Spring Cleaning

Sandra passed a small colony of dust bunnies as she went to get some water. They weren’t exactly an unusual sight in this household and Sandra had long since made peace with the fact that her home would never be as sparkling clean as her parent’s had been. But even so she couldn’t help notice that she’d see these particular dust bunnies several times before. To the point that she might know them better than some of her relatives.

She turned to Jessie who was lying on the couch, her Switch in hand. Of course this was a perfectly good way to spend a lazy Sunday, but Sandra felt like the situation warranted at least a small comment. “Not to be mean or anything, but wasn’t your New Year’s resolution that you’d do a bit more of the house work?”

“Yeah.” Jessie paused her game and looked up at her. “And I did. Like, I took care of the dishwasher a lot.”

Sandra shot a glance in the direction of the kitchen. While it was true that the dirty dishes weren’t as much of a disaster as they’d already been at times, her parents would still get a heart attack just from looking at the mess. There might have been something like an improvement right after New Year’s, but with the end of January fast approaching it was hard to see much of a difference in Jessie’s contributions compared to what she’d been doing last year.

“I’ll do it again,” Jessie said. “Today. But, like, later. Kinda in the middle of something.”

Sandra surprised. She didn’t want to be a bitch about this, but she had to speak up before the growing frustration inside her could fester and become resentment. Yes, technically they both contributed equally financially and it wasn’t Jessie’s fault that she was between jobs at the moment and lived on her parent’s generation, but that still means that she could do pretty much whatever most of the time while Sandra had to get up and leave for work every day.

“Sorry if I sound grumpy, but back when you said that, I thought we’d finally get theplace to a state where we don’t have to do an emergency cleaning every time we invite someone. And I know I’m not the most diligent person either, but I just don’t have much energy left when I come home from work and you, well…”

“I know.” Jessie sat up and put her console aside. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out that way. I promise, I’ll get some stuff done today. In my defense, Though, you haven’t lived up to your resolution either.”

Sandra flinched. “We’ve played around with the crop, haven’t we?”

When Jessie answered she had that smile on her lips. Sandra could never quite decide whether it was sexy or annoying. “We did. I’d say that’s pretty much the same as me doing the dishwasher once when the whole house needs a cleaning.”

Sandra wanted to argue, but know that she had no ground to stand on here. So far not much had come of her promise that she’d be more dominant in the bedroom. And it wasn’t like she didn’t want to! Sandra loved Jessie and the thought of getter to order her around in a sexy way was really hot. However, her fans didn’t hold a candle to all the hardcore masochistic stuff Jessie had done with her previous lovers. Many of which Sandra had no interest in trying out herself. So even if she would live her fans as a domme out to the fullest, it wouldn’t amount to anything but a letdown for Jessie.

“You know that I don’t like hurting you,” she mumbled.

“And I told you that you that you don’t have to. Being dominant isn’t just about hurting people. Hell, some of my most intense sessions didn’t include any pain at all.”

Sandra bit her lip. There it was again: A reminder that Jessie’s past included lots of experiences that were far more exiting than anything Sandra had ever dared. Jessie must’ve noticed, Because she shifted gears immediately.

“Look, I wouldn’t be so independent if I didn’t know that being on top is something you’d really enjoy. Like, you showed some glimpses of what you want to do,but you’re always holding back, like you’re ashamed or something. But there’s no need for that. I’d love to see what it’s like when you go all out with what you want to do with me!”

Sandra stroked her fingers over Jessie’s cheats and smiled when her girlfriend turned around to kiss her hand. It was hard to resist Jessie when she was this eager to be encouraging. “I’ll give it a shot,” Sandra promised. “But I’m afraid my version of ‘all out’ is more like ‘one tiny step out of the door’ compared to what you’re used to.”

Jessie furrowed her eyesbrows. “Is that what it’s about? You comparing yourself with the other people I’ve been with?” Sandra’s eyes failing to meet hers was all the answer Jessie needed. “Well, newsflash: I’m not with them anymore. I’m with you. Because I love you. And I won’t stand for you talking yourself down!”

“I love you, too.” Sandra managed to look her girlfriend in the face again. For a moment she let herself get lost in Jessie’s big, expressiveeyes, feel the familiar tingle as she glanced at her glistening lips that felt so good whenever and where ever they touched her body.

