Stars and Stripes

It had been a while since my last call to service and my Master’s frequent travels back to the US had allowed me some room for rest, but in the text exchanges that kept us connected I could feel that his appetite was growing.

A selection of photos came trickling through my phone one evening revealing a variety of impact play instruments; studied paddles, some indistinguishable metal implements and taking centre stage, a cane that had become fleetingly ‘lost’ some months before. He seemed particularly pleased with the reunion.

Receipt of the images caused the usual involuntary responses within me and I found myself sitting at a formal evening event in London with my panties gradually soaking through. An inconsiderate act of his with the time difference, but almost certainly intentional.

I excused myself from the table and finding a conveniently plus bathroom cubicle slipped a hand between my legs and imagined him. My mind instantly spinning a fantasy of being boundand kneeing beneath his office desk.

I wait patiently to serve, resting my head in his lap as he works and after some time he reaches down wordlessly and carefully lifts my chin in line with his hips. I watch him now at tongue’s reach as he unzips his pants, torturously languid with each movement. He is seemingly unmoved by my participation in this act and acknowledges me in the same way that one might Keep a bottle of lube at reaching distance should it be required.

I watch and go on watching as he masturbates, his strokes gradually shortening upwards towards the tip of his thick cock. Silently, his other hand reaches down and wraps my ponytail in his fist, scooping my face to the base of his balls. His tugging quickens and I listen as his breathing changes rhythm, completely still, my muscles now dull with the pain of kneeing while his cock fattens and readers for orgasm. I widen my lips and patiently wait for him to drip down onto my eager mouth. His body stiffens fora few seconds before slumping gently into the backrest of his office chair. He looses the grip from my head and I clean his creamy cock like a good little kitten.

My delicious thoughts were interrupted by some girls chatting about their disappointing boyfriends in the cubicle next door.

Pants now unsalvageable with my own wetness I tossed them in the bin and choose to leave the party early.

The winter air outside was a welcome refreshment and as I stood taking it in, still a little hazy in thought I felt a hand rest on my shoulder.

‘You’re not leaving are you?’

I turned towards the voice and recognized another of the guests at our table. I had noticed his rich glances earlier on in the evening but hadn’t felt any particular desire to enact upon them. It wasn’t from a lack of physical Attraction, just that he seemed more apposite to bathroom discussions than where my tastes would take us. From a guess, I would imagine that he was in his twenties, handSome, in a sort of predictable way with soft brown eyes and curated stubble. The sort of boy I would’ve mindlessly chosen on a night out when I too, was in my twentyties.

I turned to face him.

‘I was, yes, not much reason to stay.’

He started shuffling with his pockets and I went back to watching traffic in hope of a cab appearing.

‘Here’s a reason’ he said, brandishing a small pipette. ‘Do you trust me?’

It was a trite and childish question but somehow even nearing the age of 40 my appetite for risk didn’t seem to have waned.

‘Its a very small amount of THC, you’ll be fine. Just chilled.’

Chilled sounded OK I supposed. I looked down at my watch; 11.15pm. Perhaps I would make it into the early hours and call it a night.

I self didsed the contents of the pipette under my tongue and off we walked in the direction of a ‘good time’.

The warmth of an overcrowded bar brang some welcome relief from the biting cold London air.

I looked across at the swirls of colour coming from the dance floor while his hand began wandering up and down my open back with an independent rhythm.

I could feel myself swallowed by a deep relaxation when a band struck up in the corner of the Venue. From where I was standing there was a clear view of the bass guitarist and as his fingers moved between the strings the vibancy of sound intensified. The crowd start swinging in synchronicity and I could feel myself sliding from relaxed to anxiously woozy as the hands now started to run down to the curve of my ass.

I looked up at him and noticed him staring intently. ‘Feeling a little tired?’ He asked, one hand moving between my legs without consent as he leant me into him.

I couldn’t form an intelligent answer to his question and instead felt my wear head now resting against his shoulder.

He slide his arm around my waist and set off in the direction of the street entrance. As soon as the cold air hit my face my anxiety peaked and suddenly I felt certain I needed to excite myself and quickly.

I turned to him, mustering all of the energy I could find and made an excuse to leave.

He listened and smiled. ‘Why don’t you just relax Flick and come back to mine for tea?’

I thanked him for a nice evening and started towards the tube entrance, but from peripheral vision I could see that he was still a Shoulder’s turn from my pace.

‘If you’re leaving then let me take you home okay?’ he said.

This time I was more independent. ‘I’m totally fine, thank you.’ But the truth was, I wasn’t fine at all.

I doubled back in the direction of an underpass and managed to put some distance between us in the throngs of tourists. I cleared the steps and turned into the mouth of the tunnel.

