Renee woke me up. I had fallen sleep while rubbing oil on her feet.
“I’m going to bed now. Breakfast burritos at eight thirty. You may kiss my feet now, slave.”
I obeyed. Then she told me that this weekend was Springfield weekend and we would be attending as Mistress and slave. It was a Femdom event that she had not attended in a couple years and she was looking forward to it. There was no time to argue, so I said nothing.
The night was pleasant so I slept on the patio.
I had everything ready when she stepped into the kitchen the next morning. She looked sharp in a tailored business suit and heels.
“Mistress, this weekend makes me nervous, very nervous, actually. I don’t mean to seem rebellious, but, could you just explain what the weekend is all about.”
“The Femdom angle attracts people from across the state. I haven’t attended since Arthur died, but I would like to this year. Are you game?”
“Hardly. Mistress.”
“Sarcasm, slave? Why the reluctance?
“I’m sorry. You’re right, I was being sarcastic.” I looked at her and said, “The idea of a town event freaks me out a bit. And I have to say, I would think attending such an event could impact your business ventures.”
She told me to get on my knees in front of her.
“The year we last saw each other, at Three Springs, BDSMLR really hit our school. It was the great “in thing.” Everybody was involved. And it was all rooted in female submission and male dominance. One weekend, when my father was out of town, I agreed to be a weekend slave for the captain of the football team.”
She smiled broadly at the remembrand. “I’m sure you can believe it was not my best weekend. I sucked every cock of the offensive line that Saturday night. That guy made me so miserable that I swore I would never again submit to a man.
“Three of my friends was also enslaved that weekend. Bonnie, who is now the Springfield Police Chief, Julie, who is now the mayor and the head of the local Chamber of Commerce, and Angie.”
I was started by that bit of news.
“Surprising, huh?”
“Yes. I’m very surprised.”
“That is the weekend that brought such a backlash. I believe about ten of us determined we would never be slaves again. Now, many of them have moved away, but quite a few are here and hold responsible positions. Take Jan. She is on the county road commission. And my friend Rebecca has the largest insurance brokerage in this region. Many women that are living life on their own terms are in powerful positions in this area. So, no. Attending Springfield weekend doesn’t adversely affect my business. Quite the opposite, in fact.
“You will likely meet some of these women this weekend. And,” she looked in my eyes, “many of They know that my life has not been so full since Arthur’s death. They will be quite glad to make your acquaintance. Maybe knowing the recent history of the area will help you understand.”
“Yes, it does. Thankyou, Mistress. Uh, is the guy that dominated you still in the area?”
“Oh, you are a curious one, aren’t you?” But she was smiling broadly when she said it. “No, he is in Louisiana now. He is the one that asked me to go to Texas to negotiate his land deal. And there is an interesting story to that. It may help you understand me a bit better.
“Angie and I went to a bar one night and he was there. Understand, this was several years after the cock weekend. Jan was the bar maid, so I asked her to mix a bit of Ecstasy in his drink. Then I made my move. I convinced him to leave the bar with me and I took him to an All-Night Fitness joint where I promised I would give him a blow job.
“Other, Angie and I secured him to a horse exercise riding machine and removed his pants. He was a bit Under the influence of the alcohol, but we toyed with him a bit and the Ecstasy worked its magic. When he had a raging hard-on, I thrashed his ass with a whippy Delrin cane. It was wonderful.He bleed quite a bit and he came all over that machine. Angie got his balls in a death grip and I made him lick up every bit of his cum. Can you see that in your mind’s eye?”
I had to laugh.
‘ “Yes, Mistress. The vision is super clear to me.”
“But the best part is we filmed it and sent the tape to his fiancee. They broke up over it, but he managed to get her back. But, she demanded an FLR household.
“He now tells me that night was his second best ever. The best night he ever had was when he submitted to his wife.”
She smiled at me. “Does that help you understand things better, slave? And Springfield?”
“Mistress, I’m impressed.” I chuckled a bit. “You are quite a bit different from the girl I thought I knew at Three Springs.”
“So, your crush on me is pretty well destroyed?”
“Hardly. Mistress.”
There was mirth in her eyes when she touched my head. “Good. Let’s have hamburgers and salad for supper tonight. I won’t be in till around six. That should give you a good eight hours at the tanning field. Now, kiss my feet, slave, I need to go.”
