Still More Friends! Ch. 02

Once again I’d like to thank the many readers who took time to send me feedback on “What are friends for?” and “More of what friends are for”. The response was far more than I ever expected.

I hope everyone likes it at least as well as the first two. Please let me know your thoughts either way.

If by chance you haven’t read both of the first two, this story is a continuation and relies on understanding both the characters and the background in those. I strongly encourage you to read them first, and in order.



Now on to the story:

The following totally fictitious writings and are intended for the sole readership of those of LEGAL AGE. The ADULT ONLY material contained within is also for personal use only where local standards permit scenes of violence and sex. Please do not read further if any of these subjects offend, or if you are not of legal age.

This is a work of fiction. The author does not condone violence of any sort.

The following is under Copyright and is for your sole enjoyment. Your cooperation in not using the material in any other application without the express permission of the author is requested. Thank you.

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I was back in 90 minutes, having grabbed some clothes (not many) and some ‘toys’. Sonia was already to go, wearing jeans and a cotton shirt, plus shoes for walking as I’d told her. She had a small bag. She might have put on practical clothes, but the way they fit her made her look sexy as hell!

After a stop on the way for groceries, we reached the cabin by 3:00. We opened the place up, put stuff away and decided to go for a walk and let Sonia have a look around. I went to my bag and slipped a couple of things in my pockets.

We were off across the meadow heading for the lake. It was a warm and beautiful day, just perfect for what I had in mind. With Sonia’s long legs she could easily keep up with my brisk pace. We were at the lake shore in notime. We strolled along the water’s edge towards the will tree I’d used to advantage with Laura on both her trips. I’d purposely angled our path so we ended up quite a way from the tree when we reached the lake. We stopped to watch a family of ducks padding across the glassy water. The ducklings looked like little bundles of fluff. They must have been only a few days old. Sonia ‘ooh’d an aww’d’.

Casually I said, “See that will tree” as we were still a few hundred yards away.

“It’s pretty” she replied.

“Laura mention anything about it to you?” I asked casually, wanting to find how much Sonia might know about what to expect.

Clearly puzzled, she said, “What about it?”

“Come on, I’ll show you” I countered.

Her look turned from one of puzzlement to curiosity. I’m sure she guessed there would be some ‘play’ in our immediate future having to do with the tree.

When we reached the tree the old rope swing wasn’t obvious, but I could see it. It had tangled in the branches, probably in a wind. It would be simple to pull it down, however.

“Why don’t you get undressed now” I said in a firm voice.

She didn’t speak, just smiled and slowly undressed, laying her clothes in a pile. It was very sexy. God she had great big, beautiful tits that were just begging for some abuse, which they were about to receive.

I led her by the hand to the spot where I wanted her. I reached up and over and pulled the rope down. The look on her face said she had a pretty good idea what was coming.

“Hands high over your head!” I ordered.

She noticeably hesitated for an instant. We’d not discussed safe words any further since we’d agreed she have one. After just that brief pause, she demonstrated her trust by reaching high over head. The way that lifted and thrust her tits made me almost gasp.

I moved in very close to her, letting her breasts rub against my chest as I tied her hands as high as I could, then I stepped back. She looked at me expected. We both knew why.

I looked her square in the eyes, “Yellow for slowdown, red for stop.”

She smiled slightly and nodded.

I leaned back in to attend to her nipples. Alternately licking and sucking one , while gently tweaking and pulling the other.

She moaned.

I switched.

“GREEN, GREEN” she called with a laugh.

I bit on the one in my mouth, just hard enough to pinch it. I squeezed the other about the same amount.

She gasped.

I stood and smiled at her, “You won’t be saying that much longer!”

“I’ve learned how sensitive your breasts and especially your nipples are!” I said.

“They do enjoy all kinds of stimulation” she replied, doing her part to guide our exploring.

I smiled at her as I turned to walk to the tree and cut the end off of four branches, each one about 18 inches long, but each slightly different. One was a little heavier and full of leaves, the next two were lighter, stringier andhad fewer, smaller leaves, and the last a very young branch tip that was almost more cord-like and had a few very small leaves. I took the last one and stripped off what few leaves it did have.

