St. Andrews College Ch. 04

WARNING: This is a FANTASY story. It may contain themes of consensual non-consent, slavery, dominance/submission, and/or extreme pain. Please do not try any of this at home. Do not try ANY fantasy with ANYONE unless you’ve discussed it in detail with them beforehand. Informed consent is fucking mandatory.


I left the restroom very happy. That little stuck up freshman bitch was still on her potty rotation, and I could see the fear in her eyes every time I entered the restroom now. I had started making sure I used only that particular restroom. It was especially nice if I showed up early in her shift, as she wasn’t able to clean herself until it was over. I wondered how I could make it even more fun to humiliate her. Maybe I should eat more asparagus?

I thought about Other ways to humiliate a human urinal as I left the building and headed for the torture rooms. When I first arrived at the University, I had been assigned to the pain rotation. It was two years later that I was transferred to the anal training rotation and had been there since, but I still remembered enough about the pain class to help the students learn what they needed to know.

As I was passing the stables, I noticed Mistress Erica, the head of our Equestrian Studies program, leading a few sophomore students in a lesson. I stopped to watch. She had one of the senior girls in full pony girl outfit and held in the breeding rig. The senior was supported by leather straps under her thighs and upper torso, bent forward, with her crotch open and exposed. The Stallion (in this case, Mistress Erica herself) could come up right behind her and mount her easily, while the mare couldn’t get away.

Mistress Erica had a horse sized dildo pistoning in and out of the senior’s vagina. I was impressed that someone so young could Take a cock that size, frankly. “As you can see, the straps are easily adjustable for different sized stallions. Taller stallions need the mare’s orifice higher, obviously. Ah, Dr. Reynolds! Care to stop by and sit in on the class?”

“Mistress Erica, I would love to, but I have a pain training class starting in five minutes.”

“Are you sure? I’m about to demonstrate how much a calmion can cum inside a mare.” Her dildo had a large set of “testicles” that I knew were filled with simulated horse semen. She had a pump attached to the rig that would send all the semen down a tube running down the center of her horse dildo to flood the mare. I had seen one in action before, and it was truly a sight to behold to see a cunt get that filled.

“I wish I could. Why not have one of these sophomores you’re teaching lay underneath her with a camera, so we can watch it all getting pumped in and then watch it all fall out after you withdraw?”

“Now that’s a good idea! Thank you, Dr. Reynolds. See you later!”

“See you!” I waved and kept walking. Her class of sophomores, also in full pony gear, returned their attention to the giant dildo and their lesson in animal husbandry.

Finally, I arrived at the torture rooms. We could have housed them anywhere on campus, including inside any of the main academic buildings, but we wanted to make them seem more menuing and creepy to the students. The groundskeepers purposefully let weeds grow tall around the entrance, which was a concrete hole in the ground. Visitors would descend concrete stairs into a dark ante-chamber, complete with damp, moss-covered walls. At the back of that small alcohol was a metal door whose hinges were left purposefully rusty. The heavy door made an awful rail as it was opened, and I stepped through. I walked down another damp, dark hallway. I was pretty sure the flickering lights went unfixed on purpose as well. After about a thirty foot walk, I opened a wooden door and entered the room where the pain class I was substitute teaching for was held. There were five people already there. Three were Juniors. They were kneeing, hands behind their head. These were the ones I had come to teach.

The fourth person was a staff member. A small light skinned bald man, about fifty-five years old or so. He had been at this University long before I arrived. He had some sort of learning disability, but he was able to do a lot of great work for us, and honestly I don’t know if this place would be able to function for very long without him.

“Hey Hank. Thanks for coming to set this up for us.” I liked Hank. I’ve always had a soft place in my heart for people who have had a hard life, and Hank had one of the hardest, prior to coming to work here.

“Thank you, sir. It wasn’t hard.”

“All the same, you did well. Thank you. Now, let’s see… ah, there it is.” I picked up the pile of wires laying on a convenient table. Each one ran from a large machine against the wall and ended in a thin piece of what looked like fabric that was a few inches square.

“Today, my little cuns, we’re going to learn about torture. I know in your freshman year, you learned how to take pain. In your sophomore year, you learned a little more. Now, finally, as juniors, I thought I would teach you about really hurting someone in new and interesting ways. Now, each one of these pads has an electric relay on it.”

