Stephanie's Conditioning Pt. 01

Stephanie studied the diagram on the table in front of her. Very closely. She looked up at Mia, with a quizzical look.

“So…” She counted off items on her fingers, “I won’t be able to speak. My hands will be immobile. My eyes will be beneath two layers of material. I won’t be able to move my head…” Her expression turned a little nervous. “How exactly will I be able to indicate that I want out?”

Mia smiled calmly. “With these.” She held up something resembling a transparent contact lens container.

Stephanie looked a question at the container. “… and what are those exactly?” She asked.

“You know about all the smart glasses, and the craze of getting heads-up-displays so you can get directions without having to walk around with your nose on your phone, right? These are smart-contacts. Basically you get a very small screen — they are made for navigation and simple feedback, for augmented reality.”

“So… Don’t those need power?” Stephanie asked, stilldubious.

“They do. And that is why these are still in the prototype phase.” Mia fished for something on the side table, and pulled over a wireless charger. “Essentially, the technology is the same as this,” She put the contact lens container over the charger, and lights appeared. “For everyday use, you would still have to have some sort of power circuit near your face, which makes them impractical, or requires sub-dermal impants, which are not really useful either, but you will be wearing a hood with no openings, therefore we can power the contacts with chargers in the eye pads. I think this is going to be real smart in the future.”

“That still doesn’t explain how I can communicate to you. You would be able to send me messages, but I wouldn’t be able to respond…” She looked at Mia’s smile, which was broadening. “… or would I?”

“The lenses can detect eye movement and dilation. You can’t control the dilation of course, but you will have to learn some eye movementsto be able to use it as a safe-word mechanism.” Mia’s look was absolutely devilish now. “I suggest learning by doing.”

“Oh?” Stephanie was individualized, but worried. Mia was innovative. Sometimes too innovative. “What do you have in mind?”

“You have a break coming up. I will make sure that the hood is finished, and you will wear it for the duration of the break. With a shock collar.”

“What!? I don’t want to be shocked!” Stephanie exclaimed.

“Oh no — not that kind. I modified it. It sends a signal to the app that you have made a sound, and you get shocked by these,” She held up a set of latex dildo cycling shorts. The dildo and butt-plug were metal, and there were some metal pads exposed in the thigh area. “Trust me — you won’t want to be carrying your favorite china when this goes off,” She smiled wickedly.

Stephanie blushed. She was a little excited. She didn’t like the idea of ​​being shocked, but she knew what the end-goal was, and that was something she wantsd. “Okay. So I have three weeks to mentally prepare me for this?”

Mia nodded. “Yes. And take these home to practice in until then. You will need them for the break,” Mia pulled a bag over and held it open for Stephanie to look inside.

“You better learn. Or you will be shocked.”

Stephanie looked down at them and gulped.

* * *

Stephanie turned the key in the ignition to kill the engine. She smiled. This car was the reason that she had gotten to know Mia and Magnus. That had been some night. It had literally changed her life for the kinkier. She got out, retrieved her overnight bag from the back seat, and locked the car. Her heart was pounding. She had a faith idea of ​​what Mia might have planned, and she was anxious about having to wear a bondage hood for the duration of the extended weekend. She knocked on the door promptly. It opened almost at once. Mia stood there, with a huge smile on her face.

“Comein Stephanie,” she said.

Stephanie was almost disappointed. Mia was not wearing anything naughty at all. Just every day clothes. She walked in, and closed the door behind her.

“We are going to start in the bedroom,” Mia invited, “I have your uniform laid out on the bed.”

“Uniform?” Stephanie asked.

“Of course. We are going to have to push some boundaries, so you get put in some situations where you might want to say no, and you have to learn to do it non-verbally.”

Stephanie blushed, but followed Mia to the bedroom. A maid’s uniform was on the bed. She had expected it to be latex. The panties Mia had shown her had been latex, but this was satin, or poly-something. The panties were there too. And the hood. A black leather hood with buckles and an open mouth hole. She had expected it to be latex too.

Mia saw her expression, and started to explain “This hood is not the final one. That will be latex, of course. The mouth is open, because we will need to make sure we can communicate with you to make sure you understand the instructions, and that everything works. We are not throwing you completely into the deep end. Get undressed, and put the panties on.

Stephanie set down her bag, and started to undress. She folded all her clothes up neatly, and put them in a pile on the bed. She picked up the panties, and felt the dildo. It was cold and hard. An involuntary shiver went down her spine. She had never been shocked before. Well not in her intimates anyway. She glanced at Mia.

“I’m a little insecure about this,” she said.

