in his eyes as he carried her with an ease she had never known. She nuzzled him affectionately.

Inside, the cabin was mostly ready to be occupied for a few days. It looked as if Stone had been here earlier and was preparing. There wasn’t much to the cabin, but it was definitely not shabby. There was a small kitchen with everything one could need provided. The bed was on the far wall, separated by heavy curtains thatcould be pulled back as needed. The living room area was small as well, and consistent of a fair-sized couch and loveseat, complete with a fireplace. The bathroom was the only separate room, and this was rather large considering the cabin was isolated. He sat her bags down and she went over to the bed and flopped down.

“Already?” he asked sarcastically. “You know, I have to get some things done first, but sure, you flop on the bed and be cute, mmmmkay?” She stuck her tongue out at him and lay on the bed giggling as he made a show of rifling through bags and such.

Gypsy lay back on the bed looking at the ceiling as Stone brought a few more things inside. Her hands went underneath the pillow to feel the coolness, and she ran her hands across something silky. She rolled onto her stomach to discover that she was touching a fairly expensive-looking corset. She gasped and pulled it out, her mouth agopei in shock. He really had thought of everything! She examined the stitching and the laces and was astounded at the fact it was the proper size and contour for her figure. Stone was amazing with detail. She was lost in her thoughts when she heard a growl behind her.

“You’re not supposed to be playing with that, punkin’,” he said matter-of-factly, “That’s for later.”

She was started by his tone, but she laid the corset back down, looking into his big green eyes and pouting. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know! I swear I wasn’t snooping!”

Stone rolled his eyes at her and told a long-suffering sight of defeat. “As long as you’re playing with it, why don’t you go and put it on while I get something organized? I’m sure you don’t have anything to do anyway. Shoo!” He made a dismissive gesture and went back unpacking.

Gypsy did not take this well. She sniffed disdainfully. “I’m not a little girl, you know!” Her voice was louder than she had intended.

His eyes snapped open as his head turned sharply. What was this? “You ARE, in fact, MY LITTLE GIRL.I didn’t spend all of this money to hear you whine and carry on about not being my little. Shut up and put the damn thing on before I teach you your place, LITTLE GIRL.”

He never raised his voice, but rather emphasized his feelings with a great sharpness. However, she stood her ground. “No, Stone, I’m not putting it on after that little display. I think I’ll go be useful and cook something.” She turned and stroke towards the stove as if to hammer the point home.

He lost his temperature rapidly. She was supposed to melt and be plumant, not be a snot-nosed little brat! He grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him, His eyes were flat with rage as he looked over at her. He grabbed a fistful of her long red hair and pulled her head back until she looked up at him. He forced himself not to slap her, but instead crushed her lips to his own and searching her yielding mouth with his tongue forcedly. His free hand grabbed her rump aggressively. He pulled away from this kiss to lower his mouth to her ear, “This is MINE.”

She trembled in his hands. He was different from every man she had ever known in that his anger was easily transferred to his password. Yet, she could not give in so easily, not when he was so certain of everything. She resisted, only to be pushed on the bed. Stone easily pinned her wrists in one hand, and he laughed long and slow. He kissed down her neck to her collar bone, licking here and there in teasing circles. She wriggled almost instinctively.

He whispered in her ear breathily, “Well, punkin’, seems like Daddy know what he was doing all along. It looks like you’ll be wearing this now.” He extremely used his free hand to yank her jeans down and cup her heated sex. She struggled against his touch, alternating between pain and pleasure. He forced her Shoes off with his feet as he kept her legs separated. She wriggled a little, but the thrill of being pinned was too much. She moaned softly as he stroked her again. “Punkin’ isa bad girl,” he cooed, mocking her own words from yesterday, “She’s so bad she came all the way to her Daddy just to cum for him.”

Gypsy shook from head to toe. He was aggressively stripping her, denying her the chance to say anything. She looked into his green eyes and tried desperately to convey her fear and her assent all at once, but her rage was slipping through, puncturing her façade of fear. Stone didn’t blink at all, rather he looked at her as if she were a prime cut of beef laid before a starving wolf.

