Sorry for the extremely slow second chapter, I haven’t really had any ideas or time to do in but I got a night this week to write this up and hope you enjoy it. If you have any ideas of what you would like to see happen in the next chapters leave a comment.
After a couple of uneventful days and trying not to think about what happened during work hours, as I didn’t want to go to the ladies’ room to get myself off, I decided to call the fantasy hotel on my way home to arrange my next session I had agreed with Joe.
“Hello, Fantasy hotel.” Said the receptionist.
“Hi I need to make an appointment with Joe please.” I replied.
“Yes, certainly what is it you are wishing to do on your visit?”
“I am wanting another bondage session please.”
“I can certainly help with that. It looks like there is a slot open for Friday the 25th of august at 7:30pm for up to an hour and a half if that’s any good otherwise it will be a couple of weeks away unfortunately?”
“That will be perfect thanks, and I would like the full hour and a half please.”
“Yes, of course. Can I take your name and address please, and I will find you on our system?”
I gave my name and address and then paid for the session and got a slightly different form to last time to fill out.
Dear Customer.
All the questions need to be completed for us to go any further with your request.
What fantasy are you wanting to try?
How many people would you like us to use in your fantasy and how many male and female participants?
Have you requested a specific member(s)?
Are you wanting anyone else to be present to either participate or watch?
Would you like a recording or pictures?
Thanks for the information, please add anything else you with to let us know either on the bottom of this form or on a separate piece of paper.
I filled out the form, putting in that I was wanting another bondage session with one male, which was to be Joe. That I didn’t want anyone else to be present but no pictures or videos. I also wrote at the bottom that I wanted Joe to choose what would happen in the session, and that I would go with it and if necessary i would use the safe words.
I sent the form back and a few hours later I got an email back confirming my session, and an attachment that was titled “Joe’s requests.” Which I opened with excitement.
Dear Stacey.
I have a few demands/requests for our new session which are as follows:
1) You must arrive wearing slutty clothes, If I don’t deem in slutty enough there will be a punishment!
2) Do not trim or shake your pubic hair, hopefully you haven’t since our last session.
3) Bring a toy that you have never used, but it has to be bondage related or something that makes you nervous to try.
4) Lastly don’t forget to bring you card you paid for the session with to hand it at reception or we will have to change plans.
Master Joe.
By the time I had received the last email and read through it, it was just after 8pm and I decided to watch a film, one that could in no way turn me on. I decided to watch “going in style.” I enjoyed it and did as I hoped, it stopped me thinking about sex. I then went to bed and got a good night’s sleep, ready for another day at work.
In the morning I did my usual shower, teeth, makeup, hair and then breakfast. I quickly got ready got out the house, walked to the bus stop and got the bus to the university, ready for another day of lab work.
After a few hours at work, I could not get a couple of things from circulation around in my head. One, what to wear on Friday and that I would have to go buy something really slutty, and two, what to buy/take for my toy. I didn’t even have an idea. To me sex toys were just dildos, vibrators and butt plugs. So, I decided to check some stuff out on the big worldwide web. I remembered it was either to be somethinging that was daunting to me or a bondage theme, so I typed in “bondage sex toys.” One of the first sites was something like so I clicked on it. Never before have I been so amazed as to what I found. There were restraints, electric play toys, fucking machines bondage equipment, enema bags, pussy and nipple pumps and the one that I saw that caught my eye nipple clamps.
I quickly clicked on the nipple clamps category and had a quick look at them, there were quite a few but only a couple stood out. One had over 50 ratings and it still had 5 out of 5 stars, and the other, well, looked different. The item with the good ratings were “Japanese clamps with a chain.” The one that looked different to the rest was “XL Magnus might magnetic orbs.” I decided I would go down to a sex shop After work, look around and see if either item were in stock.
My day seemed to drag after looking up the sex toys, but I managed to make it through with no drama, although during my lunch break I did find myself googling where the nearest sex shops where and chose one that looked like it had a vast selection to choose from. As soon as 4pm came around I was out of the building like a shot and straight onto the bus heading towards the shop.
