

Renee often said that true control of life simply doesn’t happen. Not by humans. We can react to circumstances, sometimes unpleasant ones. We can react really well, or really badly.

“Go with the flow,” she would say, “unless you know you can swim upriver.”

On returning to Colorado, I found that the rancher that owned the bunkhouse I had been living in had suffered a massive heart attack and was not doing well. I began the feeding the cattle and doing other chores, helping his wife with the house while she was with him in the hospital.

I believe this delay in my return aided Renee and I. We talked nightly, and I was always yearning to see her, to touch her, but I had to settle for her voice. She was not perturbed by the delay.

“I’m sorry about this, Mistress. But I feel like I owe them.”

“Shush now, David. You do owe them. If you bailed on them I would be ashamed of you. Now, make me proud. Take care of your benefactors. You’ll beglad you did. And you will have proved yourself to be a man that I will be happy to own.”

To own me. The thought made me light-headed. But our nightly conversations helped us to get better acquainted. And she was so easy to speak with, I felt like I could tell her anything.             

“What do you miss most about me, David?”

“The evening ritual of rubbing oil on your feet, feeling the stress melt away. And your control, the structure of life with you.”

“Hmmmm. You just made me wet.”

I laughed at that, then noticed my arousal.

“Wow! And you just gave me an erection.”

“Don’t you dare jerk off tonight!”

“Ow! That hurts! My hand is my next best thing! Hey! Tell me, what do you miss most about me?”

“O, wow! What do I miss about you? Gosh! The feeling of your tongue between my toes is a good one. But I love looking down at you when you’re cleaning a creampie, and feeling cum oozing into your mouth. But it would be nice to come home and have subper waiting for me, prepared by a submissive slave. And to have you give me a bath and to wash my hair. Your submission I miss. Truly, David, I miss your company.”

Oh, wow. She touched my heart there. I missed her company, and told her so.

We spoke until midnight, by my time. It was one in the morning for her. But it went on, night after night. I truly believe that was the period in which we got to know each other.

Rex finally came home from the hospital after a four week stay. They almost lost him several times during that stay, and when Martha finally brought him home, you could tell just by looking at him that he was on his last legs. After supper that evening, when he had gone to bed, she told me that she knew his days were numbered. And it was OK. He had been a fine husband, and whatever came would be the way it was.             

I informed Renee of the latest news that evening. She surprised me.

“I’m coming to see you, David, and to meet yourbenefactors. I may be able to help Martha through this phase of her life. Can you pick me up at the Colorado Springs airport              at three p.m., your time?”

“I would certainly be happy, too, Renee.”

“Good. I look forward to seeing you again. But I have a lot to do at the office before leaving. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, David. Sleep well.”

“You gotta be kidding. Likely I won’t sleep a wink.”

“Oh, please do. I don’t want you falling asleep behind the wheel on the way to the ranch.”

“I’m sure the sight of you will have me fully awake.”

“Omigosh. Let’s end this call before you drop another old cliché on me.”

And she was gone. And I didn’t sleep at all.

She stepped into the waiting area wearing a black pin-striped suit and black high heels, with a small carry-on over her left shoulder, long dark hair cascading over her jacket. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Damn! She looked good. When she saw me, she smiled and turned my way. I hustled to her and wrapped my arms around her.

“It is so good to see you, Renee. Thank you for coming.” Her embrace was firm. Enthusiastic, even.

“And it is good to see you, David.” She broke the hug to look at me a moment, then kissed me. I felt like a school boy.

She handed me the carry-on and said she had one suitcase, which I retrieved. Of course, I would carry it for her without her having to both to tell me to. I had defeat new blue jeans, a solid maroon shirt and a brown corduroy sport coat, but I paled beside her.

“You look so professional, Renee.”

“Thank you, David. And I really like your look, also. I look forward to seeing a bit of your life on the ranch.”

At the truck I opened her door and helped her inside, and she smiled when she caught me lingering over her thigh.

“Sorry, cousin. This is a bit of an upgrade for the old Chevy. You are the classiest lady to ever get in it.

And please note I vacuumed the seats for you.”

“I feel positively honored, David. Now, let’s get to the ranch.”