Mia gave her a hug, and a peck on her cheek. “I won’t tell you that it won’t hurt. This is a different scheme of mine, I admit that, but there is pleasure to be had from this. Trust me. I wouldn’t ask you to try anything I hadn’t tested first.”

“It’s true, you know,” Magnus’ voice came from the doorway. He was leaning against the doorjamb, arms crossed. “Mia first tested those on herself. She came into the office all padded up, and asked me to help her test it, and then she put on the collar. So I armed the system, and told her to give me a blowjob. She refused, forgetting about the collar, and got a shock. Apparently I had twisted the knob a little when she handed it to me, so it was stronger than she expected. We found out that the hums and guttural moans she makes when she sucks my cock also set of the shocks, but I had set it too low, so it was actually quite pleasant — at least my experience was that she kept moaning.”

Stephanie let out a laugh. The tension had broken a little. Mia nodded to her.

“We won’t start at the max setting. It just has to be a little uncomfortable. We’ll start low, and find the setting,” Mia comfortabled.

“I have an idea. Let’s make a game out of dressing our little doll,” Magnus suggested. He came over to the two women, and indicated to Stephanie, who was still naked, to sit. Then he turned to Mia, and whispered something in her ear. She smiled a look at Stephanie and nodded, then she got down on her knees, and gently spread Stephanie’s legs. She started a smooth care of her thighs, and with gentle kisses, worked her way up to the warmth of Stephanie’s pussy.

Behind her, Magnus drew down her legs and panties, all the while massaging her round buttocks, and slowly working his hands down to mass her pussy.

Stephanie let her body relax, and let out a soft moan as Mia hit all the buttons her experience had found to push. Her hands found Mia’s hair, and she found herself grabbing handsfuls as Mia ate her pussy. Magnus had pulled off Mia’s leggings and panties completely, and laid down under her to eat her pussy. The sounds coming from Stephanie’s crotch indicated the pleasure Mia was Feeling. Stephanie feel Mia’s lips latch on to her clip and suck. Hard. She gasped. At the same time, Mia thrust a finger into her anus. She also had another finger in her pussy, and she ground them together, bringing Stephanie over the edge. Mia pushed Magnus away, and reached up, grabbing the panties, pulling them up Stephanie’s legs.

“I don’t think you’ll need any lube,” she teased. She gave a chate kiss to Stephanie’s clip, and Stephanie laid back, pulling her legs up in front of her, making her round ass more available to Mia. Magnus had crossed around to the other side of the bed, and now he was leaning over her from behind, kissing her upside down, nose-to-chin. She felt Mia’s tongue wet her anus, and tried to relax. Then she gasped as the cold, metal butt-plug widened her sphincter, and was teased into a seated position. She felt Mia push the dildo into her wet grotto, and pull up the pants. Stephanie was almost breathless the phalluses were still cold inside her, but warming. She tried to push Magnus away, and asked Mia, “Is it on yet?”

“No, not yet. I will let you control the first shock. Don’t worry.”

Stephanie let Magnus distract her again. He started caressing her throat and breasts.

Mia looked up at them, and pulled Stephanie’s leg down, so that she could put it in the pantyhose she had chosen. White nylons. Not as sexy as she really wanted, but this was about teaching something too. She got Stephanie’s other leg into the hose and pulled it up around her hips.

“Okay you two lovebirds, we need this doll to stand up now,” she said, with a slap to Stephanie’s still exposed butt.

Magnus made a ‘wait’ gesture, and pulled a blindfold out from the bedside table, wrapped it around Stephanie’s head, and got up.

“She may as well get used to limited senses,” He smiled.

Mia pulled Stephanie to her feet, and helped her get the French maid style costume over her head, and tied the apron on her.

“Sit down again,” she prompted.

Stephanie complied, and Magnus and Mia got down, grabbing a ballet-boot each, and started to push them on, and lace them up.

“Now we will see how much practice you did, and not just sittingon the couch watching TV,” Mia teased.

“Too bad this isn’t a latex catsuit,” Magnus pouted.

“Don’t you start too. I should bind you up in a latex catsuit!”

Stephanie smiled, “Wouldn’t you both like that.”

Mia’s eyes twinkled as she said, “Be careful what you wish for…”

Magnus picked up the hood, but Mia stopped him.

“Not yet,” she insisted. She undid the blindfold, and looked Stephanie in her eyes. “I almost forgot to ask if you have ever put on contacts before?”

Stephanie shook her head. Mia looked at Magnus. “You are going to have to demonstrate, honey.” She smiled wickedly again.