The idea of Renee’s submission and the revenge exactly by her and Angie was on my mind all day. These women! Wow! They were an unstoppable force! I laid in the sun and marveled over them. And the guy was still doing business with Renee. Amazing. The idea of Renee kneeing in front of a guy to give him a blow job seemed totally foreign to me. Every time I imagined her kneeing in front of me to give me head, I could only see a bad outcome. And if I was honest, I would prefer it was me kneeing in front of her.
That thought brought me fully awake. Serve, David.
I turned over and opened a beer. I hadn’t been as successful as Renee in my work life, but I Did miss working with my hands. That could be a factor. Still, these past two weeks had been an eye opener. Actually, this is my twenty-first day under Renee’s control. Ten days to go. Under Renee’s control. I was getting an erection and that blasted cage was hurting awfully! I got up and walked it off. When it was better I laid down again.
Under Renee’s control passed through my mind again. And again, I had to walk off the excitement. When Bill told me he lived in an FLR marriage, it seemed like such a foreign concept. Now the idea excited me sexually.
I took a longer walk top work off the frustration. It didn’t take long to come to the property line. Renee’s land butted up to a clear field. I stood there taking it all in. It looked like eighty or a hundred acres. And I could see a pond bank. Really, it was a long dam. That might be a nice lake over there. It could make a good area for fifty, sixty head of cattle. Maybe more. Then I thought about living with Renee, as a slave. I started getting excited again, so I walked back to Renee’s clearing and laid down.
“You would have to embrace being a slave, David,” I told myself. My sexual tension returned, which I walked off. When I picked up my beer again, it was hot. I poured it out and got another. That was a long afternoon.
The salad was ready when Renee walked in, and charcoal was ready to grill the burgers.
“Good eve…”
“Slave! Get on your knees! Your Mistress deserves an orgasm!”
Her purse made it to the couch as she kicked off her high heels. She tossed her skirt and stay up nylons and walked to me. She pulled off her panties in front of me, put her right foot on the couch and pulled me into her sex. She always tasted great!
It took an effort to start slowly, but she ground my face into her crotch aggressively. It was wonderful. She responded well to me and came to an orgasm quickly, quivering in my mouth. Wow!
“I need to lay down. I’ve been on my feet most of the day.”
She lay on the couch with her left forearm drawn across her forehead. Her left foot was on the couch and her right knee was spread obviously open. Or invitingly. I kissed that knee and slowly workedand nibbled my way up that brown thigh. She raised her head and looked at me.
“I’ll stop if you want me, too, Mistress.”
“Don’t be silly, slave.”
I really took my time, trying to extend her pleasure. When I finally made it to her vagina she was laying back, just taking it all in. I lightly licked her nether lips and her clip. She was so wet. I touched her tights, Just to feel more of her. She grabbed my head and pulled me in, telling me, “Harder! Harder!” I easily slide a finger inside her and sucked her clip hard and she rolled her hips against my mouth while she cried out. It was magnificent. I sucked on her clip while she bucked against me. Then she quivered again and I think she came several times. I kept thinking, “My cousin is cumming all over my face.”
She finally lay still, but I stayed on my knees and lightly licked her lips again.
“Hold it. Hold it,” she whispered. She looked at me through hooded eyes and said, “Take a break, slave.”
I rested my chin on her thigh and just looked at her. Sometimes at her vulva, but more often at her face. I would love to touch her face, to cares her cheeks, but thought that might be too familiar on my part. “Don’t piss your Mistress off, David,” passed through my mind. So, I just lay there and watched her, breathing in her musky scent.
She finally opened her eyes and saw me.
“You’re still not plotting my murder, right?”
“No, Mistress. Just thinking about how pleasant it is to have you cum in my mouth.”
She chuckled at that. Then laughed a little. She sat up and really laughed. “Was that the highlight of your day, slave.”
“Yes, it was, Mistress. It was wonderful.”
She smiled at me. “We have spent Almost two hours at this. Do we have plenty of salad? I could skip the burger if we do.”
“We have plenty of salad. I can make you a bigger bowl with crackers. And a white wine, if you want.”
“That sounds good, slave.”
She stood and took off her blouse and bra and opened the patio door. “Let’s eat outside.”
“Very good, Mistress.”
