Steve Takes His Punishment



The following fiction story is for adult reading only. If you are not 18 years of age or older stop reading and delete the following text immediately.


Just a short paragraph to introduce you to the characters in the story. Mark and Judy are married and both are nurses in there mid thirties They also offer special sex services to people that can afford them. Steve is one of the main characters and has fucked up with his girl friend and faces some special punishment. Jill is Steve’s girl friend and is demanding his punishment. I am Wray that will be taking videos of Steve and his punishment, which Jill has requested in the event Steve fucks up again.

Steve and Jill both work for a large public relations Company in the mid west and have been living together for about three years. Jill is a customer service rep. and Steve works in the photo lab. Steve met Jill at the company and after several dates they just fell in love. Jill had a nice two-bedroom apartment while Steve was living in a one-bedroom efficiency apartment. After a few months Steve moved in with Jill. Being in there late twentyties and both good looking sex was a natural part of there relationship and the sex was great. Both were open minded to new things so oral, light bondage and whatever each agreed to try was OK. Jill traveled a good bit and Steve was Always at the home office. To make a long story short Steve fucked up bad when Jill was on one of her trips. She was to be gone from Monday to Thursday but completed her work one day early and did not call Steve, as she wanted to surprise him. She surprised him all right!!!!!!!!!

She drove in from the airport and parked in her assigned slot below their apartment and saw a light on in the master bedroom. Figuring She would surprise him watching TV or reading she entered very quiet and slipped down the hall. She thought she heard something when she first enteredthe apartment but paid no attention, as she was anxious to get a shower, a glass of wine and several hours of out of the world sex. Well she surprised Steve all right. When she looked in THERE bedroom Steve was naked in the middle of THERE bed with a naked blonde bimbo (That is what Jill called her) sucking Steve cock like it was the last cock on earth. For a second she was speechless. Then she started. HEY what the fuck is going on here? What is that fucking bimbo doing on MY bed. Steve you son of a bitch I leave for a few days and you use OUR bed to get a blow job from some street bitch. Can’t you go three days with out getting your nuts off? I met three men at my meeting that I could have fucked or sucked at the drop of a hat and they were all better looking than you. But no, you and I had an agreement that we would not fuck around on each other.

By this time the bimbo was about half dressed when Jill yelled at the top of her lungs. Bitch get out of my apartment before I clawYour eyes out. The bimbo started down the hall with the rest of her clothes in hand. Steve I want you and your things out of MY apartment by morning. I am going to sleep in the spa bedroom do not bother me for anything. The way I feel right now I don’t care if I ever see you again. Steve starts to say how sorry he is. At this point Jill tells him to shut the fuck up. She is angry, hurt and very tired.

Jill is in love with Steve and added to sex with him as he is the only boy friend she has had that gives her the kind of sex she wants. He makes love to every inch of her body, he sucks her tits as long as she asks him to, he makes oral love to her cunt which in turn causes her to have multiple orgasms to the point of failing at times. He fucks her with his seven inches of cock and teas her by slowing down and then speeding up till she is just about nuts. He never goes to sleep on her after there love making until he is sure she is sleep. He always makes sure her sex desires are fulfilled and never leave her hanging. She in turn can not get enough of sucking his cock and milking his balls dry of cum. When she is away on a trip she has from time to time dreamed of sucking his cock and all the cum she can swallow and wakes up to find her cunt dripping wet.

The next morning. She was sure he would still be in the apartment. By this time Jill had given a lot of thought to what she was going to do. Steve is already up and in the kitchen drinking coffee. He starts again to tell her how sorry he is and that he was really hurting for some sex relief when he ran into the bimbo at there local bar. Steve stop talking right now as I am going to say this just one time. Do you understand one time only? If we are going to stay together you have to be punished. This is the way it’s going to be. You once said you would never have sex with a man. Well you are going to. I know of a married couple that does special sex requests and I am going to make arrangements forthe man to suck your cock, until you don’t have a drop of cum in your balls. Plus I am going to watch while he sucks you dry.