Magnus gave a small sight, and beckoned Stephanie to follow him into the well-lit bathroom. Mia offered her hand, but Stephanie pushed off the bed, and balanced precariously on her feet a moment, before she reached out and steadied herself on the bedside table.

“You should have warnedme that walking in these with plugs in makes it a different experience.” She shot Mia an accusatory glance. Then she took a couple of mincing steps. “Everything is grinding about!” She tried to adjust her panties, and pulled up against her crotch. Mia followed closely behind her, ready to help, but assured that she had practiced and just needed to acclimatize herself.

In the bathroom, Magnus had picked out a contact lens container. It was pitch black with a note on it. It read ‘Blackout contacts — Magnus’. Stephanie was intrigued.

“What is this?” She asked.

“Magnus is going to be blindfolded this evening. In order to show you how to put on contacts. If you had already tried, he would have retained his sight.”

“Oh…” Stephanie observed the way he scooped out the lenses, and making sure they weren’t inverted, popped it onto his iris. Then Mia offered her the clear case. Stephanie washed her hands, and nervously emulated Magnuses motions. She turned to Mia, who presented her with a pair of glasses with thick framing.

“It’s just the charging circuit, so we can set everything up,” Mia explained.

Stephanie put on the glasses. Lights appeared in front of her eyes. The words ‘LOOK UP’ appeared in the upper-middle part of her field of view. She did so. The text changed to ‘LOOK DOWN’. She followed the instructions, until ‘CALIBRATION TEST: FOLLOW THE DOT’ appeared. It started moving up, and as she followed it, it changed direction a couple of times, then faded away. The text ‘CALIBRATION COMPLETE’ flashed twice and then disappeared. She looked to Mia, who was looking at a tablet.

“I’m going to send a message to your contacts. Look up for yes, down for no.”

Stephanie nodded. The words ‘HAVE YOU EATEN DINNER’ scrolled past, as if painted in the air in front of her.

“No, not yet,” she blurted in her excitement of the new tech.

Mia looked up, “When we turn you on, that would be a shock.”

Stephanie blushed. The message repeated. She looked down.

“Good,” Mia responded.

In her excitement, Stephanie hadn’t kept track of Magnus, and he was gone.

“Where is Magnus?” Stephanie asked.

“He went to the kitchen,” Mia replied. “He’s probably finishing laying out the dinner.”

“So he isn’t blind?”

“He is, but this isn’t the first time we play a game with no sight,” Mia replied. “Now, we are going to get you packed up, and we are going to eat dinner. You are going to be the help. Come with me.” Mia walked out of the bathroom, past the bed, picking up the hood, and the collar. She was only wearing a blouse and her bra — still bottomless from their little game earlier. Stephanie walked after her, steamier as she progressed down the hall. In the kitchen, Magnus was Sitting at the table, silently uncorking a bottle of white wine. Sushi was laid out on the table with three place settings. Mia laid the hood on the counter, and turned to Stephanie, offering her the collar. Silently, Stephanie accepted it, and buckled it around her neck. Mia made her turn, and affixed a padlock on the buckle. Then she reached down and pressed a button on the panties.

“When I arm the system from this tablet, the next sound you make will trigger the vibrators. Understand?”

Stephanie nodded.

Mia pressed a button and entered a combination. Stephanie went a little stiff in anticipation.

“You decided when to make the first sound. We are going to eat together, then the hood goes on. If you don’t use the eye movements, as opposed to shaking your head, nodding, or gesturing, the difficulty goes up.”

Stephanie nodded. Mia stared at her. “Yes,” She whispered. A faint jolt went through her nether region and her tights shook a little. She took a step back in surprise, Almost forgetting her ballet boot prediction. She caught herself by reaching out for the counter. Her eyes locked with Mia’s

“That was almost a ticket, correct?”

Stephanie nodded.

“Next nod, shake or gesture is going to cause a shock. Look up for yes, down for no.” Mia said firmly.

Stephanie looked up, then at Mia. Mia nodded, looking at the green ‘YES’ in the log scrolling on part of the screen.

“Now for the intensity. Sit down.” She indicated the chair in the center.

Stephanie minced over and sat.

“I want you to say some words. In normal speech. I haven’t set any sensitivity as to how loud you are speaking. Any sound will cause the same result. I need you to set the level yourself. You say a word. If you think you can take a slightly stronger pulse, you look up. If you want to stay at that level do nothing for fifteen seconds. Understand?”

