stef's Slavery Ch. 01

stefaan took a deep breath as he stood to de-plane. Valerie had been his Mistress for about 2 years, though they had known each other for three. She was everything to him and so he left his own country to stay with Her for the next 2 years. She had taught him as well as possible, taking over his life as best She could with an ocean separating them. This was his first time meeting Her in person. he wasn’t nervous about that. No, he was nervous because he wasn’t sure that the secret that he was a slave would remain a secret. he knew She loved to torque him, to come as close as possible to outing him and he suspected it would be no different in person. She also lived with Her kids. She said they’d never know but he wasn’t so sure. His thoughts were jumbled as people jostled for him in the struggle to get off the plane.

Smiling, he strode down the gangway. he was confident that the meeting now would be easy, they knew each other inside and out, there should be no nervousness. And, he knew, today he would finally get to touch Her, hear Her reactions, see Her face as She commanded him. With an inward sight he hustled through customs. She was sadistic, he wondered is She would be cruel in real life. Sadistic is one thing, cruel is quite another.

he stopped just outside of the final security checkpoint and sought Her out. Bright red, She had said, though he’d Know Her anywhere. Yes, there She was. Wonderful. he took a deep breath and plunged into his new life.

In the middle of the airport She made him knee. Dropping his baggage he hurriedly got to his knees. The “Yes Mistress,” was strangled, coming from a throat closed with embarrassment. Humiliation made his face flame. She smiled softly as he assumed the position She had drilled into his head; knees spread, arms folded behind his back, eyes down. Two years of online service almost translated smoothly into real life. he stared at Her feet, wishing he could look at Her legs. She was wearing a short black leather skirt, a deep red silk blouse and strappy 2 inch heels. Her legs looked fabulous framed by the heels and skirt.

She made him wait 2 long, agoning minutes before She stroked his head and pulled him to his feet. his eyes remained on the floor as She kissed his cheek. “Welcome to the US, pet. Let’s go home.” As they walked through the airport She began to ask him questions. “How was your flight, stef?”

“Long, as it would be, coming from Belgium, and a little boring. i didn’t like the movie very much.” In the next second stefaan yelped in surprise and pain. She had pinched him hard on the underside of his arm. In their relationship online She had told him often enough that he will use the proper form of address. She shook Her head, he forget a lot. Oh well, She’d make sure he remembered after today.

“Didn’t you forget something?”

“Yes Ma’am, sorry Ma’am.”

“Are your parents ok with coming here for a couple of years?”

Stef surprised a little bit”Not entirely, but they’ll get over it Ma’am.”

“When I spoke with your father, he didn’t seem too thrilled to have you so far away. He tried to make a lot of rules.” She grinned.

he looked anxious. “What did You do? You know he must feel he has complete control.” his voice was bitter, “He always had up until now.”

She let the lack of address slide, this once, merely raising a single eyebrow. “I told him that you are an adult, young, but an adult. At 24 you need to figure out how to live your own life. I did manage to convince him that the rules would be strict.”

he groaned. “Oh no. Now he will be furious with me.” Belatedly, he added “Ma’am.”

She smiled, “No he won’t. I have a way about these things. Your mother was easier, she was simply concerned that you would be well looked after.”

he was silent for a few moments. She sensed he was evaluating his opinions about what She had said and wondering what he could say. “you may speak freely, pet.”

stef took a deep breath. “Mistress, i am a little frightened. i do not know what will come of my being here. And i am worried that i will not have time for study as Your slave. i am also afraid that my father will have some retribution when i get back.”

She stopped him with a hand on his arm, turning to face him, “I know those are the minimum of your fears, stef, and I want to reassure you that you’re time here will be worthwhile. In two years you will go back to Belgium, if you wish, with your law degree, a fully trained slave and to parents who will be happy to see you.”

he smiled slightly, “my father has never been happy to see me.”

“You will be better able to stand up to him, in the end, than you have ever been before.” Valerie knew that his father was a Dominant, and His mother was the slave. The man had always held strict dominion over the house. And, being a doctor, he controlled everything his wife and children did right down to their health. stef had foundSome relief in his travels in the past and She hoped to send him back with a large sum of self-confidence.