I returned to her, set down the branches and resumed sucking one nipple while teasing the other, back and forth. She was soon moaning happily again. After several minutes I stuck two fingers of my free hand as far up her gushing cunt as I could while roughly rubbing my thumb up and down her clip.

This drew much more vocal and louder moans and groans of pleasure from her.

I continued until I could tell she was just about to cum, then naturally I stopped.

She emitted another groan, of frustration this time.

I bent and picked up all four branches in a bunch and started to lightly smack her tits. This was much like slapping barehanded very gently, but it was an even soft blow due to the leaves. I’m sure it didn’t hurt, but was stimulating the skin and making her entirere breasts even more sensitive. The moaning was still present, but much quieter. Her orgasm was slipping further and further away.

After whipping for about the same length of time I’d spent sucking, I set down the branches and started sucking again. Same as before back and forth and when she got warmed up significantly I jammed my hand into her crotch.

The reaction was even more robust than before and took less time before I had to stop.

When I picked the branches up this time, I left the heaviest one on the ground. When I started whipping the difference was clear, without the padding the heavier branch had provided, the improved whip stung some. I leisurely worked over her breasts.

She grunted and her orgasm received more quickly. Soon she was whimpering in milk pain.

“uhg” “uhg” “uhhh” “ohh”

When she started, “OW, OH OW!!” It was time to switch back to the pleasure cycle again.

Despite the fact that her tits and especially nipples, were starting to get somewhat tender, she was on the edge of cumming quite soon.

When I stopped this time she spoke, “God, I wish you wouldn’t stop!”

“Maybe when I run out of branches I won’t” I replied, a bit cryptically.

I picked up only two of the branches and started to abuse her tits some more. A little harder and a little faster and the elimination of one of the two medium branches resulted in and even more singing blows. Slight marks were starting to show on her tits and the olive skin was beginning to glow an almost bronze color. It was quite a sight.

I started to work her tits over some more. This time I knew it stung good and hard.

Soon I was getting the response I was looking for!


I kept whipping until I knew it didn’t just sting, it really hurt!”

She wasn’t crying or sobbing, yet! But she was seriously begging, telling me, she really wanted it to stop.

I kept on for a few more lashes, then stopped!

I happened to reward her nipples with attention immediately. I started paying attention to her cunt right away too!

She was writing on my hand in no time. Trying to fuck my fingers. I let her try, but avoided letting her get what she really wanted. She moaned and groaned non-stop.

Once she was finally right at the edge, and I did let her get so close she was crazy when I stopped this time, she screamed out, “NOOOOO!”


I had her exactly where I wanted her!

“Want to cum, do you my PET!” I asked.

“FUCK YES!” she nearly screamed in close to defiance.

By way of response, I started to assault her cunt again. Coupled with sucking and tweaking those fantastic tits!

It didn’t take long before her knees were about to buckle. She was so juicy it was running down her thighs and drenching whichever hand I happened to have stuffed up her cunt.

She was so close, and so WILD that she was aboutto break my wrist. I stopped everything except to grab a hold of her clip and pinch it as hard.

I was actually afraid it was going to make the slut cum. To my pleasure, I realized it was almost enough, but not quite. I waited for her to come down some before picking up the last whip-like branch.

I knew her tits had to hurt pretty bad by now. This switch would sting more than before and leave marks, possible even small welts.

“When I finish this I’ll be out of branches, I might just make you cum then!” I said cruelly teasing her.

The message was clear and I knew she got it. Even the last whipping had pushed her limits. I knew she would be close to using her safe word this time. If she did we were finished for now and she wouldn’t get to cum. If she could hold out, well she MIGHT get to cum, but I’d left it a ‘definite maybe’!

I started out easy, but increased the strength and frequent quickly. After quite a few strokes I began to concentrate on her nipplesmostly. Her reaction was one of significant disappointment and pain.

Soon she was near her limit.


I slowed down a little. And eased up a little too, but didn’t stop. I focused the next six strikes on her nipples, making sure the very ends of the twigs were landing right on her nipples.

She screamed out in pain and was fighting to avoid using her safe word I could tell. I stopped just before I was sure she was going to.