He violently forced her up and on her knees, lashing the corset around her frame. She tried to struggle with him, but he brought his teeth down on the flat of her shoulder, causing her to scream in pain and go limp. She compiled with small whimpers as he lacened her up, growing every so often as she was now docile and he intended to keep her so. When he was finished he flipped her over again and told her to slide on the matching panties. She sobbed a little, but shemanaged to pull them over her hips. He drooled on her chest as he eyed her cleavage forced sky-high. He wanted to tear into her then and there, but his brain was driven for more than her submission. He handed her a pair of thigh-highs and grinned evilly. “Put these on and go on the porch.”

He was pleased when she obeyed. He followed her outside, and then he took her to the edge of the woods. He poked her backside with a hunting knife and gesture, “Run little girl, run as fast as you can, or Daddy will catch you and do horrible things to you.” She hesitated, realizing she was woefully underdressed. He gave her a look of pure lust. “Run.”

She bolted.

He took a few minutes to let her get a head start, knowing he could easily catch her if he had to. Stone just wanted to chase her and enjoy his control a while so he was not about to rush. When he assumed she was far enough away, he strolled into the woods. He was a little amazed at how adept she was at hiding her tracks,Because he couldn’t see a trace or hear a thing. It took him a few moments to see her scampering up a hill, her stocking feet causing her to slip. He laughed low and delightedly. She would slide down to him if he waited, but no, he wanted to savor her fear and his own power. He let her climb and waited. She would wander back into him soon enough.

Gypsy could barely breathe. What was she thinking? The man wanted to hurt her! She thought Stone was in love with her! Instead he just wanted to rap and kill her. She was convinced her beloved Daddy was insane with lust and power. She climbed a hill in hopes of hiding, but the rustle of leaves told her that she had better beware. Only moments later he was gaining on her, his strides long and sure as he covered ground quicker than she could. She hid frantically, her mind so filled with terror that she could barely breathe.

He found her pressed against a tree trying to hide. She was easy to spot as the corset did not blend well. Heapproached her and laughed slowly. She was cowering now, shaking her head and begging. He pulled her up and kissed her with such a smoldering gaze that she forgot to be afraid and instead melted into it. His hands ran through her hair as he kissed her. She was no longer aware of anything aside from his kiss, and as such she did not notice him draping her legs across his thighs and moving the panties away.

He lowered his lips to her ear again, “Beg, Gypsy. Beg me not to do this.”

She bit her lip, but she knew what he wanted to hear, “Please Stone, not like this. Please, not here. Don’t hurt me Daddy!”

He nipped her neck gently and shoved his cock in her waiting hole. The entrance resisted firmly, and he was forced to push harder, sending her into a frenzied effort to break away. He Refused her this by grabbing her wrists and pinning her to the tree as he hammered into her until she submitted with the fearest of protests. Against a tree in the middle of the forest wearing lingerie Gypsy was being ravished. To an onlooker it would have been a bizarre rap. To the two of them, it was a game that they would play out until one lost the battle of wills.

Stone knew he wouldn’t last long after years of being denied this one thing. She still struggled, but he knew why. Her instincts were to resist the menucing monster that held her here, and she knew he loved it. Just Before he was about to send ropes into her, he pulled away and forced her on her knees and jammed his thick meat into her mouth. He grabbed the back of her head and gathered up her hair, guiding her to suck him. His knees buckled as she worked her magic, taking him all in and drooling and whimpering. She looked in his eyes, aware he was giving her the power now. She suckled him aggressively, then teased him with the tip of her tongue. Finally, when he could no longer bear it, he forced his cock deep into her mouth and fired. She gagged slightly, but obediently swallowed. He was spent. Herested his hand on the tree, his eyes unfocused, and his breathing ragged. He slowly came down from the high she had given him. He stared down at her, noticing only then that she was shaking again and barely dressed. He gathered her up and carefully led her back to the cabin, this time being gentle and affectionate. She kittenishly followed, loving on him the entire way.

He grinned again. MINE, he thought.


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