SSCG Ch. 09

Chapter 9 – ‘Till status part

Michelle was already seated when Jenny and Sarah walked into the maths class. Sarah departed for her seat after wishing her friend good luck – softly. Then Jenny had to seat herself next to Michelle. They did not look at each other or greet each other.

The teacher quickly and efficiently explained to them that they would be doing a group Assignment. They were to work with the person sitting next to them, and they had only the one lesson to complete the assignment, which would show the teacher what her students had already been taught and what she still needed to teach them.

The silence between Jenny and her new partner was cold, uncomfortable and seemingly unbreakable. They divided up the sums wordlessly, each doing half the assignment on their own. They were both good a maths, and soon finished the assignment.

When they had put their separate parts of the assignment together, Jenny rested her chin on one of her hands andWondered why she disliked the girl next to her so much. There were the obvious reasons; Michelle wore thick, overdone makeup, was rude and acted as if she had no idea of ​​manners and proper conduct.

There seemed to be more to the feeling than that, though. Perhaps it was the aloof, arrogant manner of the girl? Maybe it was because she had gotten them both into trouble? She wasn’t quite sure, but the feeling was there, it was strong, and it was very obviously mutual.

The teacher asked them whether they were finished already. They both replied that they were. Ms Black gave the two girls a calculating look, then warned them not to cause any trouble, or they might spend more of the weekend with her.

The two girls were slightly indignant, but also somewhat intimidated. They were still testing the waters of their new school and their first experiences there had driven home the potential and authority of the system.

The period passed without incident. Michelle lay down on her arms, her body language inscrutable, while Jenny leaned back and worried silently about the ordeal she and her friend would go through just a little while later.

The whole status thing seemed rather easy, if some embarrassing, but Jenny had a nagging feeling that there would be a catch that they had missed. She suspected that the whole deal was just a bit too easy and good to be true.

Eventually, the period ended and they moved on to the next class. The day passed without anything remarkable occurring, and soon the two friends found themselves on the way to the part of the school garden where they would be put on pedestals.

A gardener was waiting for them by a row of five pedestals. Two other students were already there. Three of the pedestals had strange frames made of steel tubing protruding from their tops. On closer inspection, it became apparent that the frames were removable or replaceable.

“Right,” said the gardener, a curvy young lady in her 20’s, “Now that you’re all here, I can tell you how this works.” “I’m Amelia Stone. Rika here,” she said, gesturing at a short redheaded girl standing to her left, “will be participating in another activity in the gardens. The rest of you are here to play statuses for credits. I’ll get you all secured first, then distribute the props. All of you, strip. Now.”

As soon as they had overcome their Shock and shed their clothes, she grabbed Sarah and hauled her onto a pedestal. Before the surprised girl could utter a word, the lady popped a ballgag into her mouth and fastened it around both her head and part of the frame.

“No need for any of you to talk,” explained Ms Stone, then quickly secured her captive to the frame with efficiency born of frequent practice. “Next,” she said briskly and hauled Jenny onto the next platform without waiting for an answer.

Soon all three pedestals were occupied. The gardener checked her knots and ropework, Satisfied, she stood back and surveyd the girls. Sarah was posed as if she had just kicked something, arms held bent at almost should height. Jenny was standing proudly erect, cradling an imagineary object with her right arm. The last girl, Emily, was imitating the status of liberty.

“There,” said the lady, “Now we just need to distribute the props.” She grabbed a bag, which was leaning against Emily’s post, and reached in. She drew something out, but before the girls could identify it, she stepped forwards and shutted it into Emily’s exposed pussy and clipped her labia together with some sort of clamp!

The violent girl squealed behind her gag and pulled at her bindings. All she managed to do was wiggle her full young breasts entirely. Ms Stone moved from Emily to Jenny and inserted something into her vulnerable slit as well and clamped her pussy lips shut. Jenny was more prepared and merely uttered an indignant mumble form behind her gag. Her gut feeling about a hidden catch to the deal was proving correctt in a most unexpected and alarming way.

“Hold still!” ordered the gardener, giving Jenny a warning slap on her right buttock, “I don’t have time for your wiggling. You agreed to be here, you signed up for this, so you will just have to endure it.”