Ten minutes later my stop came up and I hoped off the bus and straight into the shop. It was very dark on the outside, you wouldnt even know it was a sex shop, you would think it was shut down. Once inside I looked around and saw rows of different toys and restraints. I had a quick look around and found the nipple clamp area. After looking at the selection for a while I found the XL Magnus might magnetic orbs but I couldn’t see any Japanese clover clamps. I picked up the magnetic orbs and walked to the till, on my way I saw a sign that said “clothing upstairs.” I followed the sign and upstairs there was a small selection of clothing, from uniforms to bondage leather and at the back there were some outfits that looked like slutty school girls. I found a tartan red and black micro skirt which was 12 inches long, a navy blue tight buttoned shirt and white thigh high socks. I picked up my size and decided to just buy it without trying as I won’t be wearing it for long.
I went back downstairs and went to the counter, it wasn’t until I got there that I suddenly realized that I was in a sex shop about to buy Some kindy sex stuff and I started to get a little nervous. I had never been in a sex shop before, never mind buying something.
The youngish lad on the counter looked up, “Hello there did you find what you were looking for?”
“Hi, actually I am trying to find a set of Japanese clover clamps, do you know if you have any in stock?” I replied.
“Let me check that for you. Unfortunately we don’t actually stock those at all, but I can see if we can order a set in if you would like?”
“No, it’s OK I’ll just go with these two items please.”
With that I paid for theitems and headed back to the bus stop and home After I got home I put the items into my drawer, got some dinner, watched some tv and then went to bed.
The next 2 days came and went with no real excitement or anything of note, except I did get a call from the hotel reminding me of my booking and that a car would be picking me up at about 7pm.
I finished work on the Friday got home for about 5pm, got myself into the bath and had a nice soak to free my mind and well, clean myself up before my session with Joe. As I lay in the bath I suddenly realized she had forgotten to get some high heels, I had some but she didn’t think any of the would be high enough or slutty enough, I only had a pair of nude 4-inch heels. My heart started to race and I started to worry. There was nothing I could do but either hope that the rest of my outfit was enough, or proudly apologise and hope that would be enough.
After that scare I decided to get out and get ready and wait for the taxi. I didn’t want to be late or do anything else wrong.
I dried myself off then got out my black lace g string put it on then put on the micro skirt. I then decided to skip the bra hoping to earn some slut points, and put on the navy shirt leaving the top 2 buttons which gave a good show of my cleavage. I then put on my makeup, putting on my brightest red lipstick and pulled my hair into a couple of pig tails finishing off the slutty schoolgirl look.
I picked up my magnetic orbs and the card I paid with, then put my heels on. I wasn’t waiting long, at most 10 minutes before there was a knock at the door.
I opened it to be greeted by the taxi driver who then kindly opened the car door for me to get in, it must have been my new look that did it, he then drove me to the hotel. Once there I got out and went into the hotel.
I walked up to the desk and found Amy stood there. “Hi Amy, I have come for my session with Joe.”
“Hello, let me just sign you in, can I please take you card you paid with.”
I gave her my card and she asked me to take a seat.
I was sat down for about 5 minutes when I saw Joe walking towards me, he looked the same as I remembered. A tall muscle male with short brown hair and blue eyes.
“Hi Stacey, your session starts now, please turn around and put your hands behind your back and hand me your toy.” Joe Said in an authoritative manor.
I turned around and did as I was told, then Joe led me down some stairs and into a basement looking area. It was a corridor with 4 rooms on either side and one right at the end of the corridor. As I was walking through, or probably more like stumbling at the pace Joe was moving, I could hear all sorts of noises coming from the other rooms. There were screams, moans and what sounded like a woman becoming to be fucked. As I heard the noises I wondered what I had gotten myself into again.
As we reach the last room Joe opened the door and pushed me through. He then stood mein the middle of the floor.
“Well slut, you have done well, I like the outfit but, I can’t help but notice that your footwear seems to be more sensible going out than slutty.”
