
Author’s Note: This story includes a number of BDSM/Fetish themes but no conventional sex. If you are seeking the latter, please look elsewhere. The story is set in England. Thus, the words used are British English, not those of any other part of the English speaking world. I hope this does not cause confusion.

I am an 18 year-old orphan boy. I have never met my step-mum, but I am sure I will soon. I know in my heart that she is out there somewhere and I want to tell you about her and me.

My step-mum took me in on my 18th birthday, a few years after my parents died – she was friends with the nice lady who runs the orphanage. Technically, due to my age, she didn’t adopt me, which is why I call her my step-mum. I don’t know how old she is, but she must be at least twice as old as I am. She takes care of me now, and I look after her too. I love my step-mum, and I am so grateful to her for taking me in. I am devoted to pleasure her. She loves having me dote on her andI do whatever she wants. I don’t know why but I enjoy being told what to do by her, and I do my very best always to please her. She says she finds it very exciting to have a young boy to look after, and that she would never want to be without me.

Even though I love her and try to please her as much as I can, I am sometimes not good enough for her and she has to spank me on my bum to teach me to do better. Sometimes she even does it when I don’t understand what I have done wrong. She tells me to drop my jeans and underwear, and lie across her lap and she rolls her sleeps up and really give it to me with her hand. As soon as I know she is going to do it, I get a feeling of butterflies in my tummy, and a tingling lower down, since I know it is going to hurt awfully, but I try to be her big brave boy and bear it without complaining. I know that pleases her. Funnily, the spanking makes me feel cared-for and I even think she quite enjoys doing it. I don’t like that it hurts, but I kNow she is doing it for my own good. I do enjoy the feeling of closeness to her though as I lie there on her lap. It is a very strange and confusing thing, enjoying being punished.

Sometimes my step-mum seems to get lost in spanking me, and goes a bit too far. It hurts so much that I can’t bear it, and I can’t help but start crying. Then, when she realizes how much she has hurt me, she seems very sorry and sympathetic and does her best to comfort me and is very kind and soothing. These are some of the best times, since she tells me I am her brave boy, and she kisses me on my lips and cuddles me, then she presses my face into her big boobies and I can suck on her nips, which gives me so much comfort. She says she really likes that part too since her nips are very sensitive, and I suck them so well. I really adore her lovely big tits.

Sometimes, when my botty is really red after a good smacking, she uses cold cream to soothe it and make it feel better. This is also a lovely tIme when she blows on the cold cream to cool down the soreness. And as she runs her hands over the firm pale globes of my bottom, her fingers sometimes start to slide into the crack in between them and she even ticles my bum-hole. This makes me get all excited, but I’m not sure why. She tells me that she really enjoys getting me excited.

My step-mum is very creative at thinking of ways to play with me and she Likes to “trick” me into certain situations. For example, a few times, she has said she wants me to wrestle with her. She says it will help me grow into a big and strong man. But since I am already quite strong, and she is a lady, she says I have to have my hands tied behind my back to make it fair. I agree with her, since I am sure she is right, as always. We either do this in the living room or in the bedroom, and we always do it in just our underwear so that we don’t get too hot. I enjoy seeing her curvy body in just her underwear! The aim of the game is to put your opponent on their back and pin them there for 30 seconds. We start standing-up and I give it my best shot, but pretty soon, she has me rolling around on the floor, bed or sofa, since I can’t do much with my hands tied behind my back. I find it exhausting, but I really enjoy being so close to her body. She is not a small lady, and with my hands tied behind my back, well, she always overpowers me and wins. I Always end up on my back being smoothed by her big boobs, which I really enjoy, or, worse, by her big bum!

