We were nearing the Christmas break. Everyone in the orchestra was exhausted from the ridiculous season that the new conductor had foisted upon us, with scart regard for the physical effort required in churning out program after program of major works. If it wasn’t Shostakovitch, it was Strauss, or some hellish piece of contemporary music that only the composer’s mother or a member of the local deaf association would tolerate. Either way, more and more friends and colleagues were suffering from back pain and tendinitis, and the physics were raking it in.
The weather had turned cold and wet, and by the time I left the auditorium, it was dark and miserable. I made a quick stop in the supermarket on the way home to buy some comfort food and a nice bottle of wine that we could drink while we snuggled up under a blanket in front of the TV.
I’m the first to admit just how lucky I am, all whining aside. There’s an old joke that the easiest way to make musicians complain is to give them a job, but we really lucky out. My wife and I both play in the same orchestra, so we’re rarely apart. That time spent together has forgotten a real team, and we’ve weathered the normal trials and tribulations of work, kids, stress and family issues that have caused other couples terminal problems.
Lately, we’d started to reassess our sex lives too, after the flight of our daughter to Uni, and we’d started to make More time for intimacy after many years of putting the kids first. We’d even started to share some of our fans, and the hot talk had led to some pretty spectacular moments. It’s true when they say that the biggest sexual organ is the brain.
Judging by the talk in the café and bathroom at work, few of my friends were so lucky.
I parked the car outside and stepped through the door straight into the aromatic saffron rice and curry. My stomach grew loudly as I kicked my wet shoes off on the mat and took the shopping bags straight through to the kitchen. God it was good to be home again!
“I’m home!”
Strange, I thought Sue was at home. Having put the milk in the friedge, I uncorked the wine and let it breathe before going through to the front room to see where she was. The side lights were on, that comforting subtle glow that comes from a warm house and a cold night outside. Sue was sat in her comfy chair, wearing her knee length black skirt and white silk blouse, and a rather inscrutable expression.
“I’ve been waiting for you” she spoke softly, holding my gaze with her beautiful eyes.
“I want you to tell me what that is.” She raised her eyesbrows and gestured at a large bottle of lube that was standing all by itself on the coffee table. She was not smiling, but she didn’t seem angry either.
“I found it this morning in your sock drawer, and it seems to be half empty…I don’t remember using any of it myself, so I can only assume that you’ve been wanking yourself off with it. Is that true, Andrew? Have you been wanking while I’ve been out of the house?”
My stomach dropped down to my toes, and I could have sworn that the bottle on the table was leering at me, the treacherous little bastard.
“Well,” I stammered. “You were away, and I couldn’t sleep. Besides, it’s supposed to be good for you.”
“What is supposed to be good for you? Are you embarrassed to say it?”
“Well, you know, um… Wanking,” I stammered.
“So let me get this straight. I go away for just a couple of weeks, and you were up there, spraying lube all over the bloody place and wanking away like some sort of randy teenager with a testosterone overdose!”
“Not every night…”
“Oh well, that’s OK then, is it?” she bit back sarcastically.
“I assume you changed the bedding before I got home?”
“Of course! I cleaned the whole house for you, like I always do..”
“So were the sheets really needing a change then? Were there cum stains all over them, or did you wank into a kleenex?”
Of course Sue knew that I masturbated, but she’d never grilled me about it like this before. Yet here she was, completely self composed as she calmly and firmly interrogated me about the most embarrassingly intimate details of my dirty little habit. It was really weird, and strangely arousing…
I opened my mouth to try to respond with something…. Anything, but she cut me off.
“Actually, I don’t want you to tell me.” I feel my shoulders drop a bit..
“I don’t need you to tell me, because you’re going to give me a little demonstration right now. This marriage must not and cannot be full of secrets. So…..Go on…” A trace of a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth as she stared directly into my eyes.
“What do you mean?” I stammered.
“It’s very simple, Andrew. You are going to apologise for wanking without my permission while I was gone, by taking your clothes off right now and performing for me. Fold everything up neatly and put it all on the table.” I swear my jaw hit the floor with an audible thud, but then the smile disappeared from her face and her eyes narrowed.
“You are going to reveal this to me in the full light of day, while I observe you closely, unless you want to sleep in your own bed from now on.” She raised her eyesbrows as she looked me straight in the eye, and nodded towards the table. She was scarily calm, and I realized it was because she didn’t have to be angry, she was in complete control of the situation. There was absolutely nothing I could do but obey her.
