I sit nude in open service position in the middle of the living room. I have always been some of a stubborn sub. Sir know this. He has dealt with my antics for a while now and always with a smile. I think He honestly loves the grief I give Him. Maybe not always- but He does.
The latest action? Showing my ass in public. Well not really my ass. My Loving Sir took me shopping about 3 weeks ago. After picking some items the both He and I could enjoy and having a wonderful day. My mouth got the best of me.
It went a little something like this….
Sir: (holding up a shirt) “Princess- I would like you to try this one on please.”
Me: (sipping a cup of cocoa cause my Daddy rocks) “Umm.. NO. That is HORRID.”
Sir: (giving me a look.) “Princess- Try this one on.”
Me: (rolling my eyes) “Didn’t you hear me the first time- I said I don’t like it.”
Sir: (still trying to give me a chance) “Your mouth is writing checks your ass can’t cash- NOW try it on.”
Me: (setting my cocoa down and putting my hands on my hips.) “What are you gonna do? Make me?”
Sir: (sets the shirt down and walks out of the shop.)
I followed him through the rest of the mall and pointed at things- ohhhed and awwed but he just kept walking. Once we were in the parking lot I knew I was in more trouble than I had EVER been in.
“Daddy wait up for me…” I called to him and reached for his hand. He stopped spun around and looked me dead in the eye.
“Get your ass to the car- get in, buckle up and SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH.” He turned back around and kept walking.
I slowly followed. I knew I was being a smart ass in the store but surprising He knew that shirt was ugly and I wasn’t really trying to disobey… didn’t He?
I had only taken about 3 steps compared to the 10 he had.
“MOVE YOUR ASS.” I heard him call back. I rushed to the car and climbed into the passenger seat and immediately lowered my eyes.
The ride home was silentt. He didn’t even turn on the radio. When we arrived home He got out and got the bags and went inside. I followed unsure of what to do. He opened the front door and walked in set the bags on the table in front of the couch. I started to follow.
As soon as both my feet crossed the threshold of the front door- He was in front of me pulling it shut. He didn’t look at me.
“Do not move from that spot. Remove EVERY article of clothing you have on and if I hear so much as a peep from that mouth of yours.” He didn’t finish the sentence.
I followed directions and listened to movement in the bedroom. I wasn’t sure what He was doing. I don’t think I have ever seen Him so mad. Yes I had disappointed Him now and then with my attitude- or even sometimes disobeying. This was different.
He returned to the living room and gathered the clothes I had removed. When He looked up at me He shook His head.
“I said EVERY article.” He stared at me. I didn’t know what He means theOnly thing I was wearing was… it hit me.
“No- Sir please!” I reached up and clasped my hands around my neck. His beautiful collar hidden beneath them.
Sir took a deep breath. “slave MY collar NOW.” He snapped. I unhooked the clasp and handed the collar over. He took it and disappeared back into the bedroom. I felt naked. Of course I was naked- but with out His collar I was lost. My chest hurt- Sir had never called me a slave. Not even in the beginning of our relationship. I have never even been His slave… He didn’t even claim me this time. My Sir has always been a loving, kind Sir. I didn’t know who this means, collar taking, name calling man was. He couldn’t be MY Sir. I folded my arms across my chest and tried to put a “look” on my face.
I heard Sir coming back into the living room and just stood there. I knew I should be more respectful but didn’t care. I guess the look didn’t work though because when he saw me he just laughed. I stood there not sure what to do.He walked to the couch and sat down. Turned on the tv and pressed play for one of His favorite recorded shows. I didn’t understand. I knew I was in trouble but He wasn’t doing anything. What that my punishment? Taking His collar away from me? What does that mean. Am I grounded? Did he release me? I shudder at that thought. I don’t want to lose my Sir. I knee down and crawl to His feet. I stay on my knees with my hands behind my back. Head hung; eyes low. After sitting for a while my knees start to hurt a little. I steal a glance at Him. He’s not even paying attention. I stick my tongue out to check. Nothing. When a commercial comes on He looks over to me.
“What are you doing?” He says as if nothing has happened.
“Waiting for my punishment Sir.” I whisper clearly.
He shakes His head. “What punishment?”
I look up shocked and confused. “The punishment for my behavior in the store Sir.”
He clicks pause on the remote. “In order for there to be a punishment there must be a negative behavior, in order for there to be negative behavior there must be positive behavior, in order for all these behaviors to matter there must be a Sir and a sub and I don’t see a sub anywhere.” He leans back in to the couch and presses play.