I walked down the line of three juniors, and leaned down to attach a pad to each student’s left butt cheese. “As you can tell, these pads are sticky and will remain on the body where you place them. As such, they are very useful pain causing implements. The voltage is high, so it hurts like a bitch. But the amps are low, so it won’t actually damage you. We can dial up or down the voltage level as needed. This, for instance, is voltage level two.”

I pointed my finger at Hank, and he hit a button on the machine. All three Juniors squealed and tensed their entire body. “I told you it hurts like a bitch, didn’t I?”

All three, in unison, replied “Yes Master. Thank you for hurting us.” This was the standard response for fucktoys to give their professors during the pain training rotation.

“Now then. We were lucky enough to have a volunteer to use as a teaching tool today.” I indicated the fifth person in the room. A freshman girl, tied to a St. Andrews cross against the wall. She had no chatity belt, but Hank had outfitted her with a ball gag. “This little cunt is Twenty One. We caught her yesterday Without her chatity belt, making herself cum. Her parents didn’t put on their application that she had learned to pick locks, and as such, they failed her. Because of their failure, we at St. Andrews failed her as well. Our school does not take failure lightly, so we are going to use this class as an opportunity to help remedy the situation. We could, of course, just use a different lock on her belt that would be more difficult to pick. But that is only a bandaid. We need to go to the source of the problem and make sure that we do not fail her again.”

I removed the pads from the three Juniors, and walked over to Twenty One. “If she wants to cum so bad…” I put a pad on her left nipple. “She will find a way to cum.” I put the second pad on her right nipple. “So let’s take away that desire.” I put the last pad directly on her clip. I looked in her eyes, which were wide open in fear. I leaned forward and gave her a light, gentle little kiss on her forehead. I said quietly to her “Remember, you brought this on yourself.”

I turned back to the three students. “We will begin by having each of you come forward and do your best to make her cum. You will have five minutes each. If she cums, she will be shocked just at the moment of orgasm. If you fail to make her cum in five minutes, you will both be shocked. You may use any technique you’d like. There are toys available within reach. You will repeat this process in the same order over and over until you quit or I get tired. The student who can go the most rounds earns an orgasm. Do you understand, fucktoys?”

“Yes, Master” came the reply from all three, in unison.

“Good.” I pointed to one of the students. “You’re first.” He stood and approached. I grabbed another pad and contemplated where to put it. Finally, I reached down and stuck it on his inner thigh, right in the groin area. “Time starts now.” He immediately got to work on his knees, licking her cunt. While the thin fabric of the sticky pad over her clip protected her somewhat, it wasn’t enough. She tried her best, but by Junior year, our students were all excellent cunt lickers and within only a minute or two she was cumming. Right as she tipped over the edge, there was the snapping sound of an electric discharge and she screamed loudly into the gag.

“Next.” The second student approached, and I put the pad on his inner thigh as well. “Time starts now.” Once again, within only a minute or two there was the snap sound and the horrible but muffled scream from Twenty One.

“Next.” The third student got her electric pad applied to her inner thigh and began her work. Snap, scream. She had a very talented tongue, apparently. I needed to keep an eye on this junior…

“Ok, fucktoys, do it again.” As the first student began his second round, I walked up next to Twenty One and said quietly “That was level two. Every round, we’ll go up one level. So this round, it’ll be level three. I Wonder how high this machine goes. I’ve never actually maxed it out before. Well, today’s as good a day as any to find out.”

Snap, scream. “Next!”

This continued for a while. She was an incredibly sensitive little cunt, and our expert students didn’t have much trouble making her cum within their time limit for a long while. They used their tongue, fingers, and eventually vibrators to bring her to orgasm over and over, and each time the orgasm was replaced with increasing pain on nipples and clip. Her voice gave out after a while. I could tell she was still trying to scream, but her vocal chords weren’t producing much sound any more. It took almost an hour until we had our first failure. The five minute mark hit and the junior student screamed as his thigh was shocked. We were up to a pretty decently high level at this point.

“Next!” The girl went up and started her turn. I turned to the boy who had just been shocked. “Do you want to continue, or bow out like a loser?”

“I’d like to continue, Master.”

“Good boy, back in line.”

