St. Andrews College Ch. 01

WARNING: This is a FANTASY story. It may contain themes of consensual non-consent, slavery, dominance/submission, and/or extreme pain. Please do not try any of this at home. Do not try ANY fantasy with ANYONE unless you’ve discussed it in detail with them beforehand. Informed consent is fucking mandatory.


I have the best job in the world. Usually, a doctorate in English means desperately seeking a tenure track position, setting for low pay as an adjunct, and then struggling to pay bills while teaching disinterested stoners and drinking too much. But I stumbled into a job at St. Andrews College, and I had worked my way up to being Chair of a Department. I had ten professors who worked for me, in four different disciplines.

St. Andrews was… well, “different.” We were a tiny college with only a few hundred students. I won’t reveal where we are physically, as that’s a closely held secret. Even applying for school here is reserved for certain families inCertain social circles. Obviously cost is a factor. I won’t tell you how much tuition is, but it’s truly astonishing. But that’s not what makes us special.

Here at St. Andrews, we have a unique way of teaching our students. Our method involves not only a broad and intense education in the typical subjects like history, political science, math, and of course English, but also training as a plaything for the pleasure of others. It’s not every family that can afford to send their college age students to us, and even more rare for them to want their child to be trained in the arts of sexual service. On the other hand, we never hurt for applicants, so I guess it’s more common than one would think. Whatever. My job isn’t recruiting, it’s teaching. And I’m very good at my job.

My favorite classes are the Freshman classes. It’s so nice to teach them while many still have some resistance left, even after our orientation program. All freshmen are locked in chatity, of course. The boys wear cock cages and the girls wear chatity belts that are only taken off by faculty, or during designed maintenance periods where the student’s arms are tied to make sure they don’t touch themselves. I’m not exactly sure how that works. Again, it’s not my job so I don’t really care. In addition to their belt or cage, the uniform consists of a collar, wrist and ankle cuffs, and a number on their forehead applied with a marker and re-applied every morning. They have no names as Freshmen, just that number. Odd numbers for girls, even numbers for boys.

Not only were they required to wear their uniforms at all times, but the freshmen also had a series of rules they had to follow. They had to call juniors and seniors “sir” or “ma’am.” They had to call teachers and staff “Master” or “Mistress.” They had to ask permission to use the restroom, leave the presence of a teacher, eat or drink, and a number of other things. In addition to the classes they took, they had to do rotationsin slut training. There was oral sex training, furniture training, pony and puppy play training, pain training, sex toy training, and many others. In addition to chairing the my department, I was also in charge of the anal sex training program. I took pride in training my students in all of the important subjects I was responsible for.

I only taught one freshman class per semester. It was usually around 20 students. It was my job to teach all the normal writing skills, of course. Luckily for me, I had teaching tools I could use in addition to those that most professors had. Today began like most days. The students entered the room wearing their uniforms, head bowed, hands behind them. They found their seats, sat, and quietly stared at their desks until I announced the start of class. All together, they raised their heads, looked at me, and put their hands on the desks in front of them, palms down.

“I finished grading your papers on De Sade. Frankly, I’m disappointed. I really expected more from most of you.” Their eyes showed fear. They knew what disappoint teachers could mean. I picked up my riding crop and screamed, ready to teach the class a lesson.

“Fourteen!” The tiny little blond boy in the second row stood up and assumed the proper position for being reprimanded. I stood behind him and asked “What is this word you wrote on page three of your paper?” while I held his paper (covered in red ink) in front of his face. As I did this, the same paper was displayed via a projector on a giant screen at the front of the room, so the whole class could see his writing.

“Masturbation, Master. I was discussing De Sade’s desire for self pleasure and I…”

“No, you dumb little shit. You didn’t write ‘masturbation.’ You wrote ‘masterbation.’ That’s not a fucking word.”

“I’m sorry Master, I didn’t mean to…”

My riding crop came down on his right thigh. He didn’t flinch. Good boy. “Fourteen, I really don’t give a shit what you meant to do. I only care about what you actually do. You’re in college, not grade school. You shouldn’t be making stupid mistakes like this.”

“I apologize Master. I won’t make this mistake again. Please punish me so I remember this lesson.”

Well, at least he did that part right. “Good boy. My office, 4:15pm today.” He nodded and I indicated he should sit.

