Stable Girl – slave girl sara
I am Zoe, almost nineteen, and was just coming to the final term of school and had asked at my riding school if they had any jobs I could do. They said they had a place for an appreciation, but it was live-in, even though it was only twenty minutes from home. I was given a form for my parents to fill in which virtually gave the riding school owners full parental control.
I was allowed home every Saturday night so I could attend church on the Sunday and for any maintenance my father or brother thought I needed, which always seemed to be the case. My brother said he missed me being away, but what he really means was he missed the morning and evening wanks I had to give him and the frequent bottom smacking and fuckings I got off him and his mates. I missed them as well to be honest!
The riding school was not only for beginners but for the more experienced horsemen too. We had small ponies for the youngsters, medium cobs for the ones who just liked the odd trot or small fence jumping and huge ex-racehorses trained for equestrian events and beach and moorland gallops.
Being a live-in, full time employee I saw things after closing I never imagined and was soon embroiled in such activities. All the stable girls and boys had strict rules to follow and breaking them gave points against your name on the poster in the tack barn office. The head lad or head girl listened to what people said about you, customers and staff, and issued a point or points if it was poor. If you reached five points you were punished that evening after putting all the stables to sleep.
My first encounter was when I was told to be in the training barn at eight one evening. I was last to arrive just as the head girl was going through Adam’s five points. She stopped and looked at me, being the last in the barn.
“And you will be on second Zoe, lateness will not be tolerated.”
“Please Miss I was not late.”
“With five from the crop added for your answering back.”
I kept quiet.
Adam, maybe twenty five, was told to strip naked and wank himself stiff, it turned out this was the normal procedure for boys. He produced a huge cock for his efforts. She then led him to a stable rail and bound his cock to the cross rail. His back and bottom looked to be regular visitors to the cross rail with all the fading stripes.
She looked over at me.
“Get naked and stand in the centre of the room and spin round to show everyone your bits and pieces girl, our head lad will deal with you next.”
Boy, was I tingling, could even had a slight cum. I did as I was told and went to the centre of the barn, I spun round as she whipped Adam`s back then horse cropped his bottom. She unfasted his cock and gave it a rub before fastening his hands onto a hay bale hook hanging above his head and wanked him hard again.
The head lad hooked his finger and gestured to me to open my pussy lips and hook on, which Idid. He was in his mid-thirties and his tight jodhpurs showed off his long cock perfectly, highlighting almost every vein.
“Which bit on Zoe you whipping, back or front?”
“Looking at her bottom she has had plenty of spanks of late.”
OMG he was going to whip my tits and pussy.
“So, to get the punctuality message home bottom I think, it will also help her ride better During exercise with a sore sit spot.”
I wondered how they would fasten me up or would I just bend or go over a hay roll.
“Is Adam ready?”
She wanked him a little more and I was lifted up and stuck on his cock, like a coat on a coat hook.
“Watch Zoe.”
“Yes Sir.”
I watched as he unbuckled his belt, but I actually stared at his growing cock. He doubled his belt.
“Lateness, and the count is ten.”
It was like a Pantomime as the rest counted every crack, I cried at seven.
“You may all go.”
I was unhooked and the head lass wanked Adam and sucked myjuice of him and took my place on his cock. The head lad stood next to Adam and I had to lower his pants, knee and suck his huge cock then he lifted me onto it. We were both fucked for ages then I had to gather both cock’s cum and swallow. It had to be the best strapping, ever, and I have had my fair share.
The next few days passed quickly and I was given plenty to do, on the third day I was so tired and fell asleep in my morning break, but no one noticed. I completed all my tasks and went to the changing room, we are all encouraged to have indoor and outdoor clothes. Only one toilet and I went for a Pee, the door opened and the head girl popped her head in.
“Leave your knickers off Zoe, I never thrash over knickers.”
“Yes Miss.”
I did as I was told, drunk, washed my hands and Walked out of the loo with my knickers hooked over a finger.
“Head forward for a chef slap Zoe.”
I pushed my head almost off my shoulders, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP, SLAP. Of course,I cried. She took my knickers and hung them on a coat hook and gave me a pair of secateurs.
“Go into the walled garden and on the far side is a bush, cut two switches around a meter long and as thick as your middle finger. Remove all leaves and nodules so they do not damage your bottom on contact, do you understand?”
“Yes Miss, I am sorry you are having to deal with me?”
“I won`t be switching you, the workers who did your job whilst you slept will be.”
She put her foot on the changing bench and patted her knee. I had to jump up to lay over it and take my first over-the-knee spanking of my working life. She did not hold back either and I was soon dangling over her knee, blubbering like a naughty little girl.
“When you get back in here, strip naked, bend over and grab your ankles, when everyone else finishes their tasks they will switch you. Stay in that position until I come for you.”
I blubbered a “yes Miss.”
She lifted me off her knee and slapped my bottom again to send me out of the changing room. I cut the switches and prepared them, I wondered how much they would hurt. Once back I got naked and bent over.
The first girl came in and took my knickers off the hook and they went over my head as a blindfold. She gave me three, the next gave me three as well, two each off the next two and a fingering and two more lashes before Miss came back in.
“How was that Zoe?”
“Really hurt Miss.”
“Good, it was meant to. I have had a word with the head lad, he said no clothes until tomorrow and he will be in your dormitory at nine to give you a bedtime spanking and who knows what else.”
“Yes Miss, sorry again. I put my arms around her neck, and kissed her cheek, sorry Miss.”
She gently rubbed my bottom and kissed my cheek in reply.
“Me too Zoe, but the rules of the stable are rules.”
I was not too hungry at dinner but ate some and went to the four bedded dorm I shared with two more girls, the fourth bed was spare, and waited.
