Prince Faolan was beyond pissed, he was enraged. He wanted to put his fist through a brick wall just to release the anger, or better yet someone else’s head through a wall. Someone had drunk all his coffee, smoked all his cigars and drank his best wine. And none of it was the cheap shit, he’d only stocked his pantry with the best to be offered, gourmet coffee beans, Diamond Crown Maximums cigars, and even the rich full bodyed port that had been older than he was, was gone.
Well actually that had happened last week and he’d yet to send his charge to get more supplies, to many things had come up recently for him to worry about the small stuff. That was her job anyways. Money was not tight, but the dark haired Hungarian had yet to tend to her chores. And damnit he needed his creativity comforts. She’d have been so behind with the household needs, focusing instead on her attempt to get Faolan out of the house.
“You’ve been stuffy and in need of a good rutting like all pack animals,” Anya grumbled darkly, her hands set to her wide hips and her expression a shallow frown of displeasure.
“You’re acting like an old fool sitting in your office all day working,” she worked herself moving around him and displacing the papers he was trying to finish up, “By the time I get dinner ready, you’re still working.”
With a sight, she pulled the pen from his grip, set her hand on the back of his chair and half swiveled it around to face her, “Hardly eating a thing all day is not good.”
An attempt to turn back around and reach for his papers was met with a sound smack to the hand as she glared at him.
“All right, shit Anya.” Faolan grew back in frustration finally giving up any effort or thoughts of more work. “I get it. I’ll go out.”
Her expression quickly changed, her dark brown eyes lighting up with joy and affection “You’re still a growing wolf and will need your strength,” Her Hungarian accent came out when she spoke sternly but she was stillhappy that he’d conceded..
“You’re a human, what would you know of strength?” A growl edged his voice He glared at her, his eyes narrowing in a threatening manner…
“Enough to know that menuing look in your eyes is full of shit.” She spat out, half tempted to hit him upside the back of the head.
“You’re a Protector. Whether you like it or not, your duty is to protect. But that doesn’t mean you have to neglect your own personal needs,” her hand settled once again firmly on his shoulder. She leaned forward, the sweep of her dark hair falling over her shoulder and brushing his face as she offered him a small smile.
“I keep hearing noises about the Fae wanting to take over this world and rule it, which can’t happen as you know,” Her features had sharpened in apparent dislike and anger.
Her cheese brushed against his. Faolan surprised deeply, taking the offered solid and comfort in her simple touches, “I know. The damned faeries need to get real lives like everyone else and learn to share.”
Faolan leaned back in his office chair, let the soft groan of the leather fill his senses as he propped his feet up on his oak desk. Leaning back further and closed his eyes, he tried to let his thoughts drift away from troubles.
“Noble duty and all,” She spoke quietly, smoothing a hand along his browser and trying to rid him of the deep furrow that had formed There.
“Some days I just want to wish the world away.” He looked tired, wound in a way that hurt her heart. She knew more than anybody that he needed a good distraction, something to take the weight off his shoulder for a little while.
Anya pressed her lips tenderly to his temple before moving to stand beside him Kneeling down beside his outstretched legs, she looked up at him, “I know, my prince. I know.”
Her hand moved down to rested on his muscle thigh.
His hair stood on edge with the contact from her fingers, an electricity seemed to flow from her hand and into his body, alerting his senses to her presence and easing him all at the same time.. Something about her touch was comforting in a motherly way that made her off limits as someone to sit his primary desires. He briefly remembered the day he found her, cold, dirty and hungry on the streets in San Francisco.
She’d seen him for what he was a cold blooded killer but had bucked against him when he’d threatened to end her pathetic life. He’d always wondered how she’d known, but had never bothered to ask her. Some days he wondered if she really was human after all, or there was a touch of something else inside her. Her ‘feminine intuition’ was nothing short of amazing.
* * * *
He bared his fangs and snarled, a sound no human throat should have been able to make..
She stood, dusted herself off brushing wisps of oily hair out of her wide and fearless eyes before walking up to him and bravely punching him in the throat.
