Still More Friends! Ch. 03

The following totally fictitious writings and are intended for the sole readership of those of LEGAL AGE. The ADULT ONLY material contained within is also for personal use only where local standards permit scenes of violence and sex. Please do not read further if any of these subjects offend, or if you are not of legal age.

This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone violence of any sort.

The following is under Copyright and is for your sole enjoyment. Your cooperation in not using the material in any other application without the express permission of the author is requested. Thank you.

Tuesday evening I got home earlier than expected. I called Sonia. I told her I’d enjoyed our weekend immensely and she assured me again that she had as well. We made plans to get together the coming Saturday.

Our date the next week was back to normal sex, lots of it, but like before. It was clear we both enjoyed the BDSM scenes, but that it wasn’t an every time thing.

The next three weeks were about the same, seeing each other a little more frequently and talking more often perhaps, but still no clinginess on either side. No, ‘why haven’t you called for days?’ A very viable relationship for both of us.

The week after that was a little slow for me, so on Wednesday morning when my cell rang, I figured/hoped it was Sonia with an idea for some plans. She was about the only one who called me that early.

I answered and was shocked.

What I heard was déjà vu.

“Hi sexy, it’s Laura” came through the phone.

“LAUR AH!” I entered.

She laughed, “Before you get your shorts in a knot, I just need to talk to you about something. How about meeting me tonight at our regular time and place for a drink?”

“LAURA, we don’t HAVE a regular time and place!” I said loudly.

The fact that I know where and when she was referring to, notwithstanding.

“Come on, you know what I mean. I want to talk to you about something” she persuaded.

The little slut knew she could talk me into damn near anything!

“Would you care to bet whether or not I can guess what that something might be?” I barked.

As I carried on, I had to wonder if I was acting this way out of irritation or excitement. It wouldn’t be hard to figure out which!

She laughed, “No I wouldn’t want to bet. See you at 7:00?”

I took a deep breath, knowing full well I’d be meeting her.

“Does John know about this?” I asked seriously.

“Absolutely. In fact he knows all about it. He said that I’m so crazy this time that I have to ask you myself, he won’t!” she giggled.

Now I was hooked for sure, the mystery was too much.

“Shit!” I muttered.

“See you at 7:00” she said, hanging up without waiting for a reply.

“Shit!” I repeated.

Of course I was useless the entire day, wondering what the Hell the crazy little bitch had up her sleepe now.

I was there first. This time I was having scotch when she walked in.

I should have been use to it by now, but she still stunned me. I’m sure for just a moment my mouth was hanging open. I exaggerate not, every guy in the place was openly staring.

She was wearing a very strappy top that showed plenty of cleavage and left her midriff bare. The skirt, if you want to call it that, was a small micro, if you get the idea. She had on a pair of ‘fuck me’ heels to top it off (or is that bottom it off?).

She looked sluttishly fantastic and fantasstically sluttish all at once.

She walked across the room, the heels causing her ass to sway provocatively.

I stood, she stretched up to hug and kiss me. Not steamy, but way more than a sisterly act! I know the guys in the bar were getting a good look at her ass cheeks, be they covered or not I didn’t know.

She sat.

I couldn’t help it, “You trying to see if I can fight off every guy in the bar at once, or what?”

She laughed hard.

“Chris Laura, I’m tempted to throw you on the table and fuck you myself!” I grew.

“Promises, promises!” she got out through her laughter.

I took a belt of scotch, by which time the bartender showed up. No surprise there.

“I’ll have what he’s having” she said.

Before he could turn to leave I added, “And I’ll have another.”

Laura raised an eyebrow at me in question.

In response I said, “I thought I’d need one, now I’m sure I’ll need two!”

I drained the glass, “Look, neither of us tends to beat around the bush. What are you up to now?”

She laughed again, “No I guess we don’t. I want us to go back to the cabin.”

“No shit! Now tell me something I don’t know. Why, isn’t John fulfilling your need?” I said without hesitation.

“Well, yes, and no” she said cryptically.

I’m sure I looked puzzled, “What the Hell does that mean?”

The bartender had returned with our drinks.

It was her turn to take a large swallow.

“You’re a good teacher. He is giving me everything I wanted. When we’re playing, he pushes my pain limits just right. He has obviously learned to enjoy anal, a little too much sometimes” she said with a grin “and my deep throating is nearly perfect he says!”