It is now Thursday morning and I am going to order a cock cage from the local sex store and you are going to wear it until Saturday evening. I have already made a tenative appointment with the people that are going to give you your punishment and we are to be at their apartment Saturday at 7:00PM. You will not be able to jerk off from now to Saturday evening. Also there is no way I am going to have any sex with you in the meantime. Now think before you answer yes or no. If you don’t agree to the punishment I will have you put out of MY apartment today. We are not married and the apartment is in my name. What is your answer? Remember just yes or no. Steve looks like he has been “rode hard and put up wet”. In a very small voice he says Yes.

The cock cage arrives by local delivery service. Jill tells Steve to get his pants off and get to the bathroom.She orders Steve to put his hands behind his head and she will do the rest. His cock is very soft as Jill puts the straw around his balls and slips his cock into the five cock rings. There is a small lock that goes from a little ring on the ball stick to the last cock ring. She puts the key in her pocket and tells Steve you can use the bathroom normal but if your cock starts getting hard for any reason it is going to hurt bad. If you Want to try to get it off I suggest you cut your balls off first. She has called the office to explain they would not be into work due to an emergency with her family. Then tells Steve she is going shopping and for him to clean up the master bedroom and put all the sheets, etc. that were on THERE bed in the trash and turn the mattress.

There is little conversation between Steve and Jill from Thursday to Saturday Evening other that Steve trying to talk Jill into taking his cock cage off. Her answer is, go take a cold shower. To make matters worse Jill watches some hard core videos of cock sucking, light bondage and lots of strait fucking which causes Steve great discomfort as his cock tries to get hard and all he gets is pain and pre cum. Most of his time is spent cleaning the apartment and fixing meals.

Saturday evening finally arrives and Jill tells him to get ready for there appointment and to wear just a T-shirt and shorts as he will not have anything on for his treatment. They arrive at Mark and Judy’s apartment at seven and make there introductions all around. Judy has a glass of chilled wine for everyone and then take Steve by the hand and head for the bathroom where Steve will get a good shower. I (Wray) arrive early to check out the two video cameras that are located in the main bedroom where all the activity will take place. The TV monitors are in the spare bedroom and I will be able to see and hear everything that’s going on.

Steve is naked in the middle of a king-size bed. Judy and Mark are just now starting to tie Steve’s wrists and ankles to the four corners of the bed with soft white cotton rope. Jill has requested this be done in the event Steve changes his mind at the last minute. Jill is seated about five feet from the bed and enjoying her second glass of wine. Mark and Judy always design a control person for treatments and in this case it is Judy.

They do most everything by sign language. Mark is Wearing a pair of white shorts and Judy is wearing the same with no top. What a beautiful pair of tits she has in the 36C area with large nipples that are already starting to be effected by the activity. Judy leans down to Steve and tells him to just relax as he is really going to enjoy himself. Steve’s reply is, I just want to get this over with. Judy just smiles and give Mark the OK sign. Mark has put on very thin violent gloves and Judy passes him a container of Astroglide which he pours a quantity on his gloves and very slowly starts to massage Steve’s balls and shake whichh is about half hard. That first contact causes Steve to jerk and strain at his ropes. Steve wants to know what is being put on his cock and balls. Jill tells him in a very firm voice, now Steve we want you to shut up and enjoy yourself or we will have to gag you. Fuck you and I just dare you to try and gag me. I don’t want to be here in the first place so go to hell.

Judy Just reach over to the nightstand and gets a ball gag and starts to put it in Steve’s mouth. He won’t open his mouth and shakes his head from side to side. Judy waits till he stops, squeezes his nose shut until he opens his mouth to breath and slips the ball gag in. He is so mad his face is red. Mark starts again slowly working his balls and now his cock head with Astroglide. Judy is busy now with her mouth starting to suck and nip at Steve’s nipples drawing them one at a time into her mouth then nipping them with her teeth while at the same time drawing her fingernails up and down the inside of Steve’s upperarms. All of this seems like it is being done in slow motion, which it is.

At first you could tell that Steve was trying to give the impression he was not being effected by all this but you can not fool a cock!!!!! His cock by now was hard, very hard, and Mark was still using both hands to stroke the full length of his cock and then going around and around on the head. He would squeeze his balls just enough to produce a little pain and at the same time squeeze the cock head then start the slow stroking again. The cock head was now starting to get that dark purple look, as it is so full of blood.

