Vince looked doubtfully at Splint, kneeing naked in the corner of his own living room. Then Vince turned his head back at Sparky, who smiled at him.
God, watch her toss that ice blonde hair. When Splint began seeing Sparky, the whole crowd had been taken aback.
Sparky was overweight in kind of a sexy way–big boobs, big hair all that kind of thing. Most of Splint’s Friends found her unusual. The guys liked flirting and trading dirty jokes with the extraverted girl, and the girls found her a little catty.
But what had been even more interesting was, Splint, who had always been a “bros before hos” kind of pal changed quite a bit. He once had been the type to neglect fiancées, and once had deserted a bride at the altar.
Splint’s allegiance had always have to the guys, but when he met Sparky, he became a homebody, and she’d even taught him to crochet, which he reported was calming.
“Splint can’t make it” quite often was Sparky’s sweet but define answer quite often when Vince or one of the other guys wanted to get a brew or watch a game.
And, when co-ed get togethers occurred, Splint stayed right by his new girlfriend’s side, and he’d often do the dishes while everyone else sat around the living room and relaxed.
Splint seemed more peaceful, and he didn’t curse as much, but Vince missed the wild man that his buddy had once have been.
Clyde, another friend had reported that he’d dropped by Splint’s place and had heard screaming in the back yard.
Peeping over the fence, Clyde had seen something astonishing.
Sparky, tits bouncing away in her crop top, was whacking Splint who was tied over the picnic table
“She was hitting him? Big Splint?” Vince, Larry, Clifford and Charlie had halted their darts game.
“Yeah, Sparky cut a branch off that big maple tree in the yard and was hitting Splint’s butt with it, and when she saw me she called over and asked me if I could lend her my freakin’ belt.”
“But what did Splint do? Did you call a cop, Clyde?” Vince asked.
“Yeah, she had him tied up. that’s kidnapping right?” Larry added.
“Or domestic violence, that’s what I thought, but Splint yelled that everything was copacetic, so I just got out of there. He could broken those ropes.”
It did seem a little ridiculous. Splint, after all was a drill sergeant at the Marine base right outside Buttermilk Falls. And he was a competitive kick boxer.
And now, Vince had been invited over for dinner and after dinner was over, Sparky had told Splint to strip and knee in the corner, and put a blindfold on. And the guy did it.
Splint, who once told a girl he was single, and then throw her out of his house when she asked whose makeup was in the bathroom. Splint, the Alpha male.
And Vince had his doubts about Sparky’s fidelity. During dinner, which Splint had served, Vince had felt a foot rubbing his crotch under the table, and sexy Sparky was grinning at him. It had been very distracting over the taxe tots.
Now Sparky was sitting next to Vince on the couch, a little cuddly. She was rubbing his arm and kind of leaning with her tits almost falling out of the sundress.
“The reason all this is happening, Vince, is that Splint was a bad boy, and as punishment, I am exposing him as the pussy-wimp he as to his best buddy.”
“Uh huh” Vince wasn’t sure where all This was going. He was getting a little aroused against his will. It had been a while since he’d had some tail.
Though he kind of owed Splint. Splint had screwed Vince’s last girlfriend, causing her to break up with him. Vince had gotten over it, but it was kind of funny that this weird shit was going down.
Should he let Sparky blow him?
Sparky was cute but not Vince’s usual type. She was a bit of a heifer. But…
“Splint sneaked off and shot pool and lost a bit of money. I told him he wouldn’t be allowed to touch me at all–” Here, Sparky rubbed her cleavagewith her long nails–
“Until he humiliated himself in front of one of his friends. He said you could keep a secret, but Clyde knows about this. I imagine Clyde’s quite a gossip.”
Vince nodded shakily.
“You sure Splint likes you treating him this way?”
“Splint needs a lot of training. He’s weak will and given to bad habits. I’ve got him to cut down on his drinking, and quit smoking and drugging.”
She paused. “And I also had problems with Splint because he was a premature ejaculator but I was able to desensitize his penis with a cane and this electric taser.”
“An electric taser?”
“Yes, the Chinese use it to torture people. I ordered it out of the back of “Soldier of Fortune” magazine. Splint subscribes to that.” she added, unnecessarily.
“Please don’t tell him all this, Sparky” Splint’s voice sounded strained over there in the corner.
Without interrupting her conversational pattern, Sparky got up and took what appeared two be a two-by-four with a whittled handle from the floor and whacked Splint a number of times across the ass, and Splint screamed.
“Splint needs (WHACK!) to learn who (WHACK!) is in charge and (THWACK!) he’s often (WHAP!) difficult, but we (TWACK!) have to hope (WHACK!) there will be improvement, (WHACK!) won’t we?”
Finally, Sparky throw down the obscenely big paddle and came back to sit next to Vince.
“See, nice boys don’t lose their paychecks in billion games. They don’t get in hock to the Italians, which happened last year as you know, and they don’t go out and get drunk.”
Vince’s head was spinning.
“If the problem is, you have to act like this to be the big strong macho man, then you need to be exposed as the wimpy little bitches that they are.”
Vince was speechless.