I just shook my head at her, “Don’t hold back, how’s it really going!”

She laughed again.

“There are actually two reasons for wanting to go. Guilt and greed!” she said.

Now I was really confused. One more swallow of scotch and a deep breath allowed me to go on, “First are you talking about the two of us, or the three of us?”

She looked a little sheepish, which dumbfounded me all the more.

“The four of us” she said softly.

“You fucking little cunt!” I said much too loudly.

Laura turned bright red, “SCOTT!”

“Sorry! But God damn you Laura. I just knew you were up to something when you set Sonia and I up, but this is too fucking much!” I said under my breath through clenched teeth.

If you’ve followed my story about Laura and I from the beginning, you know that I’m am a very intelligent guy. It took me only seconds to connect the dots!

I continued in a quiet voice, “There is only one reason I don’t tough you right this minute. That’s because I’m so very glad to have met Sonia, but this is really over the line, even for you!”

After a moments pause, I went on angrily, but still controlling my voice, “Does Sonia know about this?”

“NO!” she said emphymically, “In fact she’s probably going to want to kill me too, once she finds out!”

I was pretty sure Sonia hadn’t known, but was surprised at how much that seemed to matter to me.

More calmly I replied, “As she should!”

“Scott, let me clarify. I said this is about guilt and greed. The guilt part is about me having had sex outside my marriage while John has been 100% faithful. I think things would be totally okay between us if he did too. Sonia has always had a thing for John soThis seemed like it might work” she explained.

I couldn’t help it, I started to laugh, “So each of your best friends have always wanted to fuck your spouse!”

That broke the tension, and she laughed too, “Yeah, but you both have too much principle to do it without the some encouragement.”

What unfolded is long and convoluted, so let me try to give you the short version. Laura had formulated this plan that Sonia and I would hit it off. She knew of Sonia’s S/m side and planted the seed about me with her. John and Sonia had always been attracted to each other, but neither was willing to act on it. Laura figured that if this unfolded as she hoped the four of us could make a trip to the cabin together. Amazingly, the little bitch’s plan was working so far and might just come to pass.

She wrapped up her story with this, “The greed part is your big cock! I want more!”

This last was said with obvious lust in her eyes.

After she explained the whole idea, I said I’d only do it after I talked to both John and Sonia, but I think she already knew I’d say yes if they both were game. As you probably have already figured out, we ended up heading to the cabin 10 days later on a Saturday morning.

The final part of my conversation with Laura in the bar that night went like this, “John has agreed, but with the rule that I can’t have your cock in my pussy. Anything else goes though!”

Before I could respond she went on, “I know I can get him to change his mind!”

“Well, if that’s his rule you know I’ll follow it, but if you don’t get him to change his mind, I’m going to fuck your ass as long and hard as I’ve fucked that tight little cunt of yours in the past. So you better be successful!” I replied in a hushed voice.

She blanked a little, knowing I mean it.

That’s the background of how Sonia and I were in my truck heading for my cabin again. John and Laura were about 30 minutes behind us.

“Scott, I don’t imagine I have to say this, but it’s important to me. I didn’t know anything about Laura’s crazy ideas until I talked to her the day after she told you her plan, honest!” Sonia said as we were about half way to the cabin.

“Sonia, thanks for assuring me, but honestly, I never imagined you did” I replied sincerely.

We’d both agreed that we didn’t really know what to expect but felt both open minded enough and comfortable with each other and our relationship to just go with it. I had told Sonia that I expected things would be a fair bit rougher than what she and I had shared so far. She assured me she was OK with that and that she trusted me to be sure everything stayed under control. It felt like a large responsibility, but knowing that she trusted me that much somehow feel very good. I committed, more to myself than her, that I wouldn’t fail her expectation in that regard.

Sonia and I had just unloaded and put stuff away when John and Laura arrived.

Greetings all around, coupled with a little awkwardness I thought.

I figured we needed to break the ice!

“So shall we get started?” I chuckled.

The other three laughed.

“You don’t waste time do you!” it was Laura who spoke.

“No time to waste!” I replied.

“So, what’s first?” John said eagerly, looking to me to take the lead.

