Chapter 1 – Arrival
St Sayd’s College is a very exclusive college for girls. Its pupils generally do very well in their academics, their sport and cultural activities. It is also very exclusive, for good reason, since its teaching methods are rather unorthodox. This is the story of Jennifer Smith, a tall, slender brunette with brown eyes and a nice figure, and her career in SSCG.
Jenny was fast-tracked through the admission process, which usually took a few years, because her mother was a St Sayd’s girl when she was younger. Jenny had finished at her previous school and was at St Sayd’s College for a last interview. Should the headmistress be satisfied, she would start moving into her dorm room. All SSCG girls lived on campus.
The interview passed quickly. Jenny was warned that the school uses corporate discipline and had unorthodox methods of punishment for rule-breakers. She was unconcerned. It couldn’t be worse than what happened to her at home when she had beennaughty.
After the interview, Jennifer was directed to the innovation, which was well-staffed and -equipped like the rest of the school. There she was told that it was customary for new girls to go through a full physical examination.
Jenny felt a slight surge of pride. She was now part of one of the most prestigious and exclusive schools in the world. She changed into the hospital gown she was given without complaint, though she found it strange that she was expected to change there in the innovation, not in a changing room or bathroom.
The doctor was female, as was almost all the staff. she directed the girl onto something that looked like a dentist’s chair. her feet were placed in stirrups and her arms lay on soft leather armsrests. Then the doctor fastened her to the chair with wide straps which spooled out from inside the chair.
“Don’t worry,” the lab coated lady said, “This is to ensure you sit still, but it also helps us to get your measurements for your unIform and such. Just relax. This might be a bit uncomfortable or embarrassing, but it won’t hurt.”
Jenny was a little bit nervous, but a little bit excited too. She was enjoying the experience, to her surprise. She had always enjoyed it when her parents made her take off her panties and lift her skirt for a spanking, but now she was at the doctor’s mercy.
She’s a doctor after all, so Why not enjoy it? the young woman rationalized. She trusted the doctor and the school, like she trusted her parents, so she relaxed and enjoyed her helplessness.
“Here we go. Sit still,” said the doctor. She had taken several packets of things off a neary table. She took out a dozen patches, with wires trailing from their sides, and attached them to the helpless girl’s arms, legs, hands, face, neck and abdomen.
“Don worry,” the lady assured her patient, “these things won’t hurt, they are just there to help measure muscle tone and galvanic skin response. Now, this next part is important, but embarrassing. Just remember that I am both a woman and a doctor.
Before Jenny could wonder what the doctor means, she had opened the front of the hospital gown and was inserting something she took from one of the packets into the girl’s sex. The helpless girl shouted in surprise, but hadn’t managed to get a word out before the doctor had taken something from another bag and slipped it onto her patient’s clip.
“Much of this school’s discipline and punishments and involve nudity or pain in intimate locations, or both,” the lady told her charge as she attached things to the girl’s nipples. “You have been told this and you said you wanted to stay, so I suggest you start getting used to things like this and simply sit still and shut up.”
Jenny obeyed. She was actually liking this, liking it Enough to make her privates embarrassingly moist. She hoped the doctor was finished with everything down there. The doctor attached patches to the sides of her breasts, her mound and her ass cheats.
The helpless girl turned slightly red as the doctor looked at her slit. She had to be able to see the mood forming there.
The lady had plugged all the cables from the sensors into a machine as she attached them, and now she stood by the machine. After a few minutes, she wrote down some results on a form on a clipboard she retrieved from a small table close by.
“I want you to flex as many muscles as you can, please,” requested the doctor. Jenny flexed her muscles and strained against the straps. The straps did not stretch or move. A minute or so later, the lady told the girl to relax.
The doctor released her patient from the straps, then had her remove the sensors and place them on the table. Jenny blushed as she removed the one in her sex and laid it, gleaming wetly, on the table.
As soon as the girl had removed all the sensors and had changed into her own clothes, the doctor gave her the form, neatly sealed in an envelope, and told her to return to the headmistress’ office.
“By the way, my name is Tanya Severson. I’ll probably see you soon,” the doctor called after her. Jenny was excited and in a hurry to get back to the headmistress’ office to receive her confirmation that she would be attending SSCG for the next three years.
She arrived at the office, knocked and was given permission to enter. She walked into the room and handed the envelope to the headmistress. As she sat down, she noticed that her mother was rather flushed.
“Well, it seems that you qualify, so I bid you welcome to SSCG as a new pupil,” announced Luise Brightman, the headmistress, and walked around the desk to give the new pupil a hug.
Jenny was surprised at this friendliness from a lady who was rumoured to be very strict. Then again, she did occasionally visit Mrs Smith, Jenny’s mother, so they knew each other.
“Don’t expect me to be nearly as friendly if you come here when you’re in trouble,” Ms Brightman said wryly. She walked back around her desk, then dismissed Jenny and her mother, telling them to move Jenny’s clothes and things into her dorm room.
Two hours later, Mrs Smith kissed her daughter, hugged her and drove away. They would only see each other during vacations, because first-years were only allowed to leave campus during vacation or an emergency.
Jenny slept well that night, and met her roommate the next morning. They liked each other from the start. Sarah Reading, Jennifer’s new roommate, was blond, with blue eyes and a sturdy figure. She was not fat, but she was some fuller than her new roommate.
