Starting Out (#01)

Starting Out (#1)

This story contains the beginnings of a BDSM relationship. This might be vanilla, but the next chapters will be more and more hardcore. This will be part of an ongoing series, please let me know if you like it, the style of writing and if you’d like to follow the adventures further!

I pulled into the parking lot. It wasn’t well maintained, and I think I was the only one there. How does this place stay open? There were never many cars, the windows of the short concrete building were lit, but opaque. It wasn’t the busiest part of town, but it definitely wasn’t out-of-the-way either.

I built up a lot of courage to park here, to finally maybe explore the part of my hometown that piqued my interest ever since I figured out what it was. “The Secret Room” glowed in the Evening light — the beckoning sign of the only adult store I’d ever seen in the flesh.

I ran through my head the list of reasons why I shouldn’t go in. What if I run into someone IKnow? What if it’s full of old creepy men? But then I thought, what if it’s full of all the things I’d only ever seen in the heat of online searching? I came this far, it was time to go in. 

I stepped out of my car, and it was the kind of summer heat that immediately makes you sweat. I dashed across the parking lot to avoid being seen, and found myself at the door. No Minors Allowed was written in big red font on the door. I questioned myself for a minute, before remembering that at 24, those days were long behind me. I pushed open the door, and the interior was surprisingly bright. Fluorescent lights beamed overhead. I think I expected something dark and dingy, not bright and organized.

“Welcome in,” came from the tall lanky man behind the glass counter. He almost didn’t look up from his phone, but after taking a second to recognize the startedled person in the doorway, he perked up. “Oh. You’re new. Welcome.”

He stared at me for a second as I stared at him. It felt like an eternity, and I felt like a deer in headlights. “Hi,” I let out and waved. Who waves insides? The awkwardness settled between us.

“I am going to need to see your ID, just to make sure you’re in the right place and my boss doesn’t get sued,” he said in the most nonchalant tone. I moved to the counter, and fumbled for my ID before handing it over.

“You meet the legal Requirements,” he said, again monotone, and I was unsure if it was a joke or if he was actually policing me. 

“Welcome to The Secret Room. We have everything you’ll need or want, or maybe didn’t need or didn’t want. Do you need help finding anything in particular or are you here on a dare?”

It took me a minute to remember why I was there. Then I remembered. “I’m Here to look around. I’ve always been wanted to stop by and see what this place is about.” That sounded like a generic answer, right?

I could tell the employee was going to lunch into his usual spiel, practiced and remembered many times over. “We divide our store into three parts; in, on and other. The “In” section is on the left of the store. If it goes in you, you’ll find it there. “On” is on the right wall. If you wear it or put it on, you’ll find it there. The back of the store is “Other,” your usual magazines, videos, DVDs. You don’t seem to be the type with a VCR, so maybe that’s not for you.”

I took a minute to look around. I could see racks of leather harnesses hanging on plastic hangers. Boxes of underwear with the sharpest abs I’ve ever seen. Dildos in shades of pink and blue and tan and brown. Some larger than what I think would be possible to wild in nature.

“Thanks for the introduction. I think I’ll just wander around if that’s alright?” I whispered, knowing I wasn’t in a library. “Yeah, sure, take your time. We close at 11.” I thought to myself, if I’m still here at 11, something has gone terribly wrong.

I started out in the “On” section. Might as well start slow, right? The smellof leather and plastic was strong. I strolled past some harnesses, imagining the feel of the cold metal rivets on my chest. I peeked at the price tag, which was definitely more than a 24 year old graduate student could afford.

An aisle over was full of underwear. Jocks, togs, pieces of fabric that left little to the imagination. I thought about all the times I’d stare at the packages of men’s underwear in department stores as a kid, and now these packages had similar men, but some with their hard penises sticking through holes, completely unobscured. I could feel myself staring and I could feel myself growing. I looked around quickly, the clerk was back on his phone, and adjusted to tuck my dick into my waistband — a classic move. I jumped when I realized that as I did so I wasn’t staring at a box, but an actual person. 

