Chapter One: Covenant of Wolves
“Goddamn, I hate these fucking cum shot poses!” Millie tapped a spiked heel against the concrete. Loud music thumbed not too far from where she and a half a dozen others standing waiting for admission to the club. “Move it you fucking asshole! They’re playing Combichrist!”
Some in the line looked at her oddly, wondering no doubt if her elongated ears were the real thing or if she were a human trying to pass as a Fae. That was the usual response wherever she went when she was on Mortal Earth. It grew tiring but using glamour to appear human was equally as draining. Tonight, she was just herself. Millie the Fae.
Most humans didn’t even understand the differences in the Fae races. They’d naturally assumed that all fae were the same, despite some of the more obvious differences such as painted lips, skin tones or hair color.
Tonight she was on a mission to relax before work, Goddamnit.
The rest of the crowd dressed in similar dark clothes, guys in tight black pants, leather belts with silver studs, buckles or even rings and boots that came various lengths up the calendar. Chests were covered in either black dress shirts, tank tops or no shirts. Some had wild hair or shavled heads, they stood waiting for the line to move so they could get into Dallas’s hottest gothic club on a Thursday. Hell, some guys even wore dresses.
Millie looked towards the bouncer who knew her by name. She shot him an annoyed glare but he shrugged and continued checking IDs. She huffed in the man’s direction crossing her arms beneath her ample cleavage comfortable and tapping a black leather spiked heel against the pavement as she tried to be patient with the line.
“Shut up, bitch! The song just started. And you know the DJ tonight plays an extended set of his stuff,” a large hand clapped onto her nearly bare ass.
Sucking in a deep breath, Millie started to turn around with her fist cocked. She spun around on onepointed heel, her short skirt whipping about her and started to throw a punch into the very large body of Virus, a six foot five, three hundred and fifty pound wolf who was built like a brick shithouse. He grinned, baring fangs and smoothing a hand over his dyed black hair before reading his ponytail. His shirt hung loosely off large shoulders before he folded his oversized arms over his chest. His face was clean shaved and his large green eyes sparkled even in the darkness. His lupine scent, earth and gravel hit her before she’d turned around fully.
“Hi,” he beamed and wounded at Millie before smoothing a hand over his hair.
Millie dropped her hand and wrapped her arms around the wolf. “You’re a shit,” she whispered against his chest. His body was warm compared to hers, but it figured. It was winter outside and she hadn’t had the brains to put on warm clothes. Dressed in a tight corset that pushed her more than ample breasts up close to her chin, her arms were left uncovered other than a faded gold band with an inscription in Gaelic she could not read.
Her skirt barely covered her ass, which Virus promptly fondled, earning him a dirty look.
“Stockings tonight, and I assume a garter? Millie what are you doing out tonight? Your father would be furious if he found you in the mortal realm dressed like this.”
“Oh, like you care what my father thinks,” she slapped him in the supposedr leaned into his warmth. He’d been a friend of the family for years, saving Millie from one stupid Fae court incident after another. “And why did you dye your hair again? Wolves didn’t need to do that, did they?”
“I do care,” he turned and nudged her hips with his.
She felt his very large bulge press into her. The thought of cock touching her right Now was enough to set her nerves on fire. “It’s not happening. We aren’t compatible, Virus.” She smiled.
Lifting a hand to his forehead, he tilted his head back in mock despair and let out a sight.”Oh Millie, when? Why can’t you love me?” He snickered.
She scoffed.
Finally, as they walked forward, he looked her straight in the eyes. “I dyed my hair because I don’t have the magical ability to change it like the fae do. We’re born with one coat of hair that matches our fur. And I grew tired of light brown.”
A wind blew, causing chills to race up Millie’s spine. She generally felt safe around Virus, but there were some things even a six foot five wolf could not protect her from.
The line moved quickly, putting Millie and Virus closer to the door. Once inside, she flashed her ID and a pouty smile before getting waved past the cash register. “But your eyes are so pretty,” she shot around the corner and inside the building.
