SSCG Ch. 03

Ms Lacey hauled the poor girl who had not brought her textbook to class to the front. Once there, she turned the girl to face away from the class, then made her bend over and grap her ankles.

“Let this be a lesson to all of you!” called the teacher, her icy blue eyes flashing, “This will be your first example of SSCG discipline. Remember it!” Then she turned to face the frightened girl.

First, she grabbed the back of the girl’s skirt and tucked it into the waistband. Then she slowly pulled down her pupil’s panties. The girl was sobbing with humiliation and fright.

“Humiliation is part of the punishment,” Ms Lacey explained to the class, “but the removal of the miscreant’s panties also makes the physical punishment more effective.” Then she addressed the girl, “You, keep Your hands on your ankles. If you move, I will restrain you and your punishment will increase.”

She reached her long-fingered hand into a drawer and extracted a leather belt, which she doubled up and held in her right hand. Suddenly she lashed out at the girl’s vulnerable, upturned rear. A scream of pain burst from the girl and she shot to her feet, clutching her rear.

When she calmed down a bit, the teacher grabbed her by her hair and moved her to a wooden frame, like a trellis made of thick varnished timbers, hidden in the shadowy right front corner, behind the door. Ms Lacey closed the door and fastened the miscreant to the frame, facing the class, with straps from a box on the floor. She worked quickly and efficiently, evidently well-practiced.

“Her punishment has increased, because she was not complying,” explained the teacher, “Learn from this, or learn the hard way.” She tucked the front of the girl’s skirt into the waistband, the panties still lying on the floor by the teacher’s desk.

The teacher raised the belt, then slammed it down across the girl’s mound. The punished girl screamed, but it was absorbed by the soundproofing in the walls. Three times more the teacher raised the belt and slapped against the helpless girl’s mound and thighs.

For the last stroke, the teacher held the belt pointing straight down. Then she slowly lifted it up behind her, paused, then swung it forward and up, straight against the girl’s tender pussy! The girl screamed and jerked in her bonds, then collapsed simply in them.

The teacher unfasted her pupil, then slapped her face to revive her. Ms Lacey took a sheet of coarse sandpaper, cut to a hourglass-like shape, from her drawer, then placed it in the girl’s panties, helping her step into them and pull them up against her sore slit. All the girls shuddered in sympathy, though some were feeling a little moist between their legs as well.

The girl walked slowly back to her seat, shuddering as the rough sandpaper rubbed Against her already aching pussy lips, shaft and ass. She yelped as she sat down, the sandpaper shifting against her privates and reigniting the pain.

“Oh my goodness!” whispered Jenny to Sarah, “That was rough, for a minor offense on the first day.” Sarah was about to whisper something back, when the teacher spotted the leaning towards each other to converse.

“You in the back!” she called, pointing at the two girls, “Come see me after the lesson.” The girls frozen up, but the teacher was already talking about the year’s syllabus and the stationary needed for the class.

The lesson seemed to drag on to Jenny, who wanted to get the talk with Ms Lacey over with, but to Sarah time seemed to fly. After the other girls left, they stood nervously in front of the teacher’s desk.

Ms Lacey looked at them over her desk, brushing at her tight white blouse. “What am I supposed to do?” she asked them, “I had just finished making an example of that poor girl, yet you decided to ignore the rules and talk. Now I will have to punish you.”

“We’re sorry, Ma’am, we were just surprised at how serious that girl’s punishment was,” Jenny explainned softly, looking down at the desk, “After all, it was her first offense, on her first day, and a minor one at that.”

The teacher told him. “The reason I was so harsh on her is because I make an example of the first rule-breaker each year, to convince the students that I am serious,” she told them sadly, “It helps me to keep the girls in line. I always invite the student to my residence, here on campus, that evening. Then I try to make up for the harsh treatment.”

“However,” she said, straiting her short black skirt and frowning, “I still have to punish you. Something milk; after all, you only talked. Still…”

The girls watched nervously as she rooted around in one of her desk’s drawers. She pulled six sheets of sandpaper from the desk. Two were identified to the one in the punished Girl’s panties, the others were semicircles with smaller semicircles cut out from the centers of the flat sides.

“Strip off,” Ms Lacey ordered the girls, “I mean now. All of it, panties included.” She tapped her black high heels as the girls slowly and hesitantly took off their clothes. Once they stood naked, covering themselves inadequately with their arms, she placed the sheets in their panties and bras.

Then she told them to dress. They put their clothes back on quickly, but carefully. The teacher was unsatisfied; they had only pulled their panties on loosely, so the paper would not rub Against their sensitive privates as badly.

“Come over here, then turn around,” she ordered. They obeyed and were soon standing in front of her. She reached down the back of Jenny’s skirt and grasped the back of her panties. Then she grabbed the front with her other hand.

Slowly, yet deliberately, she pulled the panties straight up, then started pulling them back and forth. Jenny moaned, the sandpaper was grinding Against her slit, rubbing the flesh raw, but it was turning her on too.

As Jenny’s arousal increased, she felt herself get wet between the legs, then her clip started to emerge from the shelter of its hood. She jerked as her clip contacted the rough sandpaper and let out a yelp at the sudden pain and pleasure.

Then Ms Lacey let go. Jenny staggered, then steadied herself. She was glad the pain had ended, but missed the pleasure too. Steadying herself against the desk, she watched her teacher do the same to Sarah.

Once she finished with Sarah, Ms Lacey dismissed them with a slap on each sore ass. As they walked out the door, she invited them to her house that evening. They replied that they would be there.

The rest of the school day was uneventful, except for the last period; maths.


I just want to thank Anann who is helping me edit my stories. Thanks to her, this story is a lot better than it would have been otherwise.


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