“Look at that red bottom,” He whispered in her ear.
Stacey could feel his hard body pressed against hers.
It was the middle of the day on a sunny Sunday and they were at the zoo.
“Did you know the female baboons have a larger red butt to attract the males?” He continued her education.
She swallowed hard.
She felt her heart sink as he moved his hand over her butt.
Stacey wore a very short black skirt and a tight pink T-shirt. No bra underneath. Although the fact she had small breasts, she used always to wear one, but not today. Today she felt racy and sexy.
She wanted Owen to want her.
Her black strappy sandals had high heels which made her legs seem longer than they were. She wasn’t used to wear them. Only for special occasions.
Going to the zoo wasn’t a special event, but today, with him it was.
Owen surprised her when he asked her to meet him there.
That wasn’t the sexy scene she fantasized about. But now that hewas behind her, pressing against her, where everyone could see them in daylight, she understood why he brought her there.
She took a deep breath before saying “So, you’re basically a baboon, ha?” She sneered.
His arm wrapped around her waist tight. She knew he wouldn’t like that remark.
To her surprise, he laughed lightly in her ear. It was a throaty short laugh.
“Aren’t you a little brat today?” He whispered.
She swallowed hard but kept her cool.
Putting her lollipop back in her mouth. Sucking on it hard.
He moved strands of brown shiny hair from the back of her neck and kissed it. It sent chills down her spine. She could feel her nipples getting hard.
“I have a mind to take you over my knees right here and spank your bottom,” His voice was low.
She popped the lollipop out of her mouth. Swallowing hard the sweet juice but not really tasting it.
She looked around. Imagining him taking her over his knees and spanking her whereEveryone could see.
There weren’t many people at this time but the occasional drifter.
Still, the baboons were there.
“You can imagine how they would look at you, getting a spanking, can you?” He continued.
It was as if he could read her mind.
He brushed her hair aside again. His light touch made her quiver.
“You’ll cry, of course, ” He said with confidence.
She knew he was right.
“Did you ever get a spanking like that?” He asked, knowing full well the answer.
She shivered and shook her head no.
He felt her body almost melting and it gave him pleasure.
“You know that bratty girls get spanked,” His warm breath on her ear was thick.
She could feel his hard-on through the fabric of his pants.
It excited her to feel it.
Then she felt his thumb itching on the edge of her skirt from behind.
She held her breath in anticipation. Butterflies flew in her stomach.
He moved in beneath and found her bareskin. Only the skimpy fabric of her g-string protects her most intimate parts.
He moved the rest of his fingers now on her silent flesh. She felt his strong long fingers touching in an owning manner.
This was his to do as he pleased.
She drew in her breath when his thumb found its way under the flimsy fabric and between her butt chicks.
He was at her entrance now. Putting light pressure against her hole.
Her body tensed and squeezed shut.
“Bratty girl,” He said. She could feel the smile in his voice.
Stacey ignored him and concentrated on the silent fight. Her body tipped forward as much as it could, stretching away. But the heels didn’t help.
Damn her for wearing them today.
His tight grip around her waist didn’t give her much room.
It was a lost battle and she knew it. Yet she had to try.
Then his index finger moved about. Her mouth suddenly felt dry.
His index finger felt warm, she couldn’t resist it any longer.It wasn’t lubricated and it burnt as it made its way into her hole.
She opened her mouth and a small cry came out as his finger broke her resistance and made its way inside her.
“Ssssh,” She heard him whisper.
His grip around her waist brought her back to her heels. Her eyes widened. Her body shivered. It wasn’t just the pain but also the humiliation.
Her butt hole wasn’t hers anymore. It belonged to him.
She was powerless to stop him.
“It hurts being a brat, right?” His low voice was in her ear.
When she didn’t respond he wiggled his finger inside her.
Her face winced with pain.
A hot flash came over her. Now the butterflies were gone, instead, she felt a knot twisting.
She looked around. A couple were a few feet from them. They hugged and laughed. Oblivious to his probing.
“How do you think they’d react if they knew I was taking your temperature, right here?”
She wondered how he could read her mind.
Humiliating her was his favorite game.
“To think that if you wore a different kind of underwear, I wouldn’t be able to do this,” He teased her.
Stacey knew he was right and wondered if she didn’t these underwear intentionally.
She never even owned a G-string before. It was his gift.
“You want me to take it out?” He teased her again.
“Yes,” She whispered, they both could hear the destination in her voice.
“Not yet,” He said and his finger moved inside her tiny hole.
She felt tears sing her eyes.
The couple next to them left and they were all alone.
“Don’t move,” He warned her.
He moved the arm from her waist to reach her breast. Fondling one and squeezing her nipple lightly through the fabric.
Her head felt light from all the sensings she was feeling at the same time.