“Five!” A pretty little chunky red head in the third row stand and assumed the proper position. I stood directly in front of her and said “Please tell me what in the actual fuck you mean when you wrote ‘In 1748, De Sade was transferred to the Bastille, where he wrote a treatment on Sodomey.’” The words were displayed on the giant screen for the whole class to see.

“Master, I… I meant that in 1748, De Sade was uhhhh… transferred to the Bastille… Where he uhhh…” She was shaking.

“Wrote a treatment on ‘Sodomey’?”

“Yes, Master. I had read about his…”

I raised the riding crop and brought it downon her left breast, with a resting CRACK! She gasped in pain and leaned forward, a blatant violence of the rules. This one was disappointing. I grabbed her by the D ring in her collar and lead her to the front of the room. “Five, you are truly a dumb cunt. I don’t know if you’re ever going to be worth the time we spend to try and train you.”

“I’m sorry Master. Please teach me to be a better fucktoy.” It was a canned response, but it did show that she had at least absorbed some of the training the school had given her. When we reached the front of the room, I bent her over my desk. She automatically spread her legs, put her palms down on the desk, and faced the rest of the class.

“Twelve!” A large brown haired boy in the back row stood. “What was her first mistake?”

“Master, Five’s first mistake was that De Sade was transferred to the Bastille in 1784, not 1748.”

“Good boy. Sit.” He was obviously relieved as he resumed his sitting position.

“SEVEN!” The skinny Asian in the front row stand. “What was her second mistake?”

“Master, Five’s second mistake was missing the word ‘sodomy.’ There is no ‘e’ in the word.”

“That’s absolutely right, Seven. Do you think Five knows enough about sodomy, or do you think she needs to learn more about it if she’s going to be able to communicate well using the written word?”

“Master, I believe she needs to learn more about it.”

“So do I Seven. You may sit.” She sat and resumed the proper posture.

I walked behind Five, whose ass was pointed towards me. I stood behind her and admired her plump, round, pale ass. Her skin was smooth and inviting in the way that only a young woman’s can be. The teaching assistant switched the display to the camera on the ceiling above us, and the class was able to look at the projected screen and see a top down view of what I was doing. I softly rubbed the tip of my crop over her ass and asked “Five, do you think you understand sodomy?”

“Master, I think I… I mean, I have been trained to… Uhhh…”

CRACK! The riding crop came down on her right ass cheek hard enough to leave a welt. “Your pathetic lack of an answer can be translated as a no, I think.”

“Yes, master.” Good. That was the first smart thing she’d said all class. I produced the key to her chatity belt, and took it off.

Standing directly behind her, I unzipped my fly. “De Sade saw sodomy as both sex…” I withdraw my hardening cock. “And power…” I rubbed the head of my cock between Five’s spread legs. “It was delightful pleasure…” I slipped just the head of my cock in her cunt, which was as wet as I had come to expect from the freshman girls in my class. “Mixed with humiliation…” I spit on her ass crack. “And pain…” I firmly pressed my cock head against her asshole and pushed, slipping inside and pushing forward without allowing her time to get used to it.

There were almost two dozen faces looking at me as I taught the classa lesson on sodomy. I taught them all about the ins and outs of both historical sodomy and how the Marquis De Sade had highlighted the act in his work. Five was at least trained well enough to stay bent over my desk and take my fucking like a good girl. I kept her there and slowly worked my cock in and out of her tight little ass in front of the rest of the class, using the situation as a teaching opportunity. Showing as well as telling the class how De Sade thought sex between people and fucktoys should happen. Five minutes before the end of the class period, I could feel my orgasm approach.

“As we all know, the most important part of any fucktoy’s duty is to make her Master orgasm.” Fuck, her hole was so incredibly tight and warm. That tight grip on my cock was incredible. “So when De Sade wanted to cum, it was up to his fucktoys to make sure it happened however and wherever he wanted.” I pushed in one last time and held my cock as deep in her tight little ass as I could, andreleased my first load of cum for the day inside that amazing little 19 year old asshole. I held there for a few seconds, enjoying the after effects of the moment.

“Just like that. Do you understand the allure of De Sade’s version of sodomy a little bit better now, fucktoy?”

“Yes Master, thank you for teaching me.”

