Spotlights Ch. 05

Chapter Five: A deal is struck, literally

Author’s Note:

This story is complete fantasy. Any resemblance to people, living or dead, companies or inventions is purely accidental.

Chapter 5 follows on immediately from chapter 4, in which the business deals were proposed and discussed.


“This is an excellent solution,” David said “I endorse it heartily. … Sam, you are the property of Peter this evening, or for however long it takes him to wrap an agreement out of you. You can start by standing at the end of the table and striping.”

“One moment, Sam – with your permission, David. Jenny: you first.”

“What do you mean, Peter?” Jenny asked.

“You are to strip first, Jenny. If David is lending me something so precise as his Sam, honour requires me to lend him something of equal value in return; and you are my most precise possession.”

“But you have never given me to anyone before, Peter.”

“Do youRefuse?”

“I … I don’t know. I need to think about it.”

“Well, you can think about it while you take your clothes off,” he said bluntly, adding: “Besides, don’t bedroom rules apply at the weekend?”

Jenny immediately knelt in her submissive posture. David was highly amused at the scene. Samantha looked on with interest. Jenny lifted her head, a sign asking permission to speak.

“You may speak, Jenny.”

“Master, what happens if I refuse?”

“Nothing bad, Jenny: we just go back to being two ordinary couples having a pleasant evening together; and Sam enacts her business plan exactly as she wants, Culpepper Electronics folders and I lose my job.”

“Master, it’s not fair to make me choose between your job and going with David.”

“You don’t need to choose if you obey me: I am making the choice for you, as a good Master ought.”

“But you know I have never …”

She was going to say “never had sex with anyone but you” but he cut her off, saying:

“After that speech you gave about surrender, Jenny, I should think it would be easy for you to know whether to obey or not. That is, unless you have a specific reason for not wanting to obey.”

“Master, I don’t know if you … I mean, that is, I am not sure that you …”

“Yes, Jenny?”

Jenny hung her head silently for a moment.

“Master, forgive me. You know what’s best for your slave; but please remember my sore bottom.”

“I have remembered it, Jenny. Now take off your clothes.”

Jenny did so quickly, as if striping for bed, folding her clothes nearly into a pile and kneeing back down, her mop of hair hiding crisis cheeses, her embarrassment visible in the pretty pink hue it leant to her Shoulders and chest.

“Your turn, now, Sam.” ordered David.

Samantha languidly pushed back her chair, stood up slowly and, moving her hips to an internal rhythm, sashayed her way to the end of the table. Still swaying, Samantha nonchalantly slippedout of her shoes, danced over to David, turned and croouched down, inviting him to unzip her dress.

“Look up, Jenny,” said Peter. “You should be seeing this.”

After David had unzipped Samantha’s dress, she bent over, offering her bottom to him for a pat, which he obviously delivered; then she wriggled her dress down her body and kicked it to David, who folded it on her chair.

Samantha sat on the floor to remove her stockings, sensitively running her hands down her legs and flipping the stockings at David. She next sashayed over to Peter, invited him to unclasp her well-filled black bra and, when done, offered her bottom to him for a smack. Samantha throw the bra to Peter. Then she wriggled out of her black lace panties, which Peter also received.

The naked Samantha stood posed like a Greek goddess, her right hand pretending to conceal her public hair and her left arm across her breasts, failing entirely to obscure her nipples. The whole display drew applause fromthe men and admission from Jenny.

“Jenny is right about her bottom, David, so I hope you will agree to some ground-rules.”

“Of course, Peter. I understand: Jenny’s bottom is out of bounds. Any other rules?”

“No sexual intercourse and no exchange of body fluids by any of us. We men remain clothed at all times.”

Though theoretically silent, Jenny Sighed her relief.

“Agreed” said David.

“I propose a contest,” said Peter. “Jenny used to be good at controlling her orgasms, so I suggest that I should have as much time to make Sam agree to Jenny’s plan as it takes you to make Jenny cum. What do you say?”

“An excellent idea, Peter. I see it is going to be a lot of fun knowing you.”

“Half-an-hour would normally be easy for Jenny but she is out of practice and, besides, she has been as horny as an otter all day; so I reckon I might have fifteen or twenty minutes to work on Samantha. Do you have any restrictions for me.”

“No, just some advice: she’s tougher than you might think; and I expect you already think she is pretty tough.”

