Steak and Blowjob Day Ch. 02

March 14th, 2018

I’ve had it, I could take no more. 21 months without an orgasm was far more than I could take. She really pushed me the past year, keeping me focused on March 14th.

“The day you’ll finally get that steak and a blowjob. It will be mind blowing, shooting all that pent up cum and desire into My Mouth and no matter how much, I’ll swallow it all!”

She reminded me of this every single day since I finally broke in June last year.

June 23rd, 2017

As soon as I came home, I transformed our bedroom into a room to celebrate Her birthday. I had a massive amount of flowers and candles, carefully picked to please Her. I also spent a ridiculous amount of money on the category. She’d surely appreciate Her favourite Champagne from our honeymoon in France. It had taken me some effort to have it delivered here, but I managed whatsoever.

I stripped in our bedroom and anxiously waited on the bed until I heard Her come up the stairs. I’d asked Her to give me 30 minutes alone in the bedroom and She came in right in time.

“A glass of Champagne dear?”

“My my… Seems like you wanted to impress me today. Flowers, my favorite Champagne and all sorts of appealers that I like. You’re trying to work on my mood aren’t you? I bet you’re hoping that I might be gentle on you tonight.”

“Well… it’s Your birthday After all, maybe we could… You know… just like old times just make love?”

“That’s exactly what I had in mind. Me making love to your hard cock until you beg Me to lock you back up. And afterwards, you’ll make love to Me until I’ve had enough.”


“Uh uh… Be nice dear, it’s My birthday. Thanks for all of this, but I’m in charge for over a year now and it’s not going to change. Now get Me that glass of Champagne and have one for yourself to wash down the Viagra. I want to get started in half an hour.”

Half an hour later, She tied me to the bed and unlocked my cage, I was hard instantly. To my surprise, my Goddess pulled a gift wrapped box from under the bed.

“I bought Myself a little present for My birthday. I’m sure you’ll like it.”

She unwrapped the gift and faked being surprised by the contents.

“Oh that’s so sweet and thoughtful of you!”

She showed me the Fleshlight box and immediately opened it.

“It’s a Fleshlight Turbo Thrust, now I can give you fake blowjobs until you’ve earned a real one. Oh I’m so excited and glad that – apparently – so are you.”

I was indeed rock-hard – any stimulation turned me on tremendously. Of course a Fleshlight would not be able to beat the real thing, but being denied an orgasm for a year now and the Viagra kicking in…

The Fleshlight came very close to the real thing (as far as I still had any recovery) and about two hours later I was such a mess from being edged over and over. I wasn’t thinking straight anymore when I mumbled these words.

“Please please lock me back up. I can’t take it anymore.”

“I don’t think so. You know I need to edge you at least 3 hours every day.”

“Oh please no. This is too much. Please Goddess.”

“You know what I want to hear from you.”

“Huh? What? Oh shit no no no…”

“Okay, here we go for another hour of edges.”

“Okay okay… please lock me up until Steak & Blowjob day.”

“Are you sure you want this?”


“You need to convince Me.”

“Please Goddess. Please.”

“Please what? Please continue edging? Please put on the cage again?”

“Please stop, I can’t take any of both anymore.”

“That’s equal to ‘please continue’, so here we go.”

She slide the Fleshlight over my shake again and I bucked my hips up in an attempt to get off. She knew me so well, She stopped all stimulation at another edge. I was going mad.

“Please lock me up until Steak & Blowjob day. Please, I’m dead serious.”

“Okay, you’ve asked for this all by yourself. Don’t forget about that.”

She took the ice bucket and used the Champagne bottle and the ice to get me soft. I was back in my cage in no time.

“Now I’m going to blindfold you, get naked and put you in the straw on harness. I’m soooo going to enjoy the rest of my birthday with you.”

That night, after I’d licked Her and fucked Her to multiple orgasms, I had a wet dream again. It wasn’t my first and it definitely wouldn’t be my last, but it was my most frustrating one ever. I tried to get some more pleasure out of this one by tugging on the cage but it only made it worse.

March 14th, 2018

I looked down at my Goddess, tied to the table in our dining room. Her Hands and Feet were secured to the corners of the table, I wrapped pink bondage tape around Her Chest, making Her magnificent Tits jut out provocatively and the blue ball gag prevented Her from speaking clearly.

