Chapter #3.): “Enjoying Bad Memories.”
Chapter #3.): Author’s Notes: Thing is, this particular chapter is likely a lot of memories about how Milana and Rebekah ended up breaking in Tina into accepting lesbianism thus far. The title to this clearly indicates that Rebekah is, literally, an evil stepmom.
Chapter Summary: Again: backstory for the most part, and will be clarified somewhat more as it is.
There I was, snuggled in Tina’s bed with my wife, Milana; now I for one like the rather kindy mindset of making sweet, sweet love to Milana in our daughter’s bed; the, literally, screwed up nature of that is pleased to my twisted mind; and as we literally couldn’t keep our hands off eachother while we made love in Tina’s bed while waiting for her to return, and hopefully really freak out big time to find her moms having sex in her bed. I really enjoyed feeling Milana pressing down on me, breast-to-breast,and we were passwordately kissing oneanother’s lips and neck all the while as we each felt her wife up.
After password carefully making love to my wife for as long as we could carry it out, she was laying slightly atop me, and nuzzling me at my neck as I encased her in my strong arms, and in my memory, I began to recall how we’d began to enslave Tina. Oh, Tina and I hate eachother deeply, had for a long time in our relationship, but by being truly tender with Milana at the same time as basically picking fights with Tina, I managed to persuade Milana to side with her wife, myself, against her own daughter, Tina, who now is, quite literally in effect, our slave. Thus when I was sitting on Tina, and she was pressurized to kiss me, the pleasureantness for me is that it added insult to humiliation, and betrayal by her own mom by her mom siding with me against her- that was fun… for me, at least! Well, we were in her bed, snuggling, as I thought with enjoyment about how we’d wound up her misresses. Let me tell you how it happened, okay?
Aside from myself bulling Tina and picking fights with her, to convince Milana to side with me against her own daughter, the cruel date was the day Tina turned eighteen. We’d forced her into the car, I’d sat on her lap to hold her down and stop her from resisting or getting away or even objecting to begin with, as my wife drive us to the bank which included Tina’s accounts, for the meantime… ha, ha, ha. As it turned out, Milana got out when we arrived at the bank while I sat there in the front passenger seat on top of Tina, buckled in, to hold her down. I really enjoyed picking fights with her, especially as I hated her almost from the moment I married her mom and became her mom’s wife… and I thoroughly enjoyed sitting on her and fighting with her at the same time, and as I’m stronger than her, she had no chance. At the time, she was in tenth grade, had been for approximately two years, due to the home situation she had to deal with. Her mom, my wife, meanwhile, emptied Tina’s bank accounts, withdraw all of our future slave’s funds, and headed out the door back to the car… and she gave me half of Tina’s finances. Each of us put the stolen funds into her wallet in her purse, we kissed to celebrate the first step in enslaving our daughter, and went home to begin the next step in Tina’s enslavement.
Well, when we got home, happy, Tina began to resist her new place, and so a new fight began between her on one side and us on the other. End result; Milana was sitting on Tina’s lap to hold her down, and facing totally away from her all the while, so that Tina’s breasts were pressed against her own mom’s backside. Now I was really extremely turned on by the idea of my wife sitting on her daughter like this, and I made no secret to Milana that I thought she looked a lot like my ideal image of a Korean Queen sitting on her female slave on her throne, so as to use her unpaid maid as a seat-cushion, that Milana looked downright grogeous whenever she sat on Tina, and that I think she should do so every day, as often as she wants; that she owns her now… so what says would our slave have to begin with anymore?
Well, Milana’s reply was so romantic it melted my heart towards her immediately; she told me plainly that if she’s a queen, I’m said queen’s wife, her co-queen, and co-mistress to her slaves and household; and I fell head-over-heels in love with my wife all the more immediately!
We regularly high-fived at the thought, and talk, of Milana ownership, literally owning, Tina, as well as kissing sweetly, as I sat next to Tina while we watched some lesbian romance movies for our enjoyment. Then I got up and obtained drinks and snacks for my beloved wife as she sat on her slave-girl; she nicknamed me her African Queen, and I nicknamed her my Korean Queen; we called each “my bride”, “my beloved”, “my wife”, and all sorts of pet-names all the while as I compiled her on dominatingand sitting on Tina, and told her she looked stunningly gorgeous whenever she sat on Tina, and to send it home, I told Tina “She should sit on you bit whenever she wants to.”, parsed exactly like that to really confuse the little slave all the more by doublespeak, to which I leaned in and kissed Milana on the lips, hard, but lovingly.
We merely hardened our hearts in regard to Tina as my gorgeous wife sat on her own daughter- an event that really did turn me on, and caused me to fall totally in love with my wife, effectively forever.
Then I got an especially evil idea; and, after getting Milana some drinks and snacks so she could stay sitting on Tina, I went to Tina’s bedroom, and took her journals, brought them into the room and gave them to my wife, informing her that she, Milana, now owns those journals, and if she wants or likes the idea… then we should sell them to a publisher, and collect royalties on Tina’s work. Of course Tina struggled, and that was all the more fun, as Milana and I read Tina’s journals, deliberately trespassing against her all the while, stealing her works, and trying to figure out which publisher would give us the most royalties. Only condition I had was that we had to keep every single cent from them away from Tina, as we continue to steal her works and selling them to publishers for our own pleasure… and we get plenty of pleasure from simply fighting together against Tina and sitting on her as a team all the while to begin with. But to be blunt, this bullying and ownership of her only increases our enjoyment of dominating her all the while.
However, the rational side of me know this to be a pathetic delight; as it was dependent upon her, and therefore was giving her the keys to my delight, which I knew to be pathetic to begin with in the first case. But the mere thought of my wife Sitting on Tina was so drop-dead grogeous that I wanted it to happen every single day as often as we could manage it- it really did turn me on, the idea of Milana dominating Tina filled me with intense romantic love for Milana and intense love, or at least lust, for her.
Course, I would get really romantic, including kissing the back of Milana’s hand in the process as I explained that she looked like a stunningly beautiful queen whenever she sat on our daughter. I have a taste for fairytales, and the idea of the queen having enslaved her daughter, married her girlfriend, and the two queens utterly dominating their daughter and enslaving her, however a twisted fairytale it is, fascinates me.
I never said I was a good stepmom at all, did I?
End Chapter Notes: Well, this’s sure fun to write, however scary and messed up Rebekah is; and she’s one truly evil stepmom if nothing else!
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