She didn’t know if she wanted it to end or not.
“I’m going to take my finger out and then we’ll go to my place and I’m going to spank your brattybottom,” He said.
She didn’t respond.
Her body loosened as he pulled his finger out.
Her butt hole felt on fire.
His thumb lingered in her entrance again. Implying that he could just as easily penetrate her once more.
She held her breath from the unspoken threat.
Finally, he took his hand out completely and she could breathe normally again.
He turned her body to face him.
He was taller and bigger than her. His dark eyes shined with pleasure to match his crooked smile.
He had devilish good looks. He took the hand that was still holding the lollipop and guided it so he could place the candy in his mouth.
Everything that was about her was his.
And she loved it.
Owen drew him over to his chest. Holding her lightly.
She breathed in his heavily scent. It was intotoxicating.
That was the first thing she remembered about him. Even before his good looks.
He was dating her college roommate, Christine.
Peraffect Christine with her curly blonde hair, long tanned legs, and big breasts (they were real!).
She was like a real live Barbie doll.
The one you could imagine a guy like Owen going out with.
He was twenty-nine when they met.
Stacey wasn’t sure about the details. Although being rooms, she and Christine weren’t close.
Christine came back from her dates with Owen smelling like him. A rich smell that made Stacey’s nose widen.
Then he came to pick Christine up and she opened the door.
She recognized the scent.
He gave her a wide smile. She felt awkward wearing a baggy T-shirt and tights. Her hair in a messy ponytail.
Owen was a mix of cockiness and nice. She was jealous of Christine for going out with him.
They came a few times to the room and when they thought she was sleep, she heard her giving him a hand job and once a blow job.
One day he came over to their room.
Christine was out shopping.
He told her hehad the rest of the day off and asked her to launch.
She agreed.
She jeans and a T-shirt. He wore a button-down stripe shirt with dark blue pants. His hair was in a perfect dark wave.
He took her to lunch in a fancy restaurant and they drank wine. She was just barely in a drinking age. Not that she had never drunk before. But it was mostly beer.
After lunch, he asked her If she wanted to go back to his place.
She agreed. She didn’t care about Christina. It was her turn. Why do only Barbie-looking girls get all the fun?
His place was lush and dark.
She sat on the sofa while he brought some more wine. She was already light-headed from lunch, but she still took the wine glass and gulped it down.
It felt expensive on her tongue.
Owen watched her with gleaming dark eyes that made her nervous.
“You have a nice place,” She said filling the silence.
“You like it?” He asked, watching her closely.
“It’s a bit fifty shades of Gray,” She teased him.
“Don’t be bratty,” He said in response.
“Why not?” She asked, her face inside the glass.
“Bratty girls get punished,” He said.
She laughed nervously before she asked “Really? What will you do to me?”
His long legs moved a bit before he said “I put naughty bratty girls over my lap and spank their butt,”
She drank nervously from her wine.
“No smart remark?” He asked.
She looked at his face. His smile was sinister. His hand was casually over his thigh, near his knee.
“I’m…” She started to say but choked up.
“Have you ever got a spanking?” He asked her.
“Nope,” She answered fast.
“I think you had enough to drink,” He said.
She looked at her glass, it was a quarter full.
“I have some more in my glass,” She said.
“If you drink it, I’ll spank you,” He warned.
She moved the wine in her glass in a circular motion.
“No you won’t,” She said tossing the rest of thewine down her throat.
She placed the wine glass on the table and watched him.
For a moment nothing happened. She could hear her heartbeats in her ears, thumbing hard.
He rose from his seat and came over to her. She looked up at him. He took her arm and made her stand up while he took her seat.
Stacey found herself over his lap like he said he’d do.
She tried to get up but he kept her in place.
“Let me go,” She cried out when she realized she couldn’t get up from his lap.
Owen let her exhaust herself, waiting patiently.
Once she stopped squirming he declared “Brats get punished,”
She felt a smack over her butt.
Then another one.
Her jeans muffled the blows but after he continued for what seemed forever her butt started to throb.
“Stop it,” She finally cried out. Feeling more humiliated than hurt.
Again she tried to get away from his lap.
“Not yet,” He held her down.
She glanced and caught her reflection in the mirror across.
She looked like a little girl being punished by her daddy.
Their eyes looked in the mirror. She could tell he was enjoying this. His crooked smile came to his face right before he landed another blow over her butt.
Her face twisted and a cry came out. Her eyes started to water.
She was starting to hurt.
Her hand came to protect her butt but he held it in the small of her back.
He gave her a few more smacks before he stopped.
She was on the brink of crying now.
“Next time it’ll be under the jeans,” He warned her and released her hand.
He moved her up from his lap and then back to his arms.
She sniffed her nose as he rubbed her butt.
That was her first spanking.
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