I could feel myself going pale. The man was across the store in the “In” section, with some unknown object in his hand. I quickly looked away, findingAnother aisle so I could put my back to him and relative my dignity in private. But as I did, I kept running through my head what he looked like and how he stared. He was tall, definitely taller than am, but hard to tell at such a distance. He was built, with his supposeds barely contained by his black t-shirt. His t-shirt matched his hair, a close-shave cut amplified by a bit of a bear. He was well kept, like someone you’d see in an advertisement for high-end cologne.

Well, at least he isn’t someone I know, was my first thought. The second: well, you really played that off cool. I was started, sure, but also barely through the store. I turned a corner, pressing on but also trying to keep my back to the other side. 

The next aisle was full of rings. Rubber, metal, big, small. This seemed like a good place to start my journey. I evaluated a few, debating if rubber or metal would be more comfortable, and what size I needed. I thought about my dick again, still hard, and tried to imagine what would look best wrapped around the base and my balls. I compared a few, finally setting on a combination pack of three rubber rings in various sizes. “For beginners” exclaimed the package. If there was a target audience, I guess it was me. 

I kept roaming, aimlessly, sometimes questioning what exactly I was seeing. How does that work? I thought, looking at two pieces of clear acrylic screwed together and named “Ball Crusher.” Unfortunately, this package didn’t have imagery.

Finally, I rounded a corner and found a row of dildos. In my planning for this excursion, I decided it would be good to start with some cock rings and something to try out my hole. I’d been fucked before, but it wasn’t the best time of my life. I wanted to understand why guys love getting fucked so much, and maybe the best way to find that pleasure was to do it myself. This end of the aisle, though, was definitely intended for well-seasoned practicers. 

“Now, if you can take one of those, I would be awfully surprised,” I heard from down the aisle. It was a friendly tone, with a little bit of a southern drawl, definitely not the Northeastern fridigity I was accustomed to. 

I turned, and there was the man I made eye contact with earlier. From this distance I could tell he was about 6’2″ and definitely spent his time in weight training more than cardio. His black t-shirt was simple and tight, matching his equally simple and equally tight beige shorts. The areas of him exposed to the bright light of the store were covered in thick black hair. I could tell from down the aisle he smelled like fresh laundry and a hint of sweat.

“I’d be surprised too,” I let out. Was humor the right tone? Was he approaching me or trying to intimidate me? “I mean, um, definitely not what I was looking for.”

He smiled, and laughed, setting down a basket of things I didn’t notice before. He started to walk towards me, and I froze. “Sorry if that was too forward,” he said, shaking his head. “I only meant to make a joke. I know how intimidating your first time can be.”

How did he know it was my first time here? Or did he think I was a virgin? What was his intention with this information? His suggestions left me off kilter, and I wasn’t sure how to react. 

As he approached me, he bowed his head. “Sorry, let me start over. I realize that a random stranger commenting on the capabilities of your hole might not be the best way to introduce oneself. I’m John.” He stuck his hand out, and I had to shift my box of cock rings from one hand to another to shake his hand. His hands made mine look tiny, and they were surprisingly soft. “I’m Theo,” I let out, unsure of what to say or do next.

“Theo, it’s great to meet you,” he said, quickly looking me up and down. I noticed, and then remembered I probably did the same to him, so I was a little less offended. I wasn’t sure what to say, so I just glanced around, but all my eyes could find were giantdildos and that his shorts fly was down. 

I stuttered out, “Your zipper is open,” in the world’s flattest tone. Now why the fuck would I point that out? He’s going to think that you were staring at his crotch.

“Oh fuck, sorry.” He turned away from me and quickly zipped. There is no way in hell I could make this any more awkward. Luckily, John continued the conversation.

“I have those,” he said nudging his head towards my package of rings. “Actually, a lot of those. Can never have too many. They’re great for everything from your daily jacking off to trying to stretch your balls.”

I used this opportunity to peek at John’s basket, hoping he wouldn’t notice. If you come in and grab a basket, you definitely have an agenda. There was a large squirt bottle of milky white substance, which I think was lube. There was something called “Sterilube,” which made me wonder why you might need more than one type. There was a package of red clothespins, two small brown glass bottles and a package of rubber gloves. Wouldn’t those be cheaper at CVS? I thought, which was a weird way to distract myself from wondering more about the contents of his basket.

