St. Andrews College Ch. 03

WARNING: This is a FANTASY story. It may contain themes of consensual non-consent, slavery, dominance/submission, and/or extreme pain. Please do not try any of this at home. Do not try ANY fantasy with ANYONE unless you’ve discussed it in detail with them beforehand. Informed consent is fucking mandatory.


It was the end of a long day. I made my way back to my quarters. Most faculty lived in an apartment style building with one student on their domestic service rotation per floor, but as a Department Chair I got a cozy little three bedroom house on campus with my own domestic service. I was hoping to make Dean in a few years, which would mean a larger house and two domestic servants, but that was still a few years off, at least.

As I entered the house, I could hear my wife in the bedroom moaning. As I walked into the room, I saw her in one of her favorite positions. She was on her hands and knees, on the bed, with a senior boy behind her fucking her cunt. AnotHer senior boy stood on one side of the room, slowly struggling his cock.

“How long have they been at it?” I asked. My wife looked back at me and smiled mischievously.

“These two are good. They’ve been going for well over an hour.” I knew this game. My wife would get two students to follow her to our house, then have one fuck her until he hit the edge of his orgasm and stop, whereupon the second would take over. As the second hit his edge, the first would begin fucking her again. Working like this, she was able to get fucked continuously for a long time, while never allowing the poor students to cum.

“Over an hour, eh? That’s good staying power. How long since your last orgasm, boy?”

The one standing in the side of the room stroking his cock replied “Master, I last came three days ago during my Pony boy rotation. I was used to demonstrate proper breeding technique to the Freshmen.”

The one fucking my wife said “Master, I last came one week ago during my Hisory class. I received the top grade on an Exam and my professor rewarded me by stroking my cock in front of the rest of the class until I came.”

“Well that may explain it. These two have cum much more recently that most students. Of course they can last longer in that tight little cunt of yours.”

“I need to remember this the next time I’m finding students to service my cunt” my wife said, dreamily. “This has been amazing…”

“I bet it has, honey.” I grinned at her and went back into the living room. Our service on her domestic rotation was cleaning some dishes in the kitchen. Since she was a sophomore, she had been assigned a name, but I couldn’t remember it for the life of me. “Cunt! I’d like a drink. Bourbon, three ice cubes.”

“Yes, Master.” She immediately stopped her chores and made my drink as I sat on the couch and took my boots off. My feet were killing me. Our serving arrived with my drink, knelt at my feet, and offered it to me the way she’d been traind. “Would you like to use my mouth, Master?”

“Not just yet. My feet are killing me, though.”

“May I please massage them, Master?” What a good little cunt.

“That would be lovely, fucktoy.” She proceeded to rub my aching feet. I could still hear the fucking in the other room. My wife was having an amazing time, apparently. I knew how she got when she was this horny, and she was loving the feeling of those cocks. Most men would probably be jealous, but I was perfectly fine with her using the students. I used them daily, why shouldn’t she?

Twenty minutes and one drink later, I was feeling much better, and my wife was quieting down. She must be about done with the boys. Just as I expected, she soon walked out of the bedroom, leading the two boys out. Both still had massive erections. All that fucking and repeated edging is hard on boys, I know.

“Feel better, honey?” I asked. She sat down next to me on the couch.

“Mmmmm… much better. They did such a goodjob making me cum. Can we reward them please?” She unzipped my fly and withdraw my hardening cock, stroking it slowly.

“I don’t know. Both have cum so recently. We don’t want to spoil them.” My wife got a pouty look on her face. I told. “You know I can’t disappoint you. How about this. You pick the one who did the best, and we’ll let him cum. The other one can keep edging as he watches.”

“Thank you, Daddy! Ooooh, but it’s going to be so hard to choose.” Both boys were standing at attention, hands behind their backs. Cocks rock hard. “They both made me cum so much. But honestly, If I have to pick… That one!” She pointed to the one on the right.

