The following totally fictitious writings and are intended for the sole readership of those of LEGAL AGE. The ADULT ONLY material contained within is also for personal use only where local standards permit scenes of violence and sex. Please do not read further if any of these subjects offend, or if you are not of legal age.
This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone violence of any sort.
The following is under Copyright and is for your sole enjoyment. Your cooperation in not using the material in any other application without the express permission of the author is requested. Thank you.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the conclusion of the third in a series of stories. In this part the ‘aparatus’ that is introduced inMore of What Friends Are For CH. 04. I encourage the reader to read that first since this story assumes knowledge of information from that story.
I peeked in on Sonia and she was still sound sleep, Laura was still curled up on the sofa, sleep or not I couldn’t tell.
No sense stalling, John had been clear and I understand. I was sure I could make it so that Sonia would be able to handle this without too much difficulty.
I started to get out the apparatus parts and go to work. I had made some changes since the time I’d used it on Laura that I thought would make it an even more amazing device. It could now be even More insidious, but I also would have far more control during the actual use.
I had reprogrammed the black box so that the period between shocks was variable rather than fixed, and no longer corresponded to the change in levels of stimulation by the vibrator. That would make it impossible to judge exactly when they were coming. On the other hand I had set the range to vary from 20 to 40 seconds, so they would be significantly fewer over a given time period. One more thing, the timing on the first one was variable too. It didn’t happen the second the switches were closed.
Whilethe whole thing would still run automatically once started, another change I’d made was to add a complete manual override. I could turn the vibrator off or on, and to any of the three levels, anytime I wanted. Same with applying the shock. I could generate any of the six levels at any time. Again I’d put in an offset, the increase between shock levels was smaller than before and now the highest level was what had previously been level four. I’d also replaced the nipple and clip clamps that administratored the shocks with something quite different, but I’ll tell you about that later.
Finally, I’d replaced the vibrating dildo with something far more sophisticated. This one still had three settings, but rather than simply being higher speeds of vibrating, each higher setting was an entirely different stimulation. On level one, it simply vibrated, much as before. But on level two, it pulsed. What that means is the underlying vibration was higher than before, but also constant. However eVery few seconds a second motor kicked in giving a much stronger and very intense pulse of victory that would last about two seconds. On level three, the pulse was accompanied by a ‘throb’. What happened was the diameter of the phallus increased about 10 percent for a length of about an inch. What was even more amazing though, was that the section that had ‘swollen’ moved from the base to the tip during the three seconds that the victory pulse was happening. If you have a hard time visualizing that, think of a vibrator that suddenly grows a small donut about an inch long at the base, which moves quickly to the tip and then disappears. I could preset, and still manually control how often this pulse/throb action took place when the thing was set to level three.
Believe me, if level three doesn’t sound like much you just need to hold the thing in your hand and turn it on. I couldn’t imagine what it would feel like inside a pussy, but just holding it was amazing.
Being a real tinkerer, I was tempted to take it apart and see how it worked, but you can only imagine how much it cost. Even I wasn’t THAT curious.
I told you I was a little worried about Sonia going through this after all she’d already been subjected to, but I’d be a liar if I tried to tell you I wasn’t getting quite turned on thinking about the upcoming show as I assembled the thing.
Once I had the black box hooked up and the new vibrator mounted on the stand I got out the rest of the equipment which consisted of the only two remaining parts from the original device that Laura had experienced which were the silver metal anal electronechode and the wrist restraints that would be all keeping Sonia from being impaled on the dildo when her legs finally gave out, which of course was only a matter of time.
I finally had Everything ready to go and it was time to get Sonia. I quietly opened the bedroom door. She was laying on her side facing towards me, the covers up just to her waist. Theswell of her hips under the blanket and the site of her large breasts swelling slightly with each even breath caused that familiar feeling in my loins that I experience every time I look at her. As I moved to the bed and sat softly, I couldn’t help envisioning how exotic it was going to be watching that title flesh shimmy as she went through the throws of orgasm while impaled on my device.
