Sorry that this chapter is so short. I hope to have Ch. 5 finished soon. Thanks, as always, to Anann, and you, my readers.
Chapter 4 – Michelle
The last period of the day was mathematics. Jenny and Sarah filed into the classroom with the other silent girls, and found seats near the back. They were still Wearing the sandpaper, and it was making itself felt.
Once the girls were all inside and standing at their desks, the short, flinty-eyed teachers asked them, “Did I say you may choose your own seats?” Her voice was soft, but stern.
The girls looked down sheepishly as the teacher brushed back her pitch-black hair and glared at them out of her storm-gray eyes. All the pupils could almost Feel the lightning that such storms must surely generate.
“All of you, come stand here in front now!” ordered the teacher, her voice cold and controlled, “Line up and stand up straight!” They all obeyed. Nervously, yet quick, for fear of further trouble.
She directed them to stand in a line, then walked to one end. Suddenly she slapped the girl on the end. Not her face; her full, firm breasts. The girl shouted in surprise and pain.
Everyone in the line flinched.
“I do not mind It when you take initiative in the work,” said the teacher, moving to the next girl, “but I insist on manners in my class. Did I greet you? Did I tell you to sit?” Her hand scratched into another set of tender young mounds.
“I prize manners and respect above excellence and intelligence,” she continued, slapping the next heaving pair of breasts, “because some people cannot help but be less intelligent. Some do not have the education to excel, but everyone has the capacity to learn manners.” The teacher had reached the end of the line by the time she finished.
“Now, let’s try again. Good morning girls. My name is Melinda Black,” she said gently. The girls greeted her, voices quavering slightly. Most were rubbing their firm mounds, trying to take the edge of the sting. Their clothes had blunted the force of the blows, but Ms Black had strong arms and hadn’t been holding back.
“Now that we have greeted each other, we can start on the seating arrangements,” she announced. She then directed the girls to their seats according to their surprises.
Jenny was assigned a seat next to Michelle Smalle. The girls disliked each other on sight. Jenny considered the other girl’s heavy makeup to be slutty and cheap, Michelle thought her new neighbor looked stuck up and conceited.
Soon afterwards, the teacher started talking about the subject and the requirements. Michelle dropped her pencil, which rolled under Jenny’s seat. She reached down, to retrieve it, but found that the other girl’s legs were in the way. She tried to brush the offending limbs out of the way, but they resisted.
“You could at least try to ask,” Jenny whispered condescendingly down. Her dislikewas evident in her voice.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” came the sarcastic reply, “I was trying to get my pen and didn’t want to both you by asking. I thought you’d understand that I was simply trying to move your legs to get the pen. Seems I overestimated you.”
“Is that so, Smartmouth?” Jenny shot back, “Well, it is polite to ask, and it bothers me more when someone simply does what they want, without even a thought to what the other person wants!”
Michelle sat back up, furious, and said, “Well excuse me, where I come from, efficiency is more important than being pompous. If you won’t move your legs, then please hand me my pen!” Unnoticed by the arguing girls, the teacher had stopped and was frowning at them.
“At last, a half-civilized request!” exclaimed Jenny, then bent to pick up the pen. “Here you go. See what a little bit of manners can do?” she said as she handed over the pen.
“Just because -“
“You two!” called the teacher, “Would you be so kind as tostop talking!” Their mouths snapped shut. “You will be attending an attention here in my classroom, after dinner on Friday. Don’t be late!”
The teacher continued as if she had not been interrupted, leaving the girls sitting open-mouthed in astonishment. They could not believe their bad luck; not only would they be punished, they would have to spend that time together! By that time, they had nothing but hate and contempt for each other.
The period ended soon after, and the girls filed out, some cheerful, some subdued. The first day had been littered with punishments. The lucky majority had escaped the day unscathed, but there were quite a few “casualties of law”.
Some had not been punished, yet, but had their sentences floating over them like storm clouds.
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