Rooted to the spot, my heart hammering behind my ribs, I stammered “But Simon…”
“Simon is gallivanting around the town with his girlfriends, so he won’t be interrupting us any time soon. Now, are you going to be honest with me or not?”
“Of course…I…” I let out a trembling sight, and started to pull my sweater over my head, pausing for an instant when I heard her say “Good boy.” I was trembling, breathing quickly, my hands shaking as I put the folded sweater down on the table. I could already feel my cock hardening underneath my jeans. I unbuttoned my shirt, folded it, and put it on top of the sweater, and then kicked off my slippers and started to remove my socks, teatering a little on very shaky legs.
“If you leave your slippers like that I may decide to use one of them on you. Put them neatly under the table please.”
“Sorry, I was just going to…”
“Good. Continue, and less talking. You need to concentrate on the task in hand.” She smiled, as she rather obviously slide her eyes down to my erection. “I do hope you’re not enjoying this.”
It was true of course. I was wildly turned on, in spine of my embarrassment. Openly talking about masturbation and fansies with her while we lay in bed was a real turn on, but this went so much further. I felt so exposed, so naked and utterly vulnerable. I pulled off my jeans, folded them and placed them next to the other clothes. As I reached for the wait of my slip, I realized that there was a wet spot on the front. I was harder than I could ever remember. I paused, and looked up at her.
“I didn’t tell you to stop, did I?”
I pulled my underwear down, my cock catching in the waist band then springing upwards as it was released. I suddenly felt acutely aware of the air in the room moving over my body as I completed my task. My legs trembled as my heart hammered in my chest and I felt her eyes rove all over me, examining every square centimetre of my body.
“Clasp your hands behind your head for me now, and come closer.”
I did as I was told and took a step forwards, my cock bobbing ridiculously towards her….Was she going to take me in her hands after all?
“Stop there. Good. I Want to hear what your hand sounds like when you’re wanking. I want to hear all those little grunts and groans that I missed while I was away. So, wank for me, and don’t you dare take youreyes off me!”
I dropped my hands down, sliding one hand to cup my balls, and gripping my shake with the other.
“Wait!” She wagged a finger at me.
“When I tell you to stop, you stop immediately. Is that understand?”
“Yes, Sue, I’ll stop whenever you tell me to.”
“Good. You are not allowed to orgasm unless I give you permission. When you Feel like you’re going to come, you tell me. Your orgasm belongs to me today, it’s not yours.”
She lowered the tone of her voice, and said with a sly smile, “If you want to come, you must ask for permission. If you disobey, I will be very angry. Got that?” She flashed me a hard look, and I knew she wasn’t joking…..She was still unnaturally calm and controlled, and I wondered what the heck she would do if she was annoyed…
“Start now. Take some of that lube, if there’s any left. Show me what you’ve been doing when I wasn’t here.”
I looked over at the big black bottle on the table, then down at my twitching cock, that bounced subtly with my racing heartbeat, then I looked up at her. She hadn’t moved a muscle, and she was still staring right at me, right into my mind. I swallowed, and walked over to the table, picked up the bottle, unscrewed the tell-tale slippery cap, and drizzled an obscene amount of lube into my hand. I coated my shake with it, starting from the base, and stroking the palm of my hand up along the shake, circling around the glans, then running my hand around my balls. The room was completely quiet, except for the lewd sucking noises coming from my hand as it slipped up and down my penis.
“Play with your balls with your other hand….I want you to do this like you were lying in bed by yourself.”
I did as I was told, my left hand cupping my balls, which were tight against my body. My breathing was already getting faster and louder, the head of my cock seemed to swell by the second, and turn a deeper shiny, teach purple with every added sensing.
“Nowstroke just the tip.”
I slide my fingers lightly along my shake and started to very gently polish the end of my penis.This always drives me nuts, but having Sue star at me as I did it, made the experience that much more intensity…The heat building in the end of my cock had skyrocketed within seconds, and now roared into the realms of fire and pain….I was gasping, my knees shaking, my left hand squeezing tight around my balls and shake, my right hand a torque. “Let me stop, it’s hurting!”
“Say please,” she pouted.
“Please let me stop!” I gasped…
“Well….” She hesitated, and a smile touched the corners of her mouth.
“Now you may stop.”
My hand sprang from my penis, which burned in blissful age as it twitched and jumped in front of me. I couldn’t remember ever being this hard, it was like my whole being was focused at the end of my cock.
She let me recover for a few seconds as she reminded me that I had not been given permission to orgasm.