She started walking again, knowing he would follow. She led them to the car and drive to Her house. stef watched the scenery around him, disappointed at first by the obvious suburbia surrounding the airport. She followed the throughfares into the city, including one swooping ramp that took them above the houses. he gasped at the view offered. Her home is a low built city, not too many high rises and most of those were clustered around the center of the city. So when the ramp took them over the houses he was astounded by the far reaching sprayl of life, as well as the view of the sun city behind the not too distant mountains.

She smiled, “It’s beautiful isn’t it? And the air is so clean. I love it here.”

“i can see why, Mistress.”

Her smiled turned inward, he would love it too. Once he got over his anxiety. She didn’t think he should be anxious, he’d traveled all over Europe, lived in Italy for about a year, but, She supposed, this was different. Here, he was setting himself down in the middle of a ready-made family, as a full time slave. Valerie’s children were prepared for the guest. They knew stef was coming to go to school here, they knew he was renting Her carriage house. That’s all they knew.

They were excited, her 11 y/o son in particular, Because stef was from Belgium. Their father had been born to a Dutch mother and Belgian father and the kids had all kinds of questions about the countries their grandparents had come from. For now though, they were with Her best friend for the next couple of days, to give stef time to settle and get over the jet lag, She had said.

However, he would be thrown right into the role of slave. They had been Mistress and slave, online, for 2 years and She had been itching to get Her hands on him. She had spent the time since moving secretly setting up a dungeon in Her basement. Today andtomorrow it would be used fully.

Finally they pulled into Her driveway. The street was gorgeous, tree-lined, clean sidewalks, good sized yards, medium to large house set well back from the street. She had bought the house with a combination of inheritance from Her Great Aunt, sales from Her books and Her husband’s life insurance. She smiled softly. It was their dream house. Not that he had cared much about the house they lived in, as long as She had been happy, but he had agreed on certain aspects – lots of space, room for her to work and the family to live, and a shop for him. Since he didn’t need the shop now, Her smile turned sad, She used it. She had started out, in Her old home, with a sub who made Her toys, he had made the hardware, She added the leather. They had done well together, until She moved. Now She did it Herself. She made a lot of things out of wood and was learning to work with metal, copper mostly. The shop was nice and big, two-thirds of bottom floor of the old carriage house.

The top of the carriage house had been converted to an apartment for stef. There were a few hidden bondage items but he would see them later. For now She pulled the car into the remaining space in the bottom and told him to get out of the car.

“There are things we need to talk about,” She said as She pulled his bags out of the trunk and dropped them at his feet. “First, unless there are children Around, you will always be nude in My presence. Starting now. you have 45 seconds” She checked Her watch and crossed Her arms and waited.

stef paused for a moment, as he tried to assimilate that She expected him to strip in the garage. She tapped Her foot, once. he kicked off his shoes and undid his jeans. Pushing his pants over his hips he struggled to remove them and his shirt at the same time, nearly falling over in the process. Finally he stood there, fully stripped, arms hanging at his side and shivering while his cock began to swell. She checked Her watch and surprised. Forty-two seconds. Damn, She’d wanted an excuse to punish him.

“Very good. However, I do not tolerate a mess.” She looked at the heap of clothes. he rushed to pick them up and fold them, setting them on his shoes. “Good boy. Let’s go upstairs.” She walked towards another door.

stef picked up his bags and clothes and hurried after Her. She stepped through the door and started up the staircase, pulling keys out of Her pocket as She went. She opened the door and ushered him in. “Put your bags on the bed then come back here.” She continued talking as he moved. “you will keep this space clean. I will do a white glove test once a week. I expect you to also do your chores in the main house and your school work. We will work out a schedule for everything. In addition, you will be available when I want you. you will be learning the housekeeping tasks and how to be a body slave. There will be some lenience for the next two weeks. After that you will get ONE warning and punishment will follow if you are still wrong. Is everything clear?”

“Yes Ma’am. What about the children?” stef moved as quickly as possible, coming back to stand in front of his Mistress. he studied Her shoes as he waited.

