Stella: The Play Act I


Stella: Young, just turned 19; very tall and skinny; small, tight breasts, eagerly enthusiastic to learn all there is to know.

Nelly: Stella’s boss at work and occasional lover; far more experienced in all aspects of bisexual pleasures; mature and slightly out of shape, yet still retaining that certain edge of youthful beauty and playfulness.

The male

Stella:“You got this for me?”

Nelly:“All for you, sweetie.”

Stella looks him over from head to toe:“He is so tall and so strong and so handsome.”

The Sunday afternoon before, as Stella and Nelly lay in bed, lazily masturbating, laughing and chatting, kissing slowly and just plain being frisky, Nelly asked Stella what she wanted for her birthday. Stella, giggling like a little girl, said she wanted a huge present. Something she could play with but at the same time, “educational”. Nelly made the first part of the dreamCome true. Now comes the educational part.

Stella looking all over the male sees the erection throbbing wildly. “It is so enormously huge; so long and so very thick. Are you sure this is going to fit?”

Nelly (laughing):“Of course it will, baby cakes! You will need to open up wide. And make sure you are wet when it comes close; that will help a lot.”

Stella:“Ialready am very wet!”

Nelly:“You are?”

Stella:“Yes. Taste me?”

Nelly:“Later. We have a lot to do.”

Stella: “What should I start to do?”

Nelly:“Fondle his testicles in your hands.”

Stella: “That seems fun enough.”

Stella fondles nicely, very gently.

Nelly:“You can start applying some more pressure, sweetie.”

The male starts to squirm, his disappoint evidence. Nelly walks around to make sure that his ankles are securely fastened to the floor; legs widely spread apart; hands tightly fastened overhead.

Nelly:“Much harder. He can take it; he can take a whole lot more.”

Stella now fondles his testicles as hard as she can, squeezing them in her hands, rolling them against each other, pressing deeper with every passing moment.

Stella:“How long should I continue?”

Nelly reaches over to feel the swollen testicles, as if weighing them in her hands. “A few more minutes and he will be ready.”

The male tries to buck, to get out of this ordeal. The bounds are too well tied. It is of no use to struggle, no matter the desperation, the pain, the anguish, and the sheer joy of being handled so coordinated by an amateur.

Nelly:“OK. Time to stop playing and start working! Hold one testicle in each hand.”

Stella: “Now what?”

Nelly:“Give each one a long, hard squeeze.”

The male seems to be going out of his mind. Stella does as she is told, maybe a bit harder than she imagined possible. The malelets out a short scream, violently trying to free himself.

Stella:“I think it hurts him.”

Nelly:“Oh, no!” She grabs the male’s erection firmly in her two hands, with inches to go at the top and bottom, and squeezes it hard. With all her might and holds firm. The erection seems to turn almost purple, its head bulging and ready to pop out. So are his eyes. “See, pretty darling? These things are made to take it.”

Stella:“So why is he crying so much?”

Nelly:“Because he is showing us how happy he is to be here with us. Now go at it much harder: those testicles still have a lot to give.”

Stella: “This is so much fun! Now what?”

Nelly: “Pay attention, sweetie. You are going to pop them in, one by one, into his pelvis.”

Stella:“I am going to WHAT?”

Nelly:“Just do it, darling.”

Stella struggles and fumbles coordinately, perhaps even too harshly. The body gives. The testicles are shoved up, tucked out of sight, nowhere to be found.

Stella looks shocked and surprised:“Where did they go?”

Nelly, laughing:“Maybe, darling, they are playing hide-and-seek! Want to try to find them?”

Stella mockingly sings:“Where, oh where can they be?”

Nelly:“Want to go out and find them for me?”

Stella, excitedly:“Yes! May I?”

Nelly laughs and hands her a tube of lubricant. “Put lots of it on your fingers and off you go!”

Stella lubes her index finger, reaching down between the male’s legs and very gingerly works its way into him. “I’ve never fingered a male’s ass before.”

Nelly:“You haven’t? What does it feel like?”

Stella, laughing:“It seems so dark in there!”

Nelly:“Have you found anything you were seeking yet?”

Stella exclaims triumphantly:“Here it is! Here it is! Found one!”