Sarah received a different treatment; instead of having something shoved up inside her, Ms Stone clipped a porcelain fig leaf to her lower lips! The leaf fastened tightly onto her labia and covered her pussy, but the leaf was shaped as if it was painted onto Sarah’s genitals. The porcelain showed a clear cameltoe and even had a small nub that revealed the position of her clip.

Next the lady clipped small, strong clamps onto the girls’ nipples each clamp had a different fruit hanging from it; the fruits were painted metal, not plastic, and pulled painfully at their sensitive nipples. All three girls protested as best they could from behind the gags, but Ms Stone simply ignored the muffled yells and squeals.

As finishing touches, the lady placed an amphora in the crook of Jenny’s right arm and fastened it to her right nipple. Then she placed an aluminum replica of a flogger in Emily’s upraised hand. Lastly she fastened thin chains from Sarah’s hands and raised foot to the leaf covering her crotch.

“Enjoy your quiet afternoon, ladies,” said Amelia Stone, with a hint of malicious sarcasm. She took a small device, resembling a cell phone, from her pocket and pressed a series of buttons. All three the girls on the pedestals squealed, struggled and cried out. All their nipple clamps, the objects in Emily and Jenny’s pussies and the leaves covering Sarah’s crotch had started vibrating!

The gardener strode away, pulling the fourth girl, Rika, along behind her and leaving the other girls to their pleasureable torque. The three human statuses took a few minutes to settle down a bit, and by then they were already well on their way to orgasms. The vibrators were intense and continuous and were driving them insane with pleasure.

Sarah was the first to succumb; her leaf was pressing against her clip and overloading her with pleasure. She moaned loudly and started bucking her hips as much as she was able to as her climax tore through her like a flood. As she came down from her pleasure high, the first drops of her negative gathered on her pussy lips and began to slide down her thighs.

Soon both other girls came in quick succession and they all started towards the next orgasm before they had properly recovered from the first one. That was when people started to gather. It seemed that this was to be as much a show as the one in the hall.

A few girls sat down on unused pedestals and nearby benches. By the time Jenny had cum four times, there were at least two dozen girls watching them. There was a group of girls doing homework on a neary patch of grass, who keep glancing up from their work to look at the three bound girls. More simply sat and watched.

Several peoplelistened to music as they sat, some read books, some chatted with friends but nowhere was there a camera or camera phone to be seen. The girls had long since learned to respect the rule that everything that happened in SSCG stayed in SSCG.

After thirty minutes, the girls were tiring; they had been cumming almost continuously. Then Ms Stone walked up to the girls and announced that they would get something to drink. She also warned them not to say a word while they were ungagged.

The fourth girl, Rita, arrived shortly after the gardener. She was naked and her forearms were tied together in front of her with each hand holding the opposite elbow. She was pulling a small cart which contained what seemed to be gardening supplies.

The girls who had been watching the human status whispered to one another when they saw how Rita pulled the cart. There were a few gasps, many wide eyes and several girls winced in sympathy. Large, toothed clamps were fastened to each of her tendererpussy lips and the cart was attached to those clamps with strong bungee cord. When the girl walked forwards, the cart pulled harshly on her sensitive labia.

Rita struggled forwards until the cart was right in front of Jenny. Then she stopped and let out a muffled moan of relief from behind an unobtrusive ballgag. She bent her knees slightly, trying to lessen the painful pull on her sore lower lips, but stayed upright and looked at Ms Stone pleadingly.

“Good girl,” said the gardener, “I see you’ve learned to wait for me to tell you to do. That’s good… I don’t want to have to take you for another round of the nettle hedge.” The girl whimpered at the reminder of an apparently painful memory.

“But I told you to never get more than three meters behind me,” Ms Stone said, stepping closer and frowning, “You were more than five meters behind when I got here. Disobedience must be punished, as I warned you.” “On your knees,” she ordered the girl.

When Rita was down onHer knees, Ms Stone untied the bungee cord from the cart. Then she guided the girl to an iron ring set into the floor, where she tied the cord tightly to the ring. There was still some slack between the ring and the clamps on the girl’s abused labia, which gave her some respite. Jenny wondered whether this apparent comfort was supposed to be the punishment.