It took about an hour and a half to make the trip, and Martha had a wonderful meal ready. She and Renee hit it off immediately. Rex was resting in an easy chair with a bout of angina, but he stood to shake Renee’s hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, miss. I’ve grown quite fond of David. We were never able to have children, so he’s become a sort of foster son for us. And he has a weakness for ranching that I’ve tried to develop. He has potential there. Of course, a good partner makes that better. He has spoken highly of you. I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it. I believe life with David would be an adventure.”

“Come on, guys. Let’s eat,” Martha called.

We sat down to roast beef and mashed potatoes, green beans from the garden. Renee had not eaten all day and enjoyed the meal. And she surprised me when she got up to do the dishes. Martha refused and served us coffee. When she was done she sat down and gave Rex a look.

“We signed a contract to sell the ranch today, David. My buddy down the road will take it. I believe that I told you before of his interest. We’ll get away with $900,000 dollars and can continue to live here. Not that I’ll be around that long, but Martha can continue on.”

He reached over and slapped my hand. “Come here. We have Something to give you.”

We followed him to the freezer in the back room.

“Big Boy and Albert will go with the ranch.” He raised the lid of the freezer. “These strategies contain their sperm. Oscar knows that I’m giving you these, so you have to agree never to sell them as Big Boy or Albert’s sires. Theres twenty-four strategies, so they can help you get a fine herd started. A real fine herd.

“I’ve shown you how to use them on a heifer, so you’ll be OK. It can help you get a good start.”

“Rex, uh, thank you. good grief.” This was huge! Those stories were easily worth thousands of dollars. And he gave them to me.

“You’ve earned it, David. You deserve it. Just remember, when you start, buy average sized, older heifers that are not flighty. Pick out feminine looking heifers. Steer clear of the blocky ones, no long or short necked ones. Get rid of any with a straight hind leg, they don’t give birth well. And, keep a notebook. Keep production rates and the weight of calves written down. You’ll do well, son.

“Have I covered it all. Martha?”

“I think so, Rex.”

He hugged me then. “I need to go to bed.”

He turned to Renee. “Pleased to meet you, Renee.” She hugged him then.

“I love you, Martha.” He walked to the bedroom with his right hand on his chest.

Martha had given Renee a bedroom in the house, While I was still sleeping in the bunkhouse. I went to bed early while the ladies were still visiting.

The next day I woke up early and was intending to feed the cattle. I stepped outside and took in a lungful of the dry Colorado air, butThen I realized there was an odd-looking hump in Big Boy’s lot. I started to walk to it, then began to run when I recognized a cowboy hat in the mud. Rex was face-down in the dirt, already blue and cool. I started to get up, but Martha was already coming. She knelt down beside him and laid her head on his.

“He was always happiest when he was with the cattle.”

She didn’t make a sound, but her tears ran down and soaked his hair. I put an arm around her just as Renee came running from the house.

Ten days later we left for Springfield. The ranch was sold, Martha still had a home. She sent a dozen canned jars of green beans from her garden and twenty-four stories of bull semen packed in dry ice. I was surprised that Renee didn’t fly back, but she wanted to travel with me. I was dying to be alone with her. And she set my motor running by wearing a volleyball outfit and flip-flops.

Still, we spoke near constantly. I loved speaking with her, looking at her. And I truly did try not to look at her legs, but often failed. Once when she caught me, she smiled and took my right hand.

“Patience, slave. This interim has been good for us.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I said, while nodding my head. “I agree.” I was getting aroused. And I wondered if she was wet. And I felt her dominance over me, and I wanted it so bad.

As we approached Kansas City, Renee had me take the outer belt and then pull in at a Hilton.

“Uuhhh, this is a little above my pay grade, Renee. And my truck and trailer look a little odd here.”

She gave me a mischievous grin.

“Don’t worry about money, s-l-a-v-e. It’s my treatment. You just need to prepare yourself for a night you’ll never forget.”

“Ha! You’ve already provided me with dozens of those, Mistress.”

“Yes. But I plan to outdo myself tonight. You, think submission.”

The desk clerk was a very handsome woman that addressed Renee by name.

“Hi, Sara,” Renee said. “This is David Jones, my boy-friend. Sara and I went to school together, David.”

“Pleased to meet you, Miss.” I extended my hand which she took.

“I’ve already heard a bit about you, David. The Springfield graspvine, you know. But I’m very pleased to meet you.