“We will discuss that another time.” She studied his posture. Back straight, arms hanging loosely, he was standing fairly casually. She would correct that soon enough. She pulled a long leather strap out of Her pocket. It had an adjustable loop with a sliding lock. She stepped towards stef and grabbed his cock. “This is Mine.” She squeezed his balls, causing a swift intake of air. “These are Mine.” She put the loop around both and moved the lock until the straw was snug and forcing his cock and balls out from his body. his chest heaved with excited breaths. She put the other end between his teeth, forcing him to hold the end of his own cock lean.

Valerie pulled a chain from Her pocket next. She palmed it for the moment. She squeezed his left nipple, rolling it between her fingers until it was a hard, pointy nub. Then She lifted the chain and showed him a clover-leaf clamp. She quickly attached it to his nipple. She did the same to the other side. Then She pulled on the chain connecting them until he bent forward to ease the hurt. “These are also mine.” Then She held Her hand out for the leash. He spit it into Her palm, leaving saliva on the leash and Her hand.

She wiped both the leash and Her hand on his chest and slapped his face. “Be more careful in the future.”

stef filed that bit of information away and watched as She turned from him and started out the door. Then he gasped in pain as the leash jerked on his jewels and forced him to follow.

She led him down the stairs, across the open yard and to the back steps. She made him stand beside Her While She pretended to have to look for the key for the door. She knew he wouldn’t be seen, but he didn’t and it made him anxious. A blush started to form, turning his dark peach skin a dark red. his blue eyes showed his anxiety. She unlocked the door and stood beside it for a moment. “Are you having a problem, My pet?”

he opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again, but no sound emerged. he looked around, relaxing slghtly when he saw the thick hedges lining the yard. She raised a single eyebrow, leaned against the door frame and waited. his blush deepened. he cleared his throat and tried again, “Yes Ma’am…i mean no Mistress.”

She leaned more comfortable. “Well, which is it? Yes or no?”

he glanced around a little fearfully , “What if someone sees me?”

She stood up and started down the steps, pulling him behind Her. She led him to the center of the back yard, he came reluctantly, only the pain in his groin making him move at all. “This yard is well protected by the hedges and additional fencing, no one can get in without permission, very few know where the key to the gate is and NO one can see you.” She dropped the lean, took 5 steps to a nearby patio chair, sat down, spread Her knees and hiked up Her skirt. “Crawl over here and put your tongue in My pussy.”

he stared, riveted to the sight of Her inner thighs, one of which was drawn over the arm of the chair. His eyes followed the invitation to the center of the vee and found Her. Her pussy was shaken and smooth. Her labia had opened to show the dew of Her arousal on the dark pink of Her cunt. he almost drooled. he dropped to his knees, forgetting the leash, and quickly crawled to Her.

When he was between Her thighs his tongue was eagerly reaching out to taste Her. She placed a hand on his forehead, stopping him. “Leash.” He leaned back on his haunches and handed it to Her. She pulled him close, scootting Her hips forward as his face collided with her. he was abruptly buried in Her juices. Tongue seeking eagerly, he lapped up all Her sweet taste, bringing a moan to Her lips. She spread her thighs further as he sucked on Her inner lips then dug his tongue deep inside. his nose bumped against Her clip and She gasped, pulling him closer.

Taking a chance, he put his hands on Her inner thighs and pushed them further apart. Her hand slipped up under Her blouse to pinch and pull on a nipple when he sucked Her clip into his mouth. He bit down, making Her hips jerk and Her pussy juices flow more copiously. stef sucked hard and slipped a finger into Her hole. When he discovered its heat and the way at clutched at him he moaned. he bit her clip again, flicking his tongue over it and sucking at the same time. He abruptly added two more fingers to Her cunt, seeing them in and out.

Valerie was ecstatic, Her slave was a delight at eating pussy. She was so close to cumming. Just needed one more thing. Her other hand pulled him closer. his tongue flicked over Her clip faster, his teeth chewed on Her and She gasped as pain shot through Her and quickly dissolved to pleasure. he pulled his fingers from Her andslide one soaked digit over Her tiny pink pumper. “Oh yes! Now!” he grinned when She ground out the order in a breathless gasp. He shoved one finger in Her ass to the knuckle and put 3 back in Her cunt. The muscles tightened around him, pulling him in. God he wanted to fuck Her but knew that he’d have to wait until She felt he’d earned it. he resolved to do just that.