“I’m just here to rest stock on the essentials. If you ever need advice, just let me know. I’m happy to help a boy in need.” His words were kind, but when he called me a boy, something in me just begged for more. 

“Oh, thanks. I am new here. I guess you’re good at spotting the boys in need.” Did I  just call myself boy?

John pulled his phone out of his pocket, and did the expected unexpectedly. “If you want to give me your number, we can stay in contact. I’ve got most of this stuff at home if you find something you want to try before you buy.” I glanced around the store, wondering how someone could have all of these things let alone find a use for them. 

“Sure,” I said trying not to sound too excited, and entered my phone number. I flashed him my box of rings again. “So these are a good start?” I asked, trying to be innocent in my intentions, but still wondering what giving him my phone number might lead to.

“Yeah, decent. A good starter pack. Personally I prefer metal, but only because the rubber pulls on hair.” It took me a second to realize he was talking about hair not on your head. “Tell you what, if you have something around here you’re curious about, I can tell you how it works. I am free for the rest of the evening.” I took this as more of a suggestion than an offer of assistance. Where would I start in this store of endless possibilities?

I didn’t realize that in our conversation, my dick had gotten soft, slipping from my waistband, and then hard again, standing almost perfectly straight out. “You have, a uh, there’s something you need to attend to,” John said softly, glancing downward. I could feel a panic rise within me, and without thinking shoved my hand into my underwear to straighten things out. 

Oh my god. You just touched yourself in a public space. You are a fucking idiot. I couldn’t stop my cheeks from turning red and my face from letting off a look of pure shock. 

“You’re too funny,” John laughed. “Tell you what, I’m not usually this forward, but if you want a more private spot to browser where you don’t have to worry about that, you can come to my place.”

I stopped and wondered.  Could I go to his place? This man that I just met? I thought even more, and it didn’t take me long to remind myself about the feeling of him calling me boy, the feeling of my dick throbbing, and I knew that it wasn’t my brain making the decisions anymore. 

“Sure, I think that would be fun,” I said, surprising even myself. 

“It’s a deal then. I’ll check out, and we can head to my place. I’ll get those for you,” he said, taking the small box out of my hand. I followed him to the same man that gave me my orientation of the store. John checked out, taking his intriguing different types of lube, gloves and what I learned toguess were poppers home in a brown paper bag. I followed him to the parking lot, unsure where I’d be going and what was next.

“Do you want to follow me or should I give you a ride, boy?” He said, again with my new name, making me ponder what I was getting myself into.

“I guess you can drive. How far is your place?”

“About 20 minutes. Hop in,” he almost commanded as lights flashed on a black Escalade across the parking lot. Had that was here when I came in? 

The ride to John’s house was pleasant, and I spent most of my time staring at his massive hands and strong arms effectively driving us to our destination. The small talk was casual and easy, giving no indication that we just met between silicane fists and oversized cocks. John worked in law for a while, but freedoms as an advisor when he needs extra work. He’s 37 and was married once, when he fell in love at 19, but divided only a few years later. He grew up in Texas, which explains his soft accent, butmoved around the country for work, finally setting here. He’s single now, and he likes it that way.

I got so enamored with his life experiences that I didn’t realize we pulled into his driveway. It was a cute house, not small by any sense, but looked comfortable. It was secluded, wooded on all sides, with a porch that wrapped around the front. 

“This is it. Sorry if it’s a mess,” he said getting out of the car. I followed him to the door and into the small foyer.

“Shoes off please,” he asked as I entered. It looked like a normal house. I figured if he had everything from The Secret Room, dildos and chains and leather would be everywhere. There was a living room to the left, which was clean and modern. A dining room to the right, and as he led me down the hall, a granite-filled kitchen with not a single thing out of place. 

“Yeah wow, this place is a sty,” I joked, trying to hide any hint of nervousness I had left.

