


Our winter was over, the calves were beginning to arrive. Mistress Renee and I have now been married a month. We went to Texas for our honeymoon, with two weeks spent at Hippie Hollow. Jan and Angie with Bill and Harold joined us for most of the last week. Now we were in Springfield; Renee to cover activities at her office and me to run Bill’s operation until he returned.

Renee had been right. Two weeks at Hippie Hollow had brought deep, dark tans. And it made me more confident with public nudity. And the few days we spent with the other four was a good thing. Being around other folks in FLR marriages helps me see how they deal with it. They are really remarkable couples.

And Renee continued to amaze me. She had mentioned going deer hunting again once last summer. When the previous fall arrived, she had taken her.270 Winchester out and practiced with it. We scouted for deer and filled our tags on opening morning. When I was dragging my deer out I heard the shot from Renee’s area. By the time I got to her, she had already recovered the deer and field dressed it. A self-sufficial woman. We enjoyed the venison from those deer immensely.

And I met Tony Gallonzo, the guy that ruined Renee on male domination. We had made a side trip to Louisiana so Renee could check out a development they had partnered on. He was no longer the quarterback jock. His wife, Jill, maintained a dedicated FLR household.

Tony and I were alone on their patio and he congratulated me on our marriage. He had seen a great change come over Renee since our meeting. She had been lonely after Arthur’s death.

“She is a lot happier with you in her life, David. Heck. Life is meant to be lived with somebody, and I am very happy with Jill. You know, Renee had a huge part in that. Has Renee told you about the male domination fad that hit our high school?”

“Quite a bit, actually. She told me that a weekend with you turned her into a dominant.”

“Ha! It sure did! And don’t take it that I’m bragging, cause I’m not. Young men aren’t too smart. I was so pumped up with testosterone and the quarterback jock thing. Man. I made Renee miserable that weekend. I wouldn’t do that again for anything. But you know…”

He leaned into me. “I know you weren’t a natural submissive. I didn’t think I was, either. But Renee sure turned the tables on me. And I will never, ever, forget that night.

“And Jill and I were engaged! But I forget about her when Renee promised me a blow job! What a schmuck! She had Jan roofie me. I should have known something was up when we went to the all-night fitness joint, but by then, the ecstasy had me. Renee tied me down while I couldn’t resist, then Angie came in with her video camera. She got right in my face while Renee grabbed my hair and held my head up. And then Renee whipped my ass with that Delrin cane. It was amazing. I would not have guessed that you could cum from a whipping, but I suredid.

“And it was a memorable beating. She striped my ass and tights till I bled. And I really liked it.

“Then she tied my hands behind my back and took my clothes. And she forced me to lick up my cum. Amazing. She told me she would make sure Jill got a copy of the video. I pleaded and I begged, but she ignored me. She left me there, tied up and naked, with my clothes in the parking lot, sprayed down with lighter fluid and a match tossed on them. It made a fine fire. And the last thing she said to me was, ‘Deal with it.’

“You know where that came from? When I released her after the cock weekend, as she calls it, she protested that I treated her badly. That I had gone beyond domination. And I pushed her out the door and said ‘Deal with it.’

“It took her a couple of years, but she dealt with it. Quite masterfully. Jill got the video and left me right away. It took me three months, but I got her back by agreeing to be her slave, and I think ‘Thank you, Renee,’ several times a month. Really, David, I was such a jerk. I love Jill. But if we’d have married when I still had the jock attitude, it would have been over already. So, I will always be grateful to Renee for adjusting my attitude. And to Jan and Angie, too.

“Life is funny. Now, Renee is a valued colleague. We have made a lot of money on joint endeavors. And I value her advice on real estate. And when it comes to tough negotiations, no one else in my life can overcome her. You have a real gem there, David.”

He slapped my leg. “But you know that already.”

“I do, Tony. She makes my life better, and I’ll do anything for her.”

“They’re back. We need to get the grill ready.”

Later, he and Jill played the video of Renee striping his ass and tighs with the Delrin cane. Tony took it in good stride. And Jill pointed out how much he came during the whipping. Tony had no problem with me seeing his takedown video. And I have to admit, I was very turned on after seeing it. Renee really outdid herself that night.

Later I told Renee that I was anxious to see the video of her whipping me.

“Patience, slave. We’ll get to it in due time.”

I was smoking pork ribs on the grill when Renee pulled in on Saturday afternoon. It was easy to see she was in a fine mood.

