The air cools my skin as I lay on the hard stone floor unable to move as my arms are tied above my head. I have tested my bonds frequently in the time that I have lain here. Around my ankle there is a solid ring of metal it has warmed but still feels cool to my overheated skin. This is attached to a chain, which is firmly secured to a pole in the centre of the room. I can hear it rattling and clinking with each pull on the chain.
I can’t see past the thick blindfold that has been placed over my eyes and my mind whirls with the knowledge that he will be back soon to finish what he had started. I am trembling with excitement and a little fear as I stare into the nothingness in front of me.
With my sight gone the rest of my senses have gone into overdrive, I can smell the fresh scent of sex in the air, almost taste a man’s emissions and I swallow convulsively wishing that taste were real. I wondered where the smell has come from, was it him? Had the mysterious man from thepark took another woman in this way before bringing me here? My body starts to shiver, my pussy weeps with need, and I cannot believe what is happening to me. I have never felt like this before.
A noise behind me makes my body jerk, and I strain my ears for any other sound, just making out the footsteps as they fall softly behind me. I can’t see him but I can sense him, as he looks down at me. I feel his eyes burn through me and I can help but feel that he knows me better than I do. He releases the blindfold and tosses it into a corner then lets my eyes adjust as he lets the strip of leather cares my belly and breasts. My eyes widen in shock and I silently curse my treacherous body as it arches towards the leather begging in the only way it can for a release from my torque. Pleading with my eyes but not daring to speak for fear of that leather he wilded so well.
‘You will obey me’ his voice was silent soft and yet hard as ice at the same time a tingle of excitement and fear rose in me as I nodded frantically, letting him see into my eyes hoping he could see the sincerity there. I soon found out that this was not going to work however as a line of pain explored across my belly followed by three more as he brought the leather strip down on my exposed flesh. I sobbed and pulled at my bondage but it wouldn’t give, the ropes were as tight as when he had tied them my struggles hadn’t loosened them at all.
‘Don’t move little one, keeps your eyes down. If you please me in this the pain will stop and the pleasure will begin.’ Desperately I clung to his words his voice flowing over me, setting the tumult in my belly. The boiling heat in my sex was close to exploding point as I obeyed, lowering my eyes I willed my body to stop its shaking knowing without a doubt that if I disobeyed him the punishment would be much more severe than what he had already dealt me.
His fingers slide down to the triangle of my pussy, gently kneeing and pinching my outer sex lips. My chest heaved; my hips bucked towards his hand but were left grinding in thin air as he removed his hand. I dared to glance at his face through my lowered lashes and a shocked gasp caught behind the obstructing gag in my mouth. I had displeased him the anger in his eyes was glowing hotly, my belly flipped in fear.
‘You see fit to disobey me little one, that will be punished. Open Your legs wide to me let me see all you have for me’ I compiled blushing furiously as this dominating man took his time studying my sex. ‘This will be shaken’ my blush travelled further a feeling of humiliation encompassing me as he pulled and pinched at my public hair.
Without warning his hand struck out contacting loudly with the tender flesh of my inner thigh, I squealed in shock more than pain and his hand came down again and again. The slapses were making my tights fill with heat, my whole body tingled in reaction to his hands so cruelly meeting out my punishment. His hand stopped and as before snaked down my belly finding and fingering my hungry sex. The urge to push into his hand was unbearable but I stayed my hips through sheer will allow his intimate care.
He must have noticed the effort it took, he told me to look at him, smiled and said ‘good girl’ My insides melted at the sound of those words and I promised myself I would do my best to hear them as often as I could. You pulled me to you then kissing my heated skin as your fingers found my clip, manipulating it like no other had ever done. I held on to the boiling feeling inside trying not to let the feelings inside me explode into the perfect orgasm.
Again you noticed my torque and shifting so that your body covered mine you released your cock and in one swift movement had impaled me on your impressive girl.
‘Cum for me little one show me how much you need this’ I screamed then a scream that penetrated even the gag. You held me close allowing the powerful orgasm to subside, smilingdown at me, alleviating the fears I had about making too much noise in your presence.
You pounded into me. Another orgasm was soon building and you again ordered me to cum for you, I did, hard and much more powerful than the first time, I nearly passed out with the bliss you had given me. You whispered in my ear as you pumped your seed into me and I found it hard to concentrate given my present state.
‘You are mine slave.’ I nodded at this statement knowing it was true.
‘You will call me master.’ Again I nodded,
‘You will wear my collar’ he was rising as he said this. I felt a delicate chain being placed around my throat hearing the clap snap shut I knew there was no going back and as the gag was removed from my mouth only one word escaped through my lips.
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