They started chatting and found that their interests were similar. Both like books, especially adventure and romance novels, and both liked the same music, the same color, the same actors. They feel more like old friends than strangers.
At some point the conversation arrived at the physical examination both had undergone.
“I actually kind of liked it,” admitted Jenny to her new friend, “the feeling of being helpless, but knowing you’re safe. From injury, if not from embarrassment.”
“You too!” exclaimed Sahrah, “I thought it was just me! Whew, this is a relief, knowing we agree. It reminds me of punishments at home…” She blushed slightly, and left the rest of the sentence unsaid.
Jenny, the more adventurous one, told a few stories of discipline at her home. As she told about the bare-assembled spankings she had received Sarah nodded and said that it sounded familiar.
“Have… have your parents ever spanked your pussy?” Sarah asked shyly, turning brick red with shame and embarrassment. Her roommate confirmed that she had experienced that too.
Soon they were exchanging stories of punishments they had endured. Jenny’s parents seemed to favor a quick, harsh punishment; spankings, pinched nipples or clip, even whipping her pussy with a belt sometimes.
Sarah’s parents seemed to aim for long-term punishments,Like sandpaper in her bra or panties, clothespins on sensitive places and once her mother had rubbed chili sauce on the gusset of her panties and wedged them into her slit. That time she was being punished for stealing money from her parents.
They traded many more stories, and realized that their parents were equally unorthodox in meting out punishment. Both their mothers had attended SSCG. Both were almost completely under Their parents’ control. Most importantly, they both enjoyed that control.
They chatted and gossiped throughout the day. They ate breakfast, lunch and dinner at the cafeteria, then packed their books for their first day. They climbed into bed, said goodnight and switched off the lights.
Neither could sleep. They were excited and nervous, and the punishment stories the had traded had them wet with arousal. Both girls surprisingly started struggling themselves under the sheets.
As they approached their respective
climaxes, they started moaning. Suddenly they realized that they could hear each other, and frozen. Then Jenny started laughing, and Sarah soon joined her.
“Come on, we were sharing our deepest darkest secrets all day!” Jenny called, “Why hide this?” She sat up, throw off the sheets and blankets, then turned to Sarah.Her roommate copied her, and soon they were sitting, staring at each other.
Both girls slept in the nude. They spread their legs, and slowly started to play with themselves. Once they overcame their shyness, they rapidly approached climax yet again. They moaned, compromised and plugged fingers into their pussies as they rubbed their clips.
Their eyes remained riveted on each other, even as they bucked and rocked their hips when they came. Then they pulled the sheets back over themselves, overcome by suddenly shyness.
“Goodnight, Sarah,” called Jenny.
“Goodnight, Jenny,” her roommate replied.
Chapter 2 – New Day
The next morning, they were up early. Both were excited about their first day at their new school, excited in more than one way. They would receive their uniforms later that day, so they dressed in ordinary street clothes; jeans, T-shirt and sneakers.
They grabbed their bags and made their way to the assembly hall, where the school would meet before starting the new year. The were early, and stood around nervously for a while.
At last a teacher began directing all the new students to sit in the front block of chairs. Jenny and Sarah sat side by side in the second row. There seemed to be about a hundred first-years.
At exactly half-past seven, Headmistress Brightman walked onto the stage and addressed the school, “Good morning girls. To our second- and third-years, welcome back. To our new first-years, welcome to the school.”
“I have a few matters to discuss with you. These include some rules and regulations. The class rules of SSCG are as follows: no-one may eat or drink in class, no-one may talk, you must obey your teacher and you have to complete all work, including homework, given to you.”
The speech continued for five more minutes, then the headmistress concluded, “Thank you for your patience. Everyone may now visit the cafeteria and eat breakfast. After that, you have your time-tables. Good luck, girls. School dismissed!”
Jenny and Sarah ate a quick breakfast, then Walked to their first class together. They had even taken the same subjects; advanced English, mathematics, manufacturing and electronics were their main subjects.
Their first period was English. They struggled to find the classroom, but were just in time. They took seats next to each other in the back of the auditorium-like classroom. Then they took out the prescribed textbook and waited for the teacher to introduce herself.
“My name is Miss Lacey. You will address me as Miss Lacy or Ma’am unless otherwise instructed,” the tall blond teacher announced, “You know the class rules, though I have to addthat bad spelling is as punishable as rudeness in my class.”
She talked about their syllabus for the year, then asked, “Who does not have a textbook here?” One lone hand went up, shaking nervously. The teacher frowned and walked up to the girl,
“Why don’t you have your book here?” Ms Lacy demanded, standing next to the blond girl, looming over her like a storm cloud. She tapped her foot as she waited.
The poor girl stuttered and spluttered, but at last she managed to squeak, “I forgot, Ma’am, I’m sorry!” She cringed away from the look on the teacher’s face. The girl was pale and nervous.
After about a minute, Ms Lacey surprised, then grabbed the girl by her neck and hauled her out of her chair. The girl yelped as she was dragged towards the front of the classroom.
“It seems that I will have to make an example of this idiotic girl,” Ms Lacey announced, barely controlled fury evidence in her voice, “Her punishment should be sufficient to convince you to rememberber to bring everything you need.”
Thank you for reading this story. Many chapters will follow, if I have my way.
This story is spun from my fansies, and it would help if someone, preferably female, would be willing to act as a sounding-board for some of my future ideas. If anyone is interested, contact me.
Crystal Ash
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