“Does that meat need your constant attention, slave?”

“No, Mistress, it’s on a low heat.”

“Good. Get over here and get on your knees.”

She had already kicked off her high heels and was unzipping her dress as I knelt. The house that she showed today must have a contract, I thought. The summer dress was drawn over a chair. She removed her thong and tossed it in my face and it fell to the ground. She put her left foot on a stool and pulled my head into her crotch.

“Eat me, slave, nice and slow. I’ve had a productive day.”

I always loved her musky aroma. And the way she made use of me. This time she wanted it slow, other times she wanted it rough and hard. I could deal with it either way. I reached behind her, grabbed her backside and held her. After a few minutes her slow grind started with a few “Oh, yeahs,” thrown in. All you had to do was listen to her and follow her body, watch her reaction and give her more of what pleased her. The grind increased and she pulled me in tighter and then you could sentence that her orgasm was beginning. I sucked on her clip a bit and she went over the edge. Oh, man! It was glorious to feel her pleasure on my face! And to see the orgasm wrap her body!

Her foot came off the stool, her back arched, she held my face in her pussy and I lapped her juices and swallowed, gently. Quickly, she wanted to lie back on a chain locke. Her right foot was still on the patio, her right forearm was over her forehead. I rested my head on her tigh and watched her recover while my cock was throbbing in her cage.

After a few minutes I rose and centered myself, her leg opened more. Invitation. I began lightlylicking her lips, very light. She moaned, but didn’t open her eyes. I carried on, licking her and tasting her. I eased an index finger inside her and concentrated my tongues efforts on her clip. She was beginning to move her hips and she moaned louder. When I put more tongue pressure on her clip and reached for her G spot and she went off again, pulling me into her. She quivered a bit, then relaxed.

I just looked at her, memorizing every inch of her body. There have been times when I’ve heard men describe the pussy as ugly. That was always a mystery to me. I have always been fascinated by the look of pussy. And especially by Renee’s pussy. It is beautiful.

Finally, she opened her eyes and caught me looking intently at her vagina.


It’s a game we play. One of us will catch the other looking intently at something. Or nothing. Maybe simply staring off into space. When the other says “Thoughts!”, the other is supposed to give an honest answer.

“Renee, I think you have the most beautiful pussy. But surely I’ve told you that before.”

“I believe you have, David. Come here.”

I laid over her and she hugged me. I made sure she could feel my cage on her belly.

“Hmmm. Play your cards right and that cage may come off later. S-l-a-v-e.”

“Mistress, you know you turn me on when you drag out the word slave. Not that I wasn’t already turned on.”

“And the thought of a session with you on the patio had me revved up all afternoon.”

“I hope it was worth the wait.”

“Oh, yeah,” she whispered.

We looked in each other’s eyes and I stroked her cheek. After a bit I asked if she was hungry.

“Yes. Breakfast is all I’ve had.”

“The ribs should be ready. Do you want to eat out here?”

“That sounds good.”

“I’ll get it ready.”

We ate on the patio, ribs, baked beans, and a cold pasta salad. I cleaned the dishes while she sipped wine. When I was done she wanted to know if I wanted to see a movie.

“Sure, what is it?”

That mischievous grin. “It’s us. My placement of the cameras left a little to be desired, but it’s OK. Let’s watch it. Later, I think we can do better.”

O boy, she turned my crank. I had healed easily after the last session, of course, I had been a bit sore. But my memory of the evening was pain deftly applied by a beautiful woman who played me into a world that I had no experience with. This may seem hard to believe. But she led me to a hugely, very intense orgasm that buckled my knees. I remember hanging by my wrists while Renee fed me my cum. Good grief! I was straining in my cage. And Renee took note.

“Come here, slave.”

She was wearing my key on a necklace and she quickly removed my cage. What a relief! She smiled at me and told me to take a quick shower, and don’t dare jerk off. I obeyed, and I was a bit embarrassed when I came back with a huge boss. She had me fill her wine glass again and start the video.

Seeing that video did nothing to ease my excitement. Renee always looks so in charge, in control. Watching a recording of her whipping me left me a wreck. She took her time, which added so much to the sexual tension. Every time she said she was going to hit me harder, and then did, turned me on more. And at the end, when I asked her to give me more lashes, I had almost forgotten about. But she did. Harder. And at the Very end when she made me cum. Oh, boy. Seeing myself collapse with my orgasm had me painfully erect. And then watching her feed me my cum.