“Very good,” said Peter. “Jenny, please go and fetch some straps for both you and Sam, ropes, two gags, two buzzers, the ‘magic wand’, lubricant and the long riding crop.”

Jenny rushed off. Samantha remained standing, a masterpiece of erotic art. Peter told David the safe words Jenny used and described the toy-buzzer for when she is gagged.

“Thank you, Peter. Samantha’s safe words are ‘green’ and ‘red’, where red is ‘stop’ and green is ‘go’. Sam may also grunt S-O-S in Morse Code when she is gagged.”

Jenny came back and Peter gave the ‘magic wand’, lubricant, her pink ball-gag, a set of straps, a buzzer and a length of rope to David.

“I suggest you and Jenny use the sofa and Sam and I stay here. We are each in ear-shot of each other, in case our wives need us.”

“Will we be able to see you from there?” David wondered.

“Pull the chairs out of the way if you want a good view.”

“Very well. Come with me, please Jenny.”

She stayed put. Peter had not formally handed her over.

“Jenny, you are to obey David: he is your Master until I say otherwise. He knows your safe-words.”

Jenny bowed her head but did not speak. David courteously took Jenny’s hand and, complimenting her on her beauty, led her to the blind, sat her down and attached the ankle and wrist straps. Peter, meanwhile, had visited the kitchen to fetch a bag of clothes pegs and a ball of string, which he left by Samantha’s feet. He then collected a towel and throw it to David, saying “You may need this: Jenny is apt to gush.”

David was amused to see embarrassment return to Jenny’s face with Peter’s words. He had Jenny cross her arms behind her back and then lie on her back with her knees up. Then he attached the left wrist stick to her right ankle stick and vice-versa. He tied rope around each leg and passed it under her body, pulling it tight to spreadHer knees apart. David left the gag until last, so Jenny could say if the bondage was too tight or uncomfortable, but it was not a hard bondage for her, so she remained silent. He gave her the toy buzzer. Finally, David gagged Jenny, lubricated the head of the vibrator and turned to see if Peter was ready.

Peter had attached the wrist and ankle straps to Samantha and then grabbed her roughly by the hair to pull Her head back and forced into her mouth the penis gag that Jenny (in a curious absence of solicitude for her friend) had chosen. It was a tight fit but not uncomfortable. Then he had pulled her arms behind her back and crossed them, bent at the elbows, tying them off sharply. Samantha grunted at the strain. Peter had also tied Samantha’s hair into a pony-tail with a rope that he attached to her crossed arms. This was an evil restraint, forcing Samantha to choose between strain on her neck and strain on her shoulders. She breathed heavily.

The footstool that Jenny hadknelt on was placed in front of Samantha and Peter pushed her rudely down onto it, so she landed on her stomach with a thumb. Peter kicked Samantha’s legs apart and attached her ankles to the back legs of the stool. This pushed her bottom up. Peter then tied a rope loosely around her neck and wound it around the front legs of the stool. It did not constrict her breathing but it prevented her from moving up to save the strain on her neck or shoulders. Lastly, Peter put a toy buzzer in Samantha’s hand, explaining its use. She held it tightly.

David had so enjoyed watching the last few minutes of this preparation that he moved out of the way to let Jenny see as well. When Peter was ready, he saw that David was ahead of him and asked:

“Shall we begin?”

“You go ahead, Peter. I am enjoying the view.”

“If you are sure.”

Peter cropped Samantha hard on a buttock. She yelped, but not as much as Jenny had done, which gave Peter a measure of how tough Samantha was. He started to swipe the same spot at a rate that allowed the pain to subside a little each time but did not numb the nerves. His swatting was accurate and brought yelps, gasps and the occasional muffled scream from Samantha. She began smoking and her body rocked and shuddered under the assault. Peter got into his rhythm, attacking new spots to keep the pain fresh.

Jenny was fascinated. She thought Samantha Must be charged with some force that absorbed Peter’s blows because Jenny was sure she would have been shrieking her head off by now. David also thought it was an excellent show. Samantha’s beautiful body under hard restraint and painful attack would have given an octogenarian monk an erection. Peter took a breather after reddening Samantha’s bottom for five solid minutes and noticed that David had not began.

“Are you sure you want to give me such a head start, David?” Peter asked.

“I do not think Jenny agrees it is a head start, Peter,” said David, indicating Jenny’s glistening labia. David chuckled at Jenny’s blush and decided it was time to begin.

