Stacey was slowly starting to come to. She tried to open her eyes but it was so dark… no, something was covering her eyes. She wanted to reach up and remove what was blocking her vision and realized something was holding her down, and tight. She opened her mouth and screamed as loud as she could, all she heard in return was a deep laugh.
“Please dear, scream all you can, to your hearts content darling, I actually enjoy hearing it, I intend to hear a good deal of your cries and screams tonight Stacey. And if you try to hold it in, I will just try harder to get them out. So keep that in mind…” His voice, it was so deep and menuing, yet somehow calmed her as well. Who was this man? How did she get here? What was she here for? Did he intend to kill her? She pushed all these thoughts from her mind.
A few tears escaped down her cheeses. “Where…where am I?”
“Oh thats not important. And I assume your next question is how you got here, yes? Well I’ve been watching you. For a while actually. I’ve been coming to see you dance. You sparked a fire in me, even my girls enjoyed watching you… I just had to have you. And the way you dance, I could see it in you… the way you move, your eyes, I know you want this as well.”
She knew taking that job as a ‘dance’ would attract weirdos, but never did she think she’d be kidnapped. She had to stay calm. Had to think. Could she remember this man? He said something about ‘girls’, was there any one man who came in with multiple girls? Girls that paid attention to her? She couldn’t really remember. She usually tried to tune the customers out.
Suddenly there was a hand trailing up her leg. It was soft, gentle. Stacey heard a woman giggle.
“Is my pretty little pet awake finally?” said a gentle female voice.
“Yes sexy, she is…” replied the man.
Then the woman was straldling Stacey, sliding those soft fingers up her t-shirt.
“Do you remember last night my pet? You must remember that sexy little dance you did for me? Mmm… I’ll never forget it. But you probably don’t. I did slip you something in your drink, you practically passed out in my lap…” Her fingers reached the bottoms of Stacey’s breasts and trailed their way over her nipples, pinching them gently and leaned down to kiss and suck on Stacey’s neck. Then she whispered in Stacey’s ear. “I’m sorry sexy… I didn’t Want to get you here this way. But Master is so stubborn sometimes. It had to be done His way. He does enjoy to scare people… Don’t worry, when its my turn, I’ll be gentle baby.”
The woman giggled and pinched Stacey’s nipples harder, then pulled her shirt up to inspect her work, Then there was a warm mouth sucking on one of her nipples, then another mouth on the other. She told and released some of her tension, giving into the pleasure of it. She even started to get turned on by it, when all of a sudden there was a seeing pain in one breast as a hand squeezed it followed by teeth sinking into her nipple. A reluctant hand squeezed the other breast, the woman, and teeth followed. She screamed, which just caused Him to squeeze and bite harder before releasing. Tears ran down Stacey’s face. Then she heard a slapping sound followed by, “I’m sorry, Master”
“You didn’t even mark her you silly slut!”
“I’m sorry, Master, I can’t… I’m not like you, Sir… She’s just so pretty and she hasn’t done anything to be punished for yet…”
The man grunted, “Ah Stacey, you are being far too quiet.”
Stacey drew in a deep breath. “I… I’m sorry? I don’t… know what to say. I’m… I guess I’m in some shock?”
He laughed, “Well I have to say I’m sorry you aren’t fighting me more, but I did know you would want this So I’, not all that surprised.”
Suddenly here was something cold pressing against her stomach, she help in a breath, it moved up and she heard her shirt being cut to shreds, it had to be a knife… She then felt it trailing slowly around and over her nipple, one then the next.
“I wouldn’t jerk if I were you, you have such amazing tits. I’d hate to see them all cut up like your shirt…” the man laughed, then he took the knife away and slapped her tits, she whimpered. “Aw, did that hurt?” He slapped them again, that time she was unsure if it hurt or felt good.
“Hmmm… I think she likes it Master.” the woman said, slipping her fingers into Stacey’s panties,
“Yes, I bet she does… Mmm. Doesn’t she have amazing tits babydoll?”
“Yes, Master, they are so perfect… Oooh Master?”
“I have an idea… Her tits, they are the perfect size to tie…”
“Yes, what a perfect idea. Go get the ropes…”
Stacey was now a little worried. “Tie? My… my breasts?”
He slapped her across the cheek. “Do not ask questions. And if you speak to me you call me Master, you stupid slut.” He wrapped a hand around her throat. “You are mine now. Understand?”
“…Yes…yes…Mas…Master” She choked out.
Stacey’s mind was racing but she couldn’t focus on any one thought. She felt like she was starting to enjoy this, but that just humiliated her further. Stacey heard the woman come back into the room and sat down beside her.
“Oh and Master I brought this too! I thought it would be fitting for this new pet and quite sexy!” She giggled.
This girl was enjoying Stacey being treated this way. She wasn’t sure what she had handed the Master, but shortly after his hand was back at her throat. No… not a hand, something else. His hands reached around her neck and fastened something. Stacey’s mind raced further, ‘a collar?’ she thought. She’s not an animal, why did he need to put a collar on her. She tried to move her head some, but couldn’t. The girl laughed.
“Posture collar silly Stacey. You won’t be moving much. You do look so sexy though!” She tugged on the collar.
This was all too much for Stacey and she was starting to retreat into some sortof fog in her mind. She wasn’t sure she even wanted to be conscious for the things that were going to happen to her.