She woman slowly as I brushed a strand of black tresses from her forehead. I kissed her check as her eyes fluttered open and whispered in her ear, “It’s time”
After a moment she started to stretch in a most erotic way.
“Wouldn’t you rather just crawl into bed with me and fuck my lights out?” she said with a grin. She hadn’t lost her sense of humor at least.
“As a matter of fact, I probably would, but I think you know that isn’t going to happen. Maybe afterwards?” I replied.
“Not likely, if I have any idea at all what this is going to be like” she said, no longer smiling.
“Hmm, lets go” was all I said as I stood and offered her my hand.
She stretched a little more and got to her feet. I lead her out to the main room.
Even though it wasn’t fully assembled yet, the essence of the thing was pretty clear to anyone who was paying attention. Sonia was definitely paying attention.
She gasped softly. “Oh shit!” escaped her lips.
She looked at me appreciatedly.
“You category will remember this” was my only response.
I lead her over to the base and started to lace up her wrists with the special restraints. The ones that distribute the load over her entire forearm so she can tolerated being suspended solely by her wrists for a significant period of time.
“I think since Laura instigated this whole thing, she should have a real good view, don’t you Scott?” asked John with an evil chuckle.
I wasn’t sure what he had in mind, but was busy with Sonia anyway, and figured Laura was in for some more difficult. Afterr what she’d already been through that day I hoped John wouldn’t be too much harder on her, but it was his business not mine.
“Up to you big guy” I said over my shoulder.
While I continued to prepare Sonia I could here him moving the horse. I had an idea what that means.
Since John and Laura were otherwise occurring momentarily Sonia took advantage of the relative privacy to ask me softly, “I am I going to be able to take this?”
She was clearly very appreciated.
“Don’t worry, you aren’t going to have anything like the experience Laura did. You’ll feel a little pain I’m sure, but a great deal of pleasure too!” I replied in an equally quiet voice.
I got a trusting smile and I gave her a little kiss on the cheese, then bent to attach the ankle cuffs that would hold her feet on the switches.
It was time to string her up. I pulled the ropes tight so that her feet were barely able to touch the ground. As I did with Laura, I had her try beending her knees. The level of her crotch dropped only a fraction of an inch, perfect!
I lubed up the vibrator and inserted it in her cunt then raised the stand so it was deep inside her. Almost done I grossed up the anal probe thoroughly and adjusted it’s stand so that it fit deep in her ass.
The last touches were the nipple and clip electronedes. As I said earlier, they had been replaced by something entirely different than those I’d used for Laura’s ‘ride’. The one for her clip was a combination electronelede to shock her and a vibrator that had a completely variable speed control. I hadn’t automated the clip vibrating aspect of this and intended to operate that myself. It would give me almost total control of when Sonia would cum. I intended to use that to make it a bit easier on her, far and away easier than I’d been on Laura. It was held in place by a lightweight harness that went around her hips and under her crotch. The device itself had a little indentation for her clip, so before I attached it I fingered her until her clip was sticking well out of it’s little hood. Sonia was moaning softly as I did this.
At last I finished the whole process by attaching the nipple electronedes which were paper thin but looked like a metal disk the size of a half dollar with a hole in the center. The hole was just barely bigger around than a woman’s nipple. You probably see where this is going. They attached with an adheren and worked about like those things they hook patients up to monitors with in a hospital. I’d enhanced the function too. While they would automatically deliver a shock the same intensity and in sync with the other two electrones, I could manually operate these separately as well. And with total variable.
I was all set. I picked up the control box and moved to the couch. On the way I observed that John had Laura strapped to the horse, with her head forced back uncomfortable so that she would have no choice but to observe Sonia’s ‘ride’. He’d alreadyattached two particularly nasty weighted nipple clamps and she looked quite miserable. I guessed it would get far worse before this was over.
And deviating from how I’d treated Laura, I explained to Sonia in detail how everything worked. I had her go up on her toes and experience how the switches worked and feel the first stage of the vibrator. I hadn’t mentioned the clip stimulator and didn’t turn it on yet. Finally, After a warning, I administratored the lowest level shock.