“Well, since the point of This is to teach Laura a lesson about wanting strange stuff, why don’t you start out by showing her what it’s like to watch your spouse have a real good fuck with someone else!” I suggested.

The smiles on John and Sonia’s faces made it clear they thought that was an excellent idea. Laura didn’t look unhappy about it either, though I think she expected something a little different than what I had in mind.

John hesitated, “Uh, Scott, did Laura tell you my condition?”

“Yup! Look, no problem. You want to teach the little slut a lesson and she deserves one. Besides, Sonia has enough pussy for both of us!” I joked.

I got a bit of a look from Sonia, but it was clear she liked the idea.

That seemed to satisfy everyone, except perhaps Laura who was obviously still planning on John relenting. How she expected to accomplish that I didn’t know, but I anticipated giving her some incentive.

“John, you get the inflatable mattress out of the locker there and I’ll get Laura ready to enjoy the show.

We squared away the girls’ safe words and the action was on.

John got the mattress and pumped it up, setting it right in the middle of the main room, while I got Laura ready. Sonia already had her hands all over John as he worked.

“Strip bitch!” I barked at Laura.

She quickly compiled.

I then put the wrist cuffs on her and strung her up over the beams.

John and Sonia were undressing each other as I went to get the crop and some nipple clamps with weights. By the time I put the weights on Laura’s nipples, John and Sonia were on the mattress naked and working each other into a state already.

I rubbed the shake of the crop through Laura’s slit, causing moans to escape her lips. I could hear her wetness. Evidently the sight in front of her was quite a turn on. It certainly was for me.

I used my fingers on Laura to heat her up all the more. It didn’t take long to have her fully aroused. By the time I did, John was mounting Sonia.

From personal experience I knew this wouldn’t take long! I had to worry.

As the two started to fuck in earnest I rubbed the crop between Laura’s lips again and whispered in her ear, “You not only don’t get any cock, you don’t even get to cum this weekend unless you convince John to change his mind!”

“NO! Please!” she whimpered, knowing I was deadly serious.

Though I’d come to think of Sonia as at least as good a fuck as Laura, maybe even better, I was still definitely hoping to fuck that lovely cunt of hers some more.

As the action continued to heat up on the floor in front of us I started working over Laura’s fantastic ass with the crop. I really laid into her, knowing that John wouldn’t last much longer.

The moans and groans from Laura were turning me on as much as the sights and sounds from the floor. I was getting extremely horny and decided how I’d solve that soon.

Just as John came I really landed some good ones on her very red ass. I kept at it as John kept at Sonia until she climaxed as well.

I stopped cropping Laura but left her tied as I retrieved my ‘horse’ from the closet.

“Oh fuck, no, please no!” Laura said under her breath, having concluded what was coming.

Sonia and John were lounging on the mattress and just noticed what I was up to. They watched with interest to see what I was going to do.

Once the horse was set up, I released the ropes holding her wrists and positioned her over the device.

“No, GOD NO! At least you have to stretch me out first, PLEASE!” she begged.

“Oh, this should be good.” John snorted, “Serves the bitch right for being so desperate for a big cock!”

I knew this would be tough on her, but I also was aware that John was reaming her ass regularly, so she wouldn’t be nearly as tight as before. She could handle it, but it would not be pleasant.

I had her all set and started to work some lube in her ass with my fingers. I didn’t spend much time at it, but made sure there was plenty of lube in her and all over me. I placed my cock head against her little brown pumped hole and started to push.

Unlike previous times, I didn’t go slow or let her get used to it, I just pushed hard and quickly buried myself balls deep in her ass.

The scream that came out was pretty. I wondered if she’d use her safe word already.

I really started to pound her ass fast and hard.


The whole thing had me so turned on that I didn’t last long at all. I’m sure she was just about to use her safe word when I thrust harder and deeper than any yet and expanded in a gusher of cum.

Once my climax was complete, I left my cock in her as it softened and slapped her cheeks hard a few times with my bare hand.

She was sobbing by now and the tears were running down her face. I finally pulled my cock out, but left her secured.

“So, what do you two think” I said looking at John and Sonia, “shall I shove that big black plug up there and let her wear it for a few hours?”

“NOOO! Scott, NO! I can’t take that, you know I can’t PLEASE!” she cried.