I sit dumb founded. Wondering what to do next. He doesn’t see a sub? What does that make me? I stand. He doesn’t say a word- or even look my direction.
Well if I have no Sir then I have no protocols therefore I can put clothes on. I think to my self. 2 can play this game. I walk into the bedroom. I pull open my dresser drawer. Empty. I check the closet. Empty. Not only that but the large trunk that once contained all the play items is shut and locked. I walk into the laundry room to get something from the load in the dryer. Empty. As a Last resort I head to the bathroom hamper. Empty. So He took all of my clothes. I shrug. I pull on a pair of his boxes and a te shirt. Anything works. I walk back down the hall to head to the office. Locked. Walk into the kitchen where I find Sir making food. I step closer and look at Him. He hasn’t made His own food since we were together. He smiles at me.
“You look pretty darn cute in my boxers.” He chuckles. I turn and wiggle my ass. He doesn’t smile it. He takes just His sandwich and walks back to the living room. I find something in the fridge to munch on. Head over and join Him. I kneel to sit on the floor at His feet. He looks at me.
“Please don’t sit there.” He says- not in a commanding, or even demanding voice. If I had to describe it? His everyday vanilla voice. I didn’t like this voice. It wasn’t the soft coos of my Daddy or even the harsh tones of my Sir. This was the voice He used among friends and family. He has used more control in His voice when were at a store or the movies. This was not the voice for me. I slipped up on to the couch next to Him.
“I love you.” I whispered. Not really loud enough for Him to hear me. I triedto lean over to lay my head on His shoulder- He shifted away. When He was done with His meal I went to take His plate and He ignored me. A little while later I was thirsty so I got a soda from the fridge and grabbed a beer for Him. I opened and walked it over serving it like I had done for just over a year. Normally my Sir would take the beer, take a drink; then set it on the table and kiss my forehead. He didn’t do that. I sat the beer on the table and stood in front of Him during the next commercial. I climbed into His lap and started kissing His neck.
“That feels good and all sweetheart but, I’m really not interested in where this is going to lead.” He says coldly. Sir takes His hands and puts them around my ribs and lifts me off of him. He has never denied me. That was the rule when we got Together. Never says no. He asked me that the very first night. I remember back to that conversation.
~We had finished a short scene. He was testing my boundaries, I was learning whatHe enjoyed. He decided that it was break time and called me to the bed. I slide up next to Him and He laid my head on His chest.
“How are you doing?” He asked in His calming voice.
“I’m great Sir.” I whispered. I wanted to just lay there and go to sleep in His arms. I felt so safe and warm.
“Do you love your Daddy?” He asked softly.
I looked up to His eyes. “Of course I do. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.” I smiled and laid back down.
“Do you want to be mine Baby girl?” He asked a little louder.
I simply nodded.
“Promise Daddy you will never say No.” He kissed the top of my head.
“I promise.” I looked up a little confused as to why He would have me promise that.
It was true though. I would never tell Him no. I would never deny Him pleasure. That was my job. It was ingrained into my soul. I a submissive- I was HIS submissive now. ~
A sniffle escaped my chest. I sat on the couch long after He went to bed. Unsure of where I was tosleep. He normally- EVEN when I was bad. Would call me into the bedroom at bedtime; Once He was ready for me. He didn’t do that tonight. I stayed on the couch.
This continues for the next day or two. Nothing is said about what happened.
On the 3rd afternoon I am sitting on the couch when He comes in the door. He sits down next to me and hands me a few pieces of mail.
I open the first one it’s a bill. For my cell phone. The second is a bill for my insurance. He chuckles.
“Oh I forgot to tell you the power bill is due in a week, so I’m going to need your half- and Don’t forget rent on the 29th.”
I don’t understand the element of this; honestly I didn’t understand any of it. When I was bad before He would punish me and we would talk about it After. When we moved in together I wasn’t to work- or pay bills. My job was to… it hits me again. I’m not serving Him any more.
I stand up and walk into the bedroom. I strip out of his clothes and curl up on my side of the bed. At this point I am scared.
I understand now what my punishment is. Sir got tired of the beats that didn’t work, talking until his face was blue. He was done. So He did the only thing He could. Let me win. I didn’t want to win- I wanted to be punished, I liked when Sir got a little rougher with me. I enjoyed the talks we had when I was bad because He always made it clear what my role was. In trying to push Him to push me I lost sight of who I was. I was HIS baby girl, I was HIS submissive… not was AM.. I still am. I want to be. I crawl off the bed and to the middle of the room. Bow down towards the door and wait.