I watched her sit down at the patio table while I got the meal and wine together. I served her first, and was again reminded how she was so at ease with being nude in her environment. With the lights out, we could stargaze. It made me think of the time I saw the sunrise over her thigh.
I was so curious about her. “Could I ask you a question, Mistress?”
“Of course, David. Do I look like a girl that has secrets?”
“Uh.” She really took me back by calling me by my name, I was surprised. Then I caught her joke. Secrets. She’s sitting there naked. “Right. Can two naked people have secrets?”
Old memories came back to me, which I quelled.
“You look troubled, slave. A penny for your thoughts.”
“Oh, it’s, uh. Just old memories. See, I was married for a couple of years. My ex-wife was the biggest liar I ever had to deal with. Young men often make bad choices. I’m sorry to throw that out there.” I looked at those beautiful brown eyes. Damn. “I just, um, want to be honest with you. OK? Mistress.”
“Yes. I knew you were divided. I didn’t mean to stir up bad memories. And you were surprised when I called you by name. But I thought you were getting ready to ask me a question about me, and I did that so you would know it was OK. Liars think they have secrets, they are fooling themselves. I won’t lie to you. I expect the same consideration from you.” She smiled at me. “Slave.”
“Yes, Mistress.” It was tough to start, but I said, “Sometimes when you come home and order me to my knees, uh, sometimes I’m curious about why you’re so excited. Would it be too much for me to ask you why you were so demanding this evening?”
“Is this an attempt to get to know me a little better? David?”
“Yes, Mistress. I do want to know you better, and I would love to call you Renee.”
Another huge smile. “Mistress will do for now, slave. But I was excited because I closed a deal with one of my father’s old business associates. He doesn’t do much anymore, and I never did get on with him well. But Jan started the deal, and she dealt with him on a very “old school” way, lots of yes sirs and never addressing him by his first name. She was out of town this morning, showing a property in Bourbon, when the seller called and said he would drop his price $15,000. When Jan had a moment she called Dad’s old friend. He told Jan he would have to look at his books. So, Jan told him if he had any questions to call me at the office because she was out of town.
“An hour later he called me and said the deal would be a go. So, I had to take letters of intent to the two parties and the deal was done. And I yes sir’ed and no sir’ed him until the ink was dry. I actually enjoyed my time with him. He is a lot mellower than I remembered.
“But, he is not going to pay you $50,000 for a house that is only worth $25,000. Very old school. And Jan figured him out. Good for her.” She arched her eyesbrows at me. “Jan is very good at reading people. She has taught Angie and I a lot in that regard.
“So, he and I got on a lot better.” That mischievous smile again. “And that got me to thinking about taking liberties with you. Was there a complaint hiding in that question?”
I couldn’t help but to laugh a little. “Hardly, Mistress. Honestly, I just wanted to understand you better. That’s all. Could I ask you another question?”
“Aren’t you the nosy one tonight,” she said. Buit I could tell she wasn’t offended.
“I don’t mean to step where I shouldn’t. But I’m curious about your marriage. Did Arthur work outside the home? Have any hobbies? If this Bothers you, just tell me. Mistress.”
“Are you wondering what a slave does with his life? Slave.” She smiled as she drug-out the word slave.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Arthur had a landscaping business. He was very active with that. He certainly never got a killer tan like you have these past few weeks. But all the guys in our group work at something. Harold is an accountant, Bill has an earth moving company, but I think you know that. All of the guys that you meet tomorrow are employed, most of them are independent.” She leaned back in her chair. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”
Now I became flustered. “Uh, just, just wondering. You know…”
“No, I don’t know. Talk to me. David.”
She really gets to me when she calls my name. That happened at Three Springs. I took a deep breath and looked at her. “Wondering what life as your slave would be like. Mistress.”
“So, you’re not thinking about heading back to Colorado as soon as you get some clothes?”
“Ha! No, Mistress, that hasn’t been on my mind.”
“Maybe you have a simple case of Stockholm Syndrome. Slave.”
“Well. There are worse things, Mistress.”
“The day before I have to turn you back to Jennie, we’ll go to a restaurant for supplier and have a long conversation. OK?”
“Yes Mistress. Sounds good.”
“Hold my hand.”
She reached across the table and I took her hand eagerly, covering it.