That same boy failed on his next turn as well. I looked at the machine. Level 9. He asked to be removed from the rotation. It was down to the other boy and the girl. They each were able to get one more orgasm out of the cunt.

“Ok, this is it. Level 10. I think she looks fucked out. I don’t know if she has Any more orgasms in her.” Honestly, I didn’t even know if she was still conscious. “Do we want to keep going?”

The two replied in unison. “Yes, Master.”

It was the boy’s turn next. He went at the freshman with everyoneng he had. Tongue, fingers, vibrators… The time counted down, and he didn’t quite make it. The snap sounded, and both the freshman being tortured and the junior boy were shocked. The boy fell on the ground in pain. I think he started crying, but frankly, I didn’t give a crack. This was pain class, after all.

I looked at the lovely little blond girl. “You’re up.” She approached the victim and slapped her in the face, hard. The victim raised her head for the first time in at least twenty minutes. As her eyes fluttered open, the junior grabbed the back of her head with one hand and reached down and started rubbing the girl’s pussy with a vibrator using her other hand.

“Look at me, cunt. If you don’t cum one more time for me, I’m going to make your life a living hell. I will get every student I Know to make your life a living hell. You think your life is bad now, just wait until you’re being fisted by every Junior on campus, all day, every day. You will wear extra large plugscovered in hot sauce every night. We will make you hump a sandpaper covered saddle. We will tweeze your hairs out, one by one. We will assign day and night shifts so that you are deprived of sleep for a week at a time. You… will… be… OURS!” With those last words, she spit on the girl’s face.

That did it, she came. The snap was heard. She didn’t even have the strength left to scream. The junior dropped her hair, and the freshman’s head fell forward and she sagged in her bonds.

“That was admirably done.”

She turned around, knelt, and bowed her head. “Thank you, Master. I delight in hurting others.”

“That’s very good to know.” I kicked the boy who was still in the conversation. “Want to keep going? This machine goes to 11.”

“No, Master. She wins.” I nodded.

“Can you all tell me why this was such an effective torture method for this cunt?”

The first boy to have left the content said “Her crime was that of wanting an orgasm, Master. After this session, her brain will now link orgasm with horrible pain, and instead of desiring orgasms, she will have an innate terror at even the possibility of an orgasm.”

“That’s right. Pain isn’t just an end in itself. It’s always a means to an end, as well. Use it to your advantage. In this case, one treatment may be enough, but we’ll give tomorrow’s senior class the chance to repeat the treatment and really let that lesson sink in for her.”

I looked back at the Junior girl. “Ok, you won. What did I say the price was, again?”

Still kneeing and head bowed, she replied “An orgasm, Master.”

“That’s right. I promised you an orgasm. Well, you won fair and square, so as your price, I’ll give you an orgasm.” I pointed at Hank. “His.” Hank’s eyes lit up. I knew he liked using the students, and he didn’t much care what gender, what age, what color of skin… He just liked to use them. One of the reasons he fit in so well here is that the sick fetishes he had been judged and ostracized for his entire life were accepted as normal at our College. At the same time, I knew he had a hard time asserting himself, so he rarely got the chance to indulge. “You will report to his staff apartment after your final duty of the day, and you will take whatever orgasms of his that he gives to you. Because you did such a good job, you can stay the night with him. I’ll make sure and inform your dorm’s clerk of the assignment.”

Hank had a huge grin on his face, but he was also blushing and trying to hide his face. “Hank, you’re an amazing worker and you deserve orgasms as much as anyone. Thank you for being yourself.”

He couldn’t even speak. He was so happy.

The junior girl finally spoke up. “Thank you, Master, for giving me the gift of his orgasm. I will serve him well.” I had no doubt about that. I had seen some of the results of what Hank liked to do to students. It would be tough for her, but not as tough as what she had just done to Twenty One.

“Ok, cunts. Class dismissed.” All three rose, removed their electric pads, and left the room.

“Hank, cut her down and make sure she gets to the innovation.” He nodded, still grinning and blushing, and started packing up the equipment.

As I left the torture rooms, the bright sunlight hurt my eyes. I tried to think about my schedule for the day. I had a meeting at 4:00, but that was at least an hour from now. Well, might as well head back to my office and relax a while.