They’d been together for a good three months now and Sandra still sometimes found it hard to pay attention to what Jessie was saying because she was so transfixed looking at these lips move. Half a year ago the thought that someone as hot as Jessie wanted to be her girlfriend would’ve gotten nothing but a self-deprecating laugh out of Sandra. “And because I love you I don’t want you to miss out on anything.”

Jessie kissed Sandra’s hand again, but this time she smelled in a cheese bit of tongue. “Aww, that’s so sweet of you. But really, I don’t want anything but for you to do whatever’s the most fun to you.” For a moment her face became thoughtful, then that excited sparkle returned to her eyes as she stood up. She ended up standing so close to Sandra that their noses almost touched, but when Sandra tried to take a step back to give her some space, Jessie took both of her hands and held her close. “How about we both give our resolution a shot? Like, right now?”

For a moment Sandra was utterly stunned, both by Jessie’s excitement and the sudden shift in direction. She wanted to say something more sexy, or at least more interesting, than “Wait, what?”, but that was the only thing her brain could come up with.

“Well, let me paint you a picture: There once was a lazy maid who was always slacking off. That is, until her Mistress finally has enough. So as a punishment she takes away her clothes and puts her in chains.” As Jessie was talking, she slowly moved in even more closely, until her lips almost brushed over Sandra’s with each word. The mischievous glimmer in her eyes was proof enough that she knew perfectly well what effect this had on her girlfriend. “But that didn’t make the floors any cleaner, of course. So the Mistress put the maid to work, just the way she was: Naked, chained, and under constant supervisoryn of her Mistress, who is very annoyed with her and wants to make sure she learns her lesson.”

Sandra shivered. Once more she would’ve liked to contribute more than just a “Wow,” but she was completely overwhelmed with how hot this scenario sounded. Whether it would be as hot when made a reality was a different question, of course. “But are you sure that’s fun for you? In the end, you’ll still be cleaning.”

In Sandra’s experience it was dangerous to try and improve a bad thing by adding some unrelated good thing. Like this advice to use your favorite song as an alarm. In theory it was supposed to make getting up easier because you start the day with something you like. In practice it just makes you hate your favorite song. And while Sandra would’ve loved to have a cleaner flat, she didn’t Want to risk some awkwardly failed role play to put a damper on their sex life.

Jessie didn’t seem all too worried about this. “Then you’ll just have to make sure to keep it interestinging for me,” she said before dashing of to the bedroom. “Get some water and a brush ready while I get dressed!”

Well, seemed like there was only on way to go and that was forwards. And it wasn’t like Sandra wasn’t exited for what was to come. Especially when she prepared the brush and a bucket of water and heard the clanging noises from the bedroom. By the sound of it Jessie was taking the chained-up part very seriously. While Sandra had marveled at her girlfriends’ chain collection and fantasized about it often enough, she’d never actually had Jessie put them on, mostly because she hadn’t known how to follow it up. It just seemed wrong to use such hardcore bondage for some light-hearted tickling and teasing.

Sandra’s doubts got shoved aside when Jessie returned and her appearance forced every other Thought out of Sandra’s mind. She was crawling on all fours, stark naked except for a heavy steel collar and ankle cuffs. A chain connected her neck with her feet, rattling as it dragged over the floor with each step. She carried a leather crop between her teeth. That was, until she dropped it on the floor in front of Sandra with a “Your maid awaits further commands, Mistress.”

For a moment Sandra was too stunned to say anything. Jessie looked up at her with big eyes, the lifting of her neck almost enough to pull the chain taut. Sandra’s stomach fluttered as she realized that Jessie had Deliberately made the chain too short. With only this much distance allowed between her neck and her ankles it was physically impossible for her to stand up, forcing her to crawl. Her bondage gave her just enough freedom to move throughout the room and use her hands to work, but only in this incredibly inconvenient and humiliating way. Sandra had known that Jessie was an ace of a sub, but knowing it and seeing it in action were two entirely different matters. “Fuck, you’re hot,” she mumbled.

“Thank you so much, Mistress. I’m happy to hear that my body pleases you.Please feel free to make use of it in any way you desire.” Jessie’s submissive words stood in stark contrast to her delivery. She kept smiling the whole time, sounding almost sarcastic. She might be the one on her knees wearing chains, but it was unmistakable which one of them was in charge of the situation.

