This chapter carries on from the last, but to understand it best should be read after the rest of the story.
The next day, just as Master has said, not much happened. Both me and Master went to work and when I got home I made dinner then we relaxed together. Some time after dinner Master did get a message from Mistress Lisa. She had asked if we were free tomorrow at 6pm. She’d had a cancellation at work and would have an hour or so spare, as she had a break before her last appointment of the day at 8pm.
As we didn’t have anything on Master told her we would be there. He asked her what her ideas were and later told me that he wouldn’t spoil it for me, and that he had added an idea himself.
Master also reminded me that there would be a task to do during work hours tomorrow and that would just be the warm up for the big event at the night. There would be a bag for me to take to work with me but I wasn’t to open it up until instructed.
I went to bed not long after, and Master was just getting a bag ready for me for tomorrow before he also went to bed.
The next morning I woke up and got ready for work as normal. I picked my bag up and made lunch for Master and me. I got to work as normal, and like yesterday I had flashbacks as I walked past the noticeboard I’d posed naked at about 30 hours ago.
I walked inside, put my bag in my locker, lunch on the fridge and started work. It was what would have been a normal day at work before I had met Master. The day went fast, I was busy and had forgotten about my task that would start at some point.
Lunchtime came and while I was eating my sandwich and snacks I got a message from Master.
“Slave, it’s time to open the bag. Open the front pocket first and read the instructions. Master.”
I took the final bite of my sandwich and headed to the locker room. Once inside I opened my locker, I opened the front pocket of the bag and removed the letter of instructions that was inside.
Today slut I don’t want to push you too far or tired you out. I have put a victory panty in the bag, change into them and turn it on to the lowest setting using the remote. For the next hour you will have it on, there are 10 strength settings on it. Every 10 minutes turn it up 1 setting, when you get to the final 5 minutes turn it up to full. You may go to a private place for the final setting only. Once the hour is up remove the panties, place them in the bag with your others and go commando for the rest of the day.
I will see you when you get back.
I took the panties out of the bag and without looking around or hesitation I removed my current panties and put the victory ones on. I turned the switch on, on the side of the panties, turned it onto setting 1 and started a timer. I then picked up my old panties and put them into the bag, locked my locker and walked to my lab.
The first setting was nice and so would the next few. They were pleasant , and I could feel the vibrations at all times, but was it a struggle, not really. Was I turned on, yes, but worked up, no.
Time went past as the vibration got stronger and then it was time for full power, something I wasn’t looking forward to, just because it was an unknown. I was jumping from level 5-10. My alarm went to tell me I had 5 minutes left, so I pressed up 5 times on the remote and the sensing was amazing. It wasn’t too hard but this time I was definitely getting worked up.
Thankfully I could manage the 5 minutes just sat at one of the desks in the main lab, and once it was over I went to the locker room removed the now wet panties and headed to the toilet to clean up a bit.
After cleaning myself up the rest of the day went past as Normal. I finished work, collected my things and went home on the bus. Once I had gotten home I striped off as normal and went to see Master with the bag.
“HiMaster, I did as you asked and here is the bag with my panties in.” I said.
“Good slut. I don’t need to see them today. Clean them up and let’s get an early dinner so your ready for tonight. ” Master said while pushing the bag back towards me.
I put the bag down and took out both panties. I removed the motor and electrical parts from the victory panties, put them into my room and then put Both the panties in the washing machine.
I then got on with dinner and after we ate I cleaned up and went to see Master.
“All done Master, anything else I can do before we go tonight?” I asked.
“No I think we’re about ready, we will set of in half an hour, just relax with some television for now.” Master replied.
We both watched the television for a bit then Master went to get changed and ready, then it was time to leave. I was handed a sluty red dress, which didn’t hide much, and a collar to put on and that was it, no underwear tonight either. I put both items onand then we left the house and headed to the hotel. I was getting more and more nervous the closer we got.
Once there we got out of the car and headed in, Master went over to the front desk and asked for Mistress Lisa, he then came back over and told me to wait where I was and someone would come get me soon.
