I am a professor at a large university. My students are men and women of all ages. There seems to be a trend for older people to go back to school to take the courses they are interested in. Since my area is twentytieth century literature, I tend to get older students, especially women in their thirties and forties who don’t have to work and can attend lessons in the daytime.
The fact that I am tall and fit, and that I am password about my subject, seems to attract some of my female students, in spite of the fact that I am older than most of them. You are one of those students. You have made several appointments to visit me in my office to ask questions about the material, and I have picked up on your signals that you would like to get to know me better.
I checked your records and learned that you are 38 years old. You about five foot five, and are the personality of the term “voluptuous.” Your defined but not delicate wait curves out into generous hipsand a firm protruding ass. You have thick, glossy hair, blue-black and wavy, which some people might say it is too long for a woman of your age, but it looks good when you wear it pulled back in a loose French twist with tendrils falling around your face. Behind the casually positioned wisps of hair your sleepy brown eyes seemed to peek out just looking for a bedroom.
Your best Features are your smile and your large, shaped breasts. Unlike some voluptuous women, whose breasts seemed like water balloons about to come lose from their moorings, you have the breasts of an over-developed twenty year old, and you dress to show them off. It is interesting to watch the male students in the class as they try not to be obvious when they check out your endowments. For your part, you seem to enjoy the attention. I get the feeling that you know you are sexy and you like to tease.
I invited you to dinner several weeks ago after you had come to see me in my office for the third time. Wehad a very pleasant evening talking mostly about modern literature. Somehow the topic got around to erotic writing, and we both confessed that we found it “interesting.” That was the point where I knew I wanted to find out more about you.
On our next date I took you back to my apartment. After a few glasses of wine we ended up in bed. You were very responsive and not shy about letting me know What you liked. Whenever I gave you commands, or treated you roughly you seemed to get more aroused. I went slowly that first night, but I was already planning the next meeting when I would see how far I could push you
Here I am at almost forty years old and having a mad crush on my teacher. I feel like a horny teenager. Everything is so exciting and new. I have butterflies in my stomach every time I’m alone with you. I get excited just thinking about what you will do next to me.
That night in your apartment was incredible. When you speak to me in that deep, authoritative voice and virtually ordered me to do things, I felt this powerful surge of desire and lust. The more you controlled me, the hotter I got. Maybe those “bodice riper” novels I used to dismiss as trash really reflect reality for women like me.
I am intrigued and a little scared. What if you want to tie me up? Then I would be truly helpless. Whoa…it makes me wet to think about it.
It is a Friday afternoon three days later. We exchanged smiles in class today, and I am encouraged to test you to see if you are the kind of woman I think you are. Your phone number is on my cell phone, and I press the call button. You answer after the first ring.
“Elizabeth, this is Steve. Listen to me carefully. Tonight at exactly eight o’clock You are to come to my apartment. You are to wear the same sexy outfit that you had on in class today. Be prepared to spend the weekend. Do you understand?”
There is a long pause, an intake of breath. Finally you say, almost in a whisper, “Yes sir.”
I hang up immediately. Now I am sure. You are a submissive and ready to put yourself in my hands. I have had some experience with women like you, and I will not disappoint you. You will feel the addictive sexual pleasure of giving up control and surrendering to the will of a man who will take you to places you have never been.
What just happened? I heard your voice and could think of nothing except to obey. I know that I am about to cross a line. It’s one thing to have fantasized about giving up control to a powerful man, but another thing to actually do it. A voice inside is telling me that it’s not right. A woman should be a man’s equal, not his sex slave.
From the tone of your voice on the phone and the fact that you ordered me to come to you wearing certain clothes there is no longer any doubt about the nature of our relationship. If I carry out these commands I will belong to you and will have to submit to whateverr you have planned for me. I know I should hold back until I know you better, but a force stronger than a receiving ocean wave is pulling at me. I don’t care any more about what kind of woman I should be. There is no way I will not be at your door at 8pm.
