A story for my peach
Wind wound its way through the woods, shaking the trees and sending their delicate leaves cascading to the forest floor. The crisp spirit of fall was taking hold, cooling the forest and yet warming its colors into a swirl of chocolate, honey, and pumpkin hues. The people of the wood were setting in for the season, harvesting what they had grown and storing it away to see them through lonely, Haunted nights or merry visits from friends. Nights like those would require a crackling fire fed with seasoned wood, and perhaps that is what sent one woodsman making his way between the mottled trunks and leaves of the forest.
The woodsman crept through the trees, each careful step scarcely breaking a twig and allowing only the shushing of the fallen leaves to let his presence to be known. Now and again he’d lay his ax gently in the damp soil and take a moment to stretch, his arms and back flexing against his red-, yellow-, and green-checkered work shirt before filling his firm chest with the brisk air and continuing on. The woodsman smiled to himself as he walked deeper into the wood. The solitude comfortable him, and the autumn colors made him feel as though the forest was welcome him as a guest with its most beautiful décor. But he couldn’t stay long, and he wasn’t as alone as he thought. Trudging up a small hill, the woodsman paused for a moment, tilting his head as what sounded like laughter played on the breeze. He glanced around, but nothing stood out amidst the bushes and branches. At least not to him.
Huddled behind a tree ringed with bushes, the fairy of the forest clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. Although she was practically invisible in the dappled woods, she wasn’t used to the need for stealth and care. More often than not the forest was hers Without question, a sanctuary that bore the same autumnal colors as her hair. She watched visitors from afar or ignored them entirely so long as they were harmless or boring, but today she couldn’t seem to stop herself from creeping closer and closer to the man that had come into her forest. This one was interesting.
Darting from her hiding place in the tree and into a bush, she’d watched him press deeper and deeper into her world. She watched how his called hands took hold of branches and gently bent them away to clear a path, and how his measured footsteps never disturbed the forest floor. He wasn’t like the hunters with their clumsy, snuffling hounds or the bandits whose waste littled the ground in jagged messes. His broad back and shoulders carried confidence along with his pack, a wooden frame piled with heavy split logs. He radiated a calm safety, and there was something almost funny about how much she was enjoying watching him. The fairy peered through the bushes at her woodsman as he turned his back, Nearly laughing again as she caught sight of how his pants clung to his round ass and accentuated every pivot and step. Herhungry smile gleamed between the leaves and a warm desire spread between the fairy’s legs. She wanted him. And she was barely a foot away…
Somewhere in the trees a twig snapped and the woodsman whirled around, his leg treading into the bush where the fairy hidden. A squeak escaped the fairy’s mouth as her body tensed in terror. The man’s eyes shot down, piercing through the gaps in the leaves and locking on her. For the first time in her life, the fairy feel the intent gaze of a human. Before she could spring away, his hands plugged into the bush and closed around her shoulders. The fairy felt the comforting cover of leaves give way as she was wronged upward and into the fading sunlight.
The woodsman could hardly believe what he held clamped in his hands. A woman, impossiblely beautiful and impossiblely light, trembled in his grip. But this wasn’t some bandit or lost fellow traveler, this woman was different from anyone he had seen before. Her skin glowed pale and pearlescent like a white candle in the orange of the forest, and shoulder-length mahogany curls swished back and forth around a moon-shaped face. A short, thin dress that looked to be woven from leaves covered her frame. His eyes couldn’t help but dart from her pert breasts across the curve of her hips and down long, nimble legs.
“Get away!” she cried, and as her body twisted the woodsman glimpsed a shimmer of light behind her back. Pulling the woman closer, he realized that a pair of gossamer wings emerged from between her shoulders, fine and delicate as a spider’s web and almost invisible until the light caught them just so. This wasn’t a human woman.
He’d caught a fairy.
The woodsman was too stunned to move, and a moment passed as the forest breeze witnessed around them. The fairy paused to catch her breath and hatarded a glance at her captor’s face. A short, slightly scruffy bear traced the young man’s jaw, and a tiny scar marked his right cheek. His hazel eyes peered at her, startled but curious. Her fear dried up and blew away with the fall breeze as she sunk deeper into those eyes. He had her gripped tight, but his eyes were still safe and she found herself smiling again. The woodsman’s grip loosened as he smiled as well. A sparkle played in his eyes and the fairy’s stomach erupted into flutterings. She pressed her legs tightly together as more desire seen from her body.