In spin of steeling herself, she let out a yelp and jerked around a little when it hit. I know it was more from surprise than pain since the lowest level was very mild. (Yes I’d actually tried the thing on myself, but only the nipple shock, not the ass probe and certainly nothing comparable to the clip shock.) The way her tits wobbled, confirmed what I’d envisioned. This was going to be quite a show.
“Okay we’re about to start. Once you cum twice, you can quit anytime you want” I told Sonia. I wondered if Laura even cared that I was obviously going to let Sonia off much easier than I had her.
My curiosity finally got the better of me. I had to ask, “John, just what do you have in mind for Laura?” I was convinced it was more than just being in her current, very uncomfortable position while observing what I was about to subject Sonia to.
He gave her a good hard slap on the ass as he began his reply.
“Since this cunt engineered this whole weekend and therefore is responsible for what Sonia did to me this morning and what you are about to do to Sonia now, I think she should pay the price. I’m going to fuck her ass until Sonia cums twice and you release her. AND if I cum before that, then I’ll take the crop to her ass and turn it a bright red!”
“Oh GOD! NO John, I can’t take that after earlier, PLEASE NO!” Laura begged.
“And if she doesn’t shut up right this minute, I’m going to have you fuck her ass too when you finish with Sonia!” John continued as if Laura wasn’t even present.
I think everyone in the room knew I wouldn’t do that, but Laura was taking no chances, she didn’t say another word.
I just shrugged my shoulders, John was right, she really did deserve it, but I was positive it would be a very miserable experience for her.
John had started to work some lube up her as I returned my attention to Sonia.
“Ready to start?” I asked softly.
With a meager smile she nodded yes.
“FUCK!” Laura screamed.
John had begun.
“Okay babe, up on your toes!” I instructed Sonia.
As soon as she did I flipped the switch that started the vibrator, I also slowly increased the flow on the electric probes attached to her tits to the lowest setting. The slow Increase rather than a sudden shock doesn’t hurt, it just speculates. Exactly as I expected, her nipples got very large and hard almost immediately.
Laura continued to moan in pain. Her ass must have been nearly raw by now.
Sonia was moaning, but in a very different way. Her eyes were closed and she was biting her lip.
I could see it was going to be hard for Sonia to stay up on her toes long. While there isn’t an once of fat anywhere on her body, she is of a larger build than Laura and while fit, she doesn’t have the kinds of muscles in her legs that Laura does either. She wouldn’t be able to hold the position for very long and she hadn’t figured out about pulling herself up with her arms.
The vibrator had evidently switched to medium.
“OH! OH YEAH” Sonia moaned.
“John, please stop, PLEASE!” Laura wailed.
Sonia had started to thrust her hips back and forth as much as she could. Her tits were jiggling nicely as well. She looked every bit as erotic as I’d imagined she would.
I decided to help her out a bit more and turned the clip vibrator to about one quarter. That drew and even louder moan from her.
After a short time longer I could tell the vibe had kicked into high.She was squirming and thrusting as hard as she could. Her whole body was becoming covered in sweat. Her tits weren’t just jiggling, they were positively bouncing now.
There was a continuous stream of ‘OH! OH! OH!” coming from her.
I waited about 30 more seconds and when I could see that her legs were starting to tremble a bit, I craneted the clip vibe up to about half.
That was all it took!
“OH FUUUCCCKKKKK!!!” Sonia screamed as she started to cum violently.
Just in time I pushed the button that would keep the both vibrators running as Sonia’s legs gave out thereby closing the switches. I held it down as her body continued to thrash and shake in a massive orgasm.
“AHH GAAWWDDDD!” she continued to scream.
I could tell she was at the point where the stimulation was getting painfully intense before I finally released the button.
Her entire body slumped as if her bones had been removed and she was supported totally by her arms. She was gasping for breath and her tits were still putting on quite a show as they rose and fell with her rapid respiration.
I knew it wouldn’t be long before the electric shocks started which would get her attention I was sure.
I looked over at John and Laura and he was pounding her harder than ever. Tears were streaming down her face and dripping to the floor. I was surprised she hadn’t use her safe word. It appeared John wasn’t going to stop until she did. I was also stunned he hadn’t cum yet, knowing what a sensing fucking that ass created in a cock!
