Spotlights Ch. 08

Chapter 8: Post-match analysis

Author’s note:

This story is complete fantasy. Any resemblance to people, living or dead, companies or inventions is purely accidental.

The story will make more sense if chapters 1 to 7 are read first.


At five minutes past five on Sunday, Peter and Jenny were sitting comfortably in the living room of David and Samantha, holding drinks and enjoying the last daylight view of the garden through the picture window. Logs crackled merrily in an open fireplace. The room had an antique card-table, large bookshelves over-flowing with books, four Norwich school paintings and no television set.

They sipped their drinks silently. No one know how to mention yesterday’s session; but talking about the weather or the news seemed inappropriate. Even David at his most affordable could not command more than a few minutes’ conversation. It took the forthright Jenny to overcome the general reticence and get on to the topic they both feared and desired. She did so with a frontal assault:

“How are your bruises today, Sam?” Jenny asked.

“They are still quite tender, Jenny, but healing nicely, thank you. I’ll show them to you later, if you want.”

“Oh, I do want, very much.”

As he had been her temporary Master, Peter would not apologise to Samantha for a deserved punishment but he was generally sorry that Samantha was still in pain. He said so.

“Thank you, Peter, but this was not the worst whipping I’ve had.”

“What was the worst, Sam?” Jenny asked eagerly.

“It was when David punished me for getting a tattoo. Will you tell Jenny and Peter the story, David?”

“Yes, please,” said Jenny, on the edge of her seat.

“Well,” said David, “it happened about ten years ago. I have always forbidden Sam to get any tattoos, piercing or other mutilations.”

“You dislike them? So does Peter.”

“My reason is that God and Mendel’s laws have combined to make Sam perfect, so any alteration would only diminish her.”

“I agree,” Jenny gushed: “Sam’s absolutely gorgeous.”

“Sam is one of the true beauty of our sadly plastic generation,” into Peter, rather more earnestly than he intended; but David was delighted with the compliment, which Samantha acknowledged with a small bow of her elegant head. David continued:

“So, you can imagine how I felt when Sam came home one day from a shopping trip with marks on her back. I could see them in the gap between her tee-shirt and her jeans. I ordered her to lift her shirt. She had the words “Property of David Harding” written in an oval in the small of her back, decorated by a pair of handcuffs and a whip. It was beautifully done but I had expressly forbidden it, so I ordered her to our punishment horse.”

“Your what?” Jenny asked.

“It’s like a carpenter’s saw-horse but with a padded leather top and metal eyes for strraps. I bent Sam over the horse and strapped in her anklesand wrists, then I began walloping her backside. When her bottom had gone red, I stuffed a gag in her mouth to stop her shrinks alerting the whole street; then I whacked her bum with a cane until it was purple all over.”

“Besides screaming her head off and almost breaking the straps with her struggles, Sam was also smoking and after about half an hour or so, I noticed rivulets of black sweat on her back. I ran a finger over her tattoo and the ink came off.”

“It was done in marker pen by an artist-friend of Sam’s. She wanted to tease me.”

“Then you untied her and you two made password love for hours,” predicted Jennifer Mordant, hopeless romantic.

“Not a bit of it, Jenny,” Samantha corrected: “He whipped me even worse for giving him such a scare.”

But Samantha also smiled at the memory. After whipping her for an hour, David had fucked her and left her tied up, returning to fuck her again and again throughout the night. (At least, she assumed it was David.) It was her worst ever punishment and one of her best ever nights of sex.

“Well,” said Jenny, “I was amazed at the beating you took last night, Sam. I think you were wonderful. Even more so because Peter said you let him win.”

Sam pondered a moment, then said:

“It is all the better, Jenny, that the future CEO of Culpepper Electronics should be someone so perceptive as Peter.”

“So it’s true, Sam!” Jenny exclaimed and turned to David to ask: “Did you also go easy on me, David?”

“Not at all, Jenny,” David answered. “You beat me fair and square.”