“Look at our hands. You still haven’t submitted to the Matriarchy. You are holding my hand like a protector, which is why you are in the prediction you are in. You tried to protect Jennie. A mistake. Even if she had been grateful to you. Slave.
“This is how you hold my hand.”
She flipped our hands, putting her hand in the dominant position. I looked at our hands, and I understand what she means.
“I see what you mean, Mistress. It’s something I never thought of before.”
“We have plenty of time. I need to clean up. I want you to wash and dry my hair, slave.”
“Very good, Mistress.”
I drew her bath and washed her and her hair. I dried it with care. When I was done I blurted out, “You look good. Mistress.”
“Thank you. slave. Go get lathered up in your shower. I’m gonna shake you.”
That didn’t take long. When she was done she caged me again.
“I’ve enjoyed the conversation, David. Breakfast burritos at eight. Sleep well, slave.”
She kissed me on the lips and was gone. I stargazed in the chair on the patio. That kiss kept me awake a long time.
“Come here,” she said after breakfast. “We’re having a few people over for steaks tonight. When we get home you will wear these chains and cuffs while you serve us.”
It was a chain that locked around my wait. Then chains on each side attached to cuffs on my wrists, but long enough to give me some movement of my hands. A longer chain at my back attached to a steel collar on my neck. When it was set to her liking she took it off and she fitted me with a rope chest harness. She bound my upper arms behind my back and Then dropped down and secured my forearms together.
“This will be a comfortable rig for you. Now, it is a public event, so that will be a factor for you. Don’t look people in the eye, that isa thing that invites inspection and conversation. Since you’re new at this you will be more at ease with the people you’ve already met. OK? We are going to have a lot of fun today, slave.”
“I believe you, Mistress.”
“Good. Let’s go, slave.” She attached a lean to my collar and smiled as she gave me a tug.
I know enough to walk slightly behind her. Gosh, her backside looked good. She wore another volley ball outfit with white sneakers that suited her so well. Good grief! I think she could talk me into anything. She opened the passenger door and I slid into the hot car.
She came around the vehicle and got in, fired it up and turned on the AC.
“Sorry, I should have started the car sooner. Now,” she laid a hand on my tight to focus my attention, “I can hear the wheels in your head spinning. Tell me what’s going through your mind.”
“I was thinking that you could probably talk me into anything, Mistress.”
“Really?” She laughed at that. “Well, I’m horored, slave. I’ll keep that in mind. But, I’m very conventional. I’m not going to force you to suck a cock or anything like that. Arthur and I were always monogamous. But, I may require you to lick the feet of all of my friends today. We’ll see.”
The AC was cool, she put the can in drive and we left. When we hit the blacktop, I just had to tell her something.
“Mistress, I told you our first night that I wanted to be a good slave for you. I hope I’m doing well.”
Her hand came back to my thigh. “David. You have been a very good slave for me. I have no complaints against you.” She patted my leg, setting me at ease.
“Thank you, Mistress.”
“You are welcome, slave.”
The freak-out came in the parking lot. My mouth went dry, my muscles went tight, I couldn’t speak. She could tell. I looked at all the people millioning around, some dressed for the summer heat. There were a few dressed females with their slaves, but not all of them were naked. I felt her hand again. I looked at her, but no words came out.
“It’s always a heady experience, being nude in public for the first time. Just remember how well you did at the party, and also, I was so proud of you. And you will be an excellent companion for me today.”
She gave me that smile. I took a huge breath in and let it out slowly.
“Yes, Mistress.”
She exited the car and opened my door. I got out of the car reluctantly. But my desire to please Renee outweighted my nervousness. We crossed the parking lot and surveyed the clothing optional area. Angie saw us and called out to us. Bill was restrained as I was, but it was plain to see he was more at ease with it than I was. We walked by some booths and came upon Jan and Harold. We slowly walked and again I was fascinated at the dynamic of Renee, Angie, and Jan. These three, I thought, are remarkable. I really studied Harold and Bill that afternoon.
I could pick up by their conversation that they had lives also. Bill was adding more equipment to his enterprise. Harold had an office in Nashville that was growing. But their relationship to their wives was a bit different. I was envious. I might speak to Bill about his expansion soon. I was very good with a backhoe and small cranes.
Charlotte, who I had met in the park while licking Renee’s foot came to Jan and said that Jim would be unable to do his display time due to a sore shoulder.
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