Stephanie nodded, “Yes.” She got another jolt. This time she was prepared. It was the surprise that had gotten her the first time. She looked up. ‘Level 2’ flashed before her eyes. The next jolt was not much stronger. She looked up again. “Howmanylevelsarethere?” she blurted. Jolt again. Herthighs jerked slightly.

Mia laughed sweetly. “Twenty,” she answered, taking the wine glass Magnus had filled and pushed gently in her direction. “Don’t forget — normal speech.”

Stephanie looked up again. ‘Level 3’ flashed. This time she noticed that the text was green.

“Again,” Stephanie said. It was still okay. She looked up. ‘Level 4’ flashed in front of her eyes. Still in green. “What level did you get to?” She asked. Several jolts hit her. Just three, spaced apart. They weren’t unbearable. She reached a hand down to her groin. It was as if the two dildoes inside her were connecting directly, giving her an internal bolt of lightning.

“I won’t tell,” Mia said, sipping the wine. But it was in the double digits. This is NOT a competition though. You should find a level where it is just beyond pure pleasure. It’s meant to be a reminder at this stage. I might ask you to recalibrate as the weekend progresses, if you are a bad student.”

“Okay,” Stephanie responded, after making sure to look up. ‘Level 5’ flashed before her. This continued until she reached level 9. She found that to be just beyond bearable. She locked her gaze straight ahead. ‘Calibrated’ scrolled passed her vision. She let out a breath.

“Right,” Mia announced, when the messaged also appeared on her tablet. “Nine it is. You are going to be feeding Magnus now. He will tell you what he wants. You must find out how to get more information if he gives you insufficient information to complete his wishes successfully. Understand?”

Stephanie nodded. A jolt shook through her. Her eyes flashed to Mia’s, then down to the finger Mia had hovering over a red button on her tablet marked ‘Shock’. Stephanie caught her breath, hesitated for a moment, then looked up. Mia nodded to her approvedly.

“You’ll learn. If you want out completely, hold your sight down for fifteen seconds. Is that understand?”

Stephanie caught herself — just about to nod again. She looked up.

“Good.” We’ll get this trained into you after all.

“Well, then I’d like a piece of inside out maki with salmon,” Magnus interjected.

Stephanie looked at him. She had eaten Sushi several times before, but she couldn’t remember what the pieces were called. Salmon was easy to recognize though. She scanned the pieces o before her, and chose one with salmon on top of some rice. She picked up the chocolates, thankful that she hadn’t had to wear gloves, and dipped the piece into Magnuses soy cup, fish side down, and offered if to him. He opened his mouth, accepting the morsel, then closed it, shaking his head slightly. A jolt coursed through her loins, shaking her thighs.

“But it was salmon,” she blurted, awarding her a following up jolt. She bit her lip. Happy that she was sitting.

“Wrong type,” Magnus replied, a little cockily. “This is fun. You’ll get the sushi lessons another day. Give me a sip of wine, and then I’d like an inside out maki with salmon, please.”

Stephanie started to nod. Then her head flew round and caught Mia, her chopsticks in one hand, poised before her mouth, the other hand’s index finger hovering above the ‘Shock’ button. Stephanie looked up. Mia smiled, and retracted her finger, popping the piece of sushi into her mouth.

Stephanie held Magnuses glass up to his lips and let him sip, then she looked back at the selection, and chose some seaweed covered rice rolls with salmon in the middle. She had picked it up, and hesitated. She looked a question at Mia. Mia Shook her head. Stephanie deposited the piece on her own plate, relieved that Mia wasn’t in an all dominating and unhelpful mood. She found another piece with salmon, and some green fish eggs on. She picked it up, and glanced at Mia. Mia nodded, and Stephanie dipped the piece in soy, and offered it to Magnus.

“Very good, Stephanie. Very good,” He said, munching on the fishy goodness. Stephanie relaxed, and took a sip from her own glass. Se selectedthe piece on her plate, and ate it.

“Now I’d like a piece of nigiri with kingfish, please.”

Stephanie stared at him. She had never been a big fish connoisseur. She preferred poultry, veal or lamb. She scanned the selections, and thought to herself. The round ones must be the maki. At least she hope so. Then the first piece she had offered Magnus must have been the nigiri? She double checked the selection. There were big round ones, small round ones, some with the fish on the inside, some with it on the outside. She looked at the nigiri. Or was it nigiris? There were six kinds. The salmon, something yellow, with a band around it, a reddish one, a striped one, and a white one. She eliminated the yellow one and the striped one, as she noticed the tail — it had to be shrimp. She chose the reddish one, and looked at Mia. Mia Shook her head. She moved the chopsticks to the white one. Mia nodded, and Stephanie offered the piece to Magnus.


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