Nelly:“Good girl! Plop it out!”

Stella presses against somethingg round and firm and out plops a testicle back into the scrotum.

Nelly:“We still seem to be missing one.”

Stella:“I’ll get it!” Again her finger goes into the male’s ass, Stella gropes around a bit and soon the other one is back in place.

The male lets out a sight of relief.

Nelly:“Don’t pay attention to that. It is just a reflex.”

Stella:“Can I play hide-and-seek again?”

Nelly:“Of course, sweetie pie! Go for it! As much as you like! Only now I want you to play with them and squeeze them a lot harder and a lot longer before hiding them. Oh, and by the way, when you pop them in, make it a lot slower. Let the male really feel them going in.”

Stella, ever ready to learn and please:“Like this?”

The male is practically jumping out of his skin.

Nelly:“Yes, sugar baby, that is exactly how. Oh, and baby love, this time I want them both out at the exact same time, OK?”


Nelly:“Shall I give you a hint?”


Nelly, laughing:“Do I have to tell you everything? Hint: lube two fingers!”

Stella:“TWO fit?”

Nelly:“Ah, love! Fisting shall be another male!”

Stella laughs and does as she is told. Time and again, the male is on the verge of collapse. Nelly urges Stella on, to be braver and bolder with every cycle of popping in and ploping out.

Stella:“How else can I use this?”

Nelly:“With those two marbles out of the way, you can slap the male all you want between the legs and he won’t whimper so much.”

Stella:“But. How what do I do with this? I mean, it is still in the way. She seems to be looking in the general direction of the huge erection.”

Nelly:“Oh, that?” She slapses it with all her might on the side. It whacks his left hip and springs back into position. Nelly slapses it again, this time even harder and it whoacks his right hip, springing back into place even faster. Then she slapses its underside so hard that it practically sinks into his muscle abdomen and comes back to its starting place immediately.

Nelly:“See how resilient it is? It is really meant to take a lot more than we think!”

Stella:“You never told me it could be so much fun! Let me try.” She slapses it around a few more times.

Nelly:“Baby love, you are getting carried away and seem to be forgetting our game of hide-and-seek!”

Both women laugh. Stella resumes her game of hide-and-seek with the male’s testicles, now so playful and so cheerful that Nelly is admiring her for her creative innovations.

The male is on the verge of leaping out the window had it not been for the bounds.

Stella stops. She feels to be fumbling for something inside. She is not quite sure what it is. “I think there is a third one inside. Is that possible?”

Nelly:“Oh, I forget to tell you. The male has a prostrate.”

Stella, blissfully ignorant:“What is that used for?”

Nelly laughs:“That is sort of like your and my G-spot. Massage it deep inside and you can get the male to climax without touching anything else.”

Stella, super excited:“Can I try? Please? Pretty please?”

Nelly:“Go for it, baby love! Go for it now!”

Stella now has three fingers inside, pressing and rolling and squeezing the prostate with unbounded enthusiasm.

The male ejaculates wildly. Uncontrolled bursts of ejaculate fly into the air in all directions. The huge erection thrashes furiously about all over the place. The copious stream splashes all over Stella’s hair. It splatters against the far wall. It makes a general mess all over the carpet. It just keeps flowing out uncontrolled, with no sense of direction or hinting of ever stopping.

“This is so much fun!” giggled Stella, her childish impishness now taking control over her. “What elser tricks can you teach the male to do?”

Nelly, patiently:“You really do want to learn everything in one day? (She laughs and winks at Stella. Stella giggles.) OK, watch this.”

She reached into a drawer and took out a very long, extremely thin Teflon®-coated tube. She held it up lightly for Stella to see. Other items from the drawer soon followed. Stella sat down, feeling her very wet panties rub against the edge of the seat, eagerly leaning forward to get a better look, always yearning to learn new things.

The male started quivering; soon, shaking uncontrollable. He had been through this many times before. No matter how often, every time it seemed to be more intense. Stella smiled to see that the male’s erection had returned in full force. The pee hole was clearly visible. It was clearly nicely dilated.

Of course, not as widely dilated, as it would be in Act II of this lovely play!


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