I could see what she meant about the camera placement. But mostly the problem was that there were times when a close-up shot would have been nice. A few close-ups of Renee would have added a lot to it.

When the video was over and I turned to look at her, she was already looking at me. Smiling.

“Tell me what’s on your mind, David.”

“I wish you would take me to the dungeon and whip me again, cousin.”

“I’m glad you feel that way. “

That grin again. I loved that grin.

“We can make a superior film by having a cameraman recording the scene, two would be better. Jan and Angie have seen this video. They want to film the next one. It’ll be a much more professional product. Are you game?”

“Oh, boy. Really? No, never mind, you’re serious. Oh, golly.” She sat there calmly, probably knowing that she didn’t need to say a word. “Renee, you know I’ll do anything for you. Except suck a cock. No cocks. If you want Jan and Angie to film it, I’m game.”

“What a wonderful slave.”

Her cell phone chimed and she checked her text message.

“They’re getting ready to leave Springfield now.” She texted back.

“Get on your knees.”

She stepped into the house and returned with handscuffs and a chain and lock. She cuffed my hands behind my back, then put the chain around my neck and locked it.

“I’m going to freshen up. Prepare yourself, darling. I’ve planned a rough eveningfor you.”

She grabbed my hair and pulled my head back and thrust her tongue in my mouth a moment.

“It’s going to be fun.” She squeezed my balls and was gone.

Being naked in front of Jan and Angie was no problem. Renee had taken me to parties that were clothed female/nude male several times. And I still recalled my first month with Renee when they had to take photos of me to send to Renee, showing my tan’s progression. And I had to lick their feet. That was a memorable evening. And we had just spent a week with them at Hippie Hollow. Being filmed taking a whipping seemed different somehow. Well, no questions, Jones. Just submit.

Renee was back shortly, and she was dressed, kind of. She had on sheer black stay-up stockings, a black thong and black high heels, with a corset that enhanced her chest. She had a bit of make-up on, light blue eye shadow. Oh, man, what a sight! I began getting an erection.

“Come on, slave. No time for that, we have to go.”

“Are Bill and Harold going to be here? Mistress?”

“Are you concerned for my modesty, slave?”

“Uh, just confused, I guess. We’ve never been to an, uh, you know, an event where you were dressed so, uh, damn! You do look good!”

“Well, thank you, cousin. And, yes, Bill and Harold will be here, but they won’t be able to see anything. But They’ll be able to hear you scream.”

That mischievous grin. Wow…

“Actually, they are here to film me whipping you. But, if I know Jan and Angie, seeing me work you over will get them in the mood to work their husbands over. Seeing a man being whipped is a powerful thing. It truly is erotic. And if your slave is tied up in the corner, well, I think Jan and Angie will want to wild a whip themselves. And that’s fine.” She laughed then.

“Harold is a real shriek. I love watching Jan work him over.” That grin again. “Aren’t I bad?”

“Uh, oh, wow….No. You’re wonderful.”

We had covered the short distance to the dungeon. Jan and Angie had commanded Bill’s Suburban for this project. The large garage door was open and Renee carefully looked in before stepping through it. Jan had already set-up cameras and Bill and Harold were standing there nude, with their wrists in leather cuffs secured to overhead chains with black leather masks that prevented them from seeing anything. Angie was zipping Bill’s closed when we looked in.

“No, you won’t be able to see anything, Bill. But if you listen, you’ll soon be able to hear David screaming for mercy.” She reached down and squeezed his balls hard enough to cause his knees to buckle. “And watching Renee work David over will probably get my juices flowing. You will probably get a turn.”

She released him and turned around.

“Aahhh! The honeymoon couple! Hey, David! are you ready for a serious trimming?”

“Yes, Miss.” Here we go. Jan took the handscuffs off me. They put leather cuffs on my wrists and secured them to a chain over my head, the cuffs went on my ankles and they pulled my feet wider and secured them to the rings in the floor. Anyone would have become aroused with two beautiful babes tying you up. Angie pinched my scrotum.

“Steady, tiger.” She pinched me hard enough that my knees buckled.

“Sorry, Miss.” She laughed as she let go.

Jan slapped me on the backside. “This is going to be so much fun, David. And we’ll be sure to get plenty of footage of Renee as she works you over.” My hard-on was returning.

