I don’t think we really ever grow out of our fascination with sensory videos. I had this thought a couple months ago as I was being made to watch “How it’s made”. It’s just a sensory video for adults who are curious about manufacturing. Thinking more about it, there is also ASMR and those silly videos on social media tagged with “SO SATISFYING”. It’s all the same shit, its just a sensory video for adults who are curious about manufacturing. Thinking more about it, there is also ASMR and those silly videos on social media tagged with “SO SATISFYING”. It’s all the same shit, its just a sensory video for adults. So how far does this extend. Is it just a passing fascination we all have? I’ve been curious to see how deep it goes into our silly lizard brains…
My friend had been bragging about how they had been working on something I was really gonna love, but kept refusing to tell me anything more about it. She just kept insisting that it was some next level stuff and that I Should really come check it out some time. She was always bragging about her work and honestly it was always what compelled me about her. I loved her confidence and her lack of inhibitions around anybody. She thought of herself as the coolest person in the room and didn’t hold back talking herself up. The worst part was that she was usually right. Sometimes it got on my nerves, but honestly if that’s your worst quality, you could be doing a lot worse.
Anyway, one summer afternoon when it was way too hot outside for us to do anything else, she invited me to her place to play some games. She has AC, I don’t. Kinda a no-brainer. She greeted me at the door in her usual way, gym shorts, flip flops, and some T-shirt to some anime that was old as hell. There were holes in the shirt for god’s sake. I don’t know shit about anime, but occasionally she convinced me to watch it, and I had slowly learned about 5 character names. We had a running joke where, whenever she wore one of her anime shirts, I would be made to guess who it was before she would continue the conversation. She looked at me, not opening the door all the way and raised her eyebrow, gesturing at her shirt Vanna White style. I looked at her blankly.
“At least try.” She said, exasperated.
“Tokyo Ghoul?” I asked, smiling a little.
She throw her hands up and throw the door open, gesturing me to come in.
“Not even close, dumbass. How did you even… Oh nevermind. Fuck you.”
I knew I had won this round. The shirt had some anime school girl on it, I was pretty sure it was from Sailor something but I wasn’t 100% sure. Besides, way more fun to get this reaction out of her.
“You’re lucky I’m nice. Otherwise I would have made you stand out in the heat until you got it right.”
“Oh, you never would have done that. Your arms would have gotten too tired holding the door.”
She glared at me, but then broke into a smile and gave me a hug. Not sure how I was supposed to react to that. I had a crush on her for like forever and she knew it. She was always making fun of me for it, and occasionally gave me a peck on the cheek to to taunt me, but a fully body hug that was soenthusiastic and nearly knocking me over, was new. She was practically tackling me.
“Easy there, you trying to knock me over?!”
“You have hardwood floors, do you want me to break a bone?”
“No….. but attack?”
She shrugged and walked over to the couch, patting it for me to sit next to her.
“No more words? Just game time?!”
She nodded. I sat next to her. She booted up something casual and coop and we played for a while in complete silence, only the clicking of the controls. Eventually we lost and she looked at me with frustration.
“Well that fucking sucked. We were so close.”
I agreed, nodding but still not saying anything.
“You can speak again, you fool.”
I shook my head and mimed something abstract to confuse her. She rolled her eyes and sat back, thinking.
“HEY. You still haven’t seen the thing I’ve been working on, have you?!”
I looked at her, opening my mouth to speak but catching myself before I made any noise. She shook her head, and grabbed my hand, dragging me into her room. She waved for me to sit on her bed for a moment, as she dug in her closet and pulled out a chair, one of those folding kinds, though it looks like she had added all sorts of weird hinges and wires to it. She set it up in the middle of the room and motioned for me to come sit in it. I ofc did, making a big show about checking it for holes, much like an audience member would do at a stage magic show, but not really knowing what I was looking for. She gave me a slight shove on the shoulder as I did so, and grabbed the VR headset off her desk. It had been modified, to have even more things attached to it, it had one of those sleep apnea masks and a bunch of extra wires plugged into her computer. As she handed me the headset, she opened up the project file she had been working on and typed a bunch of things into a console that had popped up. She very clearly was blocking the screen intentionally to make sure I couldn’t see what her game was. I let her have the satisfaction and looked away, waiting for her next instruction.
She turned around and walked over to to me, her paces slower and more methodical than they had been mere moments before. I was very confused. She smiled, suddenly not the smile of the girl I had been talking to 30 mins before, but of a changed woman. Somebody who was far too excited about something.
“Sit still. Breath. Let me take care of you.”