My body is trembling with anticipation. I’m so excited I’m already wet with anticipation of how you will dominate me.
Promptly at eight o’clock there is a knock on my door. I open it and draw you inside. You are dressed in the tight, open neck blouse that drew so much attention in class today. But it seems that one more button has been opened. I say nothing, but pointedly star down into the inviting valley. You look at me like a teenager with a crush on a rock star.
I take Your hand and turn you around, admiring your short, black skirt and stocking covered legs. Again it seems that you have augmented the sex appeal of your school outfit; you are wearing heels that are obviously higher than the ones you wore to class.
Now I am facing you again. Still neither of us has spoken. I raise my left hand and grap the thick braid of your hair, holding your head firmly in place. With my right hand I slap your face, hard but not too hard, once on each chef.
Your eyes fly wide open and immediately begin to tear up. “That was just to let you know what will happen if you disobey me,” I say. “Now stand up straight and put your hands on the top of your head. Don’t move your hands, no matter what.”
I am in shock. My cheeses burn and I am close to tears. But I seem to have no control over myself. Without thinking, I put my hands on my head. You look so commanding in a black silk shirt, opened to show your muscle chest with its dusting of silver and black hair. You have on a pair of black leather pants that are molded to your body.
The slap on my cheeks was totally unexpected, but it has excited me more than I could have imagined. It tells me that you are going tobe constantly surprising me and making me feel things I did not know were in me. It also tells me that you are not afraid to hurt me in order to establish absolute control. I don’t want you to slap me again and will do what you say.
With my hands glued to my head I await your next instruction. Cautiously I glance down at your hips to see if I can detect whether you are as aroused as I am. Your tight leather pants bulge out suggestively and I see a long, prominent ridge against your lower stomach. Instinctively I take a deep breath and push my breasts forward.
You smile approvingly and place your hands on my mounds. I feel a tightening in my nipples. My breasts ache to be held and squeezed by your large hands.
I take my time exploring your tits Through your blouse. Your nipples are hard and I position them in the palms of my hands and twist my wrists. You moan and thrust your breasts forward into my hands. I pull back a little, just to see what you will do. I am not disappointed, as you lean forward to maintain the contact with your tits.
I give them a good squeeze and then let go so that I can walk behind you. You are teetering on your high heels, your ass tight and protruding. Casually I run my hand over your hips and end up cupping your ass.
“Stay still,” I order, as I start to raise your skirt. I take a long time, relishing the slow exposure of your thighs and ass. Your stockings are held by a sexy looking garter belt with elastic straps, which I pull and snap against your legs. Finally, I slide my hand under your tight, bikini panties and feel all around on your luscious flesh. Just before I withdraw my hand, I slide a finger up between your legs.
“You are very wet, my dear,” I say. “But you are going to get a lot wetter before I am through with you.”
I am so embarrassed. You seem to see through to my soul. I’m so turned-on by your talking to me. My body is running HOT and COLD and I’m trembling as I stand before you with my hands on my head just waiting for your next command.
You take your time teasing me. With the tip of your finger you probe at all my tender points: my nipples, my clip, my ass. You draw your finger across my lips, forcing them open. I gasp as your finger enters my mouth and runs around the insides of my cheeks and over my tongue. My desire keeps building; it is like You are throwing kindling on a fire. All your touching has me on the edge and I struggle to keep from falling over. I sense that you don’t want me to cum, not yet. You have much more in store for me.
I take your hand and lead you over to an island counter in my kitchen. Your hands are still on your head as you let me position you with your hips up against the counter. I go around to the other side so that I am facing you across the counter. You look back at me with a mixture of lust and uncertainty, just the kind of reaction I want to see. For the next half hour I amgoing to enjoy watching your face as I do things to you.
The first order of business is to expose those delicious tits. I look directly into your eyes as I undo the buttons one by one.
God, I am so turned on. I can’t wait for you to get your hands on my bare tits; I can’t stop trembling. I’m whimpering too. I want you to go faster but I’m quiet, Letting you do all the leading and commanding.