Ten to nine the two other girls came back, “Can we watch Zoe?”
“Yes you may, sorry if…”
The big lights went on in our bedroom.
“Zoe, over my knee, it’s usually more than one bedtime spanking but as this is your first time I will be lenient.”
I went over his knee.
“Thank you Sir.”
Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap.
“Outside my door at six in the morning Zoe.”
“Yes Sir.”
When he had gone I asked the girls, “Will I be getting another spanking in the morning?”
“No, it will be a good fucking.”
“Oh, ok.”
The girls laid me on my front on the spare bed and tried to see which switch marks were theirs then rubbed some cream on, so considerate.
“Roll over, we will do your front.”
Both got naked and were rubbing me all over with oil, and I mean all over! My head was facing the bottom of the bed.
“Ever been face ridden and fucked Zoe?”
I shook my head no and soon had Joey`s pussy pounding backwards and forwards over my face, her wide pussy over my mouth nose and eyes. It was only tolerable because Jane was biting my clip and pussy lips, I cum and Joey had multiple cums.
They swapped places and Jane faced the other way and hovered over my mouth, holding her pussy wide as she lowered and raised onto my outstretched tongue. She guided my hand onto her big tits for me to nip and pull. Joey was laying across me, pushing her clip onto mine as best she could and when Jane had finished, Joey scissored me, so our grinding was much easier.
“You have now become our bedroom slave Zoe, and whatever we say goes. Were you spanked much at home?”
“Most days Miss Joey.”
“Did you have to wank anyone?”
“Yes Miss Jane, morning and night.”
They looked at each other.
“Then if not fucking the head lad, you will be fucking one of us, morning and night and if it`s not perfect you will feel Jane`s hairbrush slapping your arse.”
“Thank you Miss Joey.”
We ended up in a circle fingering each other. After I went to my own bed, exhausted, the next thing I heard was my phone telling me it was a quarter to six. I rushed to the loo and then ran to the head lad`s bedroom. I knocked and waited, and when the door opened I assumed it would be him, but no, it was the naked head lass.
“What are you here for Zoe?
“I was told to be here Miss, please Sir, may I suck, wank and fuck you?”
“You may.”
And I did, with relish.
It was now six-thirty and I had been riding his calmion cock for nearly forty minutes, he bucked me off and I sucked him to a cum. I showed us both and knelt for one last suck before the stables opened at seven, I was at my post by ten to. I went to my first stable and it was not until I felt a soft nose on my bum I realized I was still naked, just glad it was not a calmion, I think.
A few days later we had on open afternoon for adults, and they needed six girls. The head lass brought a bag round and if you picked out a black ball, you were a volunteer. Odds on I would get black, and of course I did.
“One o`clock in the black barn Zoe, and for fuck’s sake don`t be late!”
“I won`t Miss, I promise.”
She undid her jodhpurs and fingered herself by pushing her knickers to one side.
“Would you like a go Zoe?”
“Fingering you or me Miss?”
We both cum a few times and I was pushed down to clean her up, honestly, she tasted divine. She pulled up her jodhpurs and rubbed her hand in and over my pussy, and licked it dry on her way out.
I got to the black barn ten minutes early and waited for the others to arrive. The head lad led us into an adjoining room and placed each one of us beside one of a row of holes in the wall. The girls striped naked and I followed suit. The head lad put a type of bridal over my head and I was fastened to my hole.
“You will be suckingand with your hand through here Zoe, wanking cocks or fingering psies. You will be swapped around from time to time.”
The hole next to me had a girl kneeing with her bottom on offer and the one next to her was stood and bent with her clipty to attention. The next three were a repeat of the first. As the head lad promised we were swapped round occasionally.
When the last rotation session was over the head lad brought stable lads Adam and Paul with him. We were all unfasted, allowed to stretch, and have a pee in the bucket in the middle of the room, the stable lads were fascinated watching us.
“Bend over girls, it’s fuck time. We will be fucking them all guys and when ready to cum, just pick a mouth.”
I was defeat out and if I was cruel, which thank goodness I am not, would say, fucked out.
We had dinner but it was not the end of my day. As I was clearing mine and my bedroom Mistress’s dishes, the head lad said I was overdue a spanking, he had noticed howwhite my bottom was when he fucked me. I had to wait outside his room after I had finished my kitchen jobs.
Whilst I was waiting I undressed and tidily folded my clothes in a pile. A few passed and smiled, one stable boy in particular I really fancied and would love to fuck him. I pushed my 32A tits in his direction, he smiled back and mouthed, ‘Maybe Later,’ he had a lovely smile. I also knew he had a lovely cock, I had seen it loads of times when he was peeing or shaking it off.
By the very nature of our work, anyone needing a pee just used the channel running on the outside of the stables, some boys more shy than others. The boys either just whipped out their cocks and pointed down and peed, or went to the top of the shed into the corner or, like Billy who would stand on a bucket or even on the trolley and pee into the sky to see how high he could get.
Us girls either just dropped our knickers to our knees, took them off, or like me, did not wear any knowing how mAny pees I needed in a day. We just squatted and used the tissue in our pockets, which were then thrown in the horse poo trolley.
I was over the head lad’s knee soon enough and got a lot more than he had given me before and I felt him growing. I was well crying and when he had done, he sent me to a corner, first time in a long while I got corner time. I heard him undress over my sobs.
“Legs astride.”
He pushed his cock through my legs and picked me up on it, carrying me to his bed.
“You may play with your pussy as you give me the best wank, ever.”
I was drained by the time I got to my room, but the girls were naked and waiting for me. They pulled me onto the spare bed and repeated my last visit there.
What a day, I took very little rocking to get to sleep.
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