Virus groaned and reached for her, but Millie slipped out of reach and into the darkness, taking a sharp left the bar area.
Red velvet draws hung, separating the register from the two bars. One to her right was busy with patrons standing around blathering about nonsensically while the bar in front of her was fairly empty. A few patrons sat on the plus red couches to her left nurses and watching the crowd. One man in particular looked at Millie with a hungry look. She shot him a flippant look and walked towards the bar in front of her.
Checking her watch, she noted it was only ten fifteen, mortal time. The thing with mortals keeping time Always amused Millie, because the Fae didn’t both. Time seemed pointless when you lived for hundreds of years. Smells and sights became ways of tracking or remembering past memories until even those faded.
After seeing so much death and gore in her life, Millie made it a point to start living the way she wanted to, not how her parents dictated. The life of a warrior of the Sidhe required discipline, tons of boring education and focus.
Not spending time in the mortal realm at the gothic club looking for a good fuck.
Millie didn’t necessarilycare where it came from either, as long as she came a few times and came hard. What she wouldn’t give for a nice hard body that was just a little smaller than Virus, and a lot deadlier.
Someone with a dangerous streak that involved whips, chains and knives in their bedroom toy collection. Virus was a big brute and one hell of a body guard for his pack, but he was soft in bed. Romantic. Sweet. Caring.
Things that didn’t belong in her bedroom. Not since Vincent fucked her heart over.
Millie gritted her teeth until Shar appeared before her. “Whatcha wants tonight hon?” Shar had the most beautiful curly red hair parted down the center that framed a sweet face and equally persuasive emerald eyes. Her bust had been emphasized by her tight black skull and cross bones T-shirt that rode up above her belly just slightly. She was a knife expert and had been bartending in the mortal realm for the last forty years so she could easily handle thugs and ruffians. Millie always liked the tattoo of the Phoenix that Shar had on her left shoulder.
“More Combichrist, and a whiskey sour. The Fae whiskey,” she shouted over the thundering electronic body music bass. The smell of clove cigarettes wafted towards her and she knew she’d been spotted by another of Virus’s enourage.
Trevor, also freakishly tall sauntered up behind her, setting a hand on her Shoulder before blowing a cloud of smoke above her head. His shaken face gleamed with sweat. She’d seen him naked on more than one occasion and the memory of her body dancing against his made sweat or something sweeter drip between her panty-less thighs. Nevermind the fact that the fae were forbidden from mating with the wolfes despite the desire to have them on the side of the Unseelie court during their cold war with the Seelie kingdom.
Millie hated thinking about the idea that her current employees would sometimes attempt to wipe out the Seelie court and all its’ natural beauty. The entirewar was based on a fear that had no foundation in reality as far as she was concerned. While coming to Earth to find Prince Faolan was a minor announcement, why the hell couldn’t she have a little fun too?
Energy seen into her, calming her from the stresses of the day. Millie turned and was greeted to purple and green spiked hair that stood up a foot taller than Trevor, silver eyes and a smile that could light up an entire room if he hadn’t been so threateningly huge. “Hi,” she shook her chest in his direction. “What’s cookin’?”
“You, obviously,” Trevor took another puff off his cigarette. Dressed in form fitting leather pants, boots and no shirt, his ample chest and bulging muscles rippled gracefully with each movement. “What’s new?”
“Nothing,” she took the drink from Shar and slapped a bill on the bar. “Just out for a night on the town.”
“On Earth?” Trevor cocked a manicured browser. “I figured things would be more exciting in Faery.”
Millie sipped her drink, enjoying the slight burn from the fae whiskey. She nodded. “Not at all. The same bullshit politics are continuing in the court about waging war with the Seelie for final domination and they’re,” she witnessed heavily, “sending someone in to persuade the shift community to join us.”
Trevor nodded. “Who are they sending in?”