Taking off his jacket and rolling up his sleeves, David asked Jenny if she was ready to begin. She could not meet his eyes but only nodded and braced herself to receive the magic wand. It did not happen. David rubbed his hands to warm them up and, with a light touch, gently stroked Jenny’s thighs, then her belly, moving up to her ribs and around her breasts, then back down again, repeating the movement with fingerprint-tips and the flat parts of his fingerprint-nails. The sensing was delicious to Jenny, who tried not to relax and enjoy it.

After three more minutes of blistering assault on her bottom, Peter stopped, let Samantha calm down, and said to her: “That was to punish you for trying to ruin my company. Now I will make you agree to Jenny’s compromise. Or will you agree before I start?” Samantha Shook her head (which was about the only movement she could easily make). “Very well,” said Peter, and he untied her to change her position.

David was manipulating the tension building in Jenny, teasing her with light touches rather than blasting her nerves with the vibrator, as she expected. He turned on the vibrator. Jenny heard the buzzing but David hovered it over her pussy and made no contact. A drip of her wetness fell onto the towel as she strained against the bindings, trying to close her legs.

Peter rubbed Samantha’s arms to massage blood back into her muscles, then he made her lie back on the stool, with the cushion in the small of her back. He pulled her legs apart and attached her ankles to the legs of the stool under her shoulders. Her wrists were attached to the other legs of the stool, to which her hair rope was also tied, forcing her into a tense arch. Her magnificent breasts were forced up into a scene of Alpine eroticism.

Putting one arm around Jenny’s shoulder, David could reach her left breast and twiddled her nipple like he was tuning an old-fashioned radio. Jenny tensed at this touch and closed her eyes, ready for the assault on her cliporis. Still it didn’t come.

Peter was cropping Samantha in her new position and each time he raised a mark, he attached a clothes peg to the spot. Samantha gasped and grunted but did not cry out. When he had used about twenty pegs, Peter started knocking them off with the crop. Samantha often convulsed with the pain and was now openly weeping. She began crying out when Peter began the process a second time.

Hearing Samantha’s cries, David stopped tantalizing Jenny and turned around to watch. It was lucky he stopped, Jenny thought, because she was building up nicely to her release, even without clitoral stimulation. Jenny relaxed a little as David enjoyed the sight of his gorgeous wife in pain. Without warning, David pushed the vibrator firmly against Jenny’s cliporis. She gasped, bucked and almost came. Fighting for control as the sensing in her cliporis engulfed her, Jenny shut her eyes tightly and tried to breathe deeply. The moment was over and Jenny was back in control, but it had been close. She really had to concentrate better, she thought.

Having knocked the pegs off Samantha’s luscious body a second time, Peter made zips from pegs tied by string along her waist on both sides. He teased Samantha by pulling at the strings without detaching the zips. She groaned. Peter asked her if she was ready to submit yet. Again Samantha Shook her head and then shrieked as Peter ripped one of the zips away. He immediately reattached it and, after teasing, ripped away the other. Her body shuddered from the pain but still she would not give in.

David heard the shriek but did not turn around. He was having too much fun watching Jenny’s face, her eyes screwed up tight, as she fought to resist the stimulation to her cliporis. She bit down on the ball-gag, dug her nails into her palm and tried to stop humping the ‘magic wand’.

Samantha was whimpering, her breath coming in gasps, her nerves jarring each time the zips were ripped off. Now Peter abandoned the zips and used the pegs to play with her nipples and cliporis, clamping and flicking them in turn. This was causing havoc to Samantha’s self-control, flushing her pussy with her juices, though Peter did not think she had yet had an orgasm. He wanted to change that, to humiliate her by forcing her to cum for him.

From the first, Jenny had been conflicted about her situation. She had never slept with anyone other than Peter, still less been given to a relative stranger for a bondage session. At first, she had feared that she would be expected to have sex with David, which she would have completely refused to do. When she heard the rules Peter and David agreed, she was so grateful that she compiled without Resistance; yet, thinking about it, she was in hardly a better position than if she had been given away for sex. On the other hand, and somewhat absurdly, she was doing herbest to win for Peter and not let him down. How can a mind become so twisted up? she wondered.

Peter removed the pegs from Samantha’s nipples and cliporis and allowed her a minute to calm down. He gently fondled a breast when he asked her again whether she was ready to submit. She shook her head and immediately groaned as he squeezed roughly. “So be it,” he said, and stepped back to take aim.