“It’s been months since I last saw You naked and if I weren’t locked up by You, I’d have my way with You fora couple of days. I’ve got plans for You today and I’m quite sure that before the end of the day, You’ll beg me to unlock myself instead of me begging You to lock me up.”

She didn’t blink and I’m sure I saw a sparkle in Her eyes and a smile around the ball gag. I knew that look on Her gorgeous Face, it was the look She had on my birthday last year.

September 16th, 2017

It was a very hot Saturday, Indian summer was an understatement. Still, my Goddess insisted on having the BBQ set-up despite the fact that it would be too hot to grill.

“Okay, I’ll let you in on this. In an hour, our garden will be full of our friends and I’ve also hired someone to take care of the meal. It’s your birthday after all and since you’ve been such a good husband on my birthday, I’m going to let you enjoy yours too.”

She patted my caged cock through my shorts. Although the fact that She keeps me locked 24/7, She still gives me a Viagra pill daily. Patting me like that even though it’s humiliating makes my cock bounce.

“I’ve bought us both some new swimwear for this afternoon, I’m sure the heat will force us all into the pool.”

She started undressing, Her Back turned to me. Last time I saw Her naked was on steak & blowjob day, I was really looking forward to see Her without a stitch of clothes even if only Her backside. My dick obviously swelled to its maximum now.

“Be a good husband and get Me into My bikini, will you? It’s in the bag behind you.”

By turning around to grab the bag, I totally missed seeing Her bend over to remove Her panties. I walked up to Her, bag in hand.

“You can take it out and help Me into it instead of staring Me down.”

“Yes my Goddess.”

The bikini wasn’t much more than a couple of small triangles with strings attached to the corners. The fabric was thin and white, in the pool She’d look…

“Are You really going to wear just this all afternoon with my friends around? Goddess, please… theywon’t keep their eyes off of You.”

“Isn’t that wonderfully exciting? Come on, you know I can’t stand naked for too long around you, my horny little husband.”

I handed Her the two small pieces of fabric and I knotted the strings on Her Hips, Her Back and around Her Neck. From the back, I only saw those small strings, this bikini was tiny! She turned around and the sight was simply amazing. Little more than Her Nipples and Her lower Lips were covered.

“My Goddess, you look spectacular. Thank you for granting me this gift on my birthday, but still…”

“Don’t worry too much dear, I’m sure our friends will be looking at you a lot of the time. Take of your shorts and put on the briefs that are still in the bag.”

I took my shorts off nervously, the look on Her Face She had while smiling didn’t promise me any good. I looked in the bag and saw nothing.

“Oh please Goddess, nooo…”

“What’s up? Don’t you like them? You’d rather spend the day without clothing?”

“There’s nothing in the bag, You can’t be serious about this.”

“Oh right, oops. I didn’t put them in this bag. They’re inside on the kitchen counter. Wait here, I’ll get them for you.”

She turned towards the kitchen and the sight of Her marvellous Ass with a tiny string separating the Cheeks made me grab my cage tightly. I’d love to be able to touch myself without being Confined. I felt a drop of precum oozing out of my slit and it just hung there.

“Hands off honey, you’ll need them to unwrap your gift.”

I took the small gift wrapped box from Her and started unwrapping with trembling hands.

“Thank You, my Goddess.” I said relieved not having to walk around in nothing but my cage in front of all of our friends.

My heart dropped when I saw the contents of the gift. These were not really briefs. She gave me a candy posing pouch.

“Honey please…”


“Goddess please…”

“You’d rather be naked then?”

“Thisis hardly covering me anyway…”

The doorbell rang. My Goddess looked at me smiling.

“Decision time. Are you going to answer the door the way you are now of do you want to put the briefs on first?”

It was no use arguing with Her. She always gets what She wants anyhow. I quickly unboxed the pouch and put it on. Beet red, I went for the door and opened it, seeking cover behind it. Two Women I didn’t know at all came in carrying cooling boxes.

“I assume you’re the lucky man celebrating today? Do you mind if We unload Our truck first before wishing you a happy birthday?”

“Not at all,” I answered with a trembling voice.

I wasn’t making a move to show Them in and They weren’t moving either.

“Could you show Us the way please?”

No use in postponing my humiliation.

“Okay, I’ll lead the way, but please don’t be shocked by what you see.”

“We’ve been warned that you’re a kinky guy, so don’t worry.”

Me? Kinky? Has my Goddess really told Them it’s me who’s come up with the idea to walk around like this?