She wiped her brow, moving dark red and purple curls out of her eyes. From her right, she saw the main dance floor, packed with bodies swaying and moving to the beat of the Combichrist mix that the DJ had started ten minutes ago. The beat of the music pounded loudly against her chest, drowning out the noise from earlier in the day.
Millie knocked back her drink and ordered another.
“Oh,” he nodded, slapping down money for her drink. “I see. So you’re supposed to talk to the unreachable Prince Faolan?”
“Shit yeah,” she nodded and took the drink handed to her. She started to knock it back, but Trevor put his hand over the rim of her glass.
“Sip it. Then let’s dance. I hear they’ll play Covenant next.”
“Stalker?” Her eyes rose.
He nodded, reaching to touch her. “Yeah. After Combichrist.”
Millie felt instant peace at the connection. Her heart rate slowed, her pulse became audible in her own ears over the heavy bass beat. Her nerves calmed as the alcohol’s warmth spread throughout her body, making her feel warm at first, then cool before her body temperature returned to normal. She felt as though a weight had been lifted off her shoulders momentarily.
Millie didn’t understand why the wolf in this pack made her feel tranquil but she accepted it without question.
Trevor lowered his hand from her shoulder to her hip and opened his palm. For a wolf, he was not the dominating type she’d normally dealt with. Nor was he like what her people had said of Prince Faolan.
He was sweet and kind, a little too caring at times for her style. One or two nights of passwordate sex was all she could handle with him since he could not play as rough as she liked. She needed the rough contact as did most Unseelie fae.
Prince Faolan had the reputation of being the brutal and often aggressive leader of a group of wolves known as Protectors. In Faery, they weren’t understand or talked about except in secret. Prince Faolan’s subjects were said to have been involved in dealings with both courts depending on which side offered them the better deal. It seemed that nothing the Unseelie could offer his group as of yet could satisfy them.
He set a hand on his hip. “Faolan’s not the bad guy everyone thinks he is, Millie. Remember, you live in a world were court politics different vastly from our own pack politics. It reminds me of Victorian times, at least what I’ve heard of Faery.”
She nodded. “And I’ve been around long enough to say that’s a valid comparison. But…” she took another sip of the drink offered to her, “things in Unseelie are just so different.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I can imagine. I’ve never been to Faery and have no intentions of ever leaving Earth right now. I’m happy here.” He smiled.
She tilted her head. “I know. And I know the information I’ve been fed about him is probably a bunch of shit, but I won’t know until I meet him. Have you met him?”
Trevor nodded. In passing. We’ve dealt with different packs. Just remember, Millie. The Protectors are not all blood thirsty killers who stalk the Fae. They’re misunderstood even among the wolves, but we respect their authority for a reason.”
“Mmhmm. What reason is that?” She raised an eyebrow.
He waved a finger in front of her face. “I cannot tell you.” Grinning, he offered her his hand again.
Millie took his hand and was led to the dance floor. Several tables sat to her right along with large red booths and more velvet curtains which separate some of the tables. In front of her was a pole and staircase that led to the second story where several couches and a few high backed leather chairs had been placed before wrong iron railing. To Millie’s left was the stage, complete with hanging crucifix. A few bodies swayed on the dance floor but it was still early. She wondered why DJ Angry Johnny was playing the Combichrist set early, but a tug on her arm made her forget.
Her body started swaying in tune with the music, strictly, hips undulated and large hands slid down her figure. Trevor’s hands gripped her possessessively the way they always did, fingers digging into her hips before his head lowered and their cheats brushed.
Trevor drove his pelvis into her hips, his eyes focused on hers.
Millie’s mouth opened in an O with each little bit of contact from Trevor. His thick cock nudging her where she wanted most, making her body cry out, her pussy weep and clip throb. Her fingers dug into his waist, nails running up and down his bare skin. She smelled blood, knew he did too.
He looked down at her with mock announcement.
“It’ll heal when you transform,” she grinned and winked.
“Or you could take me home and give me some fae loving,” he sweeped and watched her.
