Stella Discovers Ch. 01

A slow start but it heats up.

Stella sipped her wine and once again questioned how she got here. It was amazing what you do to try and save a relationship you already know is in the toilet.

She looked around the room and there was Tony talking to a surprisingly enhanced blonde. Stella shook her head, he had worked on her for weeks if not months to try this and now he could not even be bothered to talk to her.

She was rummaging in her bag looking for her phone when a guy sat down beside her.

“You do not look happy there young lady.”

Stella continued rummaging, answering: “Oh am fine thank you, just looking for my phone.” The last thing she wanted to do was get into a conversation with any of these people.

There was no answer, but he did not move away, Stella looked up to give him a perfunctory smile but it froze. She was looking into the blueest eyes she had ever seen and they really were smiling.

She tried to recover herself and divered back intoher handbag. “Sorry did not mean to star.”

“Oh it is quite alright. May I ask why you so desperately need your phone? The party has not even started yet so way too early to want to take photos.”

Stella sneaked a peak at the eyes again. No, she had not imagined them. Wow.

“I’m going to call a taxi.” She smiled tightly “I don’t think this is really me.” she said indicating the room and the other people.

“You don’t like sex?”

Stella was taken aback by the directness of the question.

“Emm, no, no, or yes, emmm, yes, I do like sex. But well this is the first time I have ever been to a party like this emm, a gathering like this. Oh whatever the hell you call it.”

She turned to face the stranger directly assessing him. He was attractive, not handsome, his face a map of lines that said he laughed a lot and frowned a lot. Not young, but not old yet she would not be able to guess his age.

“Are you always that direct?”

He shrugged: “Yes,it saves time.”

Stella could not think of an answer and went back to the phone hunt.

“I have been to several of these gatherings,” he said laughing “I use them as a way of releasing physical energy when I do not have someone special in my life.”

Stella gave up the search her phone had a mind of its own and would turn up soon.

“I thought people were not allowed to attend on their own.”

“Oh no, I came with Lucy” he pointed to the enhanced blonde. “A nice lady but to be honest she is very boring. She is useful to me at times like this.”

Stella laughed “Well Tony does not seem to be finding her boring at all.” In fact, Tony was leaning over her and looked as if he was going to kiss her any moment.

“You came with him? You?” He could Not keep the surprise out of his voice.

Dispite the fact that Stella knew exactly what he means she felt duty bound to defend Tony. “He is a very nice man.” She paused “But yes, he is a little on the dull side.”

“They sound like a match made in heaven. Now, would you like some more wine?”

Without waiting he beckoned one of the waiters and took two glasses from the tray. Handing her one he declared “To interesting people!”

Stella saluted with her glass and took a sip.

“So if you have been to so many of these gatherings, can you tell me what happens next?”

He looked at his watch and said, “Well in about 5 minutes, our hostess over there, Maxine, will nod to the waiters and they will leave. She will then stand in front of that ridiculous fireplace and welcome everyone and remind them of the rules of the evening. You probably received them by mail?”

Stella nodded

“Then she will take off her clothes and approach whomever she fans, get down on her knees and start giving him a blow job. She does have a rather good technique, but wears too much lipstick so that one is left branded for the evening.”

Despite knowing she was blushing Stella laughed. He was so matter of fact about it.

“I would guess that Lucy will not be long after Maxine.” He leaned over and whispered: “She spent too much money on those boobs to hide them for long.”

Just as he finished speaking Maxine did get up and nod to the waiters. He leaned in and said “My watch must be slow.”

In front of them the scene unfolded just as he had described. Maxine Disrobed revealing a well toned body then knelt in front of a very muscular man, opened his trousers and took his cock in her mouth. She had not bobbed her head more than once or twice when Lucy turned around and Tony pulled down the zip on her short dress.

Stella turned away, she really did not want to see any more. She stood up, put her glass down and held out her hand to the stranger. “It was a pleasure to meet you, but I am going.”

“Must you?”

Stella smiled tightly, “Yes, this is really not me.”

“Well let me walk with you until you get a taxi.”

“Thank you there really is no need.” She smiled: “I am a big girl and can take of myself.”

He took her hand in both of his, “Really? Are you sure you are not a lil girl and want someone to take care of you?”

Stella froze. She just stared at him.

“What did you say?”

“You heard me my dear, now please sit down again before you fall down.”

Stella was not aware of obeying him but was suddenly sitting.

He took a sip of his wine but was watching her with those eyes.

“Am sorry I don’t know what came over me, I have to go.”

She stood and headed to the door, he caught her wrist and stopped her from moving any further away. He was not hurting her, but she was held firmly.

“It is part of your fantasy life, you think about it when you masturbate, you imagine him there, taking care of you.” His voice was normal, conversational but the effect of the words was anything but normal. Stella could barely breathe. How did he know?