“Ok honey, we’ll reward him for making you so happy.” She smiled. “Cunt, go over there and let that boy facefuck you and swallow his cum like a good girl.” Our service stopped rubbing my feet, walked to the boy my wife had indicated, and knelt in front of him.

“Sir, please fuck my face” the Freshmen asked. Since he wasa senior, she was required to be respectful and ask for her abuse. He grabbed her by the back of the head and started face fucking her roughly.

“You heard the deal, boy.” I addressed the other of the two seniors. “You have to edge as you watch him get to cum. Maybe next time you’ll please my wife better and it’ll be you earning a reward.”

“Thank you, Master” the boy said as he watched the brutally rough oral sex happening just feet away and started playing with his cock again. He would start, get to the edge within only a few seconds, and stop. He must be really wound up. Too bad for him.

The winner of the improvement contest only lasted a couple minutes before pulling the girl’s face tight into his crotch and grunting as he came in her mouth. As he finally released her, his cock was already softening, but her drool was dripping off of it. “Thank you for allowing me to cum, Master. That was unexpected and I am very grateful.”

“Yeah, yeah. Thank her, she’s the onewho persuaded me.” I pointed at my wife, still slowly struggling my cock.

“Thank you, Mistress. I had a very enjoyable time fucking your cunt and would love to be chosen by you again in the future.”

“I just might do that. You boys can leave now.” They nodded and left the house. My wife turned to face me. “How was your day, honey? I haven’t seen you Since lunch.”

I sat there and let my wife slowly stroke my cock as I told her about my day. Our service still knelt where she had been used, because nobody had given her orders to do anything else. It took about ten minutes to tell my wife about all the things I had been through that afternoon. The good news was that our budget for the coming semester was larger than expected, so I may be able to attend a conference that I had my eye on. The bad news was that one of our junior faculty in the department had developed a fairly serious illness and may be unable to work for a month or more. She would be fine, but her duties hadto be spread to other members of the faculty while she recovered.

“I think I’ll go ahead and take her pain training class tomorrow. I will enjoy that after the brutal week I’ve had.”

“Oh baby, you sound like you need some stress relief. Would you like to hurt me or Rebecca?”

Rebecca. That was the cunt’s name. It wasn’t her real name, of course. No student got assigned their real name. “Honestly, I’m exhausted. I’d prefer to just sit here like this and have another drink.”

“Rebecca, refill his glass. That’s a good girl.” My wife straddled my lap. “Well, I’ll just have to make you feel better as you sit there, then…” She leaned forward and kissed me as she slide her cunt onto my cock. God, I loved the feeling of that warm, velvety, drenched little cunt. I had used it more times that I could count, but it still enchanted me every time. I moaned in her mouth as she kissed me. We sat, making out as she rode me, until my wife remembered our little service.

“Rebecca, be a dear and come help me make Dr. Reynolds happy.” Rebecca, having already brought my refilled glass which now sat ignored on the table next to me, knelt between my legs and used her hand to massage my balls as my wife rode me. The feeling was heavenly. Her soft young hands were glorious as they massed my aching testicles. I could sense more than feel her lean forward and start licking my wife’s backside. Her cunt got even tighter around me. “Mmmmm… good girl. Make sure your Master is completely satisfied with your treatment, or he’ll have to punish you, you know.”

The cunt said something that could have been “Yes Mistress” but it was muffled by my wife’s ample ass. After another minute of slow riding, I felt her hand leave my scrotum for a moment, but I soon felt a lubed finger probing my backside. Most men are afraid to have things in their ass, but not me. The anus is incredibly sensitive, and having a finger, tongue, or toy inside you is amazing. Screw traditional notions of masculinity that says otherwise.

As her finger slowly worked its way inside me, I could feel my wife speed up. “Oh daddy, her tongue inside me feels so good, but your cock is so big… I think I’m going to cum. May I please cum for you?”