She slumped in relief when I dropped the branch.

Without pause, I started licking and sucking her nipples, but pretty gently. Even so, after the working over I’d given them they were extremely sore, but equally sensitive. At first the attention was obviously some what painful, but the pain was soon overcome by the pleasure.

Her sounds of disappoint were soon replaced with lustful moans. As her arousal heightened I increased the stimulation, first adding manual manipulation of whichever breast I wasn’t orally attending to, and finally began working on her pussy and clip with my free hand.

Soon she was flying towards orgasm again.

“Yes, oh yes! Oh God Scott, YES! Oh please! PLEASE!!” she began, clearly afraid I’d stop again.

I had decided that I was going to make her cum as hard as I could. I wanted the pleasure to contrast to the pain and reward her for not using her safe word.

I wasn’t long at all before she was screaming out and cumming very hard indeed. You could hear her cries of climax echo back across the lake.

She sagged, barely able to support herself.

I quickly untied her and helped her lay down on the big patch of moss nearby.

She was breathing heavily still, but watching me closely to see what was next. I could tell I’d given her just the right mix for it to work well for her.

I had myself so wound up I needed to cum badly!

As I started to undress, she started to smile.

“First you whip my boobs (she always referred to them as boobs, with a set like hers, guess she is definitely entitled!) and now I suppose you intend to ravish my pussy!” she said grinning.

“Actually I was thinking of grabbing a hold of those nipples and title fucking you until I cum all over your face, but now that you mention it, stuffing you full of cock and fucking the Hell out of your cunt sounds better after all!” I teased.

She smiled and said, “Good!”

I really had considered title fucking her, but that would have been more pain than I wanted to give her so soon.

So I laid down on top of her and did stuff her full of cock and gave her cunt a pounding fuck. I knew I wouldn’t last long and decided this fuck was for me. I wasn’t going to worry whether she came again or not. I needn’t have bothered. I was quickly racing towards orgasm when she started to cum again. That did it, her pussy pulsing around my cock caused an explosion in my balls. I was cumming deep insideher as her own climax was ending.

We just laid on the cool moss for a while in silence. I stood and started to dress. She copied me.

“Just your shoes, nothing else!” I directed.

She smiled. What an amazing body she has!

Once I was dressed I bent and picked up her clothes in a ball.

“Let’s head back to the cabin.” I said, then “Wait! It just doesn’t seem right with you wearing nothing at all!”

I set the clothes down and fished in my pocket, retrieving a pair of nipple clamps.

“No!” she said softly, without thinking.

“Yes!” I said in an equally soft, yet very firm voice.

And I proceeded to tweak first one nipple then the other until they were both fully erect. I attached the clamps, not very tight, but as sensitive as her nipples were, I knew she was feeling it already. I dug in my pocket again, this time pulling out two small weights which I hung from the clamps.

“Much nicer!” I said.

We headed back to the cabin, Sonia letting little groans escape regularly.

When we got there I removed the clamps which caused a little yelping.

I told Sonia to sit and relax and I’d fix us a little snack, which I did.

We sat around quite normally just visiting for a while. Normally, other than her nakedness, with which she was completely comfortable. A woman who looks like she does naked damn sure should be comfortable with it.

I now had a pretty good idea how rough she liked it and how much she could take. An endurance contest between her and Laura could get quite brutal I imagined. They both have extraordinarily high limits.

I absolutely intended for this week to be far milder than either of the ones I’d spent here with Laura. This was totally different for one thing and for another, I didn’t want to scare her off.

We spent most of the afternoon lounging. I fixed us a nice dinner after which I strung her up and worked her ass over pretty good with the crop. After that I shoved theSmaller of my two butt plugs up her cute, took her to bed and fucked her silly. She may have been in a fair bit of disappoint, but she came repeatedly and violently. Another woman for whom pain was an aphrodisiac. I was on quite a run of good luck lately.

I made her sleep with the plug in place, but it didn’t keep her from her frequent habit of waking me up and fucking with her on top in the middle of the night.