Things have changed, Steve has started to moan and thrust his ass and shake his head. You could see his fingers opening and closing and pulling on the ropes. Remember he has not had an orgasm since last Wednesday morning when he jerked off before he went to work. The blowjob he was getting from the bimbo never got finished and there is nothing worse than half a blowjob. From thatpoint to now he had been in a cock cage. So he was loaded with balls full of cum wanting to get out. I could see Jill setting there with a smile on her face. She was really enjoying this. Mark and Judy have a lot of experience with cocks, tits, cunts, nipples, balls and orgasms. In this case they knew that an orgasm was not far away. So they stopped all activity. Wow! Steve acted like he was going to have a seizure of some kind. He was moaning loud through the gag and shaking his head up and down hard. Now Judy will play good cop bad cop. Look Steve if you will promise not to yell and scream at us I will take your gag out. OK promise. Steve shakes yes. She removes the gag. He looks over at Jill and says please Jill tell them to make me cum please honey my balls are going to burst. Steve there is nothing I can do you promised you would let a man suck your cock as your punishment and that has not happened yet. It is all up to Mark and Judy.

Jill please I will do anything you want but please let me cum. ( Boy he just fucked up bad with that statement). You tell them OK. Mark looked at Jill and she Shook her head up an down. Mark has removed his gloves and wiped the Astroglide off Steve’s cock and balls with a warm clothes. He lowered his head and takes the entire length of Steve’s cock in his mouth and deep in his throat then slowly came back up to the head. Putting his lips tight around the pleasure ring behind the head he precedes to suck and tongue just the head. After about a minute of this he again slides down half way on the cock and starts moving up and down, again very slow. He has Steve’s balls in one hand and with the other hand he is applying pressure with thumb and forefinger on the cock base tube where all that cum is going to rush through in just a few minutes. Mark stops just holding the head in his mouth. Steve is out of it and starts begging please, please suck my cock hard oh please suck it hard and fast I will do anything you say (Fucked Up Again) but just make me cum. Jill please let me cum I love you please let me cum. Wow! He is starting to cry a little bit. Mark looks at Jill and she gives him the OK. Mark starts to suck at a nice medium speed while Steve keeps telling him faster, faster, faster O God suck it. Steve jerks is ass up about 5 inches of the bed, but Mark stays with him and then Steve starts.

OHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just suck, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh here it cums then more sounds, which I can not describe but they do not sound human. This goes on for almost a minute. Steve starts to jerk and shake his head from side to side still making very strange sounds. Suck it, suck it, OHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he is into an orgasm like he has never experienced before. God Mark is taking a super big load but swallowing it all. While Steve was cumming so hard Mark was squeezing his balls very firmly. Steve just experienced the most out of this world orgasm he had ever had to date. Steve is still breathing very hard and his head has rolled to one side and his eyes are closed. Just to be on the safe side Judy slips a heart rate monitor on his finger and take a quick reading. She looks at Jill and give an OK sign.

Steve is starting to return to normal, Mark is cleaning things up a little and Judy is wiping Steve’s face and chest with a cool damp clothes and give him a cool drink of wine. Judy that was an orgasm I would never be able to describe. OK Jill lets get on our way. Judy will you until me now so I can get cleaned up.

For a few seconds there is complete silence as Jill, Mark and Judy look at each other. Jill looks at Steve and say Steve we will not be leaving right away. Mark why don’t you tell him. Before Mark can speak Steve says what the fuck is going on here I want untied and I want to get out of here. Just a minute Steve, Mark says, your balls are still loaded with cum and Jill wants you completely milked dry so don’t get upset and just relax. Remember you told all of us you would do anythinging we said if I would just let you cum. Well I did. Fuck you, fuck all of you bastards I can’t cum again. Judy speaks up, Steve do you want that gag back in your mouth? Fuck you to Judy!!! Judy reaches over for the gag but does not squeeze his nose instead looks at Mark and makes a sign.

Mark reaching down and gets a good handful of Steve’s balls and starts to squeeze a little harder, a little harder and a little harder. Steve opens his mouth to scream and in goes the gag. When you get it through your head that you are not leaving until every drop of your cum is out of your nuts just lay there for a while and relax. When you can learn to shut your mouth I will have Judy take the gag out. We are in control here and Jill has given us our In fact if you behave I bet Judy would let you suck her tits but that’s up to her. With that Mark gets a glass of wine and take a break.