As I entered the main office, my wife was sitting in her chair with the student worker bent over her lap, and my wife was aggressively spanking her bare bottom.

“Uh oh” I said. “What did she do now?”

“Tell Dr. Reynolds what you did, you dumb cunt.”

She was clearly on the verge of tears. “Master, I accidentally spilled a package of printer toner on the new department posters that had just arrived from the printer’s office.”

My wife was living. “I had to wait two weeks for those damn thingsto come in, and you ruined them in ten minutes!” She swatted the girl’s ass again. “I have half a mind to send you to the Dean’s office for reassignment to a semester long potty rotation!”

“I’m so sorry, Mistress. Please don’t reassign me. I’ll do better, I promise.”

“Honey, I’m sure we can order more posters, and I’ll even pay extra for a rush order, ok? It’ll be ok.” I hated seeing my wife upset. “Why don’t you call a freshman boy in here and play with your strap on again. I know how much that relaxes you.”

She told. “That would actually be really nice, Daddy. Thank you for helping to make me put things in perspective.” She pushed the girl forced off her lap. “Get off me, cunt. I still haven’t forgiven you.”

I looked down at the girl. “Go into my office, call the print shop, order a rush job on new posters, and then lay down, face down, on the couch.”

She rose and gave a quick “Yes, Master” as she eagerly escaped my wife’s anger. I sat with my wifea while, and calmed her down a bit, reassuring her that it was ok. We would still get the department marketing display set up on time for the Open House we were hosting next week.

“Ok, I’m going into my office to deal with our student assistant. Call up the Freshman Clerk and have Fourteen sent up again. You had so much fun using him last week.”

“Yes Dr. Reynolds. Thank you.” I Walked into my office and shut the door as I heard her calling the staff member in charge of the freshman schedule. My student assistant was laying on the couch, face down, as instructed.

“You really pissed her off.”

“I’m sorry Mas…”

“Shut the fuck up. I really don’t care. She’s my wife, and you upset her. That hurts me personally, and it embarrasses this department. I have half a mind to do as my wife suggested and send you on a full semester potty rotation.” She didn’t say anything, but I could tell the thought terrified her. While a one month potty rotation was required of allstudents once a year (twice during their freshman year), it was usually their least favorite duty, with the possible exception of pain training.

I took my clothes off, and hung up my suit nearby. “On the other hand, I’ve already had a long day of punishing bad behavior, and I’m tired.” I stroked my cock to hardness. “Maybe that kind of drastic action isn’t needed here.”

“Please, Master. I’ll do anything to make it up to you.”

“Anything, cunt?”

“Anything, Master.”

I took her hands and tied them to the arm of the couch. I grabbed a bottle of lubricant, and put a small dab on my cock head, then slowly pressed it into her anus. “I’ve had a long day, and need to release some tension. Be a good girl and take it for me.” I slide my entire length inside her. As a senior, her asshole was fairly experienced. I remember her having been a fairly average student in my anal training rotations, though, so the minimum lube and lack of preparation probably made it fairly painful. She took it like a champion, though.

I took my time, stroking in and out at a leisurely pace. In the outer office, I could hear my wife start having fun with her freshman boytoy. I hoped he made a mess on the carpet again. It had been fun watching him eat his own cum off the floor.

As amazing as her tight little asshole felt gripping the base of my cock, it was only about ten or twenty minutes before I was on the verge of orgasm. I sped up and started giving her ass more of a pounding. She started moaning in pleasure, so I guess she was either a good actress or she liked anal sex more than I thought, and that sent me over the edge. I came nice and hard, buried as deep as I could inside her. I had built up quite a large load watching the torture of Twenty One, and I released it all in that amazingly tight colon.

As my orgasm ended, I lay on her back and relaxed. My cock was still nice and comfortable inside her, and I wanted to enjoy the feeling as long as I could. My breathing slowed as I relaxed, and I felt the stress of the day leaving me. Not too long after my orgasm, I felt my bladder tell me it was full. Well, this was a perfect opportunity. I concentrated, and after a moment, I started urinating. At first, our little assist didn’t understand what was happening, but finally she figured it out. Being pinned to the couch by my full body weight and with her hands tied to the arm of the couch, she had no choice but to lay there and let me use her as my own personal urinal.


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