I retrieved her chatity belt, put it back on her, and locked it. “Up” I commanded, indicating she could get up off my desk now. She rose, turned to face me, and knelt, as she had been trained. “May I please clean your cock to thank you for using me?” Again, a canned response, but adequately given. I slid my cock in her mouth and let her clean it. All the students had twice daily enemy, so there was nothing on my cock to turn her stomach, but it was still incredibly difficult for most freshmen to adapt to sucking a cock that was so recently in their ass. To her credit, Five didn’t hesitate, though. I sent her back to her seat just as the bell rang.

“That’s the end of your class. But it’s Tuesday, so your next period is to help me with the seniors. Assume the positions you were trained in.”

All of the students stood in front of their desks, turned to face the back of the room, and knelt down. They stayed there, quiet and still, hands on their knees, as the senior class entered the room. They had no chatity belts to wear during the day, no numbers on their forehead, and their collars were a different color, but otherwise they looked similar to the freshmen. Each one arrived, went to their assigned desk, fastened the freshman’s hands to the chair legs, and sat in the desk with their genitals in the freshmen’s face. They then assumed the eyes down, palms on the desk position as their freshmen desk helper proceeded to practice their oral sex skills on the seated senior.

“Ok class” I said at the appointed class start time. “It’s a practice day. I want a perfectly organized and flowing paper on the work of Georgia O’Keefe and how that work has impacted the modern feminist art movement. You have one hour. No orgasms allowed.” As one, the whole class brought forth paper and pens from the supplies in their desks and began writing. As this wasn’t a class period where I had much to do, I walked around the room and watched the freshmen as they worked on pleasure the genitals of the seniors.

Fourteen was trying as best he could to lick the cunt of a tall brunette girl, but failing miserably. I needed to remember that for his 4:15 punishment. Seven, the Asian girl who had identified Five’s failures as a student, was doing much better with her female partner. Normally, this would be a good thing, but I think Seven was getting to be a little too overconfident, so I started thinking about some ways to humiliate her a little in the coming weeks. We can’t have freshmen becoming too full of themselves, after all. Eight was gagging on the giant cock of a senior boy who I know had gotten a full ride scholarshipto play defensive line for a major D1 football school, but had failed out after only one semester. Although his huge body barely fit in our desks, he was thriving at St. Andrews. Students just need the right environment to learn, and he seemed to be enjoying the mouth on his cock as he wrote enthusiastically about O’Keefe’s choice of color. As I was reading over his shoulder and admiring his Analysis, I heard a muffled groan from the other side of the room. A senior boy was quivering as I walked over to him.

“Is there a problem?” He couldn’t meet my eyes. I looked down at the freshman at his feet. “Three, did this boy cum in your mouth?” She leaned back as far as she could in her position and opened her mouth to show me the cum on her tongue. “Dammit, you little shit, did you not hear me say ‘no orgasms’ when you started this assignment?”

“Master, I’m sorry. The Freshman cunt is a master with her mouth and I couldn’t stop myself. Please punish me in any way you see fit formy actions.”

“What’s your major, boy?”

“Equestrian studies, Master.”

“I’ll inform Mistress Erica of what happened and let her decide what to do about it.” I thought I could detect a slight fearful look in his eyes, but he had learned in his years at St. Andrews to hide things like that.

“Thank you Master. May I please finish my essay? I was Very interested in O’Keefe’s work and would like to finish writing my thoughts about it, Master.”

“Go ahead.” He returned to his essay. I looked down at Three. She had resumed suckling his cock like she was supposed to. “Three, if you can get him to cum again, there’s ten extra credit points on the next test in it for you.” I knew that would help motivate her. I was a notoriously tough Grader, and extra credit points were like gold in my courses. Her head started bobbing on his cock in earnest. There was still thirty minutes left in the class period. She had a shot at earning those points.

The day went on, and inthe afternoon I had office hours, sitting at my desk and grading papers for my Junior class. I was despairing about them ever learning to write well as I poured myself a drink. Fuck it, it’s close enough to 5:00. The ice cubes closed into the glass in that wonderful way they always do when they’re dropped from that perfect height. The bourbon made that delightful sound as it sloshed from the bottle and filled my glass.

