Star Student Pt. 02: June

story contains gas lighting

Edwin stared down at his body in utter disbelief. How had he gotten himself into this situation? How had he ended up in his teacher’s bathroom in nothing but a slave harness? He had just wanted a part time job over the summer. College was coming in the fall, and he needed the extra cash. So, he became Mrs. Brauer’s pool boy. It seemed to be working well. She was Even into BDSM like he was. It was perfect. Except for falling asleep on her couch that one time but still. How had he let her talk him into a fulltime job as her slave?

Mrs. Brauer tapped her foot impatiently. What was taking that boy so long? She had pleasured herself all night in anticipation of this moment. What kind of woman had she became? Just a few months earlier she would have never even considered doing something like this. Then Edwin applied for her pool boy job. He had turned out to be a hung hunk. To make things better he was a submissive one.

Still things would never have come this far if she hadn’t accidentally drugged him. The foolish boy had drunk a spiked drink she had prepared for herself and passed out on the couch. Having him so vulnerable in only his trunks she could not help herself but touch. She could not wait to find an excuse to do it again.

Unable to stall any longer, Edwin stepped out of the bathroom. His dick was already at half mast Just from being looked at by such a dominating woman. She was dressed in a smart brown business suit, glasses and hair up in a bun. The ensemble was completed by her dark red heels.

“There, much better,” she said. “Now, let’s go over the basics, shall we? As long as you are in this house you shall call me ‘Mistress’ and nothing else. Do you understand?”

“Yes… Mistress.”

“Good boy.”

“As I stated last night you are only allowed to wear what you have on. Nothing else.”


“There are many types of slaves ranged from housekeepers to sex slaves to a combination of both. You will be the first. You, Edwin, are my domestic slave. That means you will take care off of the cooking, cleaning, and eventually my schedule. We’ll go over that more later.

“I expect you to obey me at all times. In all circumstances. There will be five commands you must obey the moment you hear them. They will immediately follow your name. When I Say ‘Edwin Stand’ I expect you to snap to attention like in the military. Your arms will be behind your back and your head bowed. When I say ‘Edwin Kneel’ I expect you on your knees, ass on your legs, arms behind your back, and head bowed. When I say ‘Edwin All Fours’ I expect you to drop into the position of the obedient puppy you are with your head down. When I say ‘Edwin Spread’ I expect you to stretch yourself out like a star, head bowed. When I say ‘Edwin Freeze’ I expect you to stop in whatever pose your in and not move, no matter what I do to you until I say ‘Edwin Move’. Do you have all that, Slave?”


“We shall see. Edwin Stand.”

It was an awkward attempt, but he managed to get into position quickly enough.

“The pose ends with a kiss to the head.”

She gave him one and Edwin relaxed.

“Edwin Spread.”

He shot out like a starfish.

“Head down.”

“Yes, Mistress. Sorry, Mistress.”

He lowered his head.

“You’ll get the hang of it soon enough.”

Her freeing kiss did not come right away. Instead, she took her time circulation around him. Inspecting him.

The familiar warmth was spreading between her legs again. The power she had over her former student was intoxicating. She gave him his kiss and put him through a few more poses His struggles to comply with her commands were both adorable and stimulating. He had the eagerness to please of a child. His body was very much that of a man and one she enjoyed viewing. Now it was time for her to test out body a little.

“Edwin Freeze.”

He had beenbent over at the time and it was clear he was struggling to comply.


She got as close to him as she could.

“Now, remember, don’t move.”

She ran her hands over his muscle body. God, he felt amazing.

“I wonder if you’re ticklish.”

His little intake of air made her nipples hard. She dug her nails in and unleashed a torrent of ticklish torque unlike anything the poor boy had ever experienced before. He had no chance to avoid laughing and falling down.

“Now Edwin, I told you not to move. Looks like I’m going to have to punish you.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please don’t.”

“I’m sorry, too. The only ways the rules work is if there are consequences. Since it is only day one, I’ll go easy on you. I’ll give you just a taste of what to expect. Go stand in the corner. Arms behind your back. Nose on the wall.”

He did what he was told.

“Stand there for one minute, starting now.”