I said “worse”, but I actually enjoy the feelings I get when I am being pinned down by her – it’s kind-of really exciting! But I know it usually leads to a much more serious situation, being stuck under her bum. The funny thing is that after 30 seconds, she doesn’t usually stop and claim victory like she’s supposed to. More often, she slides the material of her panties to the side and settles down more firmly with her bum on my face, my nose up her bum-crack and my mouth on her kitty. Then I hear her tell me to lick her kitty’s nose, which of course I do. I love the taste of her kitty and she certainly enjoys it when I lick her. I keep going until she says I can stop, and over time, she has taught me the best way to do it. She gets really excited, bouncing around on my face with juice running into my mouth, and sometimes I have trouble breathing with my nose stuck in her crack. I actually think she takes extra care not to really suffocate me! But have I mentioned that I am brave and loyal? So I just keep licking her since I know that is what she wants and eventually, she cries out really loud and soon stops moving. Usually I end-up really woozy and helpless from lack of breath and she can do anything she wants to me then. Often, she cuddles me as we both pant with exhaustion and I end up suckling her boobies. If I am extra woozy, she might flip me onto my front and slide things up my bum-hole. Maybe her finger or one of her “toys”. It is a very strange thng – it feels uncomfortable when she does that to me, but also strangely exciting. If I am really lucky and have done an extra good job licking her, she rubs my pene at the same time and I end up with that really special feeling, and my bum-hole clenching around her finger!

My step-mum says my pene is very beautiful. It’s not very big, but she says it is perfectly formed. She likes to stroke it and I enjoy the feeling of that a lot. If she does it for long enough, that lovely special feeling makes me spurt, but she doesn’t do that very often – only if I have especially pleased her and she wants to reward me. She sometimes makes me rub it myself, in front of her, while she watches or while she has me suck her boobies. She also says she doesn’t need my pene inside her, since she has toys and devices which are much bigger and better for that. I don’t feel that I need to put it inside her either. I am much more excited by all the other things I’ve mentioned that we do together.

Occasionally, my step-mum tells me to wear her panties, and some other lacy stuff. I would not normally think of doing this myself, but I do it since she wants me to. She says that I am a very sweet boy and quite cute, and it excites her to see me dressed as a girl, especially with my hard pene covered in lace. I enjoy the attention from her as she puts make-up on my face, and then she kisses me and sticks her tongue as far into my mouth as she can get it. That always makes me moan out loud – I don’t know why, but it just feels so excited to have my mouth filled-up by parts of her body.

I have quite long blond hair which I usually wear in a ponytail. I think this helps me to look a little more girl for her. I don’t want to be a girl or to dress as a girl since I am a boy and It feels humiliating to be made to look like a girl. But the most important thing to me is just to look as sweet as possible for my step-mum so that she loves me more. Being made to do funny stuff I mightNot normally want to do is somehow one of the most exciting parts for me of being with my step-mum. She always keeps me guessing about what we are going to do. She says one day she will put me in pigtails which will give her more handles to pull my head with when she puts it between her legs. Oh, how she likes to tease me sometimes!

Occasionally, my step-mum has young girls about my age or a little older come round to our house. She lets them boss me around and tease me while she watches. I have to behave well for them or she will really give it to me. The girls seem to really enjoy teasing and humiliating me. I don’t mind, especially if they are pretty. She sometimes locks herself in her bedroom with them, and I can only guess what they are doing. Thats my step-mum’s business.

My step-mum also has some older lady friends who sometimes come round to play with me. I don’t really like them, but she tells me I must do whatever they say since they are her friends. She also tellss me they are important ladies and if I am not good to them, they might get me taken away from her and sent to a homeless shelter. So I do just what they say, and it is not all bad. I really enjoy it when they compliment me, and I am happy to use my lips and skillful tongue on their kitties and bums. I have really got a taste for that and am used to doing it for hours at a time and they seem to love it. But there is one big nasty old lady with grey hair that I really don’t like. I think she used to

be a headmistress, but I heard she retired and is now a magistrate. I don’t think she likes boys at all. I call her the witch, and I will have to tell you all about what she does to me another time.

I really don’t care how old my step-mum is. She says age-differences don’t matter, since age is just a state of mind, and I agree with her, like I always do about everything.

So, how do I know all of this about my step-mum? Well, it all happens in my dreams, but I just know theywill come true one day. Why would I have them otherwise? For now, I just have the nice lady who runs the orphanage to boss me around.


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