The beat of the song slowed and disappeared, leaving only a keyboard howl. Millie spun away and bent over, her hair falling at the sides of her face as her arms spread out, fingers opened. Slowly, Millie sank to her knees, her head lifting, gazing up at the crucifix as Trevor circulared her body and the beat picked up. When the bass kicked in, Millie exploded upward, standing to her full height behind Trevor.
His hands returned to her sexy swinging hips, her ass nudging against his crotch.
A smile crept over her lips as she thought back on how he’d like to bury his thick, thick cock in her ass then cum all over her breasts again. Not tonight. “I’m not interested in having the Fae Lust infection you, Trevor.”
The song ended and Millie stopped dancing long enough to catch her breath. Glancing back at Trevor, she wondered why she couldn’t take him back to Faery and fuck him.
He was a wolf. And they were not allowed in Faery due to the stance many had taken against the fae. The wolf in the forests of Europe had slaughtered many of the wee folk out of confusion and fear of those they could not understand. The Unseelie court had lost many fae over the last several centuries due to the wolves’ misdoings. So may in fact that the Unseelie had outlawed relationships with wolves and practically banned them from their city-state.
Of course, Millie had her few relationships that she kept secret but they were few and far between.
In America, the Fae were just another race as were the wolves, but each race kept their magic toned down.
It seemed that humans were somewhat accepting of both races, mostly because the humans had never Really seen the darker side of anything other than their own nature. They have their cruelty with bombs and destruction, but it’s nothing like the backstabbing donein Faery for royalty gains.
Fingers nudging up her sides beneath her top brought her back to reality. Spinning around, she saw Trevor standing, a lustful grin on his face.
The music had changed, gone softer. “I thought you said he was going to play Covenant!” She appeared to pout.
Trevor shrugged. “Maybe in a few minutes. We should go outside and catch a breath of fresh air.
“Just let me get a drink first.”
“Sure. I am glad that the fae are legendary drinkers but sometimes we’ll have to go toe toe.”
She laughed and followed him through the thickening crowd. Some of the folks stared at the two of them, others gawked. The difference was subtle, but noticeable to someone who was essentially a paid assassin. Half irritated, she set a hand on Trevor’s rather muscle shoulders and followed him outside.
A light rain began to fall on the deck, making the smooth wood slippery. Millie bit back a curse as she nearly topped to the floor from the slideness of the wood and her high heeled boot but Trevor caught her with one strong hand.
Hauling her to her feet, he pulled her into his arms. The wind blew again but his body heat kept her very warm. It almost felt as though he were in wolf form as she brushed against his skin and felt fur on him. Looking at him, she realized that he was still shirtless but had grown an inch in height since they came outside.
“Why do you do that?” She looked up at him.
“Do what?” He ran his hands over her shoulders. The roughness of his thumbs sent shivers over her skin. “Grow an inch occasionally.”
“Oh that little trick?” He grinned. “It’s for intimidation purposes. You know this place, Millie. It’s a meat market and for the time you’re with me, I like to think of you as mine.”
The thought warmed her heart. “Still.”
“Still, nothing! I need the height around here!” He sank down to his knees, putting his head at level with her tits.
She smiled and slapped him across the shoulder again. “Please.”
The look on his face changed to a stupid grin before he stood up to his full height, somewhere round 6’9.
Millie looked at the crowd of people gathering around the bar on the upstairs deck and decided it was time for that drink. “Yeah, we’ll go for that drinking game sometimes soon. I promise,” she licked her lips.
Trevor put a hand on her shoulder. “Indeed. By the way, do you even know where to find Prince Faolan?”
She shook her head. “Nope, I don’t have a clue. Any ideas where he could be?”
Trevor shook his head. “He rarely gets out. His duties come first.”
“Damnit.” She snapped her fingers. “How about where he lives?”
“Not far from here, only…” He closed his eyes. “About twenty five hundred miles from here.”
“I know, huh. Now come on. Let’s get you that drink.”
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