Once his punishment was complete, EdwinFollowed Mrs. Brauer deeper into the house.

“As my slave you will be expected to complete several activities each day. Since it’s only your first week we’ll start simple. I will assign you three things to do each day.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“As before you will clean my pool. You will sweep my floors and dust my furniture.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“That’s my good boy.”

It took a few days, but Edwin found himself in a groove. He had even earned himself two more assignments through out his day. When he arrived around noon he would clean the pool. His sweating and dusting afterwards expanded into mopping and vacuuming as well. Once a week he would even make her dinner. He wasn’t all that into cooking, but she had plenty of cookbooks and appreciated the effort. Best of all, he hadn’t fallen wait on the job once.

Beverly Brauer could wait no longer. The sight of Edwin’s beefy body and massive cock were too much for her to bare. She could barely concentrate wheren he was around. Luckily, he was too naïve to make out the pure lust in her eyes. She had to touch him again. It didn’t feel right doing it when he was awake. He was still her student when he was awake. She tried to pretend otherwise in his fetish outfit. Yet she still saw it every time she looked him in the face. When he was sleep however, he was just a piece of meat for her to touch.

Now how to get him that way? Spike a drink again? No, he would get suspicious if she did that too often. A long night of searching on the internet finally gave her the answer she needed. A blue candle whose scent was meant to promote sleep. The warning that came with it said that it could cause unconsciousness if used in confined spaces. Perfect.

She set it up in her walk-in close the moment it arrived. It was somewhere between a half and full bathroom. Large enough for her clothes but small enough to be easy to use in a hurry. It had already been burning for a half hour before he arrived.

“Change of plans today,” she told him upon his changing into his ‘uniform’. “You will be spending the day reorganizing my closet by season, color, and fabric. Do not come out until you’re done.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“That’s my good boy.”

She closed her closed door and left him to his fate. She waited a good ten minutes after she heard the thud. Opening the closet door, she found him played out on the floor sound sleep. She smiled as she blew out the candle and removed it. She laid across his body, her pussy over his mouth. She grabbed ahold of his dick and stroked it into a full erection. Growling with lust she licked her treatment.

Edwin awoke on the closet floor. What happened? Why did his dick feel so funny? What was that weird taste in his mouth? Oh shit! Had he fallen sleep?! Not again! He hoped to god Mistress hadn’t found out.

“Uh hem.”

His blood ran cold. Slowly she stood and turned to face her. She sat on her bed, legs crossed, frowning.

“What do you have to say for yourself?”

“I’m so sorry. I have no idea how this happened.”

“I’ve been very tolerant with you. I know you’re new and learning but this is inappropriate on a different level. Not following my commands, slacking off, disrespecting my time and effort, this is the most serious offense you can cause me.”



His mouth slammed shut.

“This requires a serious punishment.”

She took the chair from her vanity and placed it in the closet.


He did as he was told. He gulped as she pulled ropes out of her bag. She took her time binding his arms, legs, and back to those of the chair.


He barely got his jaws apart when she shoved the bright red ball gag in and fastened it into place. He pleaded at her with his eyes as she grabbed her frilly sleep mask off the bedside table. She covered those eyes without a care.

“Enjoy the rest of your day.”

She slipped thck earmuffs over his head. His world was gone.

Beverly waited five minutes to make sure his deprivation was working. Once she was sure she pulled off her clothes, pulled out her vibrator, and pleased herself to climax after climax all day just watching him.

He was a broken sad puppy when she eventually set him free. She made a promise not to do this to him often. She knew he would do everything he could not to give her a reason.

The rest of the month was spent punishment free. It was also spent touching free. It was driving her crazy. She just had to touch him again. She was thinking about that on the night of the Fourth. She had allowed him to stay late so they could watch the fireworks in her hot tub.

She paid them no mind. All he could think about was the cock next to her. She wanted it so bad. She wanted to grab it. She wanted to stroke it. She wanted to pump it until it exploded for her. She wanted to…

“Mistress? What are you doing?”

BeverlyBrauer was snapped out of her reverie. She looked over to see that in her lustful fantasizing she had actually grabbed Edwin’s dick and was in the middle of giving him an actual hand job.



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