Actually, after the vicious way I’d just ravished her ass I did know she couldn’t take it, but I wanted her off balance. I went and got the plug and returned. I lubed it up so she could see me and moved behind her, touching the tip to her tender hole.

She screamed, “NO! SCOTT DON’T DON’T MAKE ME DO IT!”

I knew what she was saying and was sure she would if I didn’t stop.

“Worthless cunt” I grew and dropped the plug on the floor.

She sagged in relief.

I knew she was very uncomfortable, bent over the horse, her ass on fire and her asshole fucked raw, and those clamps still on her nipples, but I wanted her to try all the harder to get John to relent. I had no idea at the time how that was going to unfold.

I started to gently work her clip with my fingers, slowly at first, then harder and faster as she started to heat up. I kept at it as she started to moan and try futilely to hump my hand and increase the stimulation.

Just as she was about to cum, naturally I stopped.

“Don’t stop, OH GOD! MAKE ME CUM!” she moaned.

I laughed, then to the others “I think we shouldn’t let her cum at all this weekend. What do you two think?”

John laughed, “That’s a great idea. She’s such a horny little slut, maybe THAT will finally teach her a lesson!”

“Oh, you two are so mean!” Sonia giggled, “Not that she doesn’t deserve it. In fact after what she did to Scott and me I think it’s only fair payback!”

I could see Laura glare at Sonia, which just made her laugh all the more.

I went over to Sonia and quietly said in her ear, “Well, did it measure up to your fantasy?”

“It was pretty nice, but I think you’ve spoiled me” she said coyly.

“Good!” I replied.

Then, “You’ve had it pretty easy so far! Just getting laid by your best friends husband and then getting to enjoy the show, while Laura gets nothing but tormented. I think it’s time to turn the tables!” I said, directed at Sonia.

“Oops!” she squeaked.

“John, I’ve never given Sonia the experience of having her tits cropped. They are such lovely tits, not little things like Laura’s, that I think we owe it to her, don’t you?” I said teasing both women at once.

John enthusiastically agreed, “Damn right, can I do the honors?”

“That’s what I had in mind. You work on her while I work on Laura some more. I think it’s timethat she should get some pleasure” I said.

John strung Sonia up on one of the beams so that Laura would be able to see what was going on, while I still had her strapped to the horse. I knew I’d have to let her loose soon, or she’d cramp up, but I had a little more torque in mind first.

I went over and removed the nipple clamps.

“OW, SHIT!” she waited.

While I was in the bedroom getting something, John had finished trusting up Sonia, who looked a little appreciate.

“Here you go my friend” I said as I handed him the crop.

I got behind Laura and started to work the latex vibrator into her cunt without yet turning it on.

It slipped in easily from her wetness, further proof of what a painslut she is. I started to slowly pump it in and out.

John started in on Sonia’s tits. Rather lightly, though with a crop like that almost any slap at all stings plenty on something as sensitive as title flesh.

Once he’d started I turned the vibe on andstarted to fuck Laura a little faster.

Whether by design or not I couldn’t tell, but John was completely avoiding Sonia’s nipples.

It wasn’t long however, before Sonia’s gorgeous tits were showing a bit of color and she was starting to grunt a bit with each smack.

I turned the vibe up to the next speed and on each stroke let it slide all the way out and brush her clip before slipping it back in. Laura was starting to moan again, but I could tell she was trying to control it. I was sure I knew why.

I started working on her clip almost constantly. She was still fighting making any sound. I was now sure she thought she could cum before I realized how close she was. She was wrong. Her thigh muscles were giving her away. She probably didn’t even know it, but she kept clenching them more and more as she got closer. That and the flood of juice that was squirting out of her cunt and running down her legs where sure telltale signs.

John was still working on Sonia’stits and she was moaning from the singing, but he was going very easy on her, too easy.

I pushed Laura right to the edge and just before she came I stopped.

“FUCK! OH GOD DON’T STOP!” she yelled.

I laughed, “Little slut wanna’ cum?”

“Please, Please make me cum Scott” she begged.

I let her cool down for a while. Once her orgasm had slipped away I started working her clip seriously one more time. This time when she was almost there I stopped again, but after only a minute, I pushed the vibe back in her cunt as deep as I could get it and turned it on low.


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