John gestured to the island, and I tooka seat. He leaned over the counter opposite me. “So, if we’re going to do this, we have to trust each other. Let’s get all the hard things out of the way. I’m STD tested negative, I only fuck raw if I’m in a monogamous relationship and as much as I want you to be my submissive bitch, setting boundaries means you need to tell me what is good and not.”

I was shocked. Submissive bitch. That was very different than boy. I expected myself to hate it, but coming from him it means something else. Something almost romantic. 

I choked out my response. “Uh. Yes. I’ve never been tested, but I’ve never done anything raw.” I tried to mimic his language so maybe he wouldn’t think I was as inexperienced as I really was. “And I think I can tell you what’s good, but it all seems good, so maybe you can help… figure it out,” I trailed off, trying to find the line between too eager and too shy.

“Great! Why don’t I show you the basement then?”

He led me down a narrow standway andflicked on a light. The basement was open, unfinished but developed. The walls had shelves lined neatly with things I’d seen in the store. Dildos, plugs, metal rods and rings, handcuffs and leather straps. At the center was a thick leather sling in a heavy metal frame. Behind it were hooks on a flat wall. I was overwhelmed, and didn’t know what to say. I found what I thought was a bed, but the sheets were surprisedly rubber, and sat down.

“This is… a lot.” What am I getting myself into?

“This is what some might call a dungeon, but I don’t want you to think I’m keeping you captive. There’s a lot of stuff here, so don’t get overwhelmed. Why don’t we start simple. You pick something you like, I’ll trying giving you a few commands and then we can get dinner.” John sat next to me on the bed, giving me a nod and a nudge.

I walked to the row of shelves and looked even closer. It was hard to walk and observe without feeling my hard cock pressing against the seams of my underwear. I knew John would notice, and when I looked back at him, I could see that he was watching me intently, his hand holding his bulge through his shorts.

I picked up a leather collar with fur on the inside. A small gold lock kept it shut. “How about this?”

“Ah, it’s a little too early for that. That’s for boys who dedicated themselves to their Master. Like a kinky engagement ring.”

I blushed, and thought about a boy who would wear it. 

“You picked your item, now it’s my turn to see what you’ve got.” He rubbed his bulge ever so slightly, and I questioned the intentions of his turn. 

“The start to any session is an inspection. A way for the Master to see and understand his boy. To make plans. So let’s start with your inspection. Undress – completely – and I will give you a look over.”

I stood for a second, but knew that deep down I wanted him to look at me. I took off my t-shirt, not taking time to wonder if I did it awkwardly or perfectly. I throwit down on the floor, to an immediate dissatisfaction.

“Just because you strip, boy, doesn’t mean we make a mess. Fold it, and set it here,” he said, gesturing to his lap.

I picked up my shirt and folded it as best I could, setting it down gently in his lap. I didn’t know what to say, so I stepped back and took off my socks, again setting them on his lap. Then my shorts, giving them a quick fold, and realized I was standing there in nothing but tight red boxer briefs, the outline of my cock clearer and harder than ever. 

Finally, I slide down my briefs, trying not to bend over too much, and picked them off the floor. I folded them, placing them on John’s lap, my cock standing freely, almost staring at John with a mind of it’s own.

John grabbed my underwear, brought it to his face and took a deep inhale followed by a deep exhale with a soft moan. I stood, waiting, enamored that this man just had his face so incredibly close to my junk.

“Good boy,” he smiledat me. “Ground rule number one. Down here, you refer to me as Sir. Upstairs and elsewhere, you refer to me as John. Got it?”

“Yes, Sir,” I let out. The first time I said it felt natural, and I could tell the first time John heard it only deepened his desires.

John got up, leaving my clothes on the bed in a pile, my underwear the only garment out of form. He grabbed my dick and I reached for his bulge. As I did, I could feel that it was bigger than I expected. Not just hard cock, but also massive, soft balls. He stuck his tongue in my mouth, and I returned the volley. He pulled back, giving me my clothes.

“A nice start. You’ve got an excellent body. Time for dinner?” 

And just like that, I was clothed and sitting in his kitchen again. He asked about takeout and all I could think about was the feeling of his hand on my hard dick. The feeling of his junk, bigger than I imagined. And I felt myself longing to go back into the basement to find out what was next. 


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