After hours of sitting this way. Honor bound by nothing but my determination to be His again I finally heard Him click off the tv.
The bedroom door swings open and the light clicks on.
“What are you doing sweetheart?” He calls over. I stay bowed. I wont move or respond until He calls me by my slave name.
He bends down to meet me. “Sessa?” I hear in a low deep voice. I want to cum.
“Yes Sir.” I answer. My body trembles.
“Kneel.” He responds. I lift my body up into a kneeing position with my hands behind my back.
“Come here, sit on the bed with me.” He lifts me up. I sit next to him and shiver. He pulls the blanket around me.
“Sir- I am very sorry for my behavior the other day- and every day before that. I lost my way. I forget what I was here to do- maybe even got a little bored. I know you don’t want to hear my excesses. They aren’t important. What is important is I love you and I don’t want to lose you as my Sir, My Daddy, My Master or my lover.” I whisper.
“Are you ready to resubmit yourself fully?” He asked in a soft but firm voice.
“Yes Sir.” I respond.
“Are you sure because I’m not going throw all of that again. I love you to much to be that angry with you.” He looks away. I can almost see a tear in His eye.
“I love you too Sir- yes I am sure.” I knee down in front of Him.
He is silent but He gives me one pleading look that screams- last chance.
“Come to bed slave.” He whispers as He stands up and goes about His routine. I pull back the covers and arrange His pillows for Him. He turns off the light and cuddles up next to me. I lay there listening to His sounds and relies how much I really did miss Him the last few night.
Sir shifts around a little and pulls the blanket away from us. I don’t care about the blanket Sir keeps me plenty warm at night.
With out warning there is a hard smack across my bare ass. It stings a lot but feels so damn good.
“I hate sleeping without you, I was cold, horny, and sad.” He’s close to my ear so He doesn’t have to say it loud.
Another hard whack. “Misbehaving to the point of sleeping on the couch- I never thought you would push me that far.” He pulls back and swings again.
“DO” -smack- “NOT” -smack- “EVER” -smack- “MAKE” -smack- “ME” -smack- “THAT” -smack- “UPSET”-smack- “AGAIN.” -smack-
My ass is red and sore. Sir has amazing aim. Some how He managed to hit the same spot at the same angle with every swing. I don’t let the pain pull me under. I know this is not the end or even the beginning of my punishment. I hurt Sir. He will never admit it but every good sub knows when Sir is in pain.
Sir moves to cuddle with me again and I can tell He has missed spanking me. The tip of His cock is resting just below my ass cheek. I smile.
“Baby girl.. come show Daddy how sorry you are.” He groans as He shuffles the bedding and lays flat on His back. I wiggle my way around and down until my mouth finds Him. Slowly I lick from the base of His balls to the tip of His cock and back down. Making sure to get some of His sweat on each of my taste buds. I love the way He taste even before He cums. When I get back down to His balls I suck them both into my mouth letting my tongue reach further down to His taint. As He moans I pull my mouth back upand take Him completely in. Sucking further then I ever have before.
“Baby girl you’ve never let Daddy into your throat before..hmmmm that feels nice.” He whispers. I relax my jaw and swallow as much of Him for as long as I can. I pull back up and coo back. “That’s how much I’ve missed you Sir.” He places a hand lovingly on the back of my head. “Shhhh- don’t speak Just keep going.” He says as He pushes me back down. Trapped between His hand and His public bone I have nothing left to do but enjoy every thrust deep into my mouth. I promise my self I will be a big girl and not let it gag me like it normally does.
“Oh damn Baby girl.” He moans louder as I pull Him deeper in. Licking the underside of His balls as far down as I can.
I can tell He is getting close and I want to taste His cum so bad.
“Daddy, will you cum in my mouth please.” I whisper. He thrust once more and pulls out.
“Oh NO. You don’t deserve Daddy’s cum- remember you are apologizing for your beHavior. You are still in SO much trouble young miss.” I gulp. I didn’t think I was out of trouble- I just wanted to taste Him. Daddy has a different plan though.
“Are you really sorry Baby girl?” He asks in a soft voice as He sits up.
“Yes Daddy Sir of course I am!” Didn’t He feel that? He had to see how hard I was working to prove this.
“Then you’re going to show me right now. You’re going to pleasure Me like you’ve never done before.” He smiles. Even in the pale light of the night I can see His eyes light up. I’m not sure what He is thinking but as long as He’s not mad at me any more I don’t care.