Why am I so aroused by submitting to you? There seems to be some primary instinct deep in me that makes me want to succumb to your power. The harder you are on me the more I want you inside me filling me with your essence. But I can’ think about that right now….
I jerk the sides of your blouse open. Your black bra barely covers your nipples, but it does a great job of displaying your ample flesh in a most provocative way. I decided to leave your bra on for the time being, but I tease your flesh with my fingers and pinch your nipples through the fabric. You squirm and lick your lips.
“Now you can put your hands down. I want you to lean forward on your elbows so that your face is close to mine.”
You are glad to bring your arms down and feel the blood flowing back to your hands. I grab your hair again and slap your cheats as before, shocking you and making you gasp.
“You are too short,” I say. “I want you leaning further across the counter.”
“I’m sorry sir,” you whimper. “If you would give me something to stand on, I could lean further.”
“Good idea,” I say. “I like you thinking of things to please me.”
I get a small step-stool out of cabinet and help you stand on it and bend over. It takes only a little pull on your skirt to bring it up around Your wait, baring your panty-covered ass. The stool turns out to be the perfect height. Standing on it in your high heels and leaning forward, your pretty ass is now the highest point on your body, perfect for what I have in mind. And your face is alost to the edge of the counter on the other side. I go around the counter and pull up a low bar stool to sit with my face only inches from yours.
Now is the cruel point. Unnoticed by you, I have retrieved a braided leather strap from under the counter. I watch your eyes as I raise my hand displaying the little whip to you.
Oh my god! What are you going to do with that? I’ve never been whipped before. You spanked me a little the last time, but with your hand, not a whip. This will be a completely new experience for me, one that I have fantasized about but never expected to happen. I hope I can take it and please you.
I suck in a big breath and cinch my ass muscles. You watch and wait, swinging the wicked-looking whip from side to side in front of my face. The Anticipation is exhaust, making my pussy slick on the counter top. You know it and prolong the moment.
“Please don’t hurt me,” I say.
Your response forcedly. “Be quiet. I will dowhat I want.”
I know that I am going to have to hold you down once I start with the whip, so I seize the knot in your hair once again.
“Look at my eyes,” I command, just before my arm comes over in a wide arc, bringing the hard leather down on your raised ass. You barely have time to react before I do it again. And then again.
I have hit you pretty hard, and you react strongly. You start to sob and twist your hips and your head. I pull on your hair forcing your cheek against the counter so that I can lick your tears. A few more smacks with whip and you are actively crying. I can see that your panties are torn, exposing bare flesh for me to aim at.
“Give me your tongue,” I order, and when you are slow to respond, I bring the whip down hard on a bare patch of skin on your left ass cheek. This brings your tongue out fast, and I take into my mouth, licking and nibbling on it. Your body shudders and you push your tongue deep into my mouth. My teeth come down on it, imprisoning you.
Now that I am controlling your head with your tongue, I can let go of your hair. This frees up my left hand to slide under a bra covered title and squeeze it until the nipple pops out over the top of the fabric. Your nipple is so big and hard at this point that I can capture it between my thumb and finger and use it along with your tongue to hold you in position while I Continue your spanking. Another five slapses of the whip and your panties are almost gone.
My ass stings and burns, but for some reason I don’t care. I am totally under your control, and it is your right to punish me as you wish. My pussy is so hot and wet I can’t help rubbing it against the edge of the counter. I wonder what you have planned next. I can’t wait to find out. Willingly give you control over me. It excites me to know you will command me to please you in any way you want.
I release your tongue so that I can lean back and look at your face while I finish your spanking. You are crying hard and moving around as much as you can with my fingers pinning your nipple to the counter. It is important that you hurt enough to not even consider disobeing me.
Finally I decide that the whip has done its job, and I put it down on the counter, still within easy reach if I need it.
“Are you ready to do whatever I tell you, whenever and wherever I tell you, and with whomever I wish?”
You don’t hesitate. “Yes sir, whatever you say, just please don’t spank me anymore…”
“We shall see,” I say.