I loved when she asked me that. I loved saying no even more. But this time, instead of saying no, I started counting down from 20. She knew what that means. When I got to zero, she was expected to cum right at that moment. Her face was glowing with happiness, knowing that an orgasm was imminent.

“Fifteen…” I continued. The finger in my ass was massaging my prostate. My wife’s cunt was twitching.

“Ten…” She was having to hold it back at this point. She was struggling, but still riding me. Her eyes closed.

“Seven…” She was struggling even more. She needed to cum, and she was right on the edge.

“Four…” I didn’t know if she could make it. She was barely moving, afraid of orgasming before I gave her permissionsion.

“Three…” She was biting her lip, hard.

“Two…” She had stopped breathing.

“One…” So close.

“Cum.” As soon as the word was out of my mouth, I bit down on her left nipple, enough to be painful, but not too painful. Immediately, her eyes shot open, her cunt clamped my cock like a vice, and she screamed. Her cunt gushed fluid, and she shoved my cock as deep inside her as it would go. The feeling was indescribable. It bordered on pain, as her cunt was that tight. Between that and the finger in my ass, I felt my orgasm coming as well. I worked my cock inside her as much as I could, and right as her orgasm ended, mine began. I flooded that wet little cunt with my cum, my ass squeeze the finger inside it like her cunt had squeezed my cock. Pulse after pulse went Through my shake and entered her pussy.

Finally, we were both spent. She lay on my chest for a few moments, both of us catching our breath. Our little service continued to lightly lick her andfinger me, knowing that the point was no longer to make us cum, just to make us enjoy that post orgasm bliss a little longer.

After another few moments, my wife slide off of me and sat next to me on the couch. Our service know exactly what was required of her, and immediately removed her finger from my ass and used her mouth to clean my cock and balls of all the fluids that my wife and I had left there. When my crotch was Once again spotless, she shifted a few feet over and did the same for my wife. As her tongue cleaned my cum from her vagina, my wife grabbed the back of her head and guided the girl’s face right where she wanted it most.

“Ok, cunt. That’s enough” my wife finally said. The girl stopped her ministers and resumed her proper slave kneeing posture. “Go finish the dishes, then it’s time for bed.” girl stood and went back to the kitchen, and we heard the sound of her doing as she had been told.

My wife and I sat there and chatted about our day asI finished my drink. Being with her was so easy. She wasn’t just a wife. She was a partner, a lover, and my best friend. I was so glad we were able to live together like this. Even when days were hard, she knew just how to make me forget the stresses of life and just enjoy being there, sitting on the couch or wherever we happened to be, delighted to be with one another.

When our house girl returned to the living room, we knew it was late and we had to end the day. “Ok cunt, let’s go tuck you in.” I led her to the service’s quarters. There was a single bed in the corner, surrounded by a metal frame. She was allowed five minutes in the bathroom to clean herself and potty, then she lay face down on the bed, her arms by her side. I attached her wrist and ankle cuffs to the bed frame, and retrieved her plug. I used some lube from a bottle on a neary shelf to ease the plug into her tight little hole. I finished by putting her blanket over her, making sure she was covered.

“Ok, little one. I’m not feeling very tired yet, so don’t be too surprised if I can’t sleep tonight. If you wake up to me using your ass, you know you need to be extra quiet. We don’t want to wake your Mistress, do we?”

“Of course not, Master. I would be happy to be of service. Please use me in whatever way you’d like.”

“Good cunt. Night night.”

“Good night, Master.”

I turned out the lights as I left the room. My wife was already in our bed, reading a novel. I got into bed next to her and got my own book. We read in silence for a while, but finally we both put our books away and my wife turned out the light. As I lay there trying to sleep, I was trying to think about what the following day would bring. Whatever it brought, I’d be ready for it.

If I had to guess, running the pain training class was probably going to be my favorite part. I finally fell asleep with a smile on my face.


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