Master then walked away and left me there standing on my own at the lobby of the hotel.
About 2 minutes went by then a tall, slim and beautiful woman came over.
“Hi are you Master Joe’s Slave? She asked.
“Yes I am.” I replied.
“Ok, I have instructions from Mistress Lisa, you are to remove your dress where you are, hand it to me, and then walk up to level 2. Once there you will have to crawl to room 236. On your way, if anyone talks to you talk back, if anyone asks you a question you answer, and if anyone asks you to do anything, say yes. Good luck.”
I was shocked and didn’t know what to expect for the rest of the night of it was starting like this. I remember telling Master that I wanted to walk around the hotel naked in one of our previous sessions so this must be partly if not fully his idea.
I removed my dress, handed it to the woman and started my journey. I walked towards the elevator and could see people watching me and talking. I could feel myself getting wet and pushed the button for the elevator. While waiting a couple came up to wait for it to.
I could hear them talking, nothing too bad as they were also there for a kinky time, but the woman did say that being naked in public is too far for her. They turned to me and started taking.
“Hi.” Said the man with a grin on his face.
“You must be very open sexually to be naked in the hotel lobby like this even though it is a fetish hotel. How far would you go if told to my your owner?” He asked.
“Well if my Master tells me to do something I will always try to complete his command, if not I know a punishment is waiting for me, and that won’t be a better outcome.” I responded.
“That’s a good answer, I can see your reasoning and agree. What are you doing here today, why are you walking up to your room naked, if you don’t mind my asking?”
Just as he had finished his question the doors opened and the 3 of us walked in.
“I’m actually here with my Master to see Mistress Lisa. It’s a long story, but I’ve got a request from someone to let her take a picture of me to send to him. I’m doing my first task which is to walk to the room like this, and have to answer any questions fully, talk to people and honestly do what I’m asked.” I answered.
“That’s cool, I wouldn’t want to do that with Ella here, but I’d say we’re more experimental than kinksters.”
With that the door opened for level 2, and I got onto my hands and knees and started to crawl away.
Just before I got fully out of the elevator the man spoke once again.
“Can we put a request in for a picture like that, they sound interestingting?” He asked.
“Well that was a task from my Master a few days ago, unfortunately that’s finished.” I answered.
“But.” I continued. “You have asked and I have to accept, I guess you should come to my room and give your details to my Master.
I couldn’t believe I was having to say yes to another random stranger getting a picture. I was crawling to room 236 with the couple walking behind me. Probably looking at my holes that were on show from behind. Once I got to the door I knocked and sat up straight on my knees waiting.
The door opened and it was Mistress.
“Hi Slave, well done, but who are these people behind you?” She asked.
“They’re a couple I was talking to on my way up here, they have asked if they can get a picture like my Current request situation, I have said yes following your instructions.”
“Oh I see, well we’ll have to accommodate,” Mistress said and looked at the couple.
“Would you like to write down your email and what you want to see, I know our slave here would love to show you anything you request.”
They took a piece of paper and pen Master had gotten and started writing. They handed it back, thanked both my Master and Mistress and walked away. I crawled inside and the door closed.
“Time to push you further, you have done well on your way here. Did you interact with anyone else?” Mistress asked.
“No, it was just that couple, I was asked why I was here and had to tell them I had to do what I was asked on my way up here.” I responded hoping I did a good job.
“That’s fine, I guess they will get what they have asked for.” Mistress said while reading the paper.
“Well they have asked for a little highlights video of your session today. I think that’s well within Our capabilities.” Mistress continued.
I was shocked, and a little worried. No one had gotten a video of me before but that thought and worry was soon removed from my head.
“let’s got started, I haven’t decideded what picture to send yet but that’s why your Master agreed to a session today. Let’s try a few things and decide later. Now put these cuffs on behind your back and get up on the horse and rest your pussy on the point.”
I wasn’t sure what a horse was at that point but looking at what was in the room it had to be this wooden plank that went to a point at the top, I looked at it and didn’t realize What it would do to me.