As the alcohol hit my lips for the first sip, my intercom buzzed and my secretary’s voice announced “Dr. Reynolds, Freshmen Fourteen is here to see you.” Fuck. A good teacher’s job is never done. I hit the button on my intercom. “Send him in.”

In walked the short, skinny little freshman from my earlier class. I sat at my desk and he stood in front of it, in reprimand position. “What do you need, fourteen?”

“Master, you told me to report for punishment at 4:15.”

“Ah, yes. The masturbation misspelling.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Your cunt lickingtechnique also needs a lot of work.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Look, I’m trying to grade these fucking papers from my junior class, I don’t know if I have time to…” An idea struck me. I took a sip of my drink and I hit my intercom. “Sara, I need you in here please.”

The electronic system spouted a “Yes, Dr. Reynolds” and a moment later the door opened and a mid 30’s, brunette, full figured goddess walked into my office. “What would you like me to help you with, Dr. Reynolds?” she said.

This amazing, wonderful, beautiful woman who helped run my personal and professional life was my wife, Sara. When we had moved here so I could take this job, she had been pleased to accept the position as the department secretary, which had become an even more perfect job for our family when I was promoted to department chair. She was required to be naked, as the secretaries were still at the mercy of the faculty, but she was still higher in rank than any of the students, and especiallythe freshmen.

“Mrs. Reynolds, this freshmen has been making stupid mistakes in my class. He needs a punishment to help him remember to be more careful, but I have papers to grade. Could you get your strap-on and help me with this?”

“Certainly, Dr. Reynolds. One moment please.” She left the room and returned. As she walked into the room this time, she was strapping on a ten inch dildo in a harness and carrying a bottle of lubricant. I knew that she loved to use that toy as much as she could, so this was a win-win situation. I could continue to grade, she could use her favorite toy, and the student would get the lesson he needed.

“Fourteen, put your hands on my desk.” He approached, spread his legs, and put his hands on my desk where I indicated. “She’s going to hurt you. Do not move. Do not make a sound. Just take your punishment like a good boy, understanding?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Good boy. Go ahead, Sara.”

She had such a wide grin as she approached the tiny boy and applied lube to her plastic cock. She set the bottle on my desk when it was ready, and I looked in Fourthen’s face as he felt that plastic cock enter him for the first time. I could see surprise, fear, and pain across his eyes in rapid succession, but he stayed silent like he had been trained.

As my wife started thrusting back and forth, I went back to my grading. The papers were fucking terrible. At This rate, I’d have to double my budget for red pens. Comma splices, misspellings, and run-on sentences around. They knew better than this, or at least they should. I was going to have to have a talk with them during their class tomorrow. Luckily, I had already planned an entire period of them working on corrections for these essays.

Almost an hour later, I looked up from my work to see Fourteen’s eyes rolled back in his head. There were some tears on his cheeks, too. I looked at Sara and her eyes were closed as she blissfully rocked her hips back and forth, slowly fucking him.

“Ok, I think he’s learned his lesson.” Both of them looked like they’d been hurt from a dream. Sara withdraw her plastic cock. “Yes, Dr. Reynolds. Thank you for allowing me to… Oh! He made a mess!” She pointed at the carpet in front of my desk. I rose and walked to the side of the room to see what she meant as Fourteen hung his head in shame. As I rounded the corner of my desk, I could see a puddle underneath him. He had cum from prostate stimulation alone, even while wearing his metal cage around his cock.

“His balls were too full and all that prostate stimulation made his cock leak, Dr. Reynolds. Would you like me to call the cleaning crew?”

“That won’t be necessary, honey.” I looked at the freshmen, clearly ashamed that he had gotten off during his punishment. “You made the mess, fucktoy. Don’t you think you should clean it up?”

“Of course Master. Is there a towel I can use, or a paper…”

“You dumb piece of shit, use your tongue.” His eyes went wide, but he barely hesitated before he went down to his hands and knees and used his tongue to lick his own cum off the carpet in my office. I stood next to my beautiful wife and put my arm around her as we watched that tiny little submissive boy clean up his own mess. When he had cleaned it as well as he could, I dismissed him from my office and he left in a hurry. I hadn’t given him a hall pass for being out in the evening instead of… well, wherever he was supposed to be, but fuck it. I hope he got caught without a pass and punished.


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