“Look at this masochist, Renee!” She was returning with a paddle stick and a bull whip.”

“Yes, isn’t it wonderful! A slave that enjoys a proper whipping.” Jan and Angie lined up the cameras on tripods and picked up hand-held ones. Renee slowly walked around me, then stopped in front of me and lightly tapped my balls with the paddle. I was distracted by Jan and Angie as they began filming. Renee slapped me on the left nut hard enough to make me gasp.

“Pay no heed to them, slave. Look at me. Once in a while, when one comes in for a close-up, you can make eye contact with the lens. Otherwise, concentrated on me and be my willing victim.”

“Yes, Mistress.” A few harder taps on my balls, then she slowly stepped around me, slapping me with the paddle stick. On my legs, strtomach, my ass and back. There was pain, but I had an aching erection. I tried to keep eye contact with Renee. Oh, gosh, she was beautiful.

“We’ll get you a bit red on the shoulders, ass, and legs before the whipping starts.” She grabbed my balls from the rear and squeezed. She got next to my right ear and stuck her very wet tongue in. “And you are really going to bleed this evening.”

The paddle stick came down on my ass, really hard. Again, and again. Then she walked around me, clearly enjoying herself. She whipped my front, my legs, stomach, and chest. A few harder slapses on my balls. I watched her, mesmerized, and groaning with most of her blows. I could feel the heat from the beating.

“Remember, all of us get turned on when a victim cries out.”

She stepped behind me and began using the paddle stick on my back. I felt the heat rise as she struck me. And I did cry out with most of her blows. Jan and Angie were busy, but I paid no mind to them. Wow. I was really enjoying this. Again. Her total control over the scene. The paddle stick came down harder and I was crying out with each blow.

She stopped and stepped in front of me. Lightly paddling my balls. I was so hard.

“Enjoying yourself, slave? That’s an impressive erection.”

“Yes, Mistress. Uh, you do that for me.” I was a bit embarrassed because Jan had knelt down to get a close-up of it. Well, submit Jones. You gave up your modesty a long time ago.

“I am so glad I have that effect on you.” She hit me hard on the balls causing my knees to buckle. “Let’s step up our scene, OK? I’ve been using this whip during my lunch hour. You did so well with the whip stick last time, you’ll probably like this even better. Uumm?”

She snapped it a couple of times.

“You know I trust you, Mistress. Let’s do it.” She took my balls in hand.

“OK, Now, remember, you don’t have to prove anything to me. Stop is your safeword. If I hit you too hard, just say stop, and the session is over. Understood?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

She released me and stepped behind me, and off to the side. The whip popped a couple of times. Then it hit me on the back and wrapped around my right side. My first lash. It was actually fairly easy. I didn’t make a sound. The next two were a bit harder, but still managed. But each lash was harder. And harder. The sixth one made me say “Oww!” Renee hit her groove after that. Each lash Afterward made me cry out. My hard-on disappeared. With the tenth one, Renee walked around me.

“Tell me what you think, slave.”

“I love you.”

Renee, Jan, and Angie all laughed at that. Renee put her hand on my chest.

“I love you too, David. But how’s the pain?”

She was looking me in the eye with her hand on my chest. And damn! She looked good. I was becoming aroused again.

“It is fine, Renee.”

“So, I see. What a stud. You are enjoying this. I’m so glad. OK. Let’s put ten on your left side.”

Ten quick lashes, and I cried out with each one. She stepped in front of me again and cared my balls. My erection had disappeared, but it came back quick.

“Still OK, slave?”

“I’m fine. Are you turned on?”

“Oh, yeah. I’m very wet. Thank you.”

She stepped behind me again. Ten lashes on my right side, ten on my left. And I cried out with each lash. The pain was wonderful. She grabbed my balls again and told me I had nothing to prove to her. And I got excited again.

“Forty lashes, slave. And that insistent hard-on returns. That really gets my motor running.” She got right in my face. “Let’s see what twenty real hard ones do for you.”

“I’m game.”

A hard squeezeand she was gone. I made a point of looking at Jan and Angie’s lenses, hopefully looking like a willing victim. The first lash fall and Jan caught a portrait of my profile only, and you could tell I was in pain. Truly exhaustive pain. Later, Jan would make a fourteen by twenty inch print of that scene and give it to Renee. My eyes were closed and my mouth was open enough to show my teeth. Renee had me hang that photo in her bedroom. Every time I see that portrait, I get aroused again.


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