“Yes Sir!” I almost shout. I’m excited. Sir climbs on to His knees and snaps His fingers.
“Kneel- back to me.” It’s that voice. The voice I was missing the harsh tone of MY Sir. I followed orders and even jump a little when His hand reaches between my legs to find my soaked pussy. With the other hand He finds my hair. Using a handful to pull me back into Him. Hepushes 3 fingers into me and in one word I melt. “MINE.” He firmly demands in my ear. I can’t even speak. Sir releases my hair and pushes me forward. He takes His cock into His hands and rubs my clip with it. I want to moan but I am afraid if I do- He may stop. I clamp my mouth shut for once in my life.
He grosses and comments. “Oh you are so wet- this is going to be amazing.” I still don’t know what He has planned. With a free hand He smokes my ass harder than He ever has before. “Cum NOW.” I cum hard. I can’t take it any longer I give in to my mouth. “Sir please fuck your pussy- it miss your cock so much.” I moan. -POP- I get a smoke to the mouth. He takes His hand and grabs my hair once more. “DO NOT SAY ONE FUCKING WORD DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME.” I open my mouth “Yes..” -POP- another smack. “NOT ONE WORD.” I nod. “THIS IS NOT ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT YOU DIRTY UNGRATEFUL SLUT.” I bite my lips together. I am trembling inside. “YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE ME THE PLEASURE I WANT AND YOU ARE GOING TO BE FUCKING QUIET ABOUT IT.” A hard smack connects with the small of my back forcing my ass out. I now know what He wants. We’ve never done this before. I have always been to scared. My Loving Sir had dealt with that for quite some time now. Up until tonight He had never actually used my ass for anything. Tonight He means business.
He takes His hand and collects cum from my pussy. I am nervous. He starts to rub the wetness on my ass. Then I feel the tip of His cock press into my pussy softly.
He strokes my shoulders with His free hand. “Relax Love, take a deep breath.” I follow His orders. “You want to show me how sorry you are right? You want to prove you can be a good girl and follow simple directions- don’t you?” He coos in my ear.
“Yes Sir.” I mumble. He is rubbing my clip in small circles.
“Forget about what I’m going to do and focus on what I am doing.” He runs a hand down my spine. “Cum Baby girl.”
I can’t help it. I don’t know if it’s His touch, His voice or the combination of the two. I cum.
“Good Girl.” He whispers. I like the sound of that. Soon I feel the tip of His cock move to my tight asshole. “Breath” He whispers.
I take a breathe and He starts to push in. I pull away. Something I have never done. “Sir I can’t do it; I want to prove to you that I’m going to change but it hurts I can’t do it.” I bite my lip. Sir grap my hips and pulls me to Him. “You are going to either let me do it- or I am going to MAKE you do it.” He spits at me. I my heart pounds. There’s no getting out of it this time. If I want my Sir to stay my Sir I must obey.
I push my back down and stick my ass back towards Him. He strokes my spine once more. I feel the His tip push into my backside. I want to scream. I don’t. I can’t. I know this.
“Good Girl takes My cock.” He moans. I can’t hold back anymore. “Sir it hurts please stop.” He doesn’t listen. “If you listen to me and relax I am almost all the way in.” He is getting impatient with me.
“SIR I CAN’T.” I scream. -CRACK- I feel a whip across my back. I didn’t even notice He had one near by. I hear the nightstand drawer open and before I can respond there is a gag in my mouth.
“I gave you the chance to take it easy and work with me- you can’t do that. I want your ass. I am going to fuck your ass and you are going to take it like a GOOD GIRL.” He clamps His teeth together and pushes hard into my now throbbing ass.
I did it. I took His large cock in my ass. It hurt like a bitch and I wanted to cry; but I did it.
That’s what brought me to where I am now. Sitting in the living room open service position waiting for Sir to return. My punishment has been brutal. Retraining every day; full service every night. I deserve it though. Sir walks into the door. He is carrying one bag with Him.
“Good morning slave.” He whispers.
“Good Morning most loving and forgiving Sir- this slave would like to Thank You Sir for the chance to serve you.” Is my now automatic response.
“I have a surprise for you.” He calls over. A surprise in the middle of punishment? I wonder what it could be.
“Come.” He motions for me to come over. I don’t stand I crawl to His feet at the door. “Kneel.” He commands.
I lean back on my heels and look up to Him. That’s the new protocol. I must always look up to Him. He opens the back and pulls out a shirt.
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