Sandra picked up the crop, more to give herself some time to process the situation than because she actually intended to use it. During their previous play session she’d confirmed that she wasn’t comfortable hurting Jessie, no matter how much Jessie insisted that she liked it. Back then she’d been ready to make peace with the fact that being a domme wasn’t for her and she’d just try and act the part from time to time for her girlfriend’s sake. However, she’d be lying if she said that seeing Jessie this helpless before her didn’t strir Something inside of her. “So, you’re mine now? And I can make you do whatever I want?”

“Whatever you want. Everything about me is yours to play with.” Jessie slowly dragged the tip of her tongue along her upper lip while she used her right hand to lift her breast. She let out a playful moan as she trapped her nipple between her fingers.

Sandra’s breath caught. How could she resist an offer like that? Within a minute Jessie had utterly ensnared her. She wanted nothing more than to ride on these sweet lips, make Jessie take care of her arousal. And now that Sandra was in command, there was nothing stopping her from making this fantasy in reality. She’d almost said the word when an intrusive thought from the back of her mind brought her back to reality. “Wait a minute, are you seducing me so we’ll have sex instead of cleaning?”

“Me, using my charm to get out of my responsibility? Oh, I’d never, Mistress!” Every single one of Jessie’s words dripped with sarcasm.

“Don’t be smart with me and get working!” Sandra raised the crop in an attempt to show off her authority. Predictably her show didn’t have the desired impact with its audience.

“Aww~ But Mistress~ I don’t wannaaa~” Jessie’s eyes followed the crop as she brought out her most petulant voice. She was fishing for punishment with the tenacity of an entire whaling fleet.

Sandra hesitated. Her role demanded that she put Jessie in her place. Scratch that. She wanted to put her in her place. But while Jessie was all but begging for a good thrashing, Sandra still wasn’t thrilled about hitting her girlfriend. And wouldn’t that completely miss the point anyway? Jessie clearly wanted to feel the crop and she tried to achieve this by acting up. Giving her what she wanted would only reward her bad behavior. No, if Sandra wanted to get in control, she had to do it her own way.

Jessie must’ve taken her hesitation to mean that Sandra was afraid to follow through with the role play. She turned turned around on all fours and lowered her chest to the floor, making her raised backside as inviting a target as possible. “Do you havea problem with my behavior Mistress? Maybe you should do something about it.”

Acting on a whim, Sandra picked up the bucket and poured a good part of its content down Jessie’s back.

Jessie’s shreak wasn’t an act. Usually one would use warm water for cleaning, but right now Sandra was glad that she’d been too distracted to change the default setting of the tap, i.e. ice cold.

“I told you not to be smart with me! Now get working already, you useless maid!”

Sandra’s heart thumbed as she awaited Jessie’s reaction. It had felt good to act like a bitch for once. Really good, almost scarily so. But not as scary as the question if her girlfriend would take kindly to this stunt.

Jessie shook herself to get the worst of the cold water off her, her chains clanging loudly in the process. She looked back at Sandra and for a moment she clearly wasn’t sure how to proceed as well. After that brief pause, though, she lowered her head. “Yes, Mistress. I’m sorry for actingup,” she said in her most sincere voice as she picked up the brush and started scrubbing the floor.

Sandra’s heart kept pounding, but now it was from the pure adrenaline rushing through her. She’d actually gotten her naked, chained up, dripping wet girlfriend to do her bidding. Why had nobody told her that bossing people around felt this good? They should’ve done this much earlier.

“Don’t forget that spot here!” Toying with her newly found sense of authority, Sandra used her toes to point at a dark stain on the floor. The remainder from when Jessie had spilled her juice some weeks ago and only hastily wiped it up with some tissues.

“Yes, Mistress! Immediately, Mistress!” Jessie crawled over there, but not before briefly touching Sandra’s foot with her lips.

Sandra gnawed on her knuckles in an attempt to calm herself. Jessie was far too good in her role as the sexy submissive maid. It was hard for Sandra to restrain herself and not take the game into naughtier territories. On second thought, though, what was stopping her? After all, taking advantage of her maid while she was working was very much in character for her role.

The long dried-in juice stain posed a formidable challenge for Jessie. She scrubbed over it again and again, only making the tiniest progress. A nice side effect of this was that she’d once again bent down, her ass and crotch moving radically back and forth. It would be a crime not to abuse her vulnerable position for some sexy mischief.