In the near distance I could hear the voices of people passing by, they seemed to be moving so quickly and suddenly the task of getting through the underpass using my tired legs felt impossible. An irrepressible desire to lie down and sleep came over me.

Slumping against the tiles I slide onto the gum specckled floor and for the first time ever, choose to break protocol and text Him.

‘Hello Sir. I dont think i’m ok. Went out, met someone, took something.’

His reply was almost immediately. ‘Voice notes may be easier depending on what you took. Do you know what you took? Are you at their house? Can you get back to yours?’

I replied after 5 minutes of trying to form the right sequence of words on a screen; ‘I thought it was TCH, but may not have been’

‘Do you need me to get you a car? You can call me. I’m leaving my phone on loud’

I managed to get up again and walk a bit more. If I could just get myself onto a train I was pretty sure I could safely ride out both trips.

Approaching the platform archway I could hear a tube train punch through a tunnel ahead and a few minutes later I heaped myself into a seat and rested my head against the adjacent perspex screen.

It felt like a whole night had passed by the time I reached my front door.

The latch closed behind me and I sent him another message.

‘Thank you for staying with me. I just got in.’

I could see him typing… ‘I’m glad you are home. These things happen to the best of us which, I count you amongst’.

Now feeling safe and still woozy my headspace had significantly shifted. I hesitated for a short minute and then wrote back;

‘So you do like me…’

I knew it was crossing a line but I couldn’t help myself.

‘Yes Pet. It is true….. Often inconvenient, but true.’

My head hit the pillow, phone still in hand and surfeit with dopamine I fell into the swirls of deep sleep.

Light flooding through the unclosed shutters I woke up the next day rolling in shame.

‘Im sorry about last night Sir, it wasn’t my finest hour.’

I heard nothing from him until I was sat at my desk later that morning.

His response was a time and address. He would be bringing the cane. I stared at the message and winced.

Tucked away at the top of an old Georgian house, a long winding wooden staircase took me up to room G. An attic space converted into a large bedroom with ornate mirrors conveniently covering angles of the spatial bed and facing the window, a large leather desk occupying an unlit corner.

It was late in the evening and I was early for our appointment. To pass the time I decided to fill a bath and calm my thoughts, but my mind was frantic with anticipation.

I patted my flushed skin dry and set about rolling the body stocking I had chosen up my thighs as my phone chimed in with an abrupt interruption.

‘How long will you need?’ He had arrived.

My heart started racing with my reply.

’10 minutes please, Sir.’

At exactly 10pm I answered the door barefooted and still a little damp. As always when I first see him, I found myself momentarily dumbstruck by his unique beauty. The framing of his dark moustache and its contrast to the uniformity of his perfectly white teeth beneath. The breadth of his frame and my smallness against it, the intonation of his smooth American voice and the perfect calm in which he commands me.

‘Place your hands down on the desk behind you, Pet.’

I turned away from him to face the wall as he nudged my legs apart with his foot before fasting them into a spreader bar. A rustling in my peripheral hearing and he looped his hands over my head and placed a pink rubber ball gag in front of my lips.

‘Open your mouth.’

I widened dutifully, but not wide enough. The rubber ball rolling along my front teeth before gently forcing my jaw open.

He steps back to take stock of the scene.

‘Arch your back so I can see you.’

I dip my hips and reset my stance while he arranges his toys in front of my gagged and spread body. He finishes with a small toy hippo which he places to the left of my planted hand.It looks up at me smugly.

‘We are going to play a little question and answer game, Pet.’

I squir against the bar and he gently pushes the small of my spine back into an extended arch.

‘Here are the rules; I’m going to give you twelve hard strokes of this cane in succession. Before each stroke I will ask you a question to which you are to respond with ‘Yes Sir’. At any time you can knock the hippo off the desk with your hand and all play will stop immediately. Do you understand Pet?’

This is the first time i’ve had to speak with a gag in and the hissing of any ‘S’ sound comes out as a lingering ‘shhh’ in my mouth.

‘Yesh Shir.’

‘Good. Then lets begin.’

I watch him disappear from my immediate view and then feel him run his hands over the curve of my ass and rub lube around and just inside my exposed holes. Ever hopeful for his cock my pussy spasms at his touch before he fills me with a neatly curved U shaped vibrator and switches it on. My backarches from the double penetration and he waits for me to settle before taking a stance over my left shoulder.

‘You’ll agree, I think, that punishment is just and necessary given your recent infections?’

My palms start to sweat and I can feel my bare toes gripping at the wooden floor for the strength to start this scene.

‘Yes Sir.’

A short pause before the cane stings me hard across my bare ass cheats. I exhaust loudly and bite down on the hard rubber.

He continues immediately.

‘Do you understand that your cunt and your ass are under my ownership and I shall use them as I wish Pet?’