The blow hurt, madehim cought and sputter, spitting blood. He glared angrily at her but stopped, taking a step back as he glanced over her. One look at her and he realized she was trembling in what smelled like fear. Even her breaths were nothing but labored pants.
“Come at me again you pathetic bum,” she shouted in defiance.
Striding towards him in a mix of confidence and uncertainty, she hit him again in the chest, trying to provoke him further.
The blow didn’t hurt nearly as much as being punched in the neck. For a human, she was strong. She had a real spark in her.
“I know what you are,” she uttered breathlessly, falling to her knees. “Just have mercy on me if you’re going to kill me.”
Her eyes closed, a silence falling around her as if she were preparing for death.
“Protectors don’t actually kill humans,” he spoke into the heavy silence, his voice rough and independent.
He wanted to smile at the shocked expression, the widening of her eyes further as she raised her head to look at him through a curve of dark hair. It was kind of amusing, toying with the woman, but something inside him seemed to soften at the horror in her eyes as he bared fangs again in a weak toothy grin.
Hs race, the wolves had been chosen by some higher power to keep things in this world and others in check. Protecting the humans from their own general stupidity he could not fully do, no one could. But his race of wolves was strong enough to hold their own against the Fae, other creativity, and some magicians.
For hundreds of years they’d protected humanity, silently. Keeping to themselves in the midst of the World Wars, .they’d had sleuths and assassins in place when Hitler had conquered much of Europe to keep the UnSeelie away from him. Again when Hussein rose to power, the Protectors had been called into play.
Prince Faolan didn’t know where his orders came from, other then the contact to the Goddess, but in truth he didn’t really care. He knew his duty and accepted it for the greater good. It was his purpose and he didn’t need to seek for another.
Even if it means dealing with the useless scum of human society, not that every human creativity he found was completely underserving of his efforts.
He looked down at the stranger in a crushed heap on the ground. She’d failed, her body reeking mostly of fatigue.
Faolan actually felt goal for a human being. It’d been so long since someone had challenged him in a fight they would obviously lose. It made him laugh out loud before he picked her up and brought her home.
Slapping his collar on her, he’d claimed her as his.
She took to his lifestyle almost instantly, picking up the slack at home. It’d took him a good week to break her in at first, between his patrolling the streets to keep things in check and other duties. (You do mention later about the same look on Millie’s face that Anya had, so we know Anya was a pain in the ass at first too) Which included making sure he sated his lupine demand for lust on a regular basis; he was a highly sexual creativity.
She’d handled his finances, paid bills, keep the pantry stocked with groceries, fed him regularly and occasionally satisfied his physical needs, though the moments were few and far between and only in absolute necessity.
For some reason, he’d allowed her to argue with him about his choices in how often he gotten laid. The odd thing was that at the first sign of him showing violence, she didn’t budget. When she justified her behavior, he realized that she must have been what the Goddess had been talking about when she suggested a squire or companion. Someone who didn’t take his shit just because he could become an eight-foot tall wolf that would keep him in check. Though perhaps he would personally have chosen someone less bossy and demanding; not that he apparently got a choice.
* * * *
“So, where am I going tonight?” Faolan heaved a sigh as the memory faded and he removed his boots from the desk to better look at his ward.
“Where the freaks are,” she almost giggled, her dark brown eyes gleaming with mischief. “A place called The Church. It’s in Texas!”
“I have to leave California for another fucking Goth club?” Leaning forward, Faolan opened and narrowed his eyes on Anya. This wasn’t the first freaks club she’d encouraged him to go to, what did she know that he didn’t?
She absently twirled strands of dark hair between her fingers and nodded, her eyes lowered. “You’re looking for more than a fuck, my precious wolf.” Her tone sounded almost provocative.
“But why with those fakers? Most of those freaks can’t take the kind of pain I like to give out. Do you remember,” his shoulders tensed at the memory, his anger rising a notch, “the last little girl I had in here?”
Anya nodded in understanding. “I do. She was whiny and bitchy and your cock in her mouth shut her up quickly before tears came down her eyes.”
“No,” he shook his head, his voice a low growth of announcement. “I fucked her ass then made her suck me off because she was missing the point of dominance.”