Having got her mind together, so she thought, Jenny found herself resisting David’s ministers, even the breast fondling she so dearly loved. Relaxing back into David’s arm, enjoying the novelty of a hairy arm tickling her skin (Peter being a smooth man), she stopped her pelvic movements, breathed more deeply and inadvertently slipped into her Ocean Place.

Peter delivered a full strength whack to Samantha’s engorged cliporis. She shrieked in pain as her body was convulsed by a forced orgasm. Another two swipes released jolting aftershocks, leaving her panting and weeping.

David recognized the noise of his wife in her fit of ecstasy and let Jenny alone for a second to watch Peter again. This break was also lucky for Jenny, whose resistance had waned to nothing in her Ocean Place: she opened her eyes and climbed back into the world, realising how close she had come. Jenny now concentrated harder to control herself. She had noticed that David went easier on her when she gave a stronger reaction, so she resolved to put on a show for him: she closed her eyes again, moaned, gasped and thrust her hips. Sure enough, David let the pressure off her cliporis, letting the vibrator wander all over her pussy down to her anus. Jenny could handle that now, she thought.

After being forced to relentless orgasms, Samantha was exhausted. She felt strained and burgesed all over. Even so, when Peter asked her again to submit, she had energy and will-power to resist. Hearing Jenny’s accelerated moans and thinking he must have one last go to break Samantha, Peter struck the crop at her left nipple. She shrieked. He struck again and again. Samantha had another orgasm, which she felt from her sorely abused nipples to her outstretched toes. Still Peter kept on: another strike, another shriek and a jolt. Samantha panted heavily, wept cruelly but would not give up. Peter attacked her right nipple with the crop. Three more times on the title; then twice on her cloris; then back to the left nipple; and so he alternated, forcing another wrenching orgasm from Samantha.

Jenny, meanwhile, nicely faked being closer to the edge than she was, yet she could not help David building her up to an explosive release. “Please let Peter anxious up,” she said to herself, as she bit into the gag,

A buzzer went off.

Peter was at mid-swing but managed to stop himself. The Weeping Samantha had finally given in. He quickly released her from the gag and addressed her:

“Well, Slave. What do you say?”

“No more, please, no more. I want David.”

“David is not your Master at the moment, I am. You are to address yourself to me in a proper manner.”

“Please, Sir, please can I have David?”

“No you may not. You have to prove your submission first, Slave. Or shall I put the gag back in and start cropping again?”

“No, Sir, please, Sir, no. I will obey you, Sir. I am your slave, Sir.”

“Very well, Slave, let us see if you have learned to submit. … Slave, do you agree to implement Jenny’s business plan in regard to Lumenite and Culpepper Electronics?”

“Yes, Sir, I agree. I will implement Jenny’s plan, Sir.”

“Good, Slave, your ordeal is over. … David will you help me release Sam, please? She needs you.”

David was already there, letting Sam feel a familiar hand on her shoulder. They undid the straps and stood her up. David began to massage her strained limbs as Peter saw to Jenny. Much to Jenny’s relief, David had removed the vibrator from her cliporis as soon as Samantha started talking, but she was still in bonds. Peter removed her gag and unstrapped her.

“Well done, Jenny. You had me worried at one point.”

She did not explain that she had been faking but accepted his prayer and a hug.

Jenny wanted to see Samantha. David had calmed her down, wiped her tears and was hugging her pain away. He released Samantha into Jenny’s arms when she approached and went to collect Samantha’s clothes, signing to Peter that four more brands would probably be good for them. Peter refilled their glasses.

Jenny and Samantha were sitting naked on the footballtool in each other’s arms when Peter came over with their drinks. Samantha accepted her brandy from Peter but kept her eyes down, not looking at him. She was still tearful. They all needed the alcohol.

David and Jenny helped Samantha back into her dress and shoes, not bothering with her underwear. David held onto her while he addressed Peter and Jenny:

“Thank you both for a wonderful evening. Jenny, thedinner was superb. Peter, we loved the entertainment. I hope you won’t mind if I take my exhausted and chatted wife home?”

“Of course, not, we understand completely. It’s been a real pleasure meeting you both” Peter said, in an excess of formality, shaking David’s hand.

“Stupid man!” Jenny exclaimed and ran to hug and kiss them, saying “It’s been great. We love you… Take good care of her, David.”


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