The next morning was pretty low key. I had plans for one final session before we left. After breakfast I swapped the big butt plug for the smaller one. Sonia wasn’t quite a tight there as Laura. I figured anal was far more frequent for her than Laura, but the size of the thing still made her wiggle and squirm and especially groan as I inserted it. She moved cautiously too.

By early Afternoon I was ready to implement my plan.

I strapped her over my horse. It made her ass, pussy, tits and mouth all totally accessible and at just the right height, while hold her nearly immobile. I attached some lightweight nipple clamps and a couple of nasty clips on her pussy lips.

I was receiving the moans and grosss I anticipated as I undressed.

As I moved to stand right in front of her, “Now, you are going to give me the best blowjob I’ve ever had or I’m going to fuck you up the ass so hard you won’t be able to sit down for a week. Get it?” I asked in my mean voice.

“Oh God Scott, you’re way to big for that, please!” she became.

I knew that wasn’t true. Oh sure, she’d be sore as Hell after taking my girl up her ass, but I was pretty sure she wanted to experience it anyway. Besides, we both knew how this would turn out. In our more vanilla sexual begins she’d tried to suck me off and could never really take me inside her mouth at all. She just had too small a jaw, not an uncommon difficulty for women I’d known. There certainly weren’t many like Laura, unfortunately!

I moved to her face and started to rub the head of my cock all over it. I’d left her hands free for this part for a reason. She put them to good use instantly. She worked on my balls with one hand and nearly yanked my cock out of my own hand. She quickly went to work licking all over my head and most sensitive spots just where it met the shake. She used the tip of her tongue to probe my pee hole, something she knew I loved.

She kept after my balls with One hand while using the other to alternately jack my shake and two-handling my balls. It was soon apparent that her strategy was to get me off before I assaulted her ass, knowing it would take quite a while for me to again get hard enough to ream her asshole.

It felt so damn good I just let her keep at it for a while. Besides I wanted to be a bit closer to cumming when I did fuck her lovely ass. I didn’t want to make a marathon session of it, but I sure as Hell didn’t intend to stop before I came deep inside her.

“You fucking slut! If you can’t even get it in yourmouth I’m moving to your asshole right now!” I barked.

I’ll give her credit, she redoubled her effort and was actually able to get the head barely in her mouth. That was significantly more than she’d ever done before and it felt really good. Too good, if I were going to last more than a moment in her ass.

“That’s pathetic!” I grewled, not meaning it at all. “You better get it good and wet while I count to ten, because you’re so pitiful at this that I’m going to fuck your ass now and since you did such a poor job with your mouth, the only lube you get is what’s left on that plug and your spit on my cock!”

I could sense her panic as her entire body tensed and she started to lick and literally slobber all over my cock.

I counted to ten and pulled my cock away from her.

While I tied her hands behind her back she was beseeching me, “Oh God Scott, NO! Please use some lube, oh please! You really will tear me apart otherwise!”

“So you know along that you could handle my big cock up your ass, didn’t you. Probably couldn’t wait until you found out I intended to dry fuck you, huh!” I tormented.

“NOOO, OH GOD NO, PLEASSSSEEE! DON’T!!!” she begged.

Her hands now tied and her position so that she couldn’t look back at me, I picked up the lube which had been handy all along and quickly squirted a healthy amount on my cock, smearing it all around. I stood behind her and grasped the large plug and pulled hard and swift.

“FUCK!” she shouted as it came out.

“What was the easy part bitch!” and with that I placed my cockhead at her picker and started to push. None too gently either.

She screamed even louder, “LUBE! OH GOD PLEASE!!”

“Shut the fuck up!” I said and landed a good hard hand slap on her ass cheek.

As I pushed harder still and my cock started to slide in, not easily mind you, but with only reasonable resistance, she realized I’d been toying with her.

“You bastard!” she grew.

I laughed hard as I continued to stuff cock up her ass.

It wasn’t long before I was giving her good, long, balls deep thrusts.

She was no stranger to this and while she was fully stretched and I’m sure it hurt some, her pleasure response was clear.

After what I’d allowed her to do to my cock with her hands and mouth, I really wasn’t going to last long. I reached down and started to squeeze and manipulate her clip.


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