“She still cried.” Anya smiled, clearly unimpressed
“Fuck,” Faolan set a large hand on his oak desk, singing in exasperation. “I have to go?”
Anya looked up from his thigh and grinned as though she’d reach up and tear his head off if he decided. “I insist,” her accent came out thick, the smile on her lips sweet and dangerous at the same time.
It was moments like this that reminded him just how maternal she could be, though there was more to it than that. Their relationship was… complicated.
Faolan reached out to her, stroking her thick hair. Silky strands fell between his fingers before he clutched her hair in a tight fist and yanked her upwards partially off her knees.
Slowly, Anya rose to her feet, guided by the fist entwined in her dark locks just at the nape of her neck.
Faolan let out a sight as he leaned forward and kissed her, brushing his lips softly over hers before applying steady pressure.
Complicated indeed.
Her warm mouth opened for him, letting his tongue slip past juicy lips. She was giving just as he needed her to. Smaller fingers reached for his thighs again, clutching them tightly through rough texture of his pants.
His cock hardened beneath his jeans as his grip became a gentle care at the back of her head, raising goose bumps over her tanned skin. The heat was rising in a beautiful blush across her flesh that stole his breath. How lovely his Anya was.
Faolan became instantly aware that her nipples had peaked into tight little buds beneath the deep purple crushed velvet top. He tore himself from her with a low growl and released her. The flutter of her eyesashes against his rough unshaved cheek ticckled. The cent of her arousal was almost more than he could bare, but he forced his lusts down as he looksd upon her with affection.
She sank down back to her knees in silence, gently resting her head against the warmth of his thigh. Something genteel and sweet moved through her rich brown eyes as she gazed up at him, nudged her cheek against the material of his jeans.
“I love you Anya and wish to protect you above all else,” he quietly whispered the words, but he knew she’d heard them.
She didn’t respond. She didn’t need to. There was only a soft contented sight breathed past her slightly bruised lips
* * * *
Prince Faolan sat on a high back leather chair atop the second floor of the Church, looking down at the myriad of people in boredom. All the dancers were swinging sensitively to the soft music that played over the speakers. One woman to his right mimicked fucking the pole she’d wrapped her legs around, sliding her hips up and down the steel object, throwing her head back in overjoyed ecstasy. Dressed in short shorts and a bra, Faolan suspected that she’d probably rubbed the pole the right way and gotten her rocks off. It was hard to distinguish one scent of arousal from the next, they all blended into one in this borderllo of sights and sounds.
He wondered how many other women had done the same thing in this club.
The building was large, two story complete with a patio and deck outside with a full bar which was occupied by smokers. The Faint smell of cloves was driving his feral senses nuts. He hated the smell of cloves and could never understand why the youth smoked them.
Anya could only guess that it was an artsy thing.
Faolan snuffed. He hated ‘artsy’.
Crossing one black jean clad leg over the other; his boots reflected the strobe light that lit up the room. A black leather vest covered his upper body, showing off ripping muscles that moved with a soft grace only an experienced ballet dancer possessed.
One gold arm band gripped his left bicep. His fingers intertwined as heLeaning forward and spotted someone out of place.
Leaning forward, he set his elbows on the wrong iron railing and looked closer. Between all the scents of sweat, sex, cum and smoke, he detected magic, his nose never missed that slightly Earthen tingle. And he knew this scent wasn’t wolf. Was this person here to cause trouble?
A closer press of energy towards the presence forced the person to Turn their head up and look at him.
A smile crossed his lips when he realized who he’d spotted. Or rather what.
Faolan had killed his share of Fae from both Courts in the past. They both had power hungry rules at the time and forbid their kind from mating with the Protectors, but Faolan had heard a new ruler was in one of the kingdoms. He didn’t know which, but understand that a line was drawn between Seelie and Unseelie, a light and darkness, if you will. He was the balance so to speak, the Protectors skirted the edges of those darkness and light, undefined by eitherher.
She moved her body willfully to the music, her hands moving and swinging up above her head. Light glamed off bracelets, emphasizing her curves as she undulated her hips in a slow, steady circle. Her short skirt rode up, giving slight peeks of luscious creamy flesh that made Faolan lean further over the railing, hoping for a glimpse of her sweet pussy. He know the sight of a woman that didn’t wear panties when he saw it.