He read her mind: “How do I know this? I don’t for sure, but I am pretty certain I am right. I am hoping I am right.”

He pulled her arm and again she was sitting beside him.

“I have been watching you since you walked in. Watching you fight to be so strong but are feeling lost.” He just looked at her. “How long ago did you start have fansies about Daddy?”

Stella answered without pause: “Many, many years ago. He would be loving and kind and strict. He would teach me all the secrets. I could trust and love him.”

Stella really wasn’t aware of what she was saying, but as the words left her mouth it was like it was the truth she had never admitted to herself.

“I love being a Daddy, I love taking care of my precious girls. Making them feel special, helping them become women, training them to please. You could almost say it is my area of ​​expertise.”

“How do you train them?”

“Practice my dear lots of practice and motivation.”


Part of Stella’s brain could not believe she was having this conversation with a man she had met less than half an hour ago. But she could not end it. It was as if those eyes and that voice had hypnotised her.

” Yes motivation. If they displease me or do not learn well, then they are spanked. If they are intentionally naughty they are caned. If they do not obey me, then they are made to understand that once is enough.” He turned to her again with a large smile. “I am very strict. My rules are my rules. It is my house and any girl who joins me will have to accept that.”

Stella laughed, she was so nervous, excited and turned on. She looked out over the living room. There were at least two women with cocks in their mouths and their psies, there was one man with a cock at each end, several more groups in various combinations and yet none of that was having as much an effect on her as the words of the fully dressed stranger beside her.

“Sex looks ridiculous from the outside, don’t you think? It is only when you are part of it that it is wonderful. When did you last orgasm so hard that you screamed? Was it with a partner or alone thinking of Daddy?”

Stella Shook her head. He was asking the most intimate of questions as if they were discussing the weather.

He stood up and handed her a business card: “My card, when you stop denying and realise that this is really something you want to know about, call me, all my numbers are on there. But now, I have not had sex in over a week and I am horny, so you will have to excuse me.”

Stella was staring at the card. Stuart Bingham Esq.

He put a finger under her chin and raised her eyes to his “I will be waiting, please don’t make me wait too long.”

He leaned over and kissed her very gently on the lips before turning to walk away.

“But you don’t even know my name!”

“I know all I need to know about you Stella.”

She watched as he took off his shirt, his chest was broad and he was in good shape, a man who took care of himself but was not obsessive about it.

He turned as if he knew she was watching and looking directly at her, opened the belt of is jeans and then pushed them down his legs. He was not wearing underwear and his cock sprang free. His gaze dared her to look closely at him. She couldn’t and dropped her eyes and began to gather her things. She could hear his laughter across the room.

When she trusted her legs enough she stood and went to the door. She could not resist looking back into the sea of ​​people, looking for him. He was standing feeding his cock to a woman but watching her. When their eyes connected, he grabbed the head of the woman and began to face fuck her roughly. Stella got the message: he would do that to her. She watched fascinated, she could not tear her eyes away. A second woman joined the first on her knees in front of him and letting go of the first, he allowed the two women to share his cock, a hand on the back of each of their heads.

Stella gota momentary picture of it being her on the floor in front of him. She was so tempted by the image that she took a step back into the room, towards him.

She was stopped by Tony approaching her: “Isn’t this the most wonderful party? I told you it would be great babe. You just gotta relax and go with the flow. And you ain’t gonna get fucked will all those clothes on.”

He reached out to open her Shirt but Stella smoked his hand away.

Stuart had been watching and stepped through the ladies at his feet and was coming over. That was enough to give Stella the impetus to get out the door. She was annoyed that it felt like running away.

When she got home Stella opened a bottle of wine and sat at the kitchen table looking at the card in her hand. She twisted it and turned it, feel the sharp corners. It feel like a connection to him. He had held this so by holding it she was holding him. The thought of holding him brought back images of his cock disappearing into the mouth of that woman.

Stella was a good girl. She had always done what she had been told. In school she did her homework, in university she studied. She helped her Mother keeping the house neat and tidy.

After university, she found a good job, it was not exciting but working for the government, Stella felt she was doing something useful. She had a small circle of friends and they had fun going to clubs and dancing. She did not sleep around. On one of their nights out she met Rob, they dated, they fell in love, they married.

It had only lasted a few years, Rob had always liked a drink, but Stella learnt soon after their marriage that he drank a lot more than he had ever admitted. She left before he could drag her down with him. What sex there had been had been perfunctory. He would lie on top of her, pump a few times, release and then start to snore before he had even gotten off her.