“The other night I ran into Judah, Splint’s little brother, who he used to bully, mercilessly. So I made Splint dress in a pink nightie and high heels and I had Judah whip Splint withHis belt, and then Splint blew him.”
She laughed. Vince was some understanding. He’d not liked the way Splint had treated Judah and the other younger siblings.
“Now Splint can never call Judah a fag again, can he? After Splint got Judah’s dick hard with his own mouth, I fucked Judah till the cows came home. It was a great experience for both brothers.”
Suddenly, Sparky gave Vince a huge kiss. She had big lips and it was an intense experience. “I think showing Splint up for the sissy he is will be a healthy reduction in his ego, and now of course he’s been shamed by you.”
“Yeah, but you know, Sparky, I don’t–” But Vince was at a loss for words.
“Did you know that Vince used to dress up in drag as a bar slut called Maripat? It was big secret from you guys when he was in the Marines in Chicago.”
Sparky laughed deep in her throat. Vince saw Splint turning red in the corner there. This was one weird evening.
Suddenly, Sparky stood up and took Vince by the hand and led him into her bedroom, and Vince did not put up much of a resistance.
Kneeling in the corner while his best buddy fucked his girlfriend, Splint tried to be still. After all, he’d fucked Vince’s girlfriend, and a few of the other guys. Hell, Splint’s dad had caught him in bed with his young stepmother, so perhaps he had it coming.
But it was true, Splint had this secret vice–he was a sissy.
For years Splint had kept this a secret. He had always been the leader of the gang growing up, kicked out of schools, terms in Juvie, that kind of thing. A judge had ordered Splint to go in the Marines, and he’d shone there.
In fact, Splint had been so good at being a Marine that the Corps had let him come back to a base right near his hometown.
A part of Splint wanted to party with his buds, and be the Big Man, another part wanted to mince around, currying about to serve his Goddess on high heels with clothespins hanging from his nipples…
Taking punishment from a cruel woman!
Splint had tried self-torture–once he’d tied a bag filled with hornets and fire ants over his cock and balls and had them attack while he watched a femdom porn film.
As he’d gotten older, and traveled the world in the Marines, Splint had gone to see dominas in every country he could find. Paris, Dubai, Corfu, Dubrovnik…yes, even in Croatia, there were professional dominant women.
When Splint had moved back to Buttermilk Falls, he’d used money from his part-time security alarm company to purchase a horse farm, and he’d gotten Brandi Sue, a girl he’d met at the Paincafe, Buttermilk Falls’s BDSM hotel, to manage it.
Brandi would ride one of the fastest mustangs pulling naked Splint along…his balls tied to a leather strap that also connected to Brandi’s saddle…
Running in the mud, worrying that his balls would be ripped off…it was unbelievable!
Then Brandi would tie poor Splint to a rafter in the big barnand use the bullwhip on him until he screamed like a banshee…
And of course she’d discovered his secret life as Maripat, Drag Whore!
Nothing was more entertaining than when Brandi and her young girlfriends had big sadomasochistic bashes in Splint’s house on the ranch…and had Splint, as Maripat, tied in the back yard, behind the outhouse, sucking off twenty something male visitors some of whom he recognized as recruits he’d screamed at over at the base!
But there had always been a part of Splint that wanted to be humiliated in front of the guys who looked up to him, the fellows in his tribe.
Splint’s cocaine and gambling problem had liquidated the horse ranch, sadly enough, and Brandy had left him in disgust. But she’d introduced him to Sparky, who was willing to work with a “project”.
Now Sparky and Splint were engaged, and Sparky knew what Splint needed, although was so afraid of.
The night before, Sparky and Splint had played a game much like”Simon Says” where poor Splint had stood naked in front of Sparky and she’d go “Mistress says touch your nose” or “Mistress says, stand on one foot”
But if Splint obeyed without the preface, “Mistress Says”, Sparky had whipped him into cringing, weeping submission…but it had excited him so…
After the “Mistress Says” experience, Sparky had sat in the easy chair and had poor, welded Splint lie on the floor in front of her. She put a boot on one of her feet, and teased Splint’s cock with the other, running her toes up and down his scanning erection.
She’d not allowed him to touch her , or touched him in several weeks, since the pool fiasco…she was trying to get him to quit gambling. After all, he’d lost his horse ranch, and gotten his parents to mortgage their house because of his horrible gambling losses.
Now, as the footjob brought Splint to near orgasm, she pulled the pretty toes of one foot away and stomped his cock and balls with the heel of the boot until he screamed bloody murder.
And then she’d resumed running her foot up and down his dick once more. This had gone on for several hours.
“I do love you, Splint” Sparky said, as she rubbed heel and toes up and down his bruised penis. “You know that, right?
He knew that.That was for sure.
But she’d told him, “I’m still pissed about the gambling, and so if you want to have a physical experience with me, you have to humiliate yourself.”
And he’d agreed to invite Vince over, and now Vince was fucking Sparky in the bedroom.
Soon, Splint would be called in to lick the semen out of Sparky’s clip, and then to lick Sparky’s juices off Vince’s cock.
Splint surprised, blindfolded as he was in the corner. But his penis was getting hard. It wasn’t a bad life!
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