“And, Renee.” Sara then stepped out from behind the counter and hugged Renee. She whispered something in Renee’s ear, which I couldn’t hear. The embrace broke and they looked fondly in each other’s eyes and I wondered if I would ever know the background there.

We finished the check-in and made our way to our suite, which really bowed me over, This was a long, very long way past the Motel 6 I may have selected. I didn’t even have to carry our bags. A bellhop did it. Wow. This was an area of ​​life that I had never traveled in. There was a huge bedroom, and a separate room with couches and some chairs with a dining table. Renee came to me and hugged me.

“I know you’re a bit taken back by all this. But I’m still your friendly cousin atThree Springs. Who has discovered she loves having a submissive male at her side. We are going to enjoy this night together. Do you remember when I told you that I wanted your ass, slave?”

“Uh, yes, Mistress. I do.”

I felt a bit weak in the knees, suddenly unsure of myself. And there was that smile, right below those deep brown eyes.

“Are you ready, slave?”

There was still a smile there. And those eyes. I would do whatever she wanted.

“Cousin. You know I’ll do anything for you. If you want my ass, it’s yours. Mistress.

“This is another step deeper for us. You are surrendering your manhood to me. It is a huge step, in your submission. And my control over you. But I’m sure you’ll never regret it.”

“What do you want me to do?”

She kissed me. “Get out of the clothes, slave.”

I stripped while she watched me. The welcome feeling of her control washed over me. And then I was naked in front of Renee again. She opened a suitcase and broughta brown leather zippered case out of it. She led me to the bathroom and told me to get on my knees while she unfolded a plastic bag and then filled it with lukewarm water. Even I could see where this was going. The bag was attached to an S hook which she hung on the shower rod. A plastic tube went into the bottom of the bag, which then led to a shut-off valve, then another foot of tube which ended with a silver fitting. Renee was rubbing KY jelly over the fitting, and I had a raging hard-on from thinking about where she would place the fitting. My arousal embarrassed me, and she could tell. She put a few fingers under my chin and made me face her.

“Try not to be embarrassed, slave. I’m going to have my way with you. Sure. But you know…” Now she leaned over and whispered in my ear, “you know you Really want it.”

I cracked up then, and she laughed with me. We could always laugh together.

“Besides,” she said, “this is a wonderful place for you to lose your anal virusnature.”

I laughed some more and told her I was grateful for the plus environment. Then she leaned over and inserted the fitting in my backside. A quick twist of the valve and I was filling up. It didn’t take long. Renee shut the water off and I felt so full. And I began to freak out.

“Please tell me you’re going to leave before I have to use the commode, Mistress.”

“Well, of course not, slave. I’ll be with you the whole time.”


Renee laughed and laughed.

“I’m kidding, slave! I won’t be here when you evacuate!”

I looked at her, pranked. I hoped.

I grabbed the leg nearest me.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I took you, ahh, seri….oohhh, may I have, uhh, the room? Please?”

She was still laughing as she closed the door, and I couldn’t get to the toilet fast enough. Maybe she could hear the exculsion through the door, I’ve never asked. This was all new territory for me. My first enema. Omigosh.

As quick as I could, I got cleaned up and left the exhaust fan running and stepped into the other room. Renee was still laughing to herself.

“Slave, you do know that the next time I see Jan and Angie I’ll have to tell them this story.”

Now I laughed. Just a little at first, but it came over me like a wave. I just sat on the floor and laid my head on her knees.

“That’s fine, Mistress, I deserve it. I’m sorry I got loud with you. You really had me freaked out.”

She laughed again. “And I’m sorry I pushed you that far. But you do have to admit, the threat of watching you use the toilet was too good a prank to pass up.”

“Yeah.” The laughter came over me again. “It was too good to let it walk by, Mistress.”

She put a hand on my head and we just sat. After a while I kissed her knee and looked at her. That smile was still on her lips, I had to smile back at her.

“You are so much fun to be around, Mistress.”

“And I certainly enjoy my timewith you, slave, and I am looking forward to making you my bitch. Now, let’s move on. We need enemyas until the return is clear water. Are you ready?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Renee gave me the enemyas, but, mercifully, she did not insist on witnessing the procedure till the end. I told her that I appreciated that.

“Well, everybody has limits. You and I both want to avoid that. That’s fair. And, I don’t want a partner that is a mindless idiot. See? I respect your mind. S-l-a-v-e.”