“Now,” said Ms Stone, “If you can stand up straight five times, then Your punishment is over. If you can’t, we’re going back to the nettle hedge! Stand up straight five times. You have one minute.”

There were quite few gasps from the newer students. They could not believe that Rita could stand up; there wasn’t enough slack for her to stand! Apparently the nettle hedge was a very effective threat, because Rita struggled upright.

The girl moaned in pain as the slack in the cord vanished and she had to stretch it to stand up completely. Her pussy lips were roughly and painfully pulled downwards by the stretched cord, and they stretched three centimeters longer to cope with the pull.

When the girl was standing upright, Ms Stone walked over and shoved Rita’s slightly spread legs together. The girl shouted behind her gag as she was forced to stand straighter and her labia were pulled down another center.

“One,” the gardener into mercilessly, “Hurry up or you’ll do ten.” Rita gasped as she fell to her knees, the cement grinding into her skin and her aching pussy lips contracting to a more normal length.

Again she struggled to pull herself up. Again she pulled the cord taut. Again her nether lips were stretched downward, causing her unbelievable torque. When she was upright, she made sure her legs were together, then looked at Ms Stone. As soon as her captor nodded, the girl sank to the floor again, whimpering at the pain in her crotch as her labia tried to recover their usual shape.

Three more times the Rita forced herself upright, then sank down as soon as Ms Stone nodded. At last she was finished, whimpering and groaning behind her gag. Jenny turned in sympathy as she saw that the girl’s privates had not recovered completely. Her labia were a centerter longer than before her punishment, even though there was no longer a pull on it.

“She’ll recover by tomorrow,” the gardener assured the watching crowd, “But she’ll remember to do what I say next time.” She approached the girl, untied the cord from the ring in the floor and removed the clamps from the girl’s tender, sore labia.

“You won’t be able to pull the cart by these,” said Ms Stone to her charge, punctuating her announcement with a slap to the girl’s vulnerable and extremely tender pussy. As Rita recovered back and yelled into her gag, the lady continued, “So you’ll pull it by your nipples.”

The watching girls Winced in sympathy as the suffering girl received the tormenting clips on her nipples. Rita barely groaned, she was so distracted by a much worse pain lower down.

Ms Stone left the girl to her pain, and turned her attention towards the human statuses. It took her barely five minutes to give each of the girls a long, cool drink of some sort of energy drink. She told them it was made by students in the manufacturing class for exclusive use by SSCG.

As soon as all the girls had been thoroughly watered and she had removed and reattached their nipple clamps, the gardener inspected the plinths the girls were standing on, after switching off the visas. The girls’ faces turned bright red as they realized that they were standing in shallow pools of their own cum, which had collected in the somewhat bowl-shaped tops of the pedestals.

The gardener smiled mischievously as she looked each girl in the eyes. Then she took a remote from her pocket and dramatically pressed a button on it. The girls shuddered, squirmed and squealed as a thin jet of cool liquid spouted up from the center of each pedestal.

The liquid shot up, hit Jenny on her pussylips and dripped down into the concave surface of the pedestal. Emily was in the same situation as Jenny. Sarah felt the stream shoot up between the porcelain leaf covering her genitals and her pussy. It struck her all along her lower lips and even on her little pleasure nub.

Just when the girls had gotten used to the fountains, the lady with the remote pressed another button. The objects inside Jenny and Emily as well as Sarah’s leaf started pulsing electric current through the surrounding sensitive flesh. Again the girls twisted and yelped helped, their struggles useless and their complaints muted.

Before they could gather their wits, the violences started again. Through the haze of pleasure, they barely saw Rita once again being tied to the cart and both her and the gardener leaving.

The last thing that went through Jenny’s mind before the overwhelming sensing washed away her capacity for rational thought, was a reality. The puddle around her feet wasn’toverflowing, even though the fountain fell into it, so the fountain must simply be getting the liquid it spouted from the puddle. The fountain was spouting a jet of her own cum at her.