She had been on her own for many years, dedicated her life to her work. Ignoring thecalls of her body and burying deep all thoughts of wild password. She had met Tony through work, he worked for the stationery company. He asked her out several times before she said yes. It was nice to have company and go out to dinner. In bed Tony was the opposite of Rob he wanted her to do everything, every position, every dirty thing he could think of. But he never took the time to teach her. He had started to suggest swinging as a way to get over her frigidity. He pestered and nagged until finally she gave in.

She finished the glass of wine and headed to bed. The best thing that Tony had ever done for her was buy her a Hitachi wand. It was only by using that could she orgasm. It was another reason for Tony to call her frigid. She lay on the bed naked and played with her breasts for a few moments, imagining it was a large hand cupping and squeezing them.

She could hear his voice in her head “Does my precious girl want Daddy to touch her anywhere else?”

“Oh yes please Daddy.”

She ran her hand down over her belly, she stopped short of her pussy and imagined him teasing her. She delved her hand into the heat and ignoring her clip, pushed two fingers into herself.

“Oh Daddy that is nice.”

“What a naughty girl you are!”

She could not wait any longer and turned on the vibe, it was in contact with her clip for only a moment or two before she Felt her body clnch and release. She knew there was to be more than one orgasm this evening and held the vibe so it was just teasing her clip.

“Does the precious girl need to cum again?”

“Oh yes Daddy.”

She pressed harder and had a shuddering orgasm, her tights shook and she pushed her fingers in and out hard and fast, screaming into the empty room.

The following few days Stella see saw over contacting Stuart. She wanted to, she had never had such wonderful fansies and was having to use the vibe several times a day. But the rational side of her brain argued thatshe knew nothing about him. He could be a predator, a rapist she could be putting herself in a lot of danger.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.” The line from her favourite movie popped into her head often. It came down to the simple choice, continue to live this boring life, even she knew it was boring. Or she could take a chance, a risk and see what happened. She would manage her safety, she would arrange to call Angie, telling her that she had met someone on an internet dating site. Angie had been at her to dump Tony for quite some time and to get out there.

It was only on Wednesday when she made the decision that she realized she had not heard from Tony since the party. She laughed when she thought of it.

Thursday evening, she fortified herself with a glass of wine. She wanted to drink the whole bottle but then she would have fallen wait on the couch and never made the call.

The ringing tone made her legs quake.

“Hello, this is Stuart, I can’t takeYour call right now but if you leave a name and number I will get back to you.”

Stella was cursing under her breath as the message ended. She hung up. She stared at the phone. No, she was going to do this.

“Hi Stuart, this is Stella, we met at the party last weekend. The party at Maxine’s. You were talking to me before the party started.” Stella knew she was rambling but Couldn’t stop. “You gave me your card and said I should call you sometimes.” She tried to make a joke: “Well this is sometimes.” It sounded even worse than when she said it in her head “Emmm, hope to hear back from you.” She left her number and hung up as fast as she could.

Oh good god, that was terrible, she sounded terrible like she did not have a brain in her head. He would never want to ring back after a message like that.

She rang the number again “Stuart, is Stella again, sorry from rambling message earlier. I am curious to find out more about what we talked about. You have my number.”

The embarrassment made Stella bury her head in a cushion. She had blown it. One stupid message was bad enough but two, in a row, within minutes of each other. Argh, she punched the pillow.

She downed another glass of wine in two large gulps. And began waiting. She cleaned the kitchen and waited. She did the ironing and waited. She cooked dinner and waited. She waited all evening and there was no call back.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, I have blown it.” She unplugged the house phone and turned off her mobile. She could not bear knowing he had not called. It was better to imagine that he had called and not gotten through. She crawled into bed and tossed and turned cursing herself for being such an idiot.

Sleep, when it finally came was fitful and full of bad dreams. She woke in the morning feeling worse than when she had gone to bed. Getting ready for work she realized she had best turn the phones on again, in case there was an emergency and her mother needed her.

WithoutKnowing she was doing it Stella held her breath waiting for the mobile to connect. She put it on the kitchen table and went upstairs to finish getting ready for work. She was half way up the stairs when the SMS tone rang out. She stopped, should she go back down and check. It was probably just Angie anyway. But she knew who she wanted it to be from. No, she would finish getting ready. That was more important, her work was more important than anything.

She couldn’t stand it and half way through dressing ran down the stairs and snatched the phone. 2 texts and one missed call.

Text one was from Tony asking if she wanted to go to dinner this evening.

Text two was from a number not in her phone book it was simply a smiley. Was it from him? She ran to the table and grabbed his card. No, the number was not the same. Stella deflated and could feel tears begin to prick at the back of her eyes.

She dialled the voice mail box. “Hello precise so good to hear from you. I have been waiting for your call. Daddy needs your address so he can collect you for dinner. 8pm sharp dress nice and pretty for me darling.”


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