In the mean time Judy looks over at Jill and says Jill you look a little pale and nervous and I think I know what you problem is. Oh Judy my cunt is dripping wet I am so fucking hot I am about ready to exploit. Honey I have a little gift for you that will take care of that problem anytime you want to. Why don’t you go to the bathroom, clean up a little, and I will fix you up real good.. When you get back get in your locker chair and tilt it way back so I can get to your pussy.

In about five minutes Jill was back and in a nice position for easy pussy access. Jill had disposed of her soaked panties in the bathroom and slipped her shorts off before she sat down. Judy had her spread her legs a little more and explained she was going to slip a little “Golden Egg” way up in her cunt and to just relax it would not hurt a bit. She explained there was a very fine string connected to the egg but would not interfere with her normal functions. But to always take it out if she was going to do any fucking. She also explained she could put it in before going to work and then could have an orgasm any time she wanted during the day.

But be careful until you get use to it. Here is the remote wireless control unit and it looks just like a garage door opener. Here take the control. Turn the knob to min. and slide this little switch up to the on position. Now careful. Turn the knob up a little. Jill just about jumped out of the chair. Now up a little more. Oh my God my cunt is going crazy I can even feel it in my tits.

Just look at your nipples in a few minutes and you will see they are hard and want to be sucked. Now even at that low setting you should have a nice orgasm in about five minutes. If you are in a dull meeting at work just smile all the time reach in your pursuit and set the remote control and have a nice orgasm. Use it in the car, on the plane when traveling at break time or in your office. Just don’t let any one get your control unit. It is not as good as a nice hard cock or a tongue and lips on your clip but it can do you real good when you need an orgasm bad. Now just lay back and make yourself cum real hard baby. You have a beautiful cunt and if I had time I would love to suck it for you. But lets take care of your boyfriend first.

By this time Steve had resigned himself to the fact there was nothing he could do about what was going to happen. He made a soft sound to get Marks attention. Mark asked him if he was going to behave and if so he would remove the gag. Steve shook his head yes. Mark removes the gag. Now Steve listen very close to what I tell you. You will do this next milking. Yes I said by you. I am going to put your balls in this nice velvet pouch and pull the drawstring just snug enough so your balls don’t slip out. Judy is going to slip a nice soft tube over your cock that is lined with very, very soft rubber knobs. There is a small rubber air line that is connected to the tube and the rubber bulb. The top of the tube is open so your next load of cum will shoot right out the top.

The Velvet pouch has two little vibrators that press against your balls and the cock sleeve has a one handed air pump connected to it. I will control the vibrators in your pouch and you are going to operate the air pump. I will put a little Astroglide in the top of the cock sleeve then when you squeeze the air pump bulb your cock will feel just like Some lips are sucking your cock. Now the velvet pouch can be a danger if it is set to high so I will control it. I will turn it on very low to start, which Mark does, and Steve lets out terrible scream. Note: The velvet pouch, if set to high, can make a man feel like there are a thousand tongues in side each ball and in some cases make a man faint. Everything is ready. Judy gives the air bulb several squeezes and then puts the bulb in one of Steve’s hands and Mark sets the pouch victory at about medium.

Steve very slowly squeezes the bulb once or twice and gets a veryfunny look on his face. Squeezing the bulb causes the rubber liner to ripple up the shake of Steve’s cock up to and over the cock head. The person squeezing the bulb can go fast or slow and with the Astroglide inside it becomes a hand-controlled blowjob. Steve is still tied at the wrists but his hands are free. Judy put the bulb in Steve’s right hand. At this point Judy says to Steve you have been looking at my tits Every chance you get so would you like to suck on them while you are giving yourself a blowjob? Judy I would love to suck on them if Jill doesn’t mind. You have the biggest nipples I have ever seen. They both look over at Jill and she says fine with her. Judy gets a little item out of the night stand and explains to Steve it is a mouth guard so he can only close his mouth to the point he doesn’t bite poor Judy’s nipples when his orgasm starts. He can suck all he wants but just can’t bite. She slips it in his mouth then gets a leg on each side of his chest and leans down toslip her right nipple in his mouth. He goes after that title like it is the last one he will ever get. In a way this is good for Judy, as her tits are very, very sensitive to most any kind of attention. Mark is able to make love to her breasts to the point she has an orgasm.


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