She spun around, her ass bobbing up and down as she arched her back, breasts jutting upwards. The top she wore clung to her every movement, giving Faolan reason to sit back and adjust himself in his jeans. His cock stiffened, mouth watered at the sight of her sensitively teasing dancing.
But his ire realized it’s head when he saw another man—no it was a wolf, saunter up to her and dance Provocatively with her. The other wolf was tall, had spiked hair that stood almost a foot taller than he was. He was built, bare chested and marked with slashes along his ribs and sides, probably from the little fae.
Faolan gripped the wrong iron railing hard enough to turn his knuckles white, a no-no considering this wasn’t the place to lose his temperature. He had to be more mindful of his strength as the metal gave beneath his fist with a slight groan.
He sniffed the air, oddly pleased when he didn’t detect the other wolf’s scent on the little Fae. But he could smell her arousal from here, the pungent smell a sweet reminder that the Fae were capable of playing games that he liked.
Ones that included safe words, bondage and fear.
The best way to conquer, he decided, was to go downstairs and have a little chat with the Fae, see who the other wolf was and if he was a Protector.
The one flaw about being a Protector was that no information was given as to their powers, their cohorts or anything. No mark, no scent, nothing set them apart from any other wolf. It was frustrating to say the least at times. Then there was the unspoken vow to not speak a word about who or what they were as well. He didn’t follow this rule all the time.
Faolan had gathered a pack around this area in Texas awhile back, making sure to solidify territory that stretched from Colorado to Louisiana, including New Mexico, the south eastern corner of Arizona and parts of Oklahoma.
None of the wolves in his pack were Protectors, though they all felt a sense of duty to protect the stupid humans who were always messing up the mud ball known as Earth.
He’d trained as many as he could personally for two years in hopes that they would be stronger than any opponent he could throw at them and that morals and ethics would rule them the way it had him up to a point. Any rogues never lasted long; he was a firm believe in strict discipline. So far, things appeared to be working in his favorite.
Picking up his drink from the table, Faolan sipped it, letting the cool smokey peat taste of scotch burn his throat, warming him.
Jaccusing down the stairs, he headed towards the dark haired fae and her Mohawk companion.
She spun around, stopping on her spiked heels when he descended the stairs. Their eyes met and realization hit him that she wasn’t just any fae. There was an instant pulling, he felt drawn into the depths of her hungry eyes, responded with his own cravings. Some strange spiked through her essence, something he didn’t Normally find on Fae. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he was intrigued now.
A closer glance revealed that she was un-owned. Not a single collar or marking appeared on her body, but for the single band of gold on her arm. Her scent wafted over his nostrils, causing them to flare at the sweet perfume of lust. It was too potential for her to be wearing panties, he thought. He hoped to find out soon.
“Pardon me,” he stepped off the final step between the equally large wolf and the fae. “I think we should talk.” He gave no considerations for her companion, his eyes narrowrowed and focused solely upon the Fae woman.
The glossed over look disappeared from her face as she blinked slowly and her eyes began to twinkle as they came into focus again, zeroed in on the voice addressing her.
Her mouth formed an O, ruby red lips parting to speak. No words came out. She looked at her companion, nodded dismissively at him and then extended her hand to Faolan.
Faolan paid no mind to the tension or the stiff manner in the other wolf’s bow before he turned and left.
Faolan took her hand, bowing low, hair sweeping over the tops of his boots before he raised his head. Keeping eye contact, he saw close up how luxurious her figure was. Breasts jutted proudly out beneath her corset, crushed together forming the perfect place to drip cold ice. And leave nail marks. The corset tapered down to a wait that fanned out into a blossom of beautiful hips and an ass meant for fucking and spanking. Long legs dressed in thigh high fishnets held her up while she stoo in her heels.
Licking his lips, he realized Anya had his best interest at heart when she suggested he come get fucked tonight. Somehow she always did know what was best for him, and this certainly was a find, not like the last one.
His cock throbbed, his mouth watered. “What’s your name?”
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