Sandra croouched down. Slowly and silently, as to not give herself away too early, she extended a finger.

“Ha?” Jessie paused when her crotch suddenly made contact. “What are you doing, Mistress?”

“That’s none of your concern.” Sandra idly stroked Jessie’s pussy lips a few times Before pointing her index finger right at her entrance. “You better keep working, or I’ll forget that I wanted to be nice to you.”

“Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress!” Jessie returnedto scrubbing the spot. Now that she was effectively fucking herself while cleaning, she showed lot more vigor. Already she was slick enough that Sandra’s finger was sliding into her without much resistance.

“Could it be that you like this?” Sandra introduced a second finger. Two fingers might not sound like much, but with all the movement going on they already amounted to a lot of friction, as evidenced by Jessie’s cute little gasps. “You’re one dirty girl, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Jessie enthusiastically agreed as she kept impaling herself on Sandra’s fingers. “I can’t help myself, Mistress. I’m a dirty girl who needs to be shown her place.”

“Yes, you are. My pretty little…” Sandra hesitated for a moment. She knew exactly what she wanted to say, but how would Jessie react to something this crass? Then again, with Jessie playing up her role this much, there should be nothing to be afraid of. Sandra swallowed her doubts and went for it. “My pretty little slut.”

How glad she was that in her current position, Jessie couldn’t see her face. It was embarrassing how much she was blushing just from saying that word.

“Yes, I’m a filter slut, Mistress! Please treat me like one!”

Dispite wearing only a thin dress, Sandra was close to breaking out a sweat. Words had power and she was just learning how invigorating this power could be. Sandra had never engaged much with dirty talk, but not for a lack of interest. She’d always worried that she’d get carried away and go too far. To say something that sounded sexy in her head, only to lead to an awkward star and a “What the fuck did you just say?” in response.

But right here, right now, that fear was unfounded. Jessie clearly was more than ready to take any verbal abuse Sandra wanted to hurl at her. It was tempting to just take her right there on the floor, fuck her to one climax after the other, all the while taunting her for how much she was enjoying it.


Sandra pulled her fingers back and admired how well Jessie had lubed them up. When she spread them, they stayed connected by glistening, sticky strands.

“What’s the matter, Mistress?” It took a couple of empty thrusts before it sank in for Jessie that her privilege of getting to fuck herself had been revoked. The disappointment was dripping from every word she said.

“The matter is that you’re only thinking with your c-cunt when you should be working!” Except for that little stumble Sandra was proud of how aggressively dominant she sounded. She offhandedly wiped her fingers on Jessie’s backside. “What do you take me for? Your personal dildo?”

“Of course not, Mistress,” Jessie answered, caution in her voice.

“And what do you think you’re here for? To have some fun at my expense?”

“No, Mistress. I’m here to serve you, Mistress!”

Sandra couldn’t stop herself from grinning. Jessie was all but shaking with anticipation, unsure what her girlfriend was going to say or do next. Seeing the effect she had on Jessie was even hotter than it had been to fuck her. It was proof that Sandra had finally managed to take total control of the scene.

“Then why are you humping my fingers like a bitch in heat when you’ve finished that stain minutes ago?”

“I…” Jessie hesitated for a moment. The biggest shit-eating grin grew on her face as she decided on her course of action. “I just acted according to my nature, Mistress. You know how much of a slut I am, Mistress. If you encourage me like that, you really have no one to blow but yourself. Mistress.”

“Someone’s getting smart with me again.”

“Really? Who would that be, Mistress?”

Sandra walked around Jessie and croouched down in front of her, meeting her smile head-on. Jessie’s bratiness had awakened something inside of her. It felt somewhat like the afterglow of some really good sex, only instead of relaxing it was invigorating. Her whole body seemed charged with lightning. Sandra couldn’t wait to crush Jessie’s rebellious streak, make her regret having ever challenging her authority.

As she considered her next steps, there were two things she was absolutely sure of: That being a dom really was everything people had hypered it up to be, and that she wasn’t going to use the crop on Jessie, no matter how hard she begged for it. Especially not if she begged for it. For a pain-slut like Her, denying her the punishment she craved was already a punishment in itself. But of course that didn’t mean that Jessie would get away without some more proactive corrections as well.


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