“Hmm” said Jenny, expressing her suspicions. “Anyway, we now have another reason to say that Sam made the right decision: Peter has solved the technical problem of Lumenite. His device to transmit a communications signal over mains current will be a Culpepper product worth investing in.”

“I look forward to seeing it in action,” said Samantha, with real interest.

“I am overjoyed to hear it,” said David. “And how’s your bottom, Jenny?”

“Very much improved, thanks, David,” she answered, bouncing on her seat in proof.

This was the perfect cue for Samantha to invite Jenny upstairs to show off her bruises.

“Actually, I have some to show you, Sam,” Jenny said as she skipped after her hostess, proud of the evidence of that morning’s punishment in the very moment that she was forgetting to abide by its lesson.

After their wives had left them and the men sat back down, David said to Peter:

“Perhaps I can guess what you are thinking, Peter. You think it is curious that Samantha wants to show Jenny her marks in private when both women were naked and tied up in front of us when they are inflicted.”

“Yes, I was thinking that, though I also think I know why. Absurd though it seems under the circumstances, Samantha has a sense of modesty.”

“It’s not completely absurd: it’s a way of being respectable.”

“But aren’t ‘respectable people’ merely peoplewith dirty minds?”

“Ah, you read Samuel Butler, Peter. Few do nowadays. That’s another reason for me to like you.”

“Butler was talking about the Victorians, of course,” David continued, “and we are properly enlightened and liberal now. … All right, Peter, you know I’m joking, though we are more liberal in some matters than the Victorians were. My point is that we can never escape respectability in ourselves if we are to show proper respect to other people. Even within the ‘lifestyle’ that Samantha and I have pursued for some time, there are rules of respectability or decorum. It is not really ‘everything goes’.”

“For example?” Peter asked.

“The costumes, the masks, the titles or rules for addressing people depending on their status, the whole ritualised play-acting, even by people who practice the lifestyle full-time. It’s very significant, don’t you think, that even in private groups where they are supposed not to be ashamed of whom they are, some people stillpretend to be someone else? Similarly, look how difficult it was to get us four to talk about what we did together in complete privacy as consenting adults yesterday. We cannot escape having rules of decency and modesty.”

“So if Sam’s tattoo had been real, David, would you have prevented her showing it off in public?”

“Yes, though in theory I would not be ashamed publicly to acknowledge Sam as my submissive; nor would she be ashamed publicly to admit me as her dominant, regardless what effect the notoriety would have on our careers.”

“I understand. Jenny once bought herself a slave collar but I would not let her wear it in public. I said it was because our relationship is private. Is that your reason, too?”

“Yes and for an even stronger reason: we have no right to offend or shock other people. The idea that others can be shocked into practice toleration by ‘in your face’ exhibitionism is a sadly popular and very damaging shiboleth of our contemporary culture. Whole tribes have died from culture-shock; why do we imagine that hidebound, elderly or over-sensitive members of our own society should be immune?”

“I had not thought of that,” Peter agreed.

“The toleration I demand for what Sam and I do in private compels me to tolerate the sensitivity of other people. This is how the idea of ​​having to be respectable in order to show respect operates in practice. Some advocates of toleration can be very intolerant themselves. People who ‘out’ homosexuals, for example. Some in my lifestyle do not fully appreciate this principle.”

“What do they do?” asked Peter.

“You may have heard the expression ‘vanilla’ used disparagingly of those in mainstream relationships. This is one way we kinky people might look down on people different from ourselves.”

“I see there is a paradox of toleration,” Peter observed “where tolerance does not enlarge but merely shifts its targets.”

“Nicely put, Peter.”

“How does this applyto our case, David?”

“I want you to understand that I am tolerant of people who utterly despise what Sam and I do. Perhaps they misunderstand the role of punishment in our lifestyle, or they are generally disgusted by our practices; yet I neither resent them. I do not think that, because they are ‘vanilla’, or ‘squares’, or ‘conservative’ that they should be shaken out of their happy little ruts.”