I walked up and stepped into a little stool. I swung one leg over the horse placed it on the stool the other side and sat down. I could feel the point pressing against my pussy and was sure it wasn’t going to be a fun experience.
“Both your of us are now going to spank your thighs until we have a good picture of you on the horse. The camera will automatically take pictures for a few minutes.” Mistress said.
Master then walked to my left side and Mistress to my right. They started spanking my thighs, after a few well aimed spanks it was becomingIncreasedly harder to use my legs to hold my weight up.
The spanks carried on coming and my legs started to shake. I could feel the stools moving away from underneath my feet causing my pussy to press more and more onto the wood. It wasn’t a nice feeling. Once my shakes got bad enough the stools slipped away one at a time.
The left side moved out of reach and my pussy crashed fully onto the wood I let out a scream and the movement caused my right leg to unintentionally kick away my other stool. Again a crash of my pussy on the wood and a scream from my mouth.
There I was feeling a large discomfort in my pussy with my hands behind my back unable to relieve the pressure, and the same could be said for my legs, unable to touch the ground.
Mistress slowly walked over to the camera and looked at the photos, she then nodded to Master and he picked me up and put me over his shoulder, the pressure release on my pussy was bliss. He walked over to a table andx placed meon it on my back. My legs were bound up in the air to the top of the table, causing them to be above my shoulders.
There I was, all 3 holes open to the whole room. Looking through my legs I saw Master removing his trousers and boxes and walking towards me. He put some lube onto his fingers and pressed them into my ass. It was pleasant for me and I moaned with every push. He added a finger at a time till he thought I was ready. While I was getting my ass fingered I no longer had the core strength to look through my legs at what was happening.
Master then pushed his cock into my ass and stopped when he was half way in. I was waiting for him to start fucking me but that wasn’t the next thing to happen. I could hear Mistress walk to my left shoulder area, I looked up to her and she was stood with a crop in her hand. This wasn’t going to be a normal ass fucking.
With Master still holding position inside me I saw Mistress swing the crop down and hit just above my pussy.I let out a quiet mix of a scream and moan. Mistress then hit another 2 times before asking master to fuck me gently and to pull my pussy lips apart with his fingers. With my lips open and my pussy even more exposed Master started to fuck my ass.
After a few motions in and out I saw the crop swing down again. This time it wasn’t a mix of pleasure and pain. Time and time again Mistress hit my pussy, About half the time hitting right on my clip the other half just the Pink opening under the lips. It was definitely more enjoyable for both of them than it was for me.
15 hits later Master pulled out and the hits stopped. I felt empty I wanted more, needed more. Having something in my holes was something I was becoming reliant on. The cost of getting that sometimes seemed big, but even if something seemed Unpleasurable, most of the time it was just like foreplay for me.
I heard both Master and Mistress go to the back of the room and looked up briefly to see them working out what was next.
What was next, was a new one for me. I could see Mistress coming towards me but didn’t see what she was wearing. While Master came over with the camera in his hand, Mistress also came up to me and stood where Master had stood moments before, by my ass and pussy.
“I hear you’ve never had a lesbian experience. So we should change that.” Mistress said.
“No Mistress, I do find women attractive but I’ve never acted on it fully.” I responded.
There was no vocal response from Mistress but she did respond nevertheless. I felt a cold prod on my pussy, something trying to, then managing to enter. In and in it went, I was wondering when it would stop. When it did I knew it was a dildo. But then I picked my head up looked down and saw that I didn’t know anything. It was in fact Mistress fucking me with a stick on.
“Welcome to what I like to call a never ending fucking. The beauty with toy dicks is they don’t cum, go soft and need breaks. I can also goharder, faster and longer as I have no real attachment to the member inside you.”
Once Mistress had said that I knew that this would be an eye opener.
She didn’t need to warm up, loosen up or get consistable inside me. Just stick it in and away she went. Unlike Master where he fucks me slowly to wind himself and myself up, Mistress went straight in for what felt like a good abuse of my pussy. I was moaning hard and letting out little whimpers. The sensing was hard but amazing. I like hard fast rough sex, and this was all of that and more.