I looked at her confused. She grabbed my shoulders gently, circulation around behind me, stroking my hair.
“All you have to do is breathe as I count and try and sit still.”
I began to slow my breathing to match the pace of her hands rubbing my shoulders. She took the headset out of my and and slide it down over my head, making sure the headphones fit snugly around my head and the mask was fully covering my nose and mouth.
She ran her hands down my arms and twined her fingers with mine as she walked back over to her computer. Other hand clearly reaching for the keyboard, as the headset faded into a scene of an orange orchard. I looked around to see just a relaxing landscape and began to smell and taste orange in the back of my throat.
“That’s right. Relax for me”
I kept breathing. Her hands began to slide up my arm again, I felt a tight band wrap around my arms and cinch tight around my body and the chair. Slowly more bands were added to the mix, working my way down my body until I wasn’t able to move an inch.
I feel a warm breeze on my neck, and tried to turn around to see what the source was, forgetting I was in VR. Her firm hand grabbed my chin and held me in place. I think she had been blowing on my neck just to taunt me.
“Don’t move around so much. You’re going to tip over. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
I began saying something, but she held my jaw shut.
I froze.
“Good boy.”
My body felt dazed. I wasn’t sure what was happening, but I was loving every minute of whatever it was.
“Keep breathing for me sweetie. Just like that.”
I took long deep breaths, enjoying the orange taste. Suddenly I felt a light metal cool sensing at the back of my neck and something began slicing my clothes off, slowly being pulled out from underneath the straws I had been bound with piece by piece. The cold of the room began to make me shiver. She pressed her warmth against my back as she worked. Slowly undressing me completely with her shears and confident hands.
“Okay. Now that that is all done. We can actually get started.”
The sound of her voice drifted back over to the computer as she began to type a number of things onto her keyboard. The orange grove slowly faded out of existence and a new image of Her sitting across from me appeared. She got up and walked towards me. The scent of her shampoo began to fill my senses as she loomed over me. She was dressed up in a similar outfit to the one she had been wearing in reality, though she was wearing a pushup bra and the shirt had been cut off to expose her midriff. The gym shorts had been replaced with a much tighter and shorter variety. In addition, thigh high socks had been added to the ensemble. She got close then turned around and bent over to let me stare at her backside.
Suddenly her warmth was pressed against my front in real life as well, her hands wrapping around me, straddling my lap as the VR movie continued to play. Bouncing on me excitedly. She very clearly was no longer wearing any clothes in real life as I didn’t feel the nylon of her shorts or cotton of her t-shirt pressed against me, just her warm skin. She began to maul me, licking my neck, biting me gently, and kissing all over. The show in VR continued, with her sliding the shorts to the floor, a bright pink thong slowly being revealed as she shook herself seductively. Her cent still wrapping its way into my head, her touching more desperate.
Suddenly I feel her slide herself down onto me. She moaned enthusiastically, reaching one hand down to herself and began to play with herself as she sat on me, straddling me and continuing to enthusiastically press herself against me. Into me. Her desperation grow as she continued to play, but didn’t move. My only stimulation was the flexing of her vagina as she played with herself. Gentle moans filled my ears as several words began to fade in and out on the screen. With each one, my headphones treated me to her whispering the phrase into my ear, altering which ear it was being played in.
Good Boy.
Be mine.
Her body didn’t relent as the sensing experience heightened in intensity. Soon the smell of her sex was mixed into that of her shampoo. She wrapped herself around me more tightly and grabbed my hair, pulling my head back, arching my back. As she did, I felt her climax and spray onto my groin. I heard her groan and laugh as she did so over the audio of the headphones. Soon the VR video faded to black.
After a few moments of us sitting there like that, she climbed up off me and took off the headset. A massive smile on her face.
“Well? What did you think?”
I sat there speechless for a few moments, then tried to muster some words, my need making it hard to form sentences.
“I think it was incredible…”
“Oh. Struggling with your words sweetie. That’s okay, take your time. Also what do you mean “Was” incredible?”
“Oh my goodness, you are so silly. This heat wave doesn’t end till Monday.”
“What do you mean?! It’s Friday, what does the heat wave have to do with anything?”
She smirked.
“You really think I made this all just for you to use for 5 minutes?”
“You made this for me?!”
“Well… I certainly didn’t make it for anybody else…”
She paced back over to me, grabbing my still slick cock.
“Still hard for me. Good boy.”
She slide the headset back over my head.
“We have so many more features to test. Be a good boy and breath deeply again for me. It will make the next part far more enjoyable for both of us.”
I felt something press against my ass. She giggled. I took a deep breath in and feel myself relax.
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