The three bucking, understanding, human statuses had no space in their overloaded minds for any sort of cooperative thought. The milk pain of the shocks only serves to increase the flood of pleasure rising from the girls’ nipples and psies to overwhelm their pleasure centers.

The watching girls star at the arousing sight. Some watch surprisingly, glancing away constantly to see whether someone is watching them. Others gaze openly at the spectacle; the girls on a neary patch of grass had abandoned their books and seated themselves comfortably to watch

Some of the watcher looked almost envious, others looked fearful. Some looked sympathetic, other openly gleeful at the sight. All of them started whispering among themselves when the noticed that the trickle of cum down Jenny’s thigh was growing larger.

The trickle grow until it could almost be called a stream. A few short minutes later, the other two girls followed suit as their trickles grow and started flowing faster.

The puddles grow until they were almost spilling over the sides of the pedestals, then they suddenly sank down a bit. The cum was being sucked into a little hidden tube in the middle of the top of each pedestal, and stored inside.

Half an hour later, the gardener came by again and forced them to drink more of the energy drink she had given them earlier. Little did they know that it was that drink, coupled with the shocks, that had them leaking so much cum.

After another hour, Ms Stone again came by to give them more of the drink. The girls were too overwhelmed by the continuous flood of sensing to see that the cart was now powered by a small motor. Rita was nowhere to be seen, her duty finished when the other girls’ ordeal was barely halfway.

The gardener also replaced a set of cum-filled plastic jars with empty ones at each pedestal. She loaded the filled jars onto the now self-powered cart and vanished to an unknown location.

For the next fifteen minutes, the girls on the pedestals squirm less and stay silent, too tired to struggle and moan, but the crowd is still riveted to the sight of the human statuses wriggling slightly and the stream of cum flowing down their legs.

Ms Stone appears after barely fifteen minutes to pour the insidious energy drink into the girls. She forces them to drink so much that their stomachs ache, but that pain is lost in the hurricane of pleasure that constantly assaulted the girls’ minds.

The drink was speedily absorbed and then used to make more cum. The flow of girl juice down the statistics’ thighs grow even faster and thicker as the specially formulated Drink constitutes with the pulsing electricity in their crotches to stimulate them to produce more and more cum.

The hidden tubes were open almost allthe time for the last quarter of an hour of their ordeal, and the empty jars that Ms Stone had again replaced the partly-full ones with when she last gave them something to drink, were full by the time that their two hours was over.

The gardener chased the watching girls away, then switched everything off. The last cum trickled down and was sucked into the jars, then the girls were released.

Firstly, the lady removed the girls’ nipple clamps, then the objects inside Jenny and Emily. She moved on to Sarah, where she carefully removed the porcelain leaf. She removed their gags, then untied them one by one.

As the girls were released, they groaned in pain as stiff limbs and aching crotches and nipples made themselves felt.

When Emily, the last one to be released, stepped stiffly off her pedestal and landed with a slight splat as her cum-soaked foot hit the ground, the gardener quickly removed the filled jars of girl juice. The three girls blushed when they realizedwhat the jars contained.

“Well,” Ms Stone told them, “you’re finished. Go to your rooms, get cleaned up and don’t be late for dinner, or we might meet again. Your credits will be added to your account to pay for your misdemeanors.”

The girls curried to their dorm rooms, avoiding as much as possible of the staff and students, their clothes in sealed plastic bags. The gardener had given They the clothes like that and explained that the last part of the ordeal was to get home without any clothes on and still soaked in girl juice from the waist down.

When they got to their room, Jenny and Sarah didn’t both with taking turns. They both piled into the shower, where they tried to wash away the embarrassment, as well as the cum coating their legs and feet.

Jenny was slightly nervous, showing with Her friend, but the ordeal they just went through and the events of the previous night had both cemented their friendship and abolished their shyness around each other. They were comfortable enough around each other to even help each other wash off all the girl juice that remained on their crotches, thighs, lower legs and feet.

When they had shown and dressed, both wearing t-shirts and panties, they sat on their respective beds and a silence hung between them. It was not really an uncomfortable silence; they simply did not know what to say.


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