I get up and walk around the counter to admire your almost bare ass. My hand stays on your back holding you down, and I tell you not to move. You are still sobbing, but your ass is weaving in small circles, and I know you are highly aroused.
I open a drawer and remove a sixteen inch plastic ruler. Pulling up another stool, I station myself directly behind your exposed ass. The ruler is one of my favorite toys, becho I can use it to spank in very precise spots, like the pink flesh that I can see peaking out between parts of your torn panties. Also the smooth edge of the ruler can be very stimulating when I drag it lightly over certain areas. It can even be used to hold open your pussy lips so that your inner places are accessible to my eyes and fingers and whatever else I might want to tease you with.
After five or ten slapses with ruler, you are crying for me to stop. In response I lower the ruler and then bring it up sharply against your pussy, telling you to stop protesting, that I know what I am doing, and that I will continue as long as I want. Two more taps on your pussy reform my command, and you whimper, resigned to your fate.
I want to be sure to stimulate all of your ass and upper thighs, so I push Your legs apart a little more, and then I use my left hand to pull aside the torn pieces of your panties, thereby exposing new areas to my ruler. Your sobbing grows louder as I work you over with my little stinger.
My god, that ruler is reaching me everywhere, and it stings worse that the whip. It is driving me crazy. I beg you to have mercy on my poor ass. I’m squirming and trying to avoid the blows you are inflicting on me, but to no avail. You are going to do as you see fit. You are in control and will set the pace.
When I think you are ready, I ease the ruler under your panties and carefully place the flat edge against the side of your protruding clip. By slightly twisting my wrist, I can make the ruler rub up and down on your not so little nub. Now you really begin to squirm, and I know you are close to coming. When I stop moving the ruler, you keep up the friction by pushing your clip against it. I put the index finger of my other hand on the other side of your clip and roll it against the ruler. You are moaning and understanding on my hand, about to lose control completely.
“Don’t even think about coming until I tell you,” I say, and I take away the ruler. “If you want to come you are going to have to work for it.”
I get up from the stool and grab you by the hair, pulling you up and off the counter top. You are still standing on the stool, so it is easy for me to put my shoulder under your breasts and lift you up in a fireman’s carry. In spite of your voluptuousness, I am much bigger and have no trouble lifting you I shift you a little, and now your stomach is over my shoulder and your head is hanging down my back.
Thingking about what I am going to do to you, I pick up the ruler and bounce you on my shoulder. As I carry you across the room I can feel your big tits flopping against me. I laugh and use the ruler to pat the red flesh revealed between the pieces of torn fabric on your big ass.
It is only a few steps to my bedroom. I dump you on the bed, and you are all legs and tits and ass bouncing around. Miraculously your strap on high heels are still on, but your tight high stockings have slipped clear down to your ankles (I or did I pull them down there?).
“Get up,” I order. “And remove completely that blouse and bra. They’re not doing you any good anyway. But keep on your torn panties and shoes. I like the way you look in them.”
You are quick to obey me. From the look in your eyes it is obvious that you are very turned on. I smile as I relish the control I have over you. You look incredibly sexy.
“Now let your hair down.”
I am happy to loosen my hair for you. It will make me feel more natural and primitive, and I want to feel you running your hands through it. My hair is long and thick. Some people think I should cut it, but you seem to like it long. You told me that it is one of my best features so I’ve left it long.
You look so vulnerable standing there with your hair cascading down your shoulders, and your body virtually bare to my gaze. The look in your eyes says that you are waiting my command and will do whatever I tell you to.
I am ready with my next demand. “Take off my clothes. Slowly.”
I stand by the bed as you go to work. The buttons on my silk shirt pop open one by one, but you have to reach up to pull the shirt over my shoulders. I am much taller than you and you have to get up on your toes and lean against me to lift it. Your bare tits rubbing on my bare chest are delicious. I can feel your big hard nipples as they seem to be trying to cut a groove in my skin. You moan as my shirt finally comes off.
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