On her knees next to the bed, she waited for His return. Having stepped out of the room, He had left her alone in the dimly lit quarters. she dared not lift her eyes to take in her surroundings, lest He return and find her not just as He had left her. So there she knelt, stripped down to her lace panties and knee high boots, all black to match her ebony hair that hung down to her mid back. While she dared not move her eyes or her body, she could not keep her mind from racing. What dark pleasures did He have in store for her? When would He return? Will she be able to please Him?
she had not heard Him return nor did she feel His eyes behind her, watching, waiting. The pain in her knees grow and with each breath she became more aware of every strand of rough carpet pressing deeper into her skin. Surely He would Not mind if she shifted her weight. Shifting herself very slightly to the left she felt the blood rush past her right kneecap and breathed a sight of relief. It was the moment of disobedience that He was waiting for. As she shifted to the right to afford the other knee the same relief, she felt His hand roughly grasp a handful of her hair at back of her head and she knew she had blown it.
Quickly pulling her up to her feet, He spoke not a word but she was fully aware of His displeasure. One task was hers…STAY…and she had failed. Instinctively her hands left to her head, another mistake. In one swift motion He released her hair, grabbed both wrists in his large hands, and pulled them down to behind her back. In the next moment, her hands were bound behind her back and He planted a sharp slap on her ass. she bit her lip to avoid crying out. He then continued preparing her for His punishment.
First, He would deprive her of her ability to see or hear what was coming. A thick mask with foam padding was placed tightly around her face. She opened her eyes but she was in total darkness. Next he pressed something into her ears. she immediately recognized the sensing of foam earplugs expanding in her ear canal, closing off the ambient sounds around her. Now she wished she had taken a moment to look around the room. Grasping the rope joining her wrists together, He pulled and she followed, walking backwards, nearly failing to keep pace with Him, nearly tripping in her heeled boots. He stopped and she followed suit, her heart racing in fear and anticipation of His next move. her wrists were unbound and her hands fell free to her side. Although the need, she resisted the urge to grap her wrists and rub them.
His strong grip on her upper arm quickly brought her thoughts away from her hands. Forcefully He bent her forward and she felt her chest pressing against a hard surface. Her hands were pulled up over her head and quickly bound to the surface, arms fully extended. Next her feet were pulled to the side each in turn and her ankles bound at the base of whatever she was bent over.
Then nothing.
No hint of His presence.
She strained to hear something…anything that might give her some inkling of what was to come.
But there was nothing.
she became aware of another sensing. The room seemed to get cooler. Not in the sense that she had been nearly nude for some time now, but more like the heater had been turned off. Yes, the room had been getting cold and she could feel the goosebumps rising from her flesh. Again, a cue He was waiting for.
she felt her panties being pulled from her ass and a new fear welled up within her. He usually cared her before removing her undergarments, but no care was felt this time. Instead they were pulled away from her ass with enough force to tear the delicate lace in two. Releasing the torn fabric, it fell down her legs, one side catching on the top of her boot, the other drawing over the restraint at her ankle.
And then it came. The sharp sting of the thin-stripped leather flogger across her ass made her cry out. Immediately she felt His hand across her mouth, a clear message. He removed His hand and there was another blow across her ass. This time she bit her lip, grunting against the pain. Another blow followed by several strikes in a row, each one more intense than the last. She fight against crying out, tears soaking the foam mask and just as she thought she could restrain no longer, the flogging stopped. Releasing her teeth-grip on her lip, she felt the heat of the blood rushing beneath her skin as her lip swelled. As she drew in a deep, shuddered breath, attempting to gather herself, she felt His hand again grab a handful of her hair as her wrists and ankles were simply released.
Releasing her arm, this time pulling her up from her flogging position. she followed his lead as He led her to her next position. Grasping her upper arms in either hand, she sensed His unspoken instruction. Knees. Now. And she obeyed. The blindfold was pulled from her eyes and she looked up into her Master’s eyes. They were dark, deep, and she knew He was not finished with her. His fly was already open, His dick pointing directly into her face. she began to part her lips as He grabbed her by the back of her head and slammed His cock into the back of her throat. she fought against the spasms of her gag reflex, a sensing that enthralled Him and He fucked her throat harder. she glanced up at him with tears now streaming down her cheeks but He did not return her gaze. Instead He was looking straight ahead of Him. She thought she understand it to mean that He was pushing her with no eye contact. Then He gave a short nod.
The leather strips stung against her red welted ass and her eyes shot open wider and up to Him as instinctively she tried to pull away and see who or what had inflicted the strike. But His grip on her head remained firm, pushing her mouth further down his shaft. she know better than to try again. Each of His thrusts was followed by anOther stinging strike on her flesh, the leather falls traveling down the back of her thighs with each blow. She cried out against his hard dick, a firm, fleshy gag preventing any sound from escaping her throat. He pulled her by her hair off his cock just in time for Him to cum across her chest, His juices pumping out across her tits, warm against her goosebumped flesh.
He lowered Himself to one knee in front of her and spoke. She could not hear Him, but read His lips clearly. Hands down. She followed His order, positioning herself on all fours, lowering her gaze to His foot and knee. She felt two hands pulling her ass cheeks apart as something was rammed into her asshole. She screamed out in a mixture of surprise and pain at the intrusion. As she felt her hair being pulled back by the assailant behind her, her eyes met His as His mouth formed a tsk tsk while His head slowly shook from side to side. A red ball on a black strap approached her lips as the pull on her hair strengtheneded. Immediately she opened her mouth and He strapped the ball gag into place and replaced the blindfold.
The moment His hands left her head, the assailant grasped her hips and began ramming her hole faster and harder. Each time she felt as if her arms would give out, she was pulled back up by the hair of her head. She cried out against the gag and tears again soaked the mask against her cheeks. The assailant Continued to fuck her ass until she came, drenching the carpet at her knees.
Her assailant released her and she fell flat to the floor. She was barely aware of the gentle hands rolling her to her side just before a warm blanket was drawn over her. The ball gag was removed by the earplugs. Slowly she became aware of murmuring voices around her, several voices in hushed conversations. Still blind, she was aware of His presence as He knelt down by her head. His hands gently lifted her head and place a pillow for her to rest on. He then began to lift the blindfoldfrom her eyes as she heard His deep gentle voice, “Good girl,” but she was too breathless to respond.
“Thank You, Sir.” She heard the words at the same moment the blindfold was removed and she saw the woman kneeing in front of her, gazing at Him with devoted eyes.
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