“Sorry Master I forget to get some, I was too focused on the rest of my outfit.” I replied.
“There are to be no excuses, you had time and I know you have the money to buy a pair of shoes. You know this is going to require a punishment don’t you slut.”
“Yes Master, please punish this slut.”
After that he pushed me onto a chair and tied my ankles to the chairs front legs, and my wrists to the arms. He then took a hand full of my shirt in both hands and ripped it open and my tits bounced out. He then he took a pair of scissors to my skirt and cut it off.
There I was Restrained to a chair with my tits out and only my g string to keep my pussy in cover.
“I must admit slut, I noticed you were not wearing a bra and I did expect that you wouldn’t have anything under that skirt eiter, that is also a disappointment. I would expect a slut to have no underwear on.” Said Master in an assertive voice.
He then walked around me a few times then picks up a flogger, and walks back to me.
Without saying a word Master whips my thighs and stomach ten times each. After each one I remembered to count.
“One, thank you Master.”
“Two, thank you Master.”
All the way to ten on each. After he finished all ten he grabbed my g string at the front and pulled it up, hard giving me a pussy wedgie. I gave out a little squeal but Master pulled harder and harder until thankfully he released his grip, and cut the small piece of material off.
I was now sat there naked except for destroyed clothes hanging from my body. He then started to pinch my nipples with Both hands, giving them a little twist and pull. Then moved down to my pussy and grabbed both sides of my lips and pulled them out until they were fully stretched, then he pulled a little more pulling my ass off the chair.
“I see you brought a pinch play toy that I can use on your lips and tits, is that what you want to do today?”
“I saw them on the internet Master and they intrigued me so I thought I would bring them for you to use on me. I did want to bring another toy to show my commitment but the shop didn’t have them in.” I replied.
“What was the other item you wanted to bring today then slut?”
“I believe they are called Japanese clover clamps, and they came with a link chain Master.”
“Well slut they are a big step in bondage there not just play toys. But since you want to try them I can get one of our sets out.” With that Master left the room and left the door open with me facing out towards the hallway.
It was probably only two minutes later but it felt like ten, Master came back in with the Clamps and closed the door.
“So, these are Japanese clover clamps, I am going to place one onto your right nipple, but I must tell you these are not a beginner/sexual play toy, they are more of a punishment/hard bondage item.”
“Yes Master, please let this slut feel the clamps.”
I could feel my nipple being pinched and tweaked with Master trying to get them hard. Then he pulled my right nipple out and placed the clamp on it. At first it was just cold and I thought to myself. “This isn’t anything to worry about.” Then Master released the clamp fully and it bit down on my nipple, and wow, was it ever painful. But although it’s hard to explain, it wasn’t just pain, I was getting pleasure from it too.
“How does that feel slut?”
“It does hurt master but it’s getting better. It’s also giving me some pleasure.” I replied.
“Well now to test out your toy, I will put it on the other nipple and I want you to tell me what you feel that is different.”
I feel one ball being placed on one side of my nipple then, and without the gentle release Master was able to do with the clamps, the other ball suddenlycaught the magnetic field and snapped the balls together, with my sorry nipple in the middle.
“Thank you Master, that was more painful to begin with as there was no gentle release and they just jolted together but, after the initial part it was about 75% of the pressure as the clamps and, if I am going to be honest, they still pulled and were quite strong, but they didn’t have the same strength as the clamps.”
“Thank you for your honesty slut, now comes the hard part for you, because the clamps have been on for a while, your nipples have become numb. When I remove the pressure of the clamp, you will begin to get the pain again, and there is nothing we can do about it. Are you ready?”
“Yes master, whenever you are ready I am too.”
Master released the pressure, and god all might was there ever a surge of pain. It did make me wonder if it was a blessing that I never bought any, as master might have kept them on all session, since It might have looked like I wantedThey to be. Then master removed the magnetic balls, they didn’t have as much os an affect but, and master said the same thing, they are a nice simple toy and a nice change to just using clamps, and they might work well if they keep getting taken off and on over and over from a distance, letting the magnets click together.