“Come on, these boxes are not feather light you know…”

“Be a good husband and take the boxes inside. Let these gorgeous Women take care of bringing everything to the door.”

I came from behind the door and saw the mocking looks. Fuck, what am I going to feel when all of my friends arrive later on if I’m already that embarrassed now?

“I like your butt and your Wife’s Butt too!”

Fifteen minutes later, everything was set-up in the garden. I was so occupied with work that I actually felt quite at ease and comfortable with the three Women around. My Goddess was talking to them in the kitchen and I saw all of Their Heads turn towards me. Uh oh…

“So your Wife tells Us you have quite the equipment under all of those candy strings.”

“And She wants Us to see if We can make your huge cock slip through these candy strings if We change into Our grilling outfits.”

“And if you dopoke through fully erect, I’ll give you a birthday blowjob tonight,” my Goddess concluded.

She can be so cruel at times. Seeing these grogeous unknown Women undress fully made my cock bulge out through the bars, but I’d never be able to push it through the candy. The two Women put on a long apron, but nothing else.

“I don’t think he likes Us that much.”

“Oh, I know he does, but he’s a little restricted that’s all. Come and have a look for Yourselves.”

My Goddess pulled the candy pouch away from the cage and both Women looked at it surprised.

“What the hell, this is reversing the medieval roles! He can’t fuck with this thing on his manhood, can he?”

“Technically he still can, if I put the straw-on over His cage. And because it’s his birthday, he’s got a wildcard to fuck every willing Woman on the party tonight. Or rather, any Woman who wants to be fucked by him, he’ll have to fuck.”

Holy fuck! This is going to drive me insane! But I really can’timagine that any of my friends will allow their Woman to be fucked by me – stick-on or not.

“That must be the greatest birthday gift ever! I’d like to have a go after We’re done with the grilling.”

“Can We do him together?”

“Well of course You can!”

The doorbell rang again.

“You’ll open the door for everyone today, I’ll show the Ladies here where they can find all Our equipment.”

I don’t know how long it took me to get to the door with trembling legs, but by the time I reached the front door I heard quite a crowd gathered outside. I contemplated running upstairs and hiding in the bathroom, but I’m sure the punishment would be severe. I took a deep breath and got hold of myself. It still took all of my courage to open the door.

“Surprise birthday boy!” eight of my Goddess’ Friends shouted.

They didn’t seem surprised that I was standing there in the candy pouch. They were all wearing very skimpy bikinis and I didn’t see any of Their husbandds outside. They came inside one by one and hugged and kissed me to wish me a frustrating happy birthday. By the time the last one got inside, more cars arrived and it seems they were loaded with Women only.

Fifteen minutes later, I found out that my Goddess only invited Female Friends, specifically demanding They’d leave Their husbands home.

“How did You manage to do that? Gary told me he was looking forward to the party today. And Steve assured me he was coming too.”

“I’ve been planning this day since last year now and all of My Friends present here today know about your little prediction since long ago.”

“I played a kinky game with Gary yesterday. I tied him to the bed with the prospect of very hot sex. He struggled a bit, but I managed to put the cage on. Next Monday at work, you two can exchange experiences.”

“Steve’s been locked up for a couple of months now and he thinks he’s lucky that he keep it a secret. I promised him all the blowjobs he couldhandle tomorrow if he kept his mouth shut. I didn’t tell him he’s not going to cum, but that’s just details.”

“You see, all of our Friends are now part of our lifestyle. And it’s all thanks to you, because you were the one that begged Me to lock you up. You inspired all of Us and that’s why We decided to give you this gift today. Not only will you be fucking all of Us today, but you’ll also have 20 Keyholders.”

“I don’t understand. What do you mean with 20 Keyholders?”

“It means that two of Us will have a key to your cage. We’ll share this responsibility and We’ll swap the keys between Us secretly so only Two of Us will know for sure where the keys are. Isn’t that fantastic? You wanted Me to be cruel and Keep you horny and frustratingly denied. This will be so much more than you ever dreamed of.”

“I’m afraid it so much more than I can bear.”

“We’re here to help you prove yourself wrong. I know you’re capable of so much more than you can imagine.”

MyGoddess approached me and wrapped Her arms around me. The other Women followed Her lead and soon we were one big group hug with me in the middle. This seemed to be a dream come true, but it was sweet torture. Part of me was looking forward to giving Them all so much pleasure, but the other part of me knew I wasn’t going to cum tonight.