I was getting more and more wet and after a few minutes of pounding my pussy I could feel myself get built up inside. I had to ask if I could cum.
“Mistress may I cum please?” I asked between my moans that were getting louder.
“Not yet, that’s a pathetic way to ask.” Mistress replied and stopped fucking me.
She pulled out and came to my face.
“Master tells me you should clean up your mess at all times today. We wouldn’t want to waste such nectar would we.”
I knew where this was going so before I got told what to do more bluntly I opened my mouth ready to take the fake cock in my mouth. The thing must have been a bit over average in girl but at least 1 inch longer than Master, and he has a nice big 7 inch or so cock.
I was licking, sucking and swallowing my juices from the toy and when I had cleaned it all Mistress moved back to my other two holes. This time I thought I knew what was going to happen, and it did. With one swift motion my ass cheeks were pulled apart to open up my asshole and the strap on slide in.
The same thing happened that had happened in my pussy. No warm up just an onslaught of fucking. What must have only been about 2 minutes of the toy getting pulled out and pushed in fast I could feel my build up again. This time it wasn’t waiting to long. I either begged, came without permission or held the orgasm off, but that isn’t something I’m really able todo just yet.
“Mistress, please may I cum, I beg you, fuck me hard, rough. Please I’m begging.” I said with a soft voice with a long hard moan afterwards.
“Not yet, Master pass my crop.” Mistress said while stopping the motion in my ass.
Master walked over handed the crop to Mistress, the crop and she started to whip my tits left then right then back to left. 5 on each tit, then she started fucking me harder than before all while whipping my tits.
“Cum whore, cum.” shouted Mistress.
It was a little while till I could cum, it has died off while getting whipped, but as soon as Mistress started fucking my ass it came back. This time it kept building up, pleasure and pain both helping me reach my end goal.
It must have been another 10-15 hits on each tit and a lot of fucking and I could feel a volcanic squirt start.
“Mistress I’m going to squirt.” I moaned.
“I don’t care whore, just anxious up. Cover me in your whore juice.” She said with an aggressive tone.
Right then it all happened. I started to lose control of my eyes as they rolled upwards the top of my head, my stomach tightened and my pussy built up. I moaned, screamed whatever you want to call it, it was pure ecstasy, it was big. Mistress pulled out and moved to the side in one motion just as my juices flew out of me like a water gun. I was shaking, feeling my squirt liquid exit my pussy and then I felt a slap of the crop on my clip, that hurt but I was still moaning. A few hits came and then I squirted a little more. Mistress walked to my face again and slapped my face to get my attention. She moved the straw on towards my mouth and I knew it was time to clean it up again.
It wasn’t long until I was finished with the task, licking my ass juice off. I was released from the restraints and sat up on the table. Both Master and Mistress walked away and left the room, while doing so Master whispered in my ear.
“We’re just going to get cleaned and get a drink. Be back very soon. Don’t go anywhere.”
They left and I heard one of them lock the door behind them.
About 5 minutes later they arrived back, unlocked the door and walked in. Mistress unlocked my hands from the cuffs and gave me a glass of water, which I drank up fast.
“There’s one task left. It’s not like the last task. Downstairs is a room with gloryholes. Your going to work there for 30 minutes. People pay for you to give them handjobs and blowjobs. If your good you can get enough people of to pay for both the gloryhole room and this room. Any questions?”
“Yes just one, are the guys all safe?” I asked.
“Yes, they have to pre book and have a check up here before coming.” Mistress answered.
“Oh one more thing. There’s 360° view of the room for anyone who pays to watch or take part so you’ll be watched. Put on a good show for everyone, we need to get going so you’ll still be a sweaty mess with your cum dripping out of your pussy.” Mistress said with a laugh.
There I was, shocked at my last task but also turn on by it. Having people see me naked is one thing, but looking like I had just taken a big fucking was the next level. I looked like the whore I was.
I didn’t have time to reflect though as straight away we were on the move. There I was again, naked walking through the hotel but this time I wasn’t walking towards a private room, but to a more exposed one.
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