“So,” David concluded, “you can believe me when I say that my friendship with you will not be the least impaired if you tell me that yesterday’s session is never to be repeated, that the lifestyle Sam and I pursuit does not suit you. I believe we can be perfectly normal friends regardless of what happened last night, which we can agree to forget if you want. A dinner party with us will not always end in a bondage orgy.”

“Thank you, David. You have made it very easy for me to tell you about a decision I have made. I will not lend Jenny again to another man. You realize she had a wonderful time with you, so my decision does not reflect on you in any way. In fact, she had too good a time.”

“I understand and I respect your decision completely, Peter. It will be good to be ordinary friends with you both.”

“I think so, too.”

“Good, that’s settled,” David said, clapping his hands. “Let’s go to my study and I’ll show you my Samuel Butlers.”

Some time later, in David’s book lined-study, the men sat in high-backed leather chairs, with a stack of books on the table. Peter had so far admired about twenty books, including first editions of ‘Erewhon’, ‘The Way of All Flesh’ and ‘The Authors of the Odyssey’. Now he held David’s pride and joy in his hands, a 1791 first volume of Disraeli’s ‘Curiosities of Literature’. A true bibliophile, Peter occasionally sniffed the books as he turned their pages.

David looked at the mantle-piece clock and said:

“It’s 7:30 already, Peter, so whatever plans we may have had for dinner must be discarded. I will order a takeaway. Are you hungry?”

“Famished; but we didn’t expect to stay for dinner.”

“We invited you for 5pm hoping that you would stay for dinner but we were not sure that you would. Do you like Indian food?”

“It’s very kind of you: I’d like to stay and I will answer for Jenny. We both love Indian food.”

“Then I’ll just let the girls know what I am planning. Back in a minute.”

The ‘girls’ had gone upstairs at 6pm. David thought that an hour and a half was more than long enough for Jenny to see Samantha’s bruises. Assuming they were innocently chatting, David simply opened the bedroom door. He immediately backed out of the room again, saying “Oops! Sorry, Sir. Wrong room” in his best imitation of a discreet butler.

David heard Jenny giggling as he retired. Standing outside, he knocked and spoke through the closed door:

“Jenny, Samantha. Peter and I are thinking of having an Indian takeaway in about half an hour. Would you care to join us?”

“Um … yes, please, David” came Jenny’s sweet voice, speaking loudly to cover an incoherent muffled noise from Samantha. “Sam and I will be down soon, thanks.”

As he returned along the corridor, David thought he heard a familiar urgent wail from Samantha.

Back in his study, David said:

“Dinner is agreed on for eight o’clock.”

“Excellent. Thanks. Are the girls having a good time?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Er, … apropos of nothing at all, Peter: Do you have any rules for Jenny regarding sex with other women?”

“The question has never arisen, David. Are you going to tell me that your Sam is upstairs fucking my Jenny?”

“Nothing like that at all, Peter.”

“I’m relieved to hear it.”

“No, your Jenny is upstairs fucking my Sam.”

Peter turned to rush to the bedroom but David’s hand on his shoulder restrained him.

“Peter, will you take the advice of an older head?”

“I will listen.”

“I assume you intend to take Jenny home and punishment her. But for what, precisely, is she to be punished if you have no rule about her going with other women?”

“We have a general rule that she does not do things that displease me.”

“But you said the question has never arisen. I presume Jenny has never wanted to go with another woman; so how was she to know that it is forbidden?”

“You have missed Your calling, David: you should have been a lawyer.” David swallowed the insult cheerfully. “Jenny knows very well what I disappoint of; and even if she doesn’t, then I can stop her right now and forbid her from now on.”

“You can. Will you go and break up their party or do you want to think over the options first?”

“Which options, David?”

“As I see it, Peter, you have three options: you can let them play and say no more about it (unless you want to forbid Jenny in the future); or you can stop them now, rebuke Jenny and hope your friend with us survives …”

“Yes?” said Peter,”and the third option?”

“… or we can go and join them…” said David.