The group broke free and the two Ladies fired up the grill. I was being spoiled by the other Women, I wasn’t Their slave for the day. Instead, they made sure I had enough to drink and I could enjoy Their company. For about an hour, this seemed to be a quite normal birthday party with eating, drinking and talking. Everyone was having a good time and apart from feeling sticky from the candy pouch and being locked up, I felt good.

When we had all finished our plates, my Goddess got up and stood behind me. The other Women cleared the tables and put everything aside. I was now the only one sitting in the center of our terrace.

“Time for somedessert Ladies,” my Goddess announced.

She got down on Her Knees in front of me and snapped a couple of candies off the pouch as an example for the other Women. 10 minutes later, most of the candy was eaten off and my erection in the cage was very painful.

“Time to cool off a bit.”

The two grill Ladies had taken off the apron and guided le to the pool. They pushed me in and followed right behind me. The remaining candies dissolved into the water and I removed the elastic strings from around my waist. I saw all the other Women were taking off their bikinis and jump into the pool as well. My Goddess and a Friend of Hers swam towards us.

“I assume you don’t remember Her, but She definitely has some fun memories of you bound to the bed while We were having fun a year ago.”

Must be the one She was explaining chastity to last year. Looking at Her, I definitely missed quite a show, She’s a real stunner.

“Today, She wants to thank you for inspiring Her to lock up all of Her boyfriends She had since We met at a bar. How many boyfriends do You have locked up by now?”

“I have 4 of them and they haven’t seen their keys since they closed the built-in locks.”

“Today, you’ll be honoured by fucking Her first. With the strapon of course. I see you’re already getting excited, your cage seems so tight. Come on, let’s get inside. It’s too hot to have sex outside.”

My Goddess led us inside to the couch while striping off the little fabric that covered Her Skin. She laid down on the couch and swung Her Legs over the back, Her Hair cascading down to the floor.

“Come here Natalie, I want to taste You again and make You all wet for My well endowed husband.”

Natalie stipped in seconds and straddled my Goddess’ head lowering down to Her waiting and eager Mouth. I moved closer to enjoy the view. Approaching Them, I saw a strapon harness lying on the table together with a range of dildo’s. I knew it would be frustrating and painful, but the thought of fucking – even with a dildo – excited me so I put on the harness.

The two Ladies were engulfed in Their 69 and were clearly enjoying themselves. I rubbed the head of my caged cock through the bars, sending waves of pleasure and desire throughout my body. The sensings were simply too much, so I stopped and instead attached a dildo, a bit larger than my own erection (as far as I can still remember), in the harness.

My Goddess looked at me and said: “Come over here, I’ll make your dick hard and slick for your first fuck in… how long has it been? Can you even remember what it feels like?”

I got down on my knees in between the couch and the table. She grabbed the dildo and guided it into Her Mouth, giving it the blowjob I craved for since long. Of course my locked up dick hurt, bulging out through the bars. She grabbed my ass cheats from behind and urged me to fuck Her Mouth. This could have been the most amazing blowjob I ever received. I groaned in frustration and She pushed me backwards.

“Getting too close to the edge My love? I’m sure a good fucking will make you forget how good My Mouth feels.”

She crawled from underneath Natalie and sat on the coffee table behind me. She wrapped Her Legs around me, pushed Her soft Tits against my back and guided the fake dick into Natalie’s dripping Pussy.

With Her Mouth next to my ear, she hissed: “Go on My love, you’ve got My permission to fuck Natalie for as long as She wants. Fuck all your despair out of your body.”

My Goddess grabbed my swollen balls and squeezed them gently but firmly. I lurched forward into Natalie’s eager pussy and fucked Her fast and hard. Her noises excited me even more, I feel the precum dripping from my locked up cock.

Natalie attracted the other Women and soon our house was filled with naked Women in all positions, making love to each other or watching me fuck. They all took Their turns. When I was too exhausted to fuck them,They’d ride me instead.

I was a dripping and horny mess when They had finished me. I had fucked all of Them with increasing sizes of dildos, except for my lovely Goddess. She had been by my side the whole day and well into the night. We were the only ones still wide awake and She led me outside to the pool, still wearing a giant dildo.

She didn’t fuck me, She made love to me. She thanked me for being such a general husband for Her Friends and She thanked me for the numerous orgasms I gave Her that night.


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