Still ringing from the shock of the first blow I whimper a little on the second reply.

‘Yes. Sir’

The cane bites at my skin again and my back arches.

‘You will reveal in service as much as your own pleasure and remember that the pleasure I give you is a reward for that service. Is that clear Pet?’

I pause and take a moment to notice the soft vibrations rippling through my body. My pussy betrays my fear and I feel it drip down my thigh.. ‘Yes Sir.’

The cane cracks across me again a little lower this time and a small lump forms in my throat involuntarily.

‘Your needs are second to my whims Pet. I think you know that don’t you?’

My pauses become longer as the struggle to accept the pain becomes very real. A small tear starts to form in the corner of my left eye.

‘Yes Sir.’

I can feel my skin blowing into welts under the impact of his strikes. The heat of it spreading down my legs and a pool of saliva now gathering around the rubber ball, where I am unable to swallow making it even harder to speak.

‘Overcoming your disappoint for my pleasure satisfactions my desires greatly Pet. Do you wish to continue pleasure me?’

I open my mouth sucking in hard for courage and a small trail of spit escapes from between my teeth and drips down on to the desk.

‘Yes Sir.’ I mutter.

‘I can’t hear you very well Pet. Could you speak up a bit?’

A much longer silence ensures while I try to gather together the pieces of my mind that are now spilled across the inside of this hotel room.

‘YES. Sir.’

I brace myself for the impact but in the passing of a second or two all I can feel is the quiet humming of the vibrator against my G spot while he toys with my mind.


My knees buckle inwards and I feel his hands on me, one holding me up beneath my hips and the other running fingertips across my striped skin.

I stiffen my legs again and steel myself for more.

His blows keep coming with further and further gaps in between until he finally reaches the last.

‘Number 11. One more and we’ll be finished here. I bet you’ve been holding out for my cock this whole time, haven’t you Pet?

Of course I had. My desires seemed foolishly predictably when he aired them like this and I felt small.

I stayed in my own little bubble of humiliated silence.

‘Have you Pet? Been hoping I would give you my cock? His words delivered, as gentle as ever in tone.


‘Yes what Pet? Why don’t you repeat after me if you’re struggled; Yes Sir I have been hoping for your cock.’ he said, relishing in the annunciation of every word.

The task of articulating this with any dignity left intact seemed impossible.

My mouth was flooded with my own saliva. My jaw surrenderingly rigid and my eyes glistening.

I barely tripped through the sentence before his last strike finished me and I folded forward onto the desk.

He placed the cane down in my eyeline and I stayed perfectly still as he traced the mark of each stroke across the canvas of my skin with his fingers admiringly.

He gently pressed his hips against me so I could feel how hard the act was making him through his jeans. Before his fingers reached down through my legs and started to circle my clip. Waves of pleasured relief now rippling through my body as I heard him unzip himself with the other hand.

He pulled the toy from my holes and set it on the table, picking up a bottle of lube and coating himself with it he leant around me and pressed one of his thick fingers into my asshole, massaging the inner rim.

Of course he wanted my ass. It was his and his alone to use, I had kept it that way ever since we had met. The wearing of a thick, metal plug in his absence, a reminder to me and others that I was owned.

He finished rimming me with his lubed finger and brought my hips into him. I wriggled and moaned taking him in inch by inch but the mental image of him fucking me hard in the ass across a desk is a picture I would imagine for weeks while I masturbated following.

He pushed up inside me until and began fucking my anal passage smooth and slow drawing his full length in and out whilst my body adjusted to take him. I tried to focus my attention on relaxing as his lust gathered pace, the rhythm of him now pounding my marked flesh into the desk. I couldn’t tilt or adjust myself in any direction other than to stay bent over and take him like a good little fuck toy.

The scene tested me to the edge of my limits and it took the sum of my trust not to reach for the smug hippo as he fucked my asshole into gaping submission.

With my face now pressed into the window ledge at the far end of the desk he came to a sudden stop and pulled out of me.

Wedging his hands underneath my shoulders and lifting me upwards, I now stood with my back to him as he unbuckled the gag from my mouth. The ball came rolling off my teeth to the cracking adjustment of my jaw.

‘Why don’t you slide onto the bed Pet, facing up.’ he said.

I lay down and tilted my head back over the edge of the mattress hoping to finish him in my mouth, but just as he had in my fantasy, l watched him above me, lips lightly brushing his balls as he rubbed himself to orgasm.

From my breasts down to mypainted toenails his cum marked me with his ownership.

Handing me my dress and a pair of shoes he sat down next to me;

‘You did well Pet, it was an intense punishment and a commitment to our dynamic. Thank you for your service.

Now get dressed and dont shower. We will have dinner together and see about those bruises shall we.’


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