“Wow. I am positively honored, Mistress.”

She kissed me before inserting the catther the last time. I held her nearest leg as I filled up, and leaned my head on her. I took a deep breath when she turned off the flow, and bowed my head with the effort to hold it in. She placed her hand on my head and told me to call her when I was done.

Then she surprised me. I had to take a shower, then draw her a bath. Truly, I was pleased. Bathing Renee was always one of my favorite things. And Ihad told her that several times. And now it had been six, or seven weeks since the last one. It really didn’t matter. I was getting flustered at the prospect. It was a quick shower. I drew the bath and used the Hilton’s oil beads and body wash in it. She was sitting on the couch looking over a Kansas City newspaper when I called her.

She had already kicked off the flip-flops, and I was again mesmerized watching her shed the volley ball outfit, the bra and thong. That Hippie Hollow all-over tan was still strong, and her pussy was bare. She looked good. I took my time with her bath. There wasn’t a square inch of space that my wash clothes missed. And we talked. It was good. Happily, for me, she wanted her hair washed. No rush. I shampooed that dark brown hair, gently massaging her scalp, then rinsed all Those beautiful suds away. I wrapped her hair in a towel and dried her as she came out of the huge tub. I used a brush and a wide comb while I dried her hair. I had been experimentingg with drying her hair, and I managed to put a good wave in it. Not to brag, but she looked good when I was done with her. And even better, she compiled me on it. I told her how hot she looked.

“Thank you, slave. Do you need to use the bathroom again?”

“No, Mistress. I’m OK.”

“Good. Lay across this bed on your stomach.” She had opened a suitcase and was getting a few ropes out of it. I started to obey, but then I realized what was about to happen.

“You’re going to tie me down for this? Mistress?”

“Yes, slave. I don’t want you running away when you feel me penetrate you.”

“Well, uh, does it have to be this way? On my stomach? I’m not arguing with you, Mistress?”

“David! Don’t hem and haw with me. Do you have a request?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“State it, slave.”

Suddenly I felt the urge to sink to my knees.

“Mistress, I was hoping to look in your eyes when you, uh, do me.”

She had been a little irritated. But slowly asmile created her face.

“You want to look me in the eye while I’m fucking you.”

“Uh, yes, Mistress. If it pleases you.”

She was amused now. “You get embarrassed when I speak to you bluntly, don’t you, slave?”

I started to take a deep breath and then mentally kicked myself because these are the times that she wants me to speak bluntly.

“Yes, Mistress. Sometimes I get embarrassed. But I would like to be able to look into your eyes while you fuck me.”

“That’s a reasonable request. Lay on your back, slave.”

I did, and she quickly had my wrists tied to the bed posts.

”Put your feet on the bed.”

Then she tied my calves to my thighs just above the knee and again at the top of my thighs. A rope was tied from the wraps at the knees to two bedposts. With my knees drawn tight, Renee lightly drew her fingers over my backside, and leaned down to kiss me.

“This may be better, slave. They tell me that you can see when a man realizes while he’s being fucked that this is something he can never get back. A moment of total submission.” She took a firm grip on my chin. “I’ll be looking for that moment with you.”

She went back to her suitcase, removed a strap-on dildo, and put it on. Darn! She looked hot when she strapped it on! She retrieved her cell phone.

“Just a few photos, slave.”

I could have done without that. And I believe that she snapped more than a dozen of them. Oh, well.

“Wanna see?”

I laughed a little. “I don’t think so, Mistress.”

“Oh, come on! Be a good sport! I think you look hot. And it’s just for personal enjoyment. I won’t blackmail you or anything like that. See? Yeah. This is my favorite. A super good slave just waiting to be fucked. Oh, yeah. Look at that erection! Uummm! Such a shade you won’t be using it tonight.”

She took it lightly in her right hand and gave me that famous mischievous grin that only Renee could do so well.

“But, that does not necessarilyy means you won’t cum. If I do everything right, we might see you cum like a girl. How about that, slave?”

She held my tight balls a few moments, then fingered my backside again. My hard-on was aching. Renee leaned over me and kissed me, plunging her tongue in my mouth, her long hair laying on my chest. She broke the kiss and looked in my eyes.

“Have I got you hot?”

I just lost it. Laughter rolled out of me, and she held my cock.


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