“That is, if I do give you permission.” she laughed. “I haven’t decided yet. Now do it again, but this time, light strokes of the shake. Light and fast….”
I groaned, but did as I was told, panting as I lightly skimmed my hands over my shake right in front of her. My balls were full, and I could feel that tingle building up in my ass and around my balls and cock. My whole body felt like a wound up spring, and I could feel the orgasm coming like a train. There was no way I could stop it, and I knew that I was going to spray come all over the place in a few seconds. My hips were bucking madly as I fucked my own hand, the silky sheen of my cock head was like a poisoned mirror as it swelled and swelled, the cum rising into my shaft as I tensed and prepared to shoot. I looked at her in panic and opened my mouth to ask if I could cum.
“Now STOP!”
I stared at her, eyes wide, panting, a sweety sexual mess started out of my near orgasm, my hand flying off my shakeas my hips continued to thrust into the air at nothing, desperate to come as a long drool of pre-come oozed out of my cock in a long silky thread. My cock twitched, and as I groaned, and my body shuddered, I fought to control my breathing, to control my orgasm, to obey her.
“Well done”, she purred. “It’s good to see that you’ve got some self control after all. Shall we do that again now? This time though, let’s try something a bit different. Turn around, and bend over.”
“What?” I stammered. What the hell? Hadn’t she humiliated me enough already?
“Oh, come on now, we both know you like your bum stroked…I’m just going to make sure it’s nice and slippery for you. Bend over!”
I did as I was told, leaning on my knees as I bent over. Sue stood up, and pushed my head down lower, the string of pre-cum sticking itself to my face as I felt her lubed up fingers circled my anus again and again. I moaned and closed my eyes as one of them slipped inside me teasingly beforeshe withdraw it, smacked me once on the bum and helped me stand up, turning me around to face her again.
“Put your hands behind your neck again” she ordered, and then bent forwards and suckled on a nipple, biting it gently then sucking it hard into her mouth. I groaned with pleasure, then gasped as she squeezed the other nipple harder and harder, making a jolt run straight to the end of my cock.
“Very good,” she murmured hotly in my ear. “Now, a new game. You stroke yourself very slowly and firmly with your left hand, and you play with your ass with your right hand….You can stroke your anus, or fuck yourself with your fingers, I don’t care, but keep struggling slowly.” She sat down again and smiled sweetly at me.
I was a sweety panting mess, covered in lube, with an aching hard on that desperately needed to squirt.
“And remember, don’t you dare come unless I tell you to!”
I slide my fingers down over my bum, between my legs and slide them over my tingling anus, my other hand squeezed tightly over my shake. The teach skin was like silk over hot steel. My hips were rocking backwards and forwards, fucking my finger on one side, and thrusting hard into my hand on the other. I could hardly breathe, my whole body tingling, panting, legs trembling, shaking, slowly and inexorably fucking myself into a state of blind oblivion.
“Look at me, not your cock!”
My gaze dragged its way up her gorgeous legs and over her incredible breasts, and I feel myself sink deeply into her eyes. “I love you Sue, I love you so fucking much! Please, please may I cum??”
“Are you going to ask for permission every time you wank from now on?”
“Yes, yes I will, I promise.”
“Say it. I will always ask for permission when I wank.”
I would have said absolutely anything. My mind had turned to mush, and she knew it.
“I promise I will always ask for permission to wank!”
“Good boy. Come for me on my legs. Come NOW!”
I think Iscreamed, I don’t really remember. My orgasm was immediately and intense, so all consuming, that it felt like I was ejaculating flames, not thick ropes of semen. I tried to come where she commanded, but my body was out of control, my legs buckling, my hand frantically pumping as stream after stream of come streaked out all over her. I collapsed onto the floor as if my bones had dissolved and twitched like a fish out of water, only to hear her laughing to herself and pointing an accusing finger at her legs. “I’ve a good mind to make you clean this all up. My god, you’ve given me a shower.”
She knelt down beside me, cradling me in her arms, the lightest of touches on my hot skin causing me to convulse yet again. I couldn’t speak. I felt like I had ejaculated my soul onto her. I was utterly drained and exhausted.
Sue stroked my hair as I slowly returned to earth, and kissed me on the mouth. “I think you owe me one now.”
“I do, and payback will be soon,” I groaned, aftershocks still wrapping my body.
“Well in that case, I’d better think up a fun scenario. We can’t have you enjoying all the hot fansies by yourself, can we?”
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