At that moment She grabbed his head, pulling him closer, suffocating him, grinding Her pelvis against his face as Her orgasm overtook Her. Her legs closed around his head and back as Her body twitched. She struggled to keep the scream in but a wild moan escaped. Suddenly all Her muscles relaxed and he licked up all the cream like the good pet he was.

Valerie shuddered and moaned lightly as stef cleaned Her, licking Her dry. She rested Her head on the back of the chair and struggled to slow Her breathing. Once it was more under control She put Her feet on the ground and leaned towards stef. Cradling his face inHer hands She proceeded to lick Her cum from his face, then She kissed him deeply. “Very good pet, very, very good.” he smiled in pleasure and She continued. “As you can see we are perfectly private here. Only people I invite get to come back here.” She stood up and yanked lightly on the leash, he stood rapidly and followed Her into the house, hoping the precum on his cock didn’t drip on the floor. he suspected She’d make him lick it up.

Once inside She turned to another door and, upon opening it, flicked on a light. She led him down the stairs. They walked through a busy looking family room, a place that made it clear She had children. Toys, books, movies and X-Box games were scattered around a coffee table. She stepped behind a bar – he noticed that there were two small fridges, one of which had a padlock on it, neighbor stacks of glasses, small plates and a tiny sink – faced the back wall, reached up to a shelf near the top and pushed a button. With a slight rattle the shelf swungsilently inwards. She reached in an flicked another light switch.

stef’s mouth dropped. he wanted to ask a million questions about how the hell She’d managed a hidden room. he knew that She wouldn’t appreciate him speaking out of turn but a small sound emerged before he controlled himself. She turned and smiled at him.

“As you can see, stefaan, this is a big house. It used to have very wealthy owners, they had a wine cellar. Before we moved in I had some changes made, including hiding the door.” She pulled him closer to it. She took his hand and slid it across the shelf. “Feel the button? Don’t ever forget where it is. There may be a time or two when you must get in here quickly while the kids are home and without them knowing.” She pulled him all the way in and gave the door a gentle push. It slide shut as silently as it opened. “Sometimes there are definite benefits to being single. Though perhaps I’d prefer ‘divorcee’ to ‘widow.’”

“Yes Ma’am.” As much as he was glad to have Her all to himself, (almost, there were the kids, but they didn’t have anything to do with the Lifestyle, they were completely ignorant of it), it had been a horrible thing for Her to go through. A car accident on a rainy night had broken her right arm and wrist, 3 ribs and almost broken Her neck. She’d been in casts and braces for weeks. The physics, She says, had been good for Her. She’d lost 50 pounds and now had a greater appreciation for Herself, Her kids and life in general.

“Welcome to My dungeon, stefaan. This will be the center of our entertainment.” She led him down 3 more steps and into the center of the room. She loosened the leash and removed it from him. he stood as he had knelt in the airport, legs apart – just slightly more than is comfortable, arms folded behind his back, back straight, eyes down. She pulled his nipple chain lightly. “Good boy. you may look around. I’ll give you ten minutes.” She sat on a leather covered bar stool that sat in front of another bar and settled into watch him.

he didn’t move for the first minute, running his eyes over everything, wondering where to start. A freestanding cabinet stood against one wall. he decided to start there. stef glanced at his Mistress as he stood upright. She smiled back and he surprised with relief. It seemed maybe She wasn’t cruel.

The cabinet opened easily and silently. ‘Damn,’ he thought, ‘i’ll never know when She’s getting something from in here.’ Then he smiled, clever of Her. Inside were several glass shelves, lit by discrete spotlights from the top of the cabinet. The top shelf held glass dildos in several colors, shapes and sizes. The second one had two leather harnesses. One had a ring on the outside and two smaller ones on the inside. The other was much simpler, being straps with a ring in the front. Strap on harnesses, his cock hardened a little more.

The third shelf held butt plugs ranged from ridiculously thin to frighteningly fat. he shuddered wit’s a little fear even as his cock throbbed. The fourth shelf held more leather and steel. Cock rings, strips of leather and a couple of chatity devices. The bottom held dildos. he reached out and stroked one with a finger tip. Unseen, his Mistress smiled at his back. Reverently, he closed the doors. He felt that the drawers would be too much too handle right now.


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