When the first shock hit Sonia she did little more than grunt. I had it set so it did little more than let you know it had happened. The second shock had a bit more of an effect. She let out a bit of a yelp and her eyes fluttered open. Her legs were now more or less supporting her weight.
When finally the third shock hit she yelled, “Ow, shit!” and it seemed to finally dawn on her that sooner or later she was going to haveto get back up on her toes.
I didn’t think she’d actually be able to do so long enough to cum again so soon, but nevertheless before the fourth shock could hit up she went. I was sure that was a mistake and this time I let the automated feature take over totally, except I did turn the clip vibe to one quarter.
She still wasn’t using her arms and I didn’t see much sign that the stimulation was having any real effect, however cunt juice was running down the insides of her thighs rather freely now.
By the time the vibrator in her cunt hit phase three, her legs were starting to shake. I’d turn the clip vibe up to half and she was humping the pole as best she could, but she hadn’t given her legs enough rest. I could tell she wouldn’t make it without a massive increase in the clip vibrator. I debate, but decided against it.
Her tits were still gyrating very nicely though and I again turned up the current flowing into her chest. I was instantly rewarded by her semi erect nipples becoming fully turgid and prominent again.
It was only a few more seconds before she more or less collapsed, closing the switches and turning off the pulsating dildo. I extremely turned off the electric shock to her tits and the victory on her clip.
She groaned loudly in frustration.
I’d been ignoring John and Laura, but just then John gave out a howl. I turned to see him bury his cock as deep in Laura’s ass as he could, obviously filling her bowels with cum. Laura still hadn’t said a word, in fact she hadn’t let out a sound for a while except the sobbing and crying, which was the only way I could tell she hadn’t passed out.
“Okay, OKAY! You win. I can’t stay up long enough to cum again, RED!” Sonia nearly screamed.
John started to laugh. A cruel sounding laugh.
“For a lawyer, the bitch doesn’t listen well, or doesn’t have a very good memory or something!” John said meanly.
Then to Sonia he said, “You gave up your safe word tHis morning so you could ream my ass, remember! Now you cum a second time, or you stay on that thing all night!”
As if to accentuate his point, just then the first of the shock cycles hit Sonia.
As much as I felt for all Sonia had been through, John was right and it would have been a very bad precedent to let her quit now. Besides, even though it was going to be hard, I knew she was quite tough.
” ‘fraid John’s right babe!” I said with a rather sardonic smile.
That pissed her off even more, which was probably a good thing.
“Basstards!” she snarled.
John had pulled his now soft dick out of Laura’s ass and a bit to my shock had picked up the crop. I hadn’t really thought he be that hard on her, but obviously she was really going to pay for what she’d done.
“And if you don’t get it done soon, your friend’s ass is going to be very fucking raw!” he barked as he landed the first smack squarely on her left check.
“FUCK HER!” Sonia grewled, demonstratestating she had built up enough anger to go around. At that moment she was blaming Laura for her prediction and didn’t seem bothered that Laura was suffering too.
John was fortunately going slow and easy, but he was working over one very tender ass with the crop in such a way that Laura wouldn’t want to sit down for some time. I wondered how much more she could really take. It finally dawned on me that John had an even more powerful idea than I originally realized. While he was working on her ass that I’d effectively tenderized earlier, he was spreading it around and working over the backs and even the insides of her thighs. While that had to sting like Hell with that crop, it was at least fresh meat. He was learning very fast, much to Laura’s trepidation I feared!
The second shock struck Sonia about then, but she was better prepared and just grunted loudly. She didn’t have the advantage Laura had of being able to time them because of the randomness I’d programmed in. A truely devious approach if I did say so myself.
Softly I spoke to Sonia, “You are going to have to let you legs recover more before you try again, or you’ll never make it.”
She glared at me, but knew I was actually trying to help. She nodded slightly.
After the third shock hit, she was still dealing with them pretty well. I also reminded her that if she could stay up for 30 seconds the cycle would reset.
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