The woodsman lowered her to the ground and let go of her shoulders. Part of her mind told her to fly away into the forest as fast as she could, but as the cool air of the woods licked at her bare skin, the warmth flowing out of those eyes beckoned her to reach for his face. She’d never touched a human before, never dared to cross into their noisy, meddlesome world. But this human’s smiling, beared cheese was strong yet soft and inviting. She curled her fingers and dragged her nails up his cheek and around to the back of his head. She squeezed a handful of his thick brown hair, justa bit shaggy, and told as it flowed between her fingers. The woodsman reached out his own hand, grazing her collarbone and snaking to the nape of her neck. An electric tingling spread over the fairy’s entire body and her smile grow more confident. She tightened her grip on her woodsman’s hair and cocked her head, daring him. He responded with a short laugh and pulled gently at her neck. They pulled each other closer, closer.
The fairy’s eyes closed as her lips met the woodsman’s and began a dance. He drew her in, his lips enveloping hers and coaxing her tongue and teeth to explore and play. She let loose a moan as their tongues brushed against each other again and again. In the wet, warm darkness she felt the his other hand snake its way to her side, gripping her hip and pulling her even tighter and closer to his chest. The woodsman gently bit her lower lip, tugging and releasing it with a smack as the kiss broke. The pair opened their eyes, both panting and flushed. Although his stupor, the woodsman’s hazel eyes almost glowed against the setting sun. The fairy’s eyes drooped, her face burned, and with another sight she buried her face in his struggle, warm chest. His hands moved from gripping her hip and neck to hugging her tight. Her woodsman’s heartbeat pulsed through the thick clothes, mixing with the muffled sounds of the setting forest and her ragged breathing. She could have stayed in this loving cocoon forever, but this encounter invigorated her as much as it exhausted her.
The fairy pushed away from the woodsman. The pulsing between her legs demanded action, and with a sideways look she turned and flitted a few feet away, her glossy wings tinkling like chimes in the breeze. She grinned over her shoulder and cocked her head again. The woodsman laughed in disbelief at the creation tempting him. A low growl escaped his throat, sending shields up her spine. He lunged at her, his great arms flexing and encircling her, but the fairy only snickered and ducked out of his grap at the last moment. The woodsman stumbled after his fruitless attempt, and the fairy zoomed off into the woods with a whooping cry and a flurry of wind chime wingbeats.
“I’ll get you!” he shouted, barreling after the sounds of ecstatic laughter echoing through the branches. The fairy darted from tree to tree, disappearing and reappearing amongst the leaves and branches. Now and again she would pause and look back at the human, her eyes shining and daring him to keep up the challenge. The woodsman crashed through the woods like a predator in pursuit, but he didn’t always make a beeline straight for the fairy. Instead of pounding on his prey, he sometimes ran alongside her or behind at an angle, putting pressure this way or that and moving closer or backing off. The fairy realized that he was steering her out of the forest’s depths to its edges where the trees thinned and the brush became scarcer. Out of the forest…and into the unknown.
With this thoughught occupying her mind, the fairy barely realized she’d broken free of the treeline, and was doing towards a small log cabin situationed at the edge of the woods. She flared her wings and dug her heels into the loamy ground, slowing her breakneck flight and stopping inches from the cabin door. The fairy starred wide eyed at the poisoned wood, her breath ragged. Then she felt the woodsman’s palm plant itself firmly against her ass. The smack rang out in the evening sky and the fairy gasped as the sting wrapped her body, her knees shaking and her wings played in shock. The slap pulsed with her heartbeat and sent waves across her pussy. She felt the warm of the woodsman’s body at her back, his hand curling around her waist. She yelped in surprise as he gripped her curves and shoved her against the door. The woodsman gave out a short, triumphant laugh at having captured his prey, but the fairy was determined not to let him feel that he had won. She lolled her head back against the woodsman’s should and flashed a taunting grin, but immediately he attacked her neck with kisses and nips. Her knees buckled beneath her, and the woodsman’s strong, roughened hand turned the doorknob. The door swung open and the pair plunged through the dark doorway.
The fairy tumbled through the gloom face down onto a pillowy cotton mattress drenched in the woodsman’s musky, pine-tinged scent. She let out a Sigh, equal parts content and password, as she buried her face in what must have been where he slept. Her woodsman’s footsteps thumbed on the wood floor behind her, and she peeked over her shoulder. He stood at the foot of the bed, letting the wood pack slide off his shoulders. As it clattered to the floor, he caught her eye and cocked a smile. She giggled as she watched him unfasten the buttons of his shirt, giving her a glimpse of a broad chest covered in hair and muscle. He came no closer though. Hunger swirled in his eyes, but so did the same safety the fairy had come to know. The woodsman cocked his head at the open door.