“So tonight slut, now that we have gotten the first part out of the way, I would like to find your limits to pain. I want to whip and spank you and just generally find your limits. If you have high enough limits I will be able to give you more sessions, and possibly either find you someone to take control of you, or do that myself. Would you like to test yourself today?”
“Yes Master I would, please test me.”
“Ok, Can you remember the safe words?”
“Yes Master, amber to keep going but either slow down or ease up the pain, and red to stop what we are doing and take a break.”
“Well done slut, now let’s got started.”
Master then untiedme from the chair, stood me up and tied my hands high and wide to hooks hanging from the ceiling, and my feet to hooks on the ground. I was spread eagle but stood up.
“I am now going to test your resolution, from pain, to humiliation, and verbal. I do not want to hear anything come from your mouth except moans or screams. I do not require you to count or thank me until I say otherwise, do you understand?”
“Yes Master.”
Master then walked behind me and picked something up off the table.
“I am now going to put some ear defenders and a blindfold on you, I do not want you to hear or see what is coming or when. This is going to be a surprise.”
I then felt the defenders go over my ears. I could hear absolutely nothing, and then blindfold over my eyes.
A few moments later I got a smack on my ass from a flogger, although I didn’t know what it was at the time, followed by many more, the next harder than the last, it was getting to the point I wanted to scream. II wanted to scream, but i also wanted to impress Master with my resolve. Eventually I had to let out a scream and when I did I got a smack that was much harder than the rest. I kept myself from saying either safe word, but if there had been multiple hits that hard, I am sure I would have had to.
I had a few seconds of rest and then I got a hit from a riding crop high on my thigh, it was very painful, More so than on my ass. Hit after hit again getting harder and harder. Then with the same crop, Master started to hit my pussy, I knew it was a soft slap with the crop but it didn’t feel like it through the pain. After about 10 hits on my pussy getting harder and harder, Master gave me a hit that was at least double the strength of the last one and it hit right on my clip. I screamed out “AMBER MASTER.” I couldn’t help it I don’t know if it was enough but, I couldn’t take another hit that hard.
Master pulled off my defenders. “You did well Bitch, do you want to carry on or startsomething else?”
“Can we carry on master I want to keep going, that last hit, hit right on my clip and shocked me.”
“Right slut, if you want to carry on I will give you one more hit on your pussy then I will go to another toy, nod if you still want to carry on.” Then Master put the defenders back on my ears.
I nodded, and as soon as I did I got another whack on my clip, this one I am sure was harder than the last and I screamed out. I then felt Masters finger rubbing my pussy and removed the ear defenders and blindfold. He then placed my finger up to my mouth and told me to lick it clean and that I was obviously enjoying the pain as I was wetter that the North Sea.
I opened my mouth, took in Masters fingers and sucked my pussy juice off, then his fingers were removed.
I heard Master pick up another item from the table behind me, he walked back to my front and showed me something with a black handle and a red tip, which went from about an inch wide to aboutt a cm.
“This is called a Tazapper, it creates a voltage across the two contacts at the top and will send it through your body.”
He then started to circle It around my nipples, then without warning he zapped me, I jumped and let out a little squeal. Master then relentlessly shocked left then right nipple over and over, I kept squealing and then with my eyes closed from the sensing I got a zap around my clip, which made me do more than squeal. I screamed and looked at Master with my eyes wide open.
“Please master shock my pussy again I need that feeling.”
Without hesitation I got two shocks around my clip, then Master pulled my clip out so it was showing itself to the world and looked me in the eye.
“I am now going to give you two shocks on your clip if you make it Through I will let you suck my dick! Are you ready Whore?”
“Yes Master, I am ready.”
I got a shock when I got the first zap on my clip, I didn’t expect it to be so much different asaround it, but after one I was thinking this wasn’t a great idea. Master then hit my clip again and I could feel myself getting wet.
“You have done well slut, I am impressed with how far you have come. I would like to reward you but, since you didn’t correctly follow all of my requests I am going to have to deny you any sexual release. Instead I think it time you give me Some!”
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