Imagine an alternative reality, not subject to our mundane laws of space and time.

There is a room with a Lumenite ceiling. It is dark at the moment, except for a faint blue glow on one wall. We walk over to the wall and see there is a touch-screen control panel. Three buttons show on the screen. They launch pre-set programs.

We touch button 1.

A fear spot of orange light appears on the ceiling, expands to a circle and quickly flares into a white beam, lancing the darkness to pick out a scene in front of us.

It is the study of David and Samantha’s house on that same Sunday evening. Dinner is over. The clock on the mantle-piece shows 10pm. David and Peter are Sitting in the armschairs sipping whiskies and chatting amiably. The men are at ease with one another and at peace with the world, content that their wives are again ‘comparing bruises’ upstairs.

The spotlight fades back to an orange glow and goes out. Another spotlight flares, revealing a different scene in David and Samantha’s house.

It is their bedroom. Jenny is lying back with her legs spread and Samantha is crouching in front of her, her arms handcuffed behind her back, serving Jenny with her tongue. When Samantha does not do a good enough job, or just for fun, Jenny swipes a crop over Samantha’s tigh.

“Ow, Mistress!” Samantha complains.

“Not so fast, Bitch!” Jenny orders. “Go slower. … There, that’s it, Bitch, there ……” Jenny arches her back and surrenders her senses to the oblivion of password.

The spotlight fades and the room is dark again. We touch button 2 on the panel.

A spotlight illuminates another scene in David’s house. Again it is 10pm in the study; but there is Samantha bent over the punishment horse, her wrists and ankles secured, a gag in her mouth. David is whipping her bottom furiously.

“By seducing Jenny, you may have lost us two of the best friends we have ever found,” he accuses Samantha, as she cries out in age. “If you have ruined your business deal as well, then it serves you right!” He whacks Samantha’s bottom. We hear the echo of her howls as the spotlight fades.

A new spotlight picks out Peter and Jenny’s bedroom. Now it is 11pm Sunday night. Jenny is lying in bed sobbing into her pillow, her chest heaving. The light fades. Another spotlight shows us Peter wide-awake lying on his back in their spare bedroom, his fists clenched by his side. This light also fades.

This ending is too sad for us. We try to launch program 3 but nothing happens: program 2 is not yet finished.

The first spotlight snaps on again: it is now midnight and poor Jenny has cried herself to sleep. The door opens. It is Peter. He knees by his wife and gently brushes the hair from her forehead. He kisses her. She wakes. He speaks quietly to her, he holds her gently, then more tightly. Jenny returns his embrace with all her strength. The spotlight fades.

We feel slightly better as we touch button 3.

The spotlight reveals a different bedroom in David and Samantha’s house. It is 10pm again. Jenny lies on top of Samantha in the 69 position from edge to edge on a narrow bed. The girls are tied to each other around their waists, their arms secured to their sides. We can hear sucking, licking and moaning but mostly giggling.

Now two naked men step into the spotlight. It is David and Peter. They are firmly erect. Peter steps up and pulls Samantha’s face away from Jenny’s pussy. He orders Samantha to open up and sinks his penis into her mouth. She laters his cock while moisture from Jenny’s aroused pussy drops onto Samantha’s throat.

David meanwhile lubricates his penis and Samantha’s anus.

“Are you ready Peter?” David asks.

“Yes, David, ready.”

“Well, then,” said David, “let’s begin” and he thrusts into Samantha’s small hole at the same time as Peter thrusts into Jenny’s pussy. The women gasp and moan. The men fuck their wives in unison, as Jenny tongues Samantha’s pussy and Samantha alternates between sucking at Jenny’s cliporis and licking Peter’s shake.

“So what was it you reassure me of this evening David,” Peter asks, between gasps, “about how dinner parties with you and Sam would not end?”

“A good point well made, Peter” David grunts in agreement but says no more.

The light fades for the last time and the ghostly blue glow of the panel also fades, leaving our imagination room to the silent darkness.


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