“Is…this alright?” he asked, his browser furrowed. “This was fun, but you can leave if you want.”
The fairy cast her gaze around the room, taking in a small wooden table with two chairs, a stove with embers smoldering in its belly, the bed on which she sprayed, and a wash basin on a nightstand. Even in such a meter place, she’d never have so deep into the human world before. Her heart thumbed in her chest at the thought of the forest being so far away. But the woodsman’s deep, even breathing and concerned expression brought comfort and confidence. His eyes were asking again if she was okay. She grinned, nodded her head, and wiggled her ass at him.
Another growl ripped from the woodsman’s throat as he pounced on her, pinning her thigh with one hand and bringing the other hard onto her bottom with another spank. The fairy bit her lip and tensed her body. The woodsman grasped her inner thigh, inching his hand tantalizingly up to her aching pussy before spanking her again. The fairy felt blood course to her ass, and she knew it was beginning to redden. The singing electrified her whole body. She gripped handfuls of the plus mattress and buried her squeaks in the softness as spanks came over and over. The jolting stings gradually turned to warm, pulsing waves of achy comfort, and the fairy breathed in the warm, woody air of the cabin as the woodsman gently grasped her hips and turned her over. Her ass smarted as the soft bed cradled it, but she smiled as the woodsman crawled on top of her, one knee sliding up between her legs, pressing perilously close to her dripping pussy. His lips and teeth danced over her neck and shoulders, and his lips peppered her chest with kisses that made her giggle and gasp.
As his mouth approached the neckline of her dress, the fairy reached for the laces, but the woodsman’s strong hands pushed hers aside. His fingers curled into the leavesy fabric and ripped it open, letting his hot breath wash over her breasts. The fairy saw her woodsman’s eyes widen as he gazed hungrily at her chest, pausing to take it in. Now was her turn to tell him where to go. With a chuckle, she grabbed his head and shoved his face between her tits. Her beastly woodsman’s growls were muffled by her curves as he licked and nuzzled, and she sucked in a breath as he closed his lips around her nipple and sucked, a pleasant twinge shooting through her body. The woodsman wriggled free of her grap and kissed his way down to her tummy, digging his hands into the soft, warm pocket around her middle. The fairy hadn’t heard any tales of humans admiring round bellies in their mates, but he seemed captivated. She’d have to remember that for later. With a final kiss to her tummy, the woodsman moved even lower, pushing away the tattooed dress and planning his hands on the fairy’s bare hips. The warm air of the cabin caressed her body, and she closed her eyes as she felt the woodsman’s bReath against her pussy. He lingered for an antimping moment before she grabbed a scruff of hair from the back of his head and shoved his head between her thighs.
Her woodsman finally tasted her with a long, languid lick from the bottom to the top of her slit. Again and again his broad, flat tongue blanked her pussy as her moans filled the cabin. The fairy’s hands scrapbled at the blanks until she found his hands, Their fingers interlacing tightly. Her body tensed as the pleasure rocked through her backbone. The woodsman moaned as he peppered her pussy with drenched kisses and lapped with his tongue, soft and buttery. She wriggled and grinded against him, desperate to get more attention from his tongue. His growls reverberated into her lap. Her pearl throbbed as he stroked back and forth, side to side across it. She felt like she was going to overflow with the sensings of pleasure, safety, and desire. The password bubbled up within her, the warm tones of the cabin spinning into a haze. His tongue whirled on her clip and it felt like every muscle in her body was caught in the middle of a storm. The fairy’s hips bucked against the woodsman’s mouth as she cried out and came, gripping his hands so tightly she thought they would break. But they held her firm.
Slowly the fairy began to relax, her fluttering wings going still as her chest heaved. She sucked in the cabin air, bathed in a sheen of light sweet and rolling waves of sweet release. The woodsman had ended the ecstatic torture of her clip, instead placing gentle kisses on her thighs and lips, teasing her spent pussy one last time. Then he lifted his head to cock a smile at her, his mouth still dripping with her nectar. Satisfaction burned in his eyes, but that constant safety remained as well. She smiled at him as he got up and lay beside Her, drawing the heavy blankets over them both. They nuzzled close together and shared a kiss sweet with her own taste. She giggled and mopped at his face with the blanket. Slowly the woodsman rolled an arm around her shoulders, and between her newfound companion and the downy blanket, the fairy had never felt so safe. The woodsman voted in contentment and she buried her face into his chest, hearing his slow, even heartbeat once again.
“I like you, my woodsman,” she murmured as sleep began to wash over her. He pulled her even closer.
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