Her new ‘Master’ saw her zoning out on him so he slapped her hard across the face. The hot red sting in her cheek brought her back to reality.
“You will not pass out on me slut!” He slapped her again. “You are going to be awake to endure and maybe, possible, enjoy every last thing we do to you, you understand me whore whore?”
Stacey started sobbing again and he slapped her. “Answer me!”
“Yes Master, I… I understand.”
He chuckled, “Good girl…” and started wrapping the ropes around her breasts. They didn’t feel like normal rope to Stacey, it was soft…strange. Some kind of special rope? That thought just made her feel stupid. ‘Special rope’ ‘oh yeah’ she thought. ‘I’m sure theres an aisle for that at Wal-Mart right’ she laughed at herself in her head. At least she thought it was in her head, turn out it was out loud…
“Are you laughing at me, whore?” She panicked.
“Oh my… oh no… no Master… I’m… sorry.” Stacey was terrified he was going to hurt her now. She just messed up big.
“Hmmmm, so if you weren’t laughing at me you stupid bitch, what were you finding so amusing?” He was angry, she could hear it in his voice.
“I was… thinking… Master. I’m sorry… It was just something… silly… about… well about that rope.” He laughed at her and told her to explain, and she did. He just laughed at her and pulled the roped tighter. Before she knew what happened the ropes were done being tied around her breasts. She couldn’t even imagine how she looked. Tied, spread eagle to a bed in just a cut up shirt and panties, blindfolded in a collar and with her breasts bound with rope! Stacey wasn’t sure how Many times he wound the rope around each breast but they feel like there was several inches of rope looped around them, making them almost stand up.
Stacey felt fingers moving across her sensitivityve breasts, across her nipples. She tried to fight back her arousal but she lost. How could she enjoy this at all?
“Mmmmm… Quinn, my perky little slut? Stop drooling all over her and go get me something for this. Oh and for here as well. Something missing…” Stacey could only assume he was pointing at some part of her… At least she finally had a name of the woman who seemed obsessed with her.
Quinn was back in the room. Stacey knew by the new sounds in the room. Something metal… chains? And a box it sounded like, being set down on a table.
“Get her ready for these.” The Master said, and Quinn’s mouth was on one of her nipples, sucking. Stacey couldn’t help it, she enjoyed this womans mouth on her. She moaned and arched her back slightly. Just as she felt her nipple getting hard Quinn moved to the other one. While Quinn’s mouth expertly went to work on the second breast the Master was attaching something to her nipple… ‘oh now… some kind of clamp’ she thought
Stacey screamed as the alligator clamp bit into her flesh.
“Ah yes, please Stacey let it out. I do love to hear them.” Then she felt him thread the chain attached to the clamp thru the ring on the collar. Quinn’s mouth left the other nipple and another clamp replaced it. She screamed again
“Mmm, I do love that sound. And I’m not done yet…”
“Oh Master… she’s quite a sight to see isn’t she? Wouldn’t she looks lovely on the table?” Quinn’s hands were all over Stacey.
“My, my. Yes pet she would. But I’m not sure we can trust her to untie and move her…”
“I think we can… she’s enjoying herself Master. Feel how wet she is…” Quinn straddled Stacey again and bent down, nibbling her ear before whispering in it. “We can trust you… Right my sexy Stacey? I know you’re enjoying this, you’ve barely struggled at all. You love this!” She nibbled her ear again. “Deep down you’re a bigger slut than I am! Aren’t you?” Stacey cried silently in humiliation.
She did enjoy this. She wanted more. Quinn started sucking on her neck, toying with her tied and throbbing tits. Stacey moaned.
“Master, please… please, I will do whatever you ask of me. Please, you can trust me. I will obey you. Please… please… oh please Master. I want this… I will obey” Stacey quivered. All this was too much. Her body was aching. She wanted to cum so badly. Stacey wasn’t sure why she was enjoying this treatment, but she was. More than she wanted to admit. And for some odd reason she wanted this man she was calling Master… and this woman.
Master smiled. “Well alright then. But this doesn’t change what I’m going to do to you. I still want to hear your sexy screams. Maybe I should give you a demonstration of what will happen if you try to get away or disobey me?”
That scared Stacey. “Oh no Master. I will do no such thing… Please…”
“Haha… no my little slut. You need to know what the consciousness will be before-hand. When we standYou up I will give you a taste of what your most severe punishment will be.” And with that, Master and Quinn started to until Stacey.
“Do not move until I say.” Barked Master.
They finished with Stacey’s hands and then untied her ankles. Quinn’s fingers lingered on her ankles, rubbing them trying to ease the soreness.
Then Quinn and Master each grazed one of her hands and instructed her to sit up slowlu. Stacey groaned as she moved and as she sat up and her tits shifted trying t move free from the clams but the chain only moved so far being attached to the collar and she moaned in pain. Quinn helped her more her legs to slide off the bed and Master helped her to stand. Master placed Stacey’s hands on Quinn’s bare shoulders. ‘My gosh she’s naked!’ Stacey thought. She heard Master pick Something up and braced herself for whatever he was going to do. He waited several moments for